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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 17, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 17, 2020

    Questions Thread - March 17, 2020

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - March 17, 2020

    This is a general question thread on March 17, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Vaal areas are a good example showing that re-working old stuff is way better than adding infinite content to the game

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    I've been playing since 2012 and it's wierd to say this about a game but... there is way too much content for a new player to handle. Even for me. I would like GGG to take a break and work on stuff that is already in the game. They have plenty to do so...

    PD: Legacy league was a great example too of reusing existing content. It was my favourite league by far.

    submitted by /u/ramatopia
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    Still 15 FPS in delirium encounter

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I keep telling myself one of these times it wont be.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Pearl of Wisdom

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    I cant think of one good reason why delirium should be timed

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Seriously think of how much it would help, suddenly we woukdnt have a backtracking problem because you could actually take your time to kill shit and loot, we wouldnt have this dumb clear speed meta where you're forced to insta blow up packs in one click just so you dont run out of time and dont get hit. Suddenly slower builds are viable, by the way, if someone wants to play some super slow but extremely tanky build why should they be punished for not being able to do the league mechanic? Their already not going to make as much chaos per hour as the kid running around with 3k life one shotting the whole screen.

    Also why does GGG love making it so certain league mechanics completely fuck over certain map layouts, it's happened with legion and breach and I just dont understand it, it just makes it feel cheap and it sucks to miss out on it. Shouldnt more maps be viable? I dont want to play one map that has a good layout for delirium's dumb donut layout because when I play a map I like and the fog just ends because sorry the donut didnt like your non linear circular map its just straight up frustrating.

    Apart from this I absolutley love delirium, I love the theme and the monsters, the voice lines are fantastic, and the difficulty is fantastic, I've been really enjoying having real danger. Can anyone think of a good reason why they added a timer?

    submitted by /u/justMemeslole
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    The league I think we all need

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Game designers opinion on Delerium and it's issues

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Game designers opinion on POE balance issues.

    About me - I am a game designer and a POE veteran.


    My game.

    My POE experience. I originally played on the standalone client and have since returned to using it for the last 4 leagues. My real playtime is probably closer to 10K.

    My POE account. 93 in delerium, high level accounts, alt art demigod wins ect.

    This post isn't going to be solely about Delirium, the current league has highlighted a whole bunch of the underlying problems that POE has but a lot of these issues run deeper than just the current league mechanic. Seen a bunch of people comment like this and I think I can help shed some light on it?

    The hidden issue

    So in POE there is a "skill" that grants permanent invulnerability, has no gear or stat requirements, no cast time, no mana cost and can be used whenever. It's so powerful that the entire game has been balanced around it for years and the outcome of the attempts to "balance" it are the reason for the current state of the game. And it is……. The logout macro.

    An ARPG in which you cannot die, is a boring ARPG. It's one of the chief reward/punishment cycles of the genre. Do well and live, do bad and die. It's utterly essential, utterly basic and it underpins the entire game. The game designer needs to design mechanics in which when the player makes a mistake - they die and needs to avoid introducing mechanics and methods in which the player can overly trivialize content. I know Neon got some heat for saying (I'm paraphrasing) "I want to kill players" but IMO it's the correct attitude to have. But the problem arises when you try to design mechanics that kill players, that have a perma invulnerable button and instantly be safe only which is only limited by their reaction time. The result is the game designers only real option is rapid one shot mechanics. Which leads us into the next problem - rapid one shot mechanics that the player cannot do anything about utterly suck from a player perspective.

    Players don't like dying, it's a punishment mechanic and a big "you failed!" so we try to avoid it wherever possible. But the designers keep adding bullshit one shot you just die mechanics whilst nerfing defensive mechanics (which they are almost forced to do in order to actually kill the players). You cannot and should not be able to make a build to be permanently safe. See this 270K one shot for evidence.

