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    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Took a break from the game, want to do some ssf till the event in December, what to play?

    Path of Exile Builds Took a break from the game, want to do some ssf till the event in December, what to play?

    Took a break from the game, want to do some ssf till the event in December, what to play?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:43 AM PST

    I quit heist like a week in like a lot of people. Was starting to get the PoE itch again, so I'm starting to look at ssf build options.

    Things I'm ideally trying to get out of a build:

    -Tankiness, I want to be able to take a hit, as I'm really bad at dodging attacks a lot of the time.

    -Simple to play: by this I mean, I struggle with builds where I have to remember to upkeep three different flasks, multiple cries or anything like that. Ideally if I have to maintain a buff, there's only one and it's on LMB.

    Bossing over clear: I am not big on super fast builds, I have trouble controlling them, and will often walk right into something that'll kill me. I'd much rather have something that can boss well.

    Not minions: I don't have anything against them, they've just been my last three builds and I need a change of pace. Had a ton of fun with Dom blow.

    Ssf viable: obviously

    submitted by /u/Seamore31
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    20m cold bv archmage/indigon scion (would love ideas for minmaxing)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    summary: 20m+ sDPS, max dodge+wind dancer, 4k hp and 30+% MOM, 1-2k hp/mana regen per sec, ~80-100% increased AOE

    pros: gets benefits of cold BV (high health/mana regen, chill/freeze?) and benefits of fire BV (pop packs/screens)

    how it works: i use altqual archmage which converts 3% lightning to cold per qual, then load gem qual on weap (6% synth implicit, 8% craft) to get mostly cold dmg from archmage then follow regular scion cold BV best practices from there. 14% qual is kinda shit and it can def go even higher till the lightning dmg is negative, i just haven't found a >+6% qual of socketed gems bow in weeks of live searching (each +qual % gives about 2-3% DPS). BV gem level doesnt really matter in this build since archmage adds 5-10x the damage of lv20 BV

    current POB at level 90-91: https://pastebin.com/Fn0BKHvr. I'm planning to remove the small cluster and add the arcane surge wheel on left side of tree + unnatural instinct near instab to get blast radius + spell damage nodes. picked up the watchers eye early in the league, will prob swap it for a double hatred one to squeeze another 5-10% dps. too lazy to take a video + there are a lot of BV videos so im not sure if it really matters

    question: really want ideas for the 3-4 extra gem slots in helm. how can i get frost bomb/wave of conviction to apply with the most ease?

    ideas I've explored: 1. thought about doing fire conversion (CtF/AOF with signal fire) but didnt seem to work out? 2. using a staff. allows access to staff crit/staff aoe nodes near the large cluster and could grab cyclone+additional accuracy+fortify too. however, crafting a gg staff that matches bow+quiver is really expensive

    this is my 2nd league and my 5th char overall so im pretty new, but i love theorycrafting. would love any other ideas for improvement

    submitted by /u/hemck
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:33 AM PST

    Build - 30-40 ex budget

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:25 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I am looking for build on budget 30-40 to crushing uber atziri and not bad on the mapping. Any Sugestions? It can be lazy build and easy to play. Poe is new game for me so :)

    submitted by /u/Bulbaa7
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    Trying that chain fireball deadeye that was posted because I have currency to burn, how would I go about crafting the bow?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:14 AM PST

    Surrender vs (nearly) GG shield

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    2H Sword Impale Cyclone Build

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:06 PM PST

    Anyone got a PoB or build guide for a 2H sword cyclone build that is fairly tanky and can destroy all content? Just crafted a 700pdps sword and wanted to use it for a melee duelist build. Got around 75ex + the sword. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ponytail7777777
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    Looking for help Scaling my brand build

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I decided on doing a purifying flame arcanist brand build, and while the dps is pretty good right now, it honestly feels a little bit underwhelming compared to what I was expecting. I know I need to improve my jewels, specifically getting some life/ES + crit multi jewels, as well as getting a bottled faith (which is next on my list of upgrades), but after that I'm kind of lost and I was hoping this build could be pushed into the 10-15m total dps range at least, whereas currently it's sitting at 6m total with flasks up (for those looking at pob and getting confused pob is showing damage for one brand so you double it).

