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    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - October 30, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - October 30, 2019

    Questions Thread - October 30, 2019

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - October 30, 2019

    This is a general question thread on October 30, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Steelmage getting his 4th piece after a week of grinding

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    :^) Just a friendly reminder, GGG, we're waiting for the day!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    https://i.imgur.com/XktDaUz.png https://imgur.com/a/Gc2UnpQ

    It would be nice if this could be optional, for the people that prefer scrolling endlessly, you never know, eh :) Or an option to show even more rows at the same time! I'd pay for this! (but don't make me!)

    I've seen similar posts before, so this is just to serve as a quick reminder.

    submitted by /u/EnergyNonexistant
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    PoE helps me get up from ground, Thank you Chris and GGG

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:15 PM PDT

    TL;DR - There is no, sorry, need to speak up.

    Yesterday, Monday, 28.10, my mother died in hands of my father. It was random, sudden death, at 6:30, she asked my father when he is going to work, at 8 she died. For this who don't believe - here is government signed "death certificate" - https://cryolite.s-ul.eu/QZDIkfHs.jpg (polish language) , almost hour of CPR and other ways to try bring her back alive - nothing helped. Right now I am alone with my father in a big house which my mother had great fun of cleaning and taking care of. Left alone with people pretending to be friends but being here only when "religion things happen". Note, I am not believer... sorry to say that.

    I spend great amount of time with my father, also, not gonna lie, drinking way more, than I did in past months, within last 48 hours I drunk like 1L of whisky which I hold for special time. I was searching movies, anime, game which could calm down my mind, not gonna leave titles but nothing fit this one sweat spot, help me to stop thinking about what happen and help me to bring up - what is important - stand your ground and don't do something stupid. Be a help to my father since it is most painful tragedy for him. As for me, 36, as for him, 63, I am only one who should stand this ground and help him, as story say later - Chris - you are big.

    Stage 2 of Grief is called "Anger" because you search random object to drop everything. As much as I hid my anger against society, corps, religion etc. The moment I run PoE - I found place to enrage, to fight, to stand. Monsters there were image of my anger - demi-gods, gods, even special elite - souls who wished my mother to die now.

    I have quit this league very early, because of extremely bad rng - no res items, not a single chaos till a6, impossible progression later on due to being pretty much 1-shot viable from normal monster, worst league in my entire history of poe, no currency to updatye my gear, no way to progress. Coincidence? Right now I don't think so. Something inside told me - install it again, play it.

    I didn't plan anything, my mind is in one said - Assassin - kill and move on. Do what you would do in real life. Within around 2 hours of gameplay which I had right now, played today evening when my father slept, which I spared to myself, due to hard family problem, I feel way better. I tried old summoner but it was painful, my mind constantly asked to "summon mother", sadly, it is inside of emotional person, you cannot overcome this day after very close family tragedy.

    Right now? Severs, a2, and I feel better, way better because every single monster was my fear, was my point to destroy, as much as I thinked to murder a lot of people who denied my mother sickness treatment (sadly polish Heath Care is in great vain), I feel better. I wouldn't of course do that but well... crashed mind makes you think unreasonable. Yet - PoE helped me to calm down and fight. As much as my character in Blight HC fight, I think, I can do this too. I gave myself a quest - as I play in Blight HC - I will push it to as much as possible, as much time as I will have for my last alive parent. Even then, I will push in next leagues, in name of my mother, who lived with sickness with a smile in face, who I lost but will remember till end of this world days. Because I found calm and redemption to NOT DO anything stupid in real life. I know this is fairly impossible but... what is left for me? Widely announced AAA games which gives nothing? Something what I used to overcome grandma/grandpa death? PoE is somehow special.

    Not following guides, doing everything random, thinking maybe this will work - I push forward, with sounds of game music, as much as I don't listen them for years of playing, right now - they are my main path to push forward, to be victorious over quest given me by death - either die or prevail, win and live longer.

    I miss my mother, a lot, I think my father miss her even more but... Playing PoE for me, when I can makes it easier for me to overcome anger and sadness. To stand my ground and - like exile at the end - be victorious over demons whos main order is to annihilate you inside, then outside. Death took one part of me - I will not let it get second part so fast. Kitava, you are dead no matter what.