    The result is this offscreen, DPS meta we've seen for the past couple of leagues. If the player cannot become tanky enough to survive, then your only option is to kill the things instantly and offscreen before they get the chance to one shot you. So the designers create the Delerium league, monsters are super tanky in an attempt to stop you one shotting them offscreen, and even if you do kill them then they cast something on death regardless which will then try to kill you. Which as we've seen from the feedback, players really hate. We want to live!

    IMO this current cycle is really unhealthy for the game, and should be the big focus for GGG in Poe2 to fix. It's a massive underlying issue which has been present and unfixed for years. POE rewards game knowledge to an insane degree but doesn't have much space for expression of mechanical player skill. Some of the best moments in POE have been just barely surviving, dodging, juking, good flask use ect. When you live through a crazy moment as a result of your own skill it feels fantastic and it's one of the greatest moments for the game feel but the current game systems don't do much to encourage this, it's just RNG whether you live or die. When the player dies it should be a learnable moment, I did X wrong, or I didn't do Y, with one shot mechanics that's greatly reduced and players are FREQUENTLY dying despite doing the correct thing. (If the correct thing is to not interact with that game mechanic then that game mechanic is failing). If I do the correct thing and still die then that feels absolutely awful, it's a sign of a lack of player agency, and of poor design.

    The Solution

    Remove instant logout, both by macro and by the ESC menu. Find a period of time and have that be the combat window. For example - 3 seconds. When you logout - have it start a timer and only log the character out after the window ends. The player has to survive that 3 seconds in order to survive. That 3 second window becomes the gameplay window in which the game designers can build meaningful dangerous mechanics that the player has time to interact with and make decisions. Rather than an offscreen 1000mph bolt doing 15K damage have a slower effect that gives multiple decision making points. A line of projectiles thrown that stick in the player and detonates after X seconds. Detonation damage is increased by the number of spears lodged in the character. That design gives a vastly greater number of decisions for the player to make and moments in which to "outplay" the mechanic but simply isn't possible with the current game state.

    TL:DR - Logout macro breaks the game, resulting in design decisions that are poor and highly unpopular in order to combat it. Remove instant logout, replace it with a logout window and then you can give greater depth and meaning to combat systems.

    ===Edit=== This isn't meant as a I know more than GGG post. I fully expect GGG is aware of these issues and most of what this post says. Was more intended to start a discussion about the deeper side of game design mechanics, people have been posting for years about how much they hate one shot mechanics, and yet GGG keeps adding them. This was meant to show a bit about why GGG likely feels forced to add them.

    submitted by /u/_LSI_
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    Awakener is a fucking RNG fiesta now. WTF did they do?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    The entire fight the apparition is doing his abilities and some times you just die, because Sirus decided to teleport you to the middle of the maze and there is a degen pool on it.

    Or my favorite death so far, Sirus teleporting me into his corridor, and then getting beamed by the circle channeled beam explosion the apparition does right at the teleport location.

    How am I not surprised that it seems no one tested this fight after the changes? Are we going to have to wait for a popular HC streamer to get a teleport death to even have this addressed? This, along with delirium being super subpar atm, is really killing my motivation to play this league.

    submitted by /u/touchmyrick
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    You see that ground effect? It does nothing, no damage, and it persists after the mob is gone. This is what we mean when we talk about visual clutter.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Once again one mob type missing.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Just got married. Had my ring engraved with the one quote which will probably stay with me for the rest of my life. Stay sane exiles!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    PSA: People aren't responding to your trade requests because they are always in a timed encounter

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Because every map is now a timed encounter, there isn't really any opportunity for someone to pop out and trade with you for any lower value items.