    POB link here: https://pastebin.com/JhNZruSq

    That is my actual gear and level as of posting. I plan to grab the jewel socket on my medium, the arcane potency cluster, and the annihilation cluster as my next 6 points, not sure what to grab to fill it out to 100.

    So, all in all I'd really like help pushing the damage a bit more, and I'd also like some tips for getting a bit more survivability either through gear or tree adjustments as long as I don't lose too much damage in the process. Ideally I want to try and push this to 100 before league end.

    submitted by /u/PacmanZ3ro
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    Kitava's Feast Flicker [GUIDE]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Blade Blast Chieftan

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Hello good people of Reddit,

    I can't seem to log in to my old account so here is a whole new first post! I have been shamelessly copying Ziz's BF/BB Chieftan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmGZ5NxERyM&t=5s&ab_channel=Zizaran) and I am looking for a little help with gearing. Basically, I cruised right up through T12 maps, and then sort of hit a soft wall. I can still do most stuff, but I die way more than I should, and I feel like my single target is pretty awful compared to what it should be.

    I realize Ziz does a good job of laying out gear options, but what I am looking for is a kind of idea on what to prioritize and, probably more importantly, why. For example, Ziz really emphasizes how good an explodey chest is, but it seems like that is a huge cost that would mostly just benefit the thing I am already good at. I only have a few ex to work with, because, well, I'm pretty awful. :)

    My POB is here, though I don't know how to work POB, so the actual configurations are not set up at all really, just to show tree/gear. https://pastebin.com/raCmifXc

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!

    submitted by /u/The_Unibrow
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    Newbie Damage Theory - Clear Speed vs Single Target

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST

    What "type" of support skills typically add the most single target damage?

    For example, I'm playing a Tectonic Slam Chieftain. I'm happy with the clear speed, and willing to sacrifice some of it for single target (boss) damage.

    What are some of the best single target support skill/stats for each damage type? For elemental damage skills, is it penetration, or maybe "adds x damage type to attacks"?






    submitted by /u/wiggum_ralph
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    SSFHC BleedBow Champion: Advice on improving boss DPS

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    so i actually never played champion but seeing allthe guys in the gauntlet and how tanky champion is, i wanted to try it. since i dont like melee, particularly the current steel slam/wristshatter meta, i went bow.

    my current pob: https://pastebin.com/KptZBh4W

    i was lucky to get that 85 elder bow. i know the base is bad but im happyi got one at all. it was sketchy af to clear that juiced up t16 map with my former imperial bow.

    so bosses in t13+ maps still die slowly. i dont know if thats just how it is with a bleed champ or if there is a lot of room to improve my single target dps.

    main goal this league is to kill awakener 8 for the first time in ssfhc. i killed a baby sirus already with a different build. cant remember what the build was and what it ripped to.

    obv. i dont want to sacrifice defense.

    so what i can think of is:

    - better elder bow base, better rolls (divine)

    - get levels to improve the cluster area: large cluster with iron breaker, exploit weakness, force multiplier

    - my amulet can be better, but i was kinda trapped in it with my former bow due to int and dex req. with the new bow i just crafted a +30 int node frees the amulet slot.

    - stygian wise with flat phys dam jewel

    - better quiver

    - better gloves

    - what else??

    quick question about the defensive state of the build: it should be fine for sirus 8 if you are confident with the fight, right?

    edit: i dont have ryslathas coil or haemophilia

    submitted by /u/_Zoricus
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    Fu$k fire BV, friendship ended with fire bv, melee my new best friend

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Hi lads,

    I just scratched my fire bv. Was 150 exalts deep in it, but I just wasnt feeling it. Would need to buy the rings for 10% of increased damage, but i was getting constantly one shot by delirium bosses, and not being able to one shot them. Is there any build that is tanky, and deals lots of dmg this league? Like a build with a juicy, big two handed melee weapon. Talkin about like, 850+ physical two hand dps build that could slice everything in half. I have a golem necromancer which carries me the bosses, so I thought that I could run a fire bv build, but it just wasnt doing work. I got 100 exalts atm, and a headhunter in bag. I would greatly appreciate your help.

    submitted by /u/Ppishurting
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    How much leech rate is enouth?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    This question was born from a suggestion given in my previous

    By comparing my current build to what was proposed: yes my dps double etc. But by analysing the proposed build i see that i go from a "glorious" 3307.2 life leech rate

    to a small 1162.8 (with overleach still ON without slayer ascendency thanks to immortal ambition

    So realistically how much leech is enouth? I always thought: "if you plan on using leech then you must go vall pact and pax it out." but maybe that's not the case, maybe that's overkill ?

