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    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    This is a general question thread on April 29, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How i feel about the game

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Neat lore fact #5: Izaro and Voll were both alive at the same time during the Eternal Empire, 300 years before you are exiled. They were both emperors. This is why they are bigger than other mobs have the same attacks.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    please give us orbs of binding during the acts

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    the orbs of binding are absolutely useless later on, i can only use the to alch maps which of course beats their purpose, their strength should come from 4linking an item; in the first 2 days of the league, having the possibility of 4 linking your mediocre rare is very useful and where the orb of binding would shine, so please make it a normal drop and drop it during acts

    submitted by /u/anotherthrowawaykek
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    Sirus bug I haven't seen posted yet.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    It's a different game on console, folks...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    PoE-Overlay update out that has rate limit features.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    How to set up POE Overlay to not get your account locked

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    How to set up POE Overlay to not get your account locked

    Set the "Debounce Time" in the settings "Evaluate/Query" to infinity (move the slider to the right).

    How to properly use the POE overlay tool:

    1. Press ctrl+d to get the initial price estimation. For the currency, unique items or stuff with no affixes this is enough information to evaluate the item most of the time.
    2. If you need to further customize the search request, that is: select/deselect affixes, change the values, etc. do so as you wish. When you are done, press the "Filter has been changed. Fetching again ... now".


    POE Overlay with default settings is flooding the POE servers because of the following: each time you select/adjust the attributes of the item in the overlay, a search request is sent to the POE trade server. Most of the requests are useless spam because you usually change/select several attributes to estimate the value of an item. The effect is the same as you would press refresh in your browser each 0.5 seconds for a couple of seconds for each item you want to inspect. Multiply that by the amount of consecutive overlay users and you get the traffic which POE servers cannot cope with.

    TLDR: The tool is DDoS attacking the POE servers. Set the "Debounce Time" in the settings of the POE overlay to infinity.

    EDIT: I wrote this post because of https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ga01j3/banned_for_no_reason/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ga0zlf/psa_waves_of_players_being_banned_for_use_of/

    It may not be the POE Overlay that is causing huge amount of requests, but nonetheless: if you set the overlay up like shown above, you will not spam the server and everyone will be happy.

    EDIT2: u/Laurcus explains what could cause over a million requests

    submitted by /u/Ijere
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    Great Cluster Jewel QoL Update! They now show the skill effects on Trade

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    [LOOTFILTER] NeverSink's Itemfilter 7.8.7 - A farewell to fuses (on high strictness) and half a ton of other changes.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    [LOOTFILTER] NeverSink's Itemfilter 7.8.7

    OK, so I initially wanted to make the last update the last one, but since the speed and craziness of this league is pretty much off the charts, I decided to go for the nuclear option.

    Previously, I've had a lot of "safety gates" on the auto-tiering, to ensure that the economy-data-noise doesn't cause filtering errors. Over the last months, I've added a set of different, much more permissive safeguards, that I now tested sufficiently and now enabled them. I've also adjusted the strictness of UberSTRICT and especially UberPLUS strict massively. The result is that they now hide a lot more items and currency is being tiered much more literately.

    I highly recommend reading the changelog (around ~30 changes). There's also some new filterblade features.

    https://filterblade.xyz/ - is of course also updated!

    Want to watch me code/poe, get live updates or support the project?:



    Source Description
    FilterBlade.xyz (DOWNLOAD) Recommended way of downloading the filter. Has support for all strictness, styles and economy versions! Includes overview, explanations and a loot simulator. Experienced users can also edit filters there comfortably and merge their changes into new versions. Always up-to-date!
    POE site filter list You can subscribe to my POE filter account to receive auto-updates. However, you can't customize these and it has no style support! Come in SC/HC economy versions.
    GitHub Mostly for developers: you can also get the filters from GitHub! There's a SC, HC and stable/static branch


    The Filter changelogs can always be found here: CHANGELOGS

    The FilterBlade changelogs can be found on the FilterBlade discord: DISCORD

    Filter and Styleversions

    Higher strictnesses filter more items. The general rule is that: the faster you are, the less you want to pick up, because in the time you'd take care of a higher quantity of items, you can kill more monsters and get a higher chance at expensive loot and experience. You can start with Regular/Semi-Strict first (great for new players and leagues) and simply up the strictness from the option menu, once you feel like you want to see less.