    I've had luck acknowledging this with something like: "Hey you're probably in a delerium encounter (or delve or lab), please message me when you are available!"

    submitted by /u/TheMayorMikeJackson
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    Mathil Discussing The Delirium Manifesto On Stream, "Can't Say I Was Thrilled"

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Delirium is a lot of fun -- by Ghudda

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    I want this the most

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    From 102 FPS to 0, this is just unacceptable at this point.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    It feels like GGG is balancing the wrong game.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    After reading the developer manifesto i'm just a bit aggravated at how GGG is approaching death in the game recently. Death in POE is mainly about failure to prepare, whether it's learning you should spec life nodes, or needing a bleed flask, or top end players needing to refresh their reading comprehension skills. Delirium league seems to use death as a random difficulty enhancer, like 'HA player it's hard because we randomly killed you with on death mechanic get good noob' Their manifesto comes back and slaps everyone in the face saying that on death mechanics are the issue. No GGG, when players die it should feel like their fault not your fault. It should be a lack of preparation and they should see the solution to the problem.

    This brings me to my other point, we know what difficulty is in poe. It's slowing down and getting less drops. You want to make delirium harder, then make it so the on death volatile mobs increase the defenses of all the mobs when you walk on their pods, or start with a high quantity and lower it. Do damage type nerf mechanics, the red ones nerf fire damage and the blue ones cold damage for the player. There are so many things to do, you just have to be balancing for the right game.

    submitted by /u/jezvin
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    This Sub is a cesspit of negativity, and the Manifesto has been completely misrepresented

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    First of all, people have plenty of reasons to be frustrated. I think a lot of the suggestions for Delirium improvements from the community have been really excellent. I think that GGG's response to those concerns has mostly been excellent, as well, and I look forward to future changes.

    People latch on to specific lines of the manifesto, ignoring ALL ELSE mentioned about that topic, and GGG's proposed fixes.

    Examples of extremely negative cherry picking -

    Backtracking to get gear: GGG is
    1) Extending timers, especially for other-league content
    2) Reducing damage and revisiting numbers of death effects
    3) Making on-death effects pack-based to greatly reduce the frequency with which players encounter on-death effects
    4) Making improvements to signaling on-death effects
    5) Suggesting players ensure their loot filter is optimized for the content, so they're only picking up things that they really want to.


    I agree that the loot filters comment is unhelpful for most of us. Loot filters are beside the issue for most players. We have our loot filter where we want it.

    But don't pretend like it was the only thing they said to address the issue. They have many changes in the pipeline all of which address player concerns. I haven't seen these things mentioned in comments yet, only bitching about how GGG isn't doing anything.

    They're doing lots of things.

    Regarding performance: There is an upvoted post saying to "reduce settings". That wasn't even IN the manifesto. People are just so stupid and pissed off that they think that it was. In the manifesto, all they've said is that something is broken, and they are looking for a solution which should greatly improve performance for all users.

    This sub is SO NEGATIVE. Do you all even like this game? I'm still having a blast, and know that it will be in an excellent state in a short while.

    submitted by /u/Pandarandrist
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    Path of Building v1.4.164: 3.10 Skill Additions

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    The 1.4.164 update for Path of Building is now available, containing the new skills for 3.10.

    This update also contains updates to skill enchantments.

    Support for Cluster Jewels was previously added in the 1.4.160 update.

    For existing users, the update is available via the usual update system; click "Check for Update" at the bottom left if the update hasn't already been downloaded.
    For anyone interested in trying the program for the first time, head to the releases page to get the installer.

    If you'd like to give me something more tangible than energy, I have a Patreon page.

    submitted by /u/Openarl
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    Servers, again?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    ^ Can't connect to instances again.

    Edit: Got back in after a queue, initial kick out told me I couldnt join my bestiary because my account wasnt logged in.

    Edit2: DC gate

    submitted by /u/collinsurvive
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    Delirium Manifesto misses 2 very important points: No planned solution for backtracking and no planned solution for terrible rewards for the risk we are taking.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    About improved atlas and delirium, after killing A8.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    About improved atlas and delirium, after killing A8.