    Of course if i played a slayer duelist then going vall pact is a no brainer since you leech from the overkill damage. But since slayer ascendency have the 30 reduced maximum recovery per life leech... the slayer ascendency seems inefficient to say the least even moreso if you go with an elemental build

    submitted by /u/Ashgur
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    Aurastacker looking for improvements

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    As the title says, what to improve? budget is tight after all these things but suggestions are always welcome (Headhunter was given to me by a friend, so im not that rich ;D). how to improve survivbility aswell as damage? Sure i Know level 95 or something si recommended, but what else. Would be nice if u guys could help me out


    submitted by /u/Ramsez76
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    Poison BV problem

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    here is pob: https://pastebin.com/8VsrHCRP

    I have problem with poison stacks, can't get more than 15-20 of them. I'm using Golden Rule is it bugget or something? It says poison you inflict is reflected to you if u have fewer than 100 poisons on you.

    submitted by /u/twardy1233
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    RF build, where should I go next?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    I'm running an RF build in Heist SC, POB: https://pastebin.com/qtRZupaM

    I'm one watchstone away from 20 (just 2 more maps to get al'Hezmin for the 20th) which is about the furthest I've ever gotten in this game, and I'm having a lot of fun with RF. I'm just wondering where I should start looking to improve it now. I've put a few chaos into cluster jewels, and could probably upgrade some life pieces and get a 6L searing touch, but I have a few ex in the bank and just sort of wondering what sort of items I should start chasing, and what kinds of defensive layers I could start piling on. I know this isn't ever going to be a superman build, but I would just like to die a little less often on higher tier maps, and maybe start trying some harder content or even push for 100.

    submitted by /u/ZigAybabtu
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    Hlep pls pls pls

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Idn what to do whit this build i like the speed and not to bad dmg 4 me but i keep geting randomly 1 shoot still pls help

    POB: https://pastebin.com/We4ggDE5

    submitted by /u/W_DEAD
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    Utility 4-link for ED Cont trickster?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    So I've previously used CWDT with Temp Chains and IC and Inc Dur. I'm currently using Wither, Totem, Multiple Totem Sup with a portal gem in the free slot. That portal gem can go in my ring since I'm just using the ring socket to level gems to try to get most of my gems to lvl 21 23% corrupted.

    Any good 4-links or 3-links I can try for support? My damage is a bit low for an ED Cont trickster but the totems aren't surviving long enough with bosses to really be worth the time they save me, my survivability is decent and improving.

    Is there a golem option worth it? Something you other tricksters have found useful?

    submitted by /u/BaatNiet
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    Help me choose my last build of the league!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    It's important to mention I'm a filthy casual and love to reroll so I've never been great at generating currency. If I liquidate all my builds I can probably have around 10-15ex

    My biggest issue is choosing damage over tankiness with the thought that if I kill it it can't kill me. This however falls off when I don't have the currency to build enough damage to take on higher tier content.

    Really I'm looking for something brain-dead tanky. I want to farm heist contracts for EXP and rarely get oneshotted and stunlocked. I understand a build like this may be pretty trashy for clearing or boss damage. I would prefer however if it could do bosses pretty well.

    I saw a curse bot bane character on here a while ago with temp chains aura among other things and it looked so cool but it used a couple voices etc so I steered clear.

    Im willimg to play pretty much any ascendancy and arctype though I've never particularly enjoyed classic minion builds.


    submitted by /u/Angus-bm
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    Looking for a meme build/harder build to play

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Hey guys, I started this league late so I am just trying to find a build that's fun to play. I was wondering if you guys could post your favorite meme builds or builds that are somewhat difficult to play. I really want to experiment with a build that uses the 2 weapon sets that you're allowed because why not. XD

    Also was curious if anyone had a pathfinder build that utilizes mostly flasks as well.

    submitted by /u/Deathofnite
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