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    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Review of Bleed Bow after playing it on Ritual and getting 40/40 & level 100 on it.

    Path of Exile Builds Review of Bleed Bow after playing it on Ritual and getting 40/40 & level 100 on it.

    Review of Bleed Bow after playing it on Ritual and getting 40/40 & level 100 on it.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Is it worth playing this build as a casual player?

    Yes. Tho I think it's weaker than ED or TR per example, maybe because the upcoming theme is "blood" it will be stronger in the upcoming league (usually that's not the case).

    Is it worth playing this build if you play a lot and you are an experienced player?


    No matter how much you invest, I had 6 tier 1 mods on every item besides bow and against bosses or extremely buffed maps you will die sometimes. Damage wise you will not do as much as other builds for the amount of investment. Not even close.

    I stuck with it cause I was stubborn and wanted to make it good. And it was good in the end but just for solo play, not for carries or anything crazy. The way it would deal with bosses is they'd die before mechanics in most cases.


    Good for beginners, if you are an experienced player/play a lot, it's a good starting build but DROP IT after you get a 6l and some currency and switch to something else.

    My final PoB DPS was;

    Split arrow = 4.285.215 Puncture = 14.753.596 (no Assailum)

    With the best possible Bow I'd get 1 million DPS more on Split Arrow and 2 on Puncture.


    PoB of my character

    submitted by /u/Gitgudson_
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    Looking for the most brain dead unga Bunga builds other than ED contaigen.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    I'm a returning player with around 300hrs in the game I am quite aware of how the game mechanics and all that stuff works but building some stuff can sometimes go haywire for me so looking for the most easiest monkey brained builds thanks

    submitted by /u/beastfire24
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    Looking for a D2 Frozen Orb-like build

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    I'm introducing a friend into PoE this league, asked what kind of build he would like to play and he told me something similar to Frozen orb in D2, which is the last one he played in any aRPG and have fond memories of.

    If you could recomend something that feels similar and a noob-friendly guide for it I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gotxi87
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    Ideas for my exsanguinate setup dot focused trickster

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    I know it's still early, but I went through roughly what I wanted skill wise tonight and wanted to get some feedback, specifically not for the 6L though. I'm still waiting to really decide on hybrid vs full dot or full hit. Will pride, war banner, vuln all effect the dot portion too? Was mainly looking for increased damage taken, spell damage, global phys.

    6L Exsanguinate (up in the air still maybe unleash chain brut cruel efficacy)

    4L Corrupting fever similar to exsanguinate

    3l war banner, flesh and stone, enlighten 1l petrified blood (or vitality with the new aura gem)

    2L cwdt steelskin 2l generals cry vigilant strike (the vigil jewel)

    3L vaal rf, berserk alt quality (timeless), enduring

    3L flame dash arcane surge + ? (Faster casting, second wind)

    Essence worm pride, vuln on hit for the other

    So the idea is enduring pretty regularly, unleash to take advantage of getting 3 stacks and having other casts, generals once every 30 for fort, keep arcane surge up with flame dash and vaal rf/zerk for big packs and bosses.

    Gear thinking ahms anguish if it'll effect both parts and honestly I'm not sure for the weapons. Either dual cold iron, crafted sceptre, or cerberus limb for spell dmg cast speed and spell leech as life of you go shield, dot double dmg bow. Rest would be armor life pieces. Flasks prob something like bottled faith/cinder/rumi/quick/life

    Are ghost shrouds going to be worth it in this build? If not I'd be up for something else potentially.

    Edit formatting, wrong ahms

    submitted by /u/Exitium_Deus
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    Thoughts on Ignite starter? BA vs Spellsling vs autobomber vs Armageddon brand

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    My body for some reason want to start with ignite this league and after some research, I found a couple of good build.

    After looking closely I came up with starting as Armageddon brand for easy levelling and then swapping for either BA or Autobomber.

    But anyway what are your thoughts on these builds?

    Does Spellsling flamewall good enough to league start and farm to yellow/red maps?

    Or you should just armageddon brand with a staff 1, 2, and be tank af till BA?