    Hey guys, among a lot of discussions going on right now about the state of league, id like to share my opinion about delirium and improved atlas from a point of view from someone who "finished the game". Dont want to brag but in 2days /played i think ive experienced what GGG tossed at us in full spectrum. Lets start with atlas;

    Whats good:

    -new conqueror inflence meter is wonderful, having a control over your progression in this matter is huge plus

    -getting rid of white map 'ping' ridiculous meta is good step forward, new system is very intuitive for new players

    -despite spawning your first awakener takes quite a bit of effort (mine showed up at awakening lvl5) , progression after that doesnt slow down (unlike in last league)

    - you are no longer restricted by influnce spawn restrictions (running same map or region over and over)

    - map drops seems balanced, unlike last xpac you have to use chisels on higher tiers, and toss carto scarabs to your juiced maps. Sextants for healthy t16 pool seems mandatory. Ive finished major chunk of my stones by buying only chisels and occasional scarabs.

    Whats neutral:

    -new awakener 8 fight is challenging and requires more mechanical skill, i had fun in every encounter unlike previous relase (buggy storms then nerfed into complete potato of a fight). On other hand awakener is very active now, giving adventage to "cast and forget" skills like brands/ed etc. Getting rid of possibility to dps him during tunnel attack is huge nerf to other builds.

    - masters spawn rate is controversial topic, imho base chance should be higher at the very beginning of our atlas when we need them the most. On other hand pushing awakening level for extra chance for juicy sulphite is always welcome.

    - stone progression still requires a bit of stone juggling and foresight

    - new atlas quest line forces you to stack your first stones

    Whats bad:

    -favourite maps system doesnt seem to work at all, or its horribly undertuned (nothing close to promised %)

    -majority of map drops are region/connection bound (this might be messing with above)

    -fully clearing temple/delve cities still feels lackluster

    -difficulty progression for awakener between awakening levels is too shallow, seems like theres no middle ground before A8 fight.

    -storms seems to be a bit buggy again, but i couldve been unlucky during my last runs.

    Overall i think atlas situation improved a lot, i had great time pushing my goals and unlocking new challenges and tiers, altho people might feel cheated after unlocking all t16's just to find out new 'favourites' system is currently bad. Lets hope it gets adressed, now to league itself:

    Whats good in delirium:

    -concept, i really liked teaser and idea. Its not intrusitive and doesnt disrupt your game flow

    - ggg learned its lesson after legion, simulacrum seems to be not cheeseable with hh

    - badass villain and a mirror that makes you question your life choices

    Whats neutral:

    -simulacrum encounter is a bit shallow, rewards are good but i dont find it interesting

    Whats bad (here we go):

    - my biggest offender are on dead effects, their damage ramps up too big too fast to ridiculous level. Impossible to pick up loot or even stop. Im playing zoom zoom always move build and i feel super sorry for characters that have to commit to their dmg output, again league content is deciding the meta.

    - we were promised that mainly hp of monsters will be a challenge, damage not so much. To me it seems other way around. I had fun untill red maps, then damage became unbearable. Getting 1 shot by some range white mob with 11k hp aint fun.

    - as mentioned by many visual clarity is a mess, theres a lot of powerful attacks we simply cant see coming. People with bad pc's are especially hurt (you can check my potato graphic screen)

    - nerf to incoming damage would have to be REALLY big, im really worried ggg will not attempt such big nerfs. For example even with aurabot at t15/t16 we are getting absolutly destroyed, there was also a case when i was running blue tier5 map for sulphite and got one shoot with 11k ehp by barely telegraphed attack

    - low level map spamming seems to be a go again, rewards dont scale well higher you go despite insane difficulty jump

    - it seems impossible to engage with league mechanic if you want to level up at high levels. I tried and im at 127 deaths at level 95.

    - in some maps its really hard to find a mirror at the beginning forcing you to backtrack

    - some other stuff thats being adressed in manifesto already

    All in all, great idea with terrible execution and lack of testing. I dont think i ever skipped league content till now (even overtuned betrayal was manageable), but it current state of a mess a lot of players will get frustrated, and people who no lifed like me will run out of goals without content to interact(since its death sentence). After reading manifesto im afraid first patch wont be enough, but lets keep voicing our opinion and try to save this league :). Cheers !

    submitted by /u/xevzord
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    Player Manifesto: GGG's Delirium

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    No tl;dr.