    Nr Name Short Description
    0 Soft Shows too much. Includes low crafting bases, magic jewellery in the endgame. Not recommended for regular gameplay.
    1 Regular Shows a lot. Recommended for beginners, new leagues and slow-clearing gameplay. Shows all rares. Good for chaos recipes.
    2 Semi-Strict Healthy balance. Great for new leagues and beginners and medium-speed endgame gameplay. Hides the worst rares. Good for chaos recipes.
    3 Strict Hides bad-base rares and scrolls. Recommended endgame strictness. Hides random gems (hold alt in the first zone if you level with it). Bad for chaos recipes.
    4 Very Strict Hides most rares, scrolls, augments, armourers. Good for the endgame and for farming once your character is well equipped.
    5 Uber Strict Hides all low currencies and rares. Great for speed-farming, once you have a highly optimized build and atlas!
    6 Uber+ Strict Shows too little. Sterile screen. Hides all kind of stuff, including mediocre divination cards, all kind of crafting material etc. Recommended for high-speed clearing, once your character is top tier geared, your atlas complete and optimized and you're breezing through maps very fast!

    Styles have no effect on how strict the filter is, but change the visual and audio configuration. Find one that pleases your eye most or make your own on https://www.filterblade.xyz . FilterBlade also comes with a preview comparison/feature for styles and strictnesses.

    Special thanks to...

    • /u/Tobnac and Haggis - the 2 others minds behind filterblade + great friends

    • A special thank you to all the Patreons! A special thanks goes to: Ryndaar, Phegan, Matt O.,Henry G., Reilly M!

    • A special thanks to my discord and twitch community!

    Happy Hunting Exiles,


    submitted by /u/NeverSinkDev
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    PSA: Waves of players being banned for use of third-party tool POE Overlay

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    As of today, 6 of my friends have been locked for use of POE Overlay. I've personally stopped using it and I have to recommend anybody else with the app installed stop using it for now, until we get an official statement from GGG on whether its use is bannable or not.

    Edit: We have an official statement in the replies. According to Chris via a forward from Bex, third-party apps which interact with the game client in ANY way whatsoever are disallowed, and GGG reserves the right to ban for use of these apps (including POE Overlay, since it automatically ctrl+c's items in the game). From what I understand, this means the use of POE Overlay is intended to be bannable due to its automatic price-checking feature. As of today, I'm uninstalling POE Overlay. It was a great tool while it lasted, but from now on I'll stick to manually pricing my items one by one using the trade website's search.

    Edit 2: Sorry, the accounts were actually "locked", not "banned". I am told there is a difference but I do not know what it is -- the effect is the same; the user is unable to log into their account under any circumstances.

    submitted by /u/Tuck_Vison
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    When all blasts can hit the same enemy

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Empy and Cutedog_ drop 3 exalts within 30 seconds

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Idea: use Synthesis' memories as secondary leveling mechanism

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:38 AM PDT


    So, i actually liked Synthesis. The synth bases shenanigans were not for me, i'm too poor to afford decent things, but the idea of "memories" and the role of Cavas was , in my opinion, very interesting.

    Then i came out with this crazy idea, hear me out.

    Use a redesigned version of Synthesis memory runs as alternative leveling path.

    It works like this:

    - After each normal playthrough, in Oriath, your character meets Cavas somewhere and he gives you access to the Nexus, where you will find your memories, of the character that you just completed the story with.

    - That set of memories is dependent on the choices (i.e. the sidequests) you took in the storyline, thus its better to complete every sidequest you may want as you go, or before you speak to Cavas.

    - Whenever you want to reroll a second char, once you get in Lioneye's Watch, you have an option: enter the Nexus and "re-live" the adventures of the previous char and thus not complete the story again, or just go on with your business and complete the story normally. Exiting in the coast would void the Nexus run, but you would still have time to delete and reroll the char to enter the Nexus again.


    - The memory run would be "shorter", as each area would condense various story zones worth of monsters, thus somehow reducing the time it takes to level a second char.

    - The exp and the loot would be awarded at the end of the memory. This is to prevent exploitation of single memories for exp and loot like the delve Falling Bears encounter.

    - Some memories would have a boss in them, the same ones of the stoy, to reflect the progression and to still give a chance to fight certain mechanics while leveling.

    - Certain memories, perhaps before Kitava or certain other bosses, could be run multiple times (x3) to allow people to level up a bit more or have a chance of finding better gear (ssf?).

    - Once you complete the memory run, it is deleted and you cannot run it again.