    Or going with autobomber till red maps because it's can clear maps really fast?

    Or 4Head you can start with BA as soon as possible?

    submitted by /u/Uoipka
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    BL miner aurabot

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    Im going to play a BL miner build next league (If it's not nerfed). But in general do all auras pointed towards lightninf, does it affect mine damage. Auras such like Zealotry, Wrath

    And specially, the lightning damage buff, u get from smite. Does it affect BL when it's cast by mines?

    And which auras would you run on a aurabot to maximize both DPS and Defence output of a miner build.

    submitted by /u/xXFirReaXx
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    Duo with a friend. Do our builds work well together?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    So me and a friend are planning to play group found this league. He is planning to do an impale EQ glad and I plan to do impale cyclone slayer.

    I guess my big question is, does multiple sources of impale work well together or does it just work off what your character does?

    Any recommendations or suggestions would be welcome. I think we feel comfortable working out the skill tress.

    submitted by /u/Zabix
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    Hexblast Ignite Occultist - Critique

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:32 PM PDT


    So, I really like the idea of Hexblast and Ignite. I did it in the Heist BrittleKnee Flashback league to like T2 maps before I burned out on the league. Wit the new buffs, I've lifted a lot of Mathil's Trickster version. I do love me some Profane Bloom pops and I think I'm at 5 curses with the current league start setup. I'd love to hear some feedback and improvements/things I may have messed up on.


    Archamge with a bit of investment, would maybe go Ivory Tower full MoM Archmage after getting currency. Blasphemy so I can just walk around and detonate Hexblast, turn it off for Conquerors and Sirus and use Impending Doom instead on Ele Weakness. Was going to see if Replica Doedre's Damning would be stronger at the cost of two curses but I think it isn't and the DPS loss is high. Wither is set to 15 assuming it's a longer single target fight that lasts at least 15 seconds. Maybe Blackflame and drop a curse?

    submitted by /u/PwnzDeLeon
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    Fix my first self-made SSF build

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    I'm pretty bad at this, I've decided to try my first own build in SSF next league, so would just like any pointers / tips for my build. I have never actually played a Trickster before so it felt a bit difficult to try to balance the HP/MoM/EB stats - I have put on some generic gear that felt achievable relatively easy in SSF. Unfortunately the skill tree is for level 99, I'd like to trim that down to ~90 without losing too much stats, and preferably improve it

    But I also don't just want someone to completely alter everything and rework it all because that would just nullify the point of making my own build. I just want some insight on how to make it better


    Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/waddaba
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    Cold convert sweep with an aura support?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    I will be starting the league as cold conversion carrion golem, and eventually re-speccing to necro from elementalist. Was just wondering how good a cold conversion of sweep would be for my buddy who is also league starting with me. He really likes the sweep skill and I was just wondering how good this combo would be if he converts to cold from phys.

    submitted by /u/apeygapey
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    Glacial hammer inquisitor

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    Is there any good glacial hammer inquisitor builds for league start??

    submitted by /u/sWalllu
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    Looking for a build

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about playing the new league coming up on the 16th... I've played a bit in the past. Can anyone recommend me a guide (that is easy for new players to follow), for a build that requires very little button mashing.

    I like the concept of automation, where like taking damage automatically triggers a minion to be summoned or something like that. Lifesteal is cool too.

    Anyone have some recommendations for someone who just wants to run around and be a baddie?

    submitted by /u/GeekDumb89
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    Is poison blade vortex pathfinder league start viable?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    I've played poison bv assassin before but that was prone to frequent deaths. Ive read that pathfinder is a more tanky option for poison bv, but can i league start it? Does anyone have some good builds or guides from the past league or 2?

    submitted by /u/Hamburgerfatso
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    Archmage raider leveling

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    For my league starter I'm looking into an Archmage raider - only problem I have is mostly the leveling part.

    Going ca/tr is an option, but since I'm pathing towards Templar/witch I'm not getting any damage nodes to boost chaos dmg.