    Delirium Monster Damage

    As with every new league, the monster damage is way, way overtuned. We know it's coming, but still secretly hope it's not true. Why are we still repeating this? A nice example here. Juggernaut, 7 EC, Fortify, 7,7k HP. Deleted by a single attack.

    The map and monster must've had insane damage mods right? Right? There was ONE mod in total. Extra damage as cold. Delirium just started, no dmg scaling from that either.

    This. Is. Not. Okay.

    E: There were 3 mods - extra as cold, frenzy+power charges. Can you see the charges before the player dies without slowing down, replaying the footage? Cause I can't. I still believe my point is valid, even if less so. The amount of damage for a single rare mob is ridiculous.

    Rewards Bar

    What's the worst thing about the Delirium reward system is, that there's very little benefit for most encounters (General/Armour/Weapon... that are the majority of them), for an insane spike in difficulty. The risk vs. reward is just not there. The rare delirium encounters like metamorph, delve, scarabs... feel very nice.

    Extremely high rarity bonus doesn't do much, when majority of the rare items dropped are unusable and hidden by lootfilters (too soon?). I personally didn't notice the "extremely high" quantity bonus, but that's anectodal evidence.

    Paralysing/Wasting/Eroding/Diluting Touch Debuffs

    This is a positive change. But the matter of fact is, that these are pretty much unavoidable, really unfun, frustrating, and make playing some builds impossible (e.g. RF builds with reduced recovery).

    If there's a way to get them, why isn't there a way to get rid of them? (stepping out of the fog is the same as ending the encounter, and the edge is not always near)

    Monster On-Death Effects

    These effects are just off the mark completely. Feels like you're disconnected from the game. The faster builds will go fast either way. They kill a big pack/screen, and move away, barely noticing the effect. Occasionally getting killed by it due to negligence/bad positioning.

    The normal builds, will kill half the pack, and then have to kite around, because the first (already dead) half, is now, killing them again.

    A good example of on-death effect is the reworked VD. It's bright orange, stays put for the player to notice, then starts chasing. Players might get hit the first few times, but then knows how to deal with this mechanic, and can use that skill to avoid the damage.

    Delirium Alongside Previous Content

    The biggest problem is having a timer in the first place. There are delirium orbs for permanent delirium, but it doesn't take away from the fact, that completing other encounters in regular maps just feels awful.

    If you want to talk with alva, or dear god, look at the syndicate board? Guess who takes a trip to town.

    This also causes significant performance problems, like having breach open during delirium, or doing legion obelisks. Saving grace is, that it's to some extent "predictable" lag. (e.g. if you can't handle the lag, don't do it - this isn't optimal way of doing things, but at least there's some solution)

    Delirium Item Drop Vacuuming

    I seriously don't know how you could sanely say something like this. "Use a lootfilter, dumbass" is what you're saying. Even if players want to go fast, they do not want to die. Because of all that's happening, if you take time to pick-up loot, you're dead. And purposefully avoiding loot is, as you're saying, "not how the core game loop of Action RPGs should function."

    E: I don't necessarily agree with loot vacuum, but what I'm against is the reasoning, that players using stricter lootfilters will fix itself. It'd obviously be fixed if the timer didn't exist.

    Depth Meter

    Difficulty meter would surely be nice, could also be integrated into the reward system instead of distance from the epicenter, but I assume technical difficulties with this system, so I'll not probe.


    I'll have to press X here.

    Some problems are hard to figure out (e.g. last league where only a very specific type of graphics cards was affected), but it seems that the majority a great amount of people have significant amount of performance issues. Then there's the "High-end gameplay" video that was released by the outlets before release. It looks completely different from what the mechanic is like, even during the campaign.

    I do believe that the team is working on improving performance, but if you increase the performance by 10%, and decrease it by 20% with new mechanics, the overall feel is worse, you know? Repeat it for a few leagues, and we're in Delirium.