    - To have another memory run available, you need to level another character for the whole storyline to allow the "accumulation of other memories". This would mean every other character would be faster in leveling, but it wouldn't mean that you only play the story once and then never again.

    - Cavas would reward you with the Skill Books or other skill rewards at your appropriate level, as if he was a Town Vendor for the whole story. After the run is finished, he would cease to offer Shop/Vendor services.


    Use Cavas and the Nexus as a secondary leveling mechanism for rerolls, using a previous char story "memories" as a form of faster and different secondary leveling. Have in place mechanisms to avoid exploitation and let players experience again the (changed) Nexus and some of Cavas' voicelines.

    P.s. No fractured items return i guess

    Let me know what you guys think!


    submitted by /u/rds90vert
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    [OC] Here's my latest work titled "I am the End" featuring our boys High Templar Avarius and Innocence.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    TIL we should not vaal the game

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    CoC Bowblast vs Awakener 8

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    PSA: Shaper scarab's shaper voiceline before map boss does NOT stop the mist

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    If you are struggling to kill map boss under delirium, then don't use the shaper scarab, it will create a shaper voiceline that pause the screen for 3-4 seconds, but delirium mist does not stop during this time, it could cost you the boss splinters if you are running low on time.

    I don't think this is intended, since now even phased boss's immunity phase stops the mist, the shaper voiceline should definitely stop the mist.

    BTW if your build has long enough range and high enough dps you can kill a non-phased boss before the voiceline

    submitted by /u/KhmunTheoOrion
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    [Item Showcase] Dragon Weaver, a wand for Power Siphon Herald-Stackers

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Neat bug with the Thunderstruck cluster notable allowing every hit against shocked enemies to knockback

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Can we drop talisman & perandus for the next league ?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    With all the clutter we get from every piece of content in this game, I must say this league that talisman and perandus were the 2 things that turned me down the most. Getting a wave in simulacrum or a delirium event in a map that rewards any of these was always met with disappointment.

    Maybe it's time to put them to bed ?

    submitted by /u/Helyos96
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    RIP Washington just now

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Small indie company etc etc

    submitted by /u/dustofoblivion123
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    Loot Stuck behind tree. Possible to report this somewhere for future hotfix ?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Currency Farming in Blighted Maps! Tired of Delirium?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    In the current league, Delirium offers plenty of rewards of all different kinds to people who can blast through maps and content with ease, but what if you are just a newbie player who can barely complete maps [of higher tiers]? Worry not, this guide tells you how to squeeze blight)ed maps for even the last juiciest loot drop to get you boosted and geared up through trading! A word of warning, blighted maps can be just as intense as Delirium encounters!

    Having done nothing but played blighted maps the couple last weeks, I summarize my experiences here giving guidance and strategy to them, after successfully introducing in-game friends to them, getting them hooked up with them as well.

    Step 1 - Preparing for Blighted Maps

    What are blighted maps? If you have encountered Cassia in maps, defending her pump against spawning waves of monsters which follow a determinated path while building towers (also known as Tower Defense), that's basically a blighted map, a much larger, much more rewarding Blight Encounter.

    However, don't take these maps lightly. They can be very vicious at times and require careful preparation. In the following, here are steps to take before activating and playing an instance of a blighted map:

    • Character Stats - You should have at least 3k life and at least some DPS. If you have less than 30k tooltip DPS, I wouldn't bother with the lowest blighted map tier, but hey, trying is better than not trying and not knowing what could have been.
    • Ring Anointments - Once you have Cassia in your hideout after encountering her in a map once, you can anoint items. Having tower enchantements from ring anointments using oils is an incredibly strong boost. If you feel overwhelmed by the choices, I recommend going for the basic Empowering Tower enchantments, increasing their range and effect by 25%. These enchantments improve all your towers if placing Empowering Towers in the right spots. More about tower placement later. Each of your rings can have one anointment and has to be equipped for it to be active.
    1. Your Empowering Towers have 25% increased Effect (Sepia Oil + Azure Oil)
    2. Your Empowering Towers have 25% increased Range (VerdantOil + Black Oil)
    • Map - Since blighted maps are a rather rare drop, buying them from the market is unavoidable. They cost between 5-8 Chaos depending on tier and current market offers. Choosing the map tier, however, is very important! Higher tier means the map and the spawning waves with their bosses are a lot more difficult. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot beat a certain map tier and/or the Conqueror of the Atlas of that map tier, don't bother. In the worst case, get started with white maps of tier 1. Unless the modifiers are appealing, get a Normal rarity map.
    • Map Quality - The first thing to do with your acquired map is improving its quality using four of Cartographers's Chisel, maxmizing its quality to 20%, increasing the item quantity of your final reward upon completing the map.
    • Map Rarity - Use a Orb of Transmutation to upgrade the map to Magic rarity and use Orb of Alteration to change its modifiers until you are satisfied, increasing the item quantity. Using an Orb of Alchemy to make the map Rare rarity has a higher item quantity, however, usually it comes with nasty modifiers requiring Chaos Orb or Orb of Scouring and another Orb of Alchemy to reroll it. Some of the map modifiers that you do not want, as they significiantly increase difficulty, are listed below. There are more modifiers that you might want to avoid to not make your life with Blighted Maps hell, however, it depends on your DPS and character build. Mods that you do want are increased Magic and Rare monsters, because they yield more currency to build towers in the instance of the Blighted Map.
    1. Monsters' Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value
    2. Monsters cannot be Taunted
    3. Monsters cannot be Stunned
    4. #% increased Monster Movement Speed
    5. Unique Boss has #% increased Life
    • Map Anointments - You can not only anoint rings, but you can also use oils to create map anointments. They play yet another crucial role in preparing for a blighted map. Use three oils to anoint a map. Even cheap oils provide a decent modifier greatly easing difficulty. I recommend going for two Clear Oils and one Amber Oil, reducing difficulty by slowing down enemies while also making towers a little bit cheaper, allowing to build and upgrade more of them. Note that even with using three Sepia Oils, you usually cannot sit it out and have towers do your job of killing enemies. Towers merely provide some assistance and keep trash mobs away and sometimes not even that. Bosses are always your job to deal with.
    1. 10% reduced Monster Movement Speed (Clear Oil)
    2. 20% reduced Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers (Amber Oil)
    3. Towers deal 20% more Damage (Sepia Oil)

    Step 2 - Fighting and Surviving the Blighted Map

    Blighted Maps can get your heart racing just as much as Delirium encounters. Crucial is understanding what rules an instance Blighted Map always follows.

    • Exploration - Once you enter an instance of a Blighted Map, explore it thoroughly. The layout of the map can give you hints about the branching, where waves eventually will start spawning.
    • Branching - Speaking of branching, while the first portals and waves all spawn in a shared direction, eventually it will branch in ways that require you to divide your attention. In some of the worst cases and layouts, foes are incoming from all directions to Cassia's pump. Always keep an eye on the pump, as the visibility of foes and their paths is sometimes tricking, having not the best range on the map.
    • Towers - You might feel overwhelmed by the choice of towers and where to place what. As a rule of thumb, start off by building as many towers as possible, quantity over upgrading. This allows you later to more easily upgrade them in quantity when things get heated. Different towers have different ranges, make sure that whatever tower you place, its range includes as much of enemy pathing as possible. Here are some ideas on where to place what:
    1. Strategically place Empowering Towers to include as many other tower spots as possible, making the towers there stronger. There is a highlight for tower bases that are within the range of an Empowering Tower. Don't be afraid to upgrade them to the third level to maximize their range. Upgrading them to their final (fourth) level removes the bonus on other towers, granting a new bonus, so don't do it unless the tower bases in its range are covered by other Empowering Towers.
    2. Close to your pump, place Chilling Towers, Summoning Towers and Seismic Tower. If foes come this close to the pump, you want to delay them as long as possible. Eventually, upgrade Chilling Towers there to Glacial Cage Towers and Summoning Tower to Sentinel Towers.
    3. If tower bases happen to be in the middle of enemy pathing or nicely placed close to a curve of pathing, go for a Shock Nova Tower. Careful, its lower levels has not a lot of range, but you can preview the range before placing it.
    4. If tower bases are rather off the pathing, not very close to it, but still within the range of your Empowering Towers, build Fireball Towers. They have a lot of range, making them the perfect tower to assist from afar.
    5. Pay attention to enemy resistances. Both in the general overview of all waves to the middle bottom as well as for each spawned portal, you can see its resistances. Avoid building too much towers of one kind if many waves have a resistance against it.
    • Bosses - They are the difficult part, bosses. There spawns a good bunch of them each map, each kind having nasty abiilities and tricks, making them dangerous enemies, especially if you are playing as a DPS build. In fact, they can easily one-shot you if you have less than 3k health. Keeping a distance while also going for them as quickly as possible ensures that they don't get close to the pump, which you do not want as they take away 10 Durability, allowing you to take but one boss leak. Pay extra attention to the boss kind that splits into several smaller versions of himself. Each of those counts as a boss leak as well! If a boss spawns, move closer to him and take him down as quickly as possible while also maintaining a healthy distance to your pump, keeping an eye on other enemies. Using [Tab] to view the map at large greatly help with that.