    At the end - Thank you Chris, Kamil and rest of the team - you make my days better, easier to handle, easier to not fall into alcoholism, easier to stand my ground and help father to push day after day. As much as my father hate video games, myself, I thank you a lot. At the end, I am the one who should stand the ground and help him, and you are the one who help me forget, disconnect, fight.

    I don't expect much voice from this post, but just writing this makes me feel better, Whoever read this, thank you, I appreciate your time and... Thank you!

    As someone with several genetic despises who have extremely low chance to find his life partner and right now living alone - you save my life. I greatly thank you!

    @Edit: Idk in which flair put this so I leave this in discussion, mods please adjust for appropriate one if you decide like it should be elsewhere.

    @Edit2: I can't write everything in one run, added some thing.

    @Edit3: I am really sorryu for updating this post, I cannot spell everything at once, constantly something comes to my mind, which I would love to share with you, as this community is great. I just can't focus correctly. I am very sorry ;(

    Edit 30-10 3:51pm: I don't know what to say... I am very grateful for all your words. I am speechless right now... Sorry.

    submitted by /u/TaigaOSU
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    Ancestral Call should be a Keystone, not a Support Gem.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Or both, like how Point Blank and Iron Grip work. (Why isn't there an Iron Will keystone?)

    submitted by /u/lucientherat
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    How to expertly navigate Abyssal Depths

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    League Mechanics going core is cool, but what about their sub-mechanics?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    I like Blight and I liked Legion, but I don't particularly care about the mechanics going core. What I DO care about however is the sub-mechanics that they introduced that can change the way the whole game is played being locked behind their respective league mechanics, which makes them less common and less impactful.

    Let's talk about Incubators. They're a neat drop no matter what level they drop. It's a cool thing that changes the game a bit for the time they're "equipped" and then the item that they drop can be really valuable. They don't *need* to be tied to the monoliths, and their drops aren't related to them in any way outside of the potential legion unique, which is rare enough that I don't feel like it needs to force these to only drop from monoliths. It would be great to add these to the whole game. They're easy to understand and add an additional thing that feels like it should exist in the base game anyway. They're exciting to pick up and to complete.

    Now enter oils! I like oils because they change the way I plan my characters. It feels like I can use them to pick up some stats or some accuracy from the tree that would be obnoxious to path to early on that make my leveling experience that much smoother. That combos well with their usage in high end play where you can snag an important or valuable notable or hidden notable to give yourself a good power boost. We don't know if Blight is going to go core, but ASSUMING it is and given how we've seen prior mechanics go core, this will probably limit the oils and anointments to endgame only which to me isn't as cool as letting them drop throughout the game. Given how difficult Silver/Golden oils already are to get for those of us that are less hardcore that we will likely never see one again if this happens. What if we picked up oils throughout the leveling process and during endgame play, and we were able to anoint all the time? Would this break the economy in some meaningful way?

    What if we were able to use oils for more than just the blight-specific uniques and rings/amulets? I know the idea of using them for lab enchants has been tossed around, what about even letting us use them to anoint regular maps as well as blighted maps for improved farming?

    This super low drop rate currently happens with the legion splinters and breach splinters and it doesn't feel great.

    GGG has mentioned that legion didn't show up throughout the game because they didn't want to "clutter the leveling experience," and I don't feel having these items drop throughout the game would actually make things more cluttered in the ways they mean, but would also make things slightly more interesting when not specifically hitting league-specific mechanics that don't feel like they need to be league specific.

    I'm curious to see what the rest of you think, I know I'm not as hardcore as many of you. Would it be terribly detrimental if we had drops happen like this? I also want to talk about Blight becoming a delve-type playstyle all on its own, but I feel like that's a different topic.

    submitted by /u/MediatorZerax
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    Took a couple of leagues, but I finally found aul with EZ mods FeelsGoodMan

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    What losing almost 600c in ten seconds looks like

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    Small QOL Request - Elder Atlas Counter

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    I'd love to get a little counter on the atlas that lets you know how many maps you have left to run before Elder/Uber Elder de-spawns.