    "We have various ideas to improve visibility such as investigating improving colour grading, adding clearer effects to monsters with mods, improving skill effects and so on."

    The biggest caveat. There's realistically no visibility in the first place. On top of the thick fog (that's too thicc), the game receives a big saturation debuff, making things even harder to discern from each other, and making terrain impossible to read.

    This was a player concern as soon as they saw the league, and you've acknowledged that. Why was it released like this then?

    Make the End Delirium Button Bindable

    Great change!



    I'm sorry to be dismissive in this part, but from the past few leagues, repeating the same mistakes, over, and over, and over again, I have my doubts. This problem goes beyond testing anyway. If black on black on black doesn't work, let's try grey on grey on grey. Still sane, artists?

    "During our internal testing before release" - while I do believe you do testing (as a part of QA myself), the testing is, in my opinion, but not limited to:

    • only automated testing nearing the start of the release (e.g. you let the testers playtest tha majority of the league, then you add last minute additions, but don't give it to testers anymore, because you're out of time)

    • limited amount of testers - this game is really complex, and nothing beats 200k+ free testers, right?

    • Ignoring tester feedback - I feel like this is prevalent in the industry as a whole. QA raises concerns about something, upper/dev says it's fine. Client says it's not fine. Everyone now shitting at QA.

    Clear speed meta

    My personal pet-peeve. If you want to slow down the game, why do you constantly keep adding timed encounters, just to force players to go faster? Either you're lying, or you don't see past your toes regarding the game in this matter.

    Metamorph was great in this sense. Noone was forcing players to do the metamorph ASAP, and they could do it at their own volition, at the end of the map, or whenever. Killing it fast or slow, didn't matter.

    Closing thoughts

    Overall, I feel like the development manifesto was misgrooved. There are some good points, but I feel like many of the reasonings are coming from the wrong places. There's a communication problem somewhere, but I'm in no position to try to figure out where.

    submitted by /u/Esord
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    Truly unpopular opinion: GGG can not cater to the "Autoloot/Vacuum" go fast types and still hold true to their vision for POE.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    At some point GGG will have to ask themselves: do we still want our strong vision of a deep core gamer ARPG? Or do we want to continue to attract players who are less and less okay with not having loot vacuum explosions, autoloot, an AH, auto opening doors, auto stashing, autofarming, autoplayingthegameforyouwhileyousleep and other more or less satirical gotta go fast feature expectations.

    When they create "go fast" league mechanics and attract more go fast players, the weight of expectations continues to self reinforce. With less and less willingness to do anything but "gotta go fast".

    They are riding the fence right now, scared to take the game back to a slower place (so they do that in POE2 to try and "please two masters") but also not wanting to lose ever more of that vision.

    Guys I have played POE since launch and I get to like a slower POE without newer players dictating that Autoloot, and Loot Vacuum and Auction Houses MUST HAPPEN BECAUSE WE DEMAND IT!!!! AND WE'RE RIGHT AND THE DEVELOPER IS WRONG. Sorry but the Developer in this case is right to stick to their TECHNICAL (as in they can't fucking do it) and philosophical reasoning for no loot vacuum.

    The tension between "get the loot that dropped" and "push deeper into the mist" is part of the gameplay loop. Now I realize that people who only pick up doctor cards and exalts will scoff at me for saying this, but I actually LIKE THAT TENSION. But I'm wierd: I liked Bestiary as well, I like gameplay and not just rote Adderall fueled repetition of exactly the same gameplay loop.

    The place where GGG is wrong is in continually courting "gotta go fast no time to play game, must. achieve. efficiency." players who want POE to be a god damn stupid mess of lowest common denominator features that make the game into a fidget spinner.

    You may now downvote me for speaking heresy against the clear speed god. But I WANT GGG to make new mechanics that aren't 100% clear speed gotta go fast oriented.

    submitted by /u/Science-stick
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