    Anyone have any experience leveling a spell caster raider?

    submitted by /u/Tracedawn
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    What is the best Blade Blast build?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    I see people playing Blade Blast on every ascendancy, self cast and spellslinger and CoC melee/ranged, converted to every damage type, etc. Which one is the best to take to endgame and why?

    submitted by /u/MyriadSloths
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    What is your league starter build GOAL?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    I've always been curious. Once u decide on a league starter , how far do u go with it. I usually go till the first sirius. But this time ,I would like to do 140+ maps before switching.

    submitted by /u/salluks
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    Carrion Golems: Guardian instead of Necro?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    I played Necro Carrion Golems to death during harvest and heist league. Still love Carrion Golems despite the nerf and playing it multiple leagues. However, was thinking of adding some variety by using a different class.

    Guardian seems like it can work for minions, has anyone tried it? Would love to hear some feedback!

    submitted by /u/babyboo8
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    Steel skills for league start? Deadeye vs Champ vs Raider??

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:05 PM PDT


    TL;DR, read the title 😄

    This will be my 8th league start.
    I'm usually relegated to miners of some kind for my start for their obvious advantages.

    I'm also a bit spoiled on early damage, zoominess of TR miner on Trickster and the ability to shotgun bosses.

    I was gonna fall back on a favorite in Poison BV, but one thing I'd like this league is to maybe trade back some damage for true survivability, not just dodge/evasion.
    Seems a good approach with the all or nothing of the upcoming league.

    I keep seeing interesting stuff about Steel skills, but can't find a direct comparison between Duelist and Ranger. I've never played a Ranger, and only one Cyclone Champ (not enough damage to account for how slow it felt)
    I like what I'm seeing of Champion Lancing Steel for the fortify buff (assuming it doesn't get nerfed) and the amount of returned life you get on hit.

    I'm pretty ignorant to Deadeye/Raider, though they seem to be really popular choices.
    Assuming patch notes don't change much, what's the tradeoff between Champion/Deadeye/Raider?

    Also will they nerf this most likely? Looks kinda broken with the life gain and damage.

    submitted by /u/el_spencerino
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    For the LOLs, what is the most stupid and brainless Cyclone "right click and forget" build?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    Best toxic rain pathfinder guide?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Hey, thinking of finally trying out tr this league, just wondering what build guide would be best? Remi's and asmodeus both seem pretty detailed, wondering if anyone has tried both and could recommend one over the other?

    submitted by /u/WetblanketNz
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    What Raider Builds are there for Leaguestart?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    I would really love to start as a raider, but I dont want to do Frostblades...

    Ele Hit needs two jewels, which I would need to buy, so are there any other Raider Builds I haven't heard of, that are viable for leaguestart?

    submitted by /u/PlayZos
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    How to scale reap

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi, I loved reap when they showed it and I really want to use the skill but I have no idea how to scale physical spell damage. I always play melee builds because I like the tankiness and direct outcome of the damage but it counts as spell so the lower part of the skill tree seems useless. I would like to transition to it after I gathered some resources but I do not know how, so please give me some tips and guidance, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Gabriel-Anton
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    Looking for a tanky/budget build with decent clearing for a beginner player

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    I started playing poe years and years ago but always left it without really getting into the end game. So I am looking for an easy to do build where I can just relax and have fun and still able to do good enough in the endgame. I really am not looking for the best dps or tank etc. out there I just want to be able to learn the game while having some casual fun so something all-rounder would be really nice.

    submitted by /u/kutsalscheisse
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    Is Hardcore really worth it ?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    I've been playing softcore since Perandus league and as with any old relationship, I wanna spice things up. With all the performance issues, on-death effects and random ultra-deadly mods on rares, is it really worth it to play hardcore ? Furthermore, I'm tired of trade league where everything has value as currency but not necessarily as usable items. So I'm leaning toward HCSSF.

    Any advice ?

    submitted by /u/watchiing
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    Reap scaling

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I've had multiple answers to this question so I'll ask it here. Will spell damage also effect the hit of reap, not just the dot? Or will the skill only be good with conversion :/

    submitted by /u/0greman
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