    Step 3 - Looting

    Once you have successfully beat the map, you get a plentiful bunch of rewards. Think of Delirium encounters in maps, but with a lot more variety. There is not much to say here other than I highly recommend to get currency first, always, using an appropriate loot filter of Regular or Strict. To give you an idea why blighted maps are so rewarding (take mentioned values with care, as they are always a subject to change), especially if you are very low on currency, here are examples:

    • Unidentified Rare Set - Doing this vendor recipe, selling a complete equipment set of unidentified Rare items, you get two Chaos Orbs. Since plenty of Rare items spawn as rewards, you can do this multiple times and often get the Chaos back that you paid for the map, just buy doing these recipes! Also don't forget to sell six-socket items for 7 Jeweller's Orbs.
    • Chaos Orbs - On average, between 0-5 Chaos Orbs drop as a reward from currency reward packs. Since this is not very reliable, just a short mention here.
    • Oils - An overhwelmingly majority of maps drop enough oils to not only get back the ones you used to anoint the map, but also to prepare the anointment of future blighted maps.
    • Quality Recipes - Doing the vendor recipe for quality items, you can get the occasional Glassblower's Bauble, Cartographer's Chisel and Gemcutter's Prism. In particular the last one, as you will get plenty of skill gems with quality from skill gem reward packs. It is also a great way to spend your time waiting for trades, trying to match the different quality values to exactly 40%! Who doesn't love math?
    • Divination Cards - Occasionally, you will get very good divination cards, such as The Void (3 Chaos), The Saint's Treasure (30 Chaos), The Wretched (4 Chaos), The Porcupine (3 Chaos) and so on. You could even save the ones that grant Exalted Orbs, eventually getting a full stack through farming. Selling Stacked Decks (~3 Chaos) can also be profitable.
    • Scarabs - Some of these sell for a couple of Chaos, even the Rusted ones, so watch out!
    • Fossils - Same story as with scarabs, some of them sell for a couple of Chaos, better take and sell than leave them there.
    • Veiled Equipment - Instead of unveiling equipment for modifiers that you are never going to use anyways, sell them. I frequently sell items with one veiled modifier for one Chaos and ones with two veiled modifiers for two Chaos.
    • Cobalt Jewels - This league (Delirium), cobalt jewels are the hot stuff because people want to craft them with certain modifiers such as an increased percentage to energy shield. Identified or not, you can sell them for at least one Chaos.
    • Unique Items - Most of them are trash, sell them to squeeze some extra shards out of your map, if you have portals left.
    • Essences - While not the most profitable, higher essences sell for one or another Chaos, so taking them with you doesn't hurt.


    One of the strongest benefits, which should be clear by now, is that blighted maps drop a variety of rewards from all previous seasons and even just one instance of them and the rewards it can give you is worth a good bunch of Chaos. Is it the most profitable option to farm currency in the long run? No, probably not. Maybe it is more fun at times than failing again and again trying to do maps of a higher tier and running endgame content. I hope that I get some people into playing blighted maps for both fun and farming!

    Lastly, here are some questions that I would like to adress:

    • Q: What is the most profitable item that you have ever got from farming blighted maps?
      A: It is Unnatural Instinct, which is a unique jewel that I sold for 22 Exalted Orbs. It is still rising in price and is now 28 Exalted Orbs by the time that I write this guide. I also got a couple of Exalted Orbs from there, as well as Annulment Orbs, Harbringer Orbs, Ancient Orbs and Divine Orbs.
    • Q: I keep dying on blighted maps...
      A: Most bosses deal a lot of damage, especially to DPS characters. Some common foes from waves can also be very nasty, sending a barrage of fire balls that easily deal thousands of damage. Running blighted maps is not something that you want to do while farming experience for your chharacter.
    • Q: My pump got destroyed!
      A: Happens to the best of us. Sometimes it is a bad random layout, sometimes it is carelessness or dying in the wrong moment, allowing your enemies to slip through to the pump. If this keeps happening, think about playing blighted maps with a lower tier.
    submitted by /u/Terrible_Machine9
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