    Right now I'm using the calculator on my computer. But sometimes when I'm tired I think: Did Zana map count? Blighted map? Atziri? Did I forget to add a map?

    It would be nice to have a small little counter on the bottom somewhere. I like to spawn Uber Elder and then go level alts so I don't spread influence to an odd place.

    Any other ideas that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Terrible_With_Puns
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    [Path of Exile 3.8] CoC Discharge Assassin Build Guide || no Cospri's Malice or Voll's Protector

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Path of Exile is basically Mario Party

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    The maps, zones, areas, whatever you call them, are the board,

    The various Leagues are the mini games, just like in Mario party, they are randomly determined, and succeeding at them doesn't guarantee you will win the game

    Just like Mario Party, your actual progress is entirely controlled by the invisible hand of RNG

    And just like Mario Party, other players are enabled, if not outright encouraged, to steal your precious Stars, I mean exalted orbs,

    I was really tired when I thought of this, that is all

    submitted by /u/Draconilian
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    Is there a trick to reveal/remove the safehouse leader without downgrounding the entire (Research) team? It wontt show up..

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    GGG: if right-clicking a stash tab in the dropdown list sends it to the far left, can ctrl+right-clicking send it to the far right? Bonus: how about a stash tabs template?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    It was a great QoL feature when they added the ability to quickly move stash tabs to the far left, but it would be nice if we had an option to move them to the far right as well.

    Better yet, let us create our own stash tab template that saves our preferred tab names and tab ordering for each new league.

    submitted by /u/nomnaut
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    Playing the game in a duo party

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Hello, me and my friend would like to play this game. However, I am not exactly sure whether it is worth in this game to play as a duo? I usually see people playing solo. Do you benefit more from playing solo?

    Also, if it is worth playing as a duo are there any other builds other than aura bot + dps?

    submitted by /u/melon210
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    A question about the "All Ears" acheivement.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    [Bug] Shaped Volcano Map generated a fat mountain blockade right at the start

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Can you learn this game without playing it?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! So i played this game for a short time about 5 months ago but i quit it since i found grim dawn in which i sank about 1000 hours.Now i decided that ill come back and im looking forward to learn PoE in depth and hopefully have a great time farming in the endgame.

    Problem is that i dont have much time to play atm(college stuff). But im a fast learner ,and i thought about just learning on youtube or on different sites this game's harder mechanics

    Is it possible? if yes, can you name some of the harder things i should know about? crafting seemed hard at first for example

    submitted by /u/horiahoria69
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    Cospris appears to have experienced a buyout.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    Looks like someone bought out the entire cospris market below a certain price. I would advise against buying cospris for a bit.

    submitted by /u/reskk
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    Does this mean u get all 4 skill gems on zombie?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Just Sparky Things

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    In my humble opinion, spark should be changed to work indoors as well as outdoors. Getting blocked by tiny bits of rubble and not being able to cast because I'm just barely too close to a wall is not very fun. As a spark player I would love to embrace all kinds of terrain, not loath them.

    submitted by /u/Bobysays23
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    What is the old Zana Hideout Theme Music?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    I just bought the music selector because I noticed that my Zana Hideout no longer had the amazing ambient music I chose it for. I'm not really sure which one it is, but it's none of the Act 3 themes.

    submitted by /u/Altruistic_Scumlord
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    Can someone help with CoC Cospri Attack Speed Breaking Point? [15% CDR, Dual Wielding Cospris, PoB inside]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys, recently read this thread in which people said you need to be mindful of your attack speed with Cyclone as well as CDR gear. But I must admit I'm nowhere knowledgeable enough to understand if I have the attack speed in correct ranges, so here is the current gear and setup (PoB says 6.77 attack rate for Cylcone as it is, not sure if it's trustworthy):


    Currently one Cospri's has 12% aspd while the other has 13%. Also 15% CDR on boots.

    Gear is basically the same as OP's gear, but I've just generated PoB without doing anything else like activating frenzy charges or something like that.

    My question is, can someone who knows how all this attack speed /crit breaking points work whether I should change anything in my setup? Am I in the optimal range as it is? Thanks for help in advance.

    submitted by /u/MillenniumDH
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