• Breaking News

    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Through Delirium's Fire & Flames with 5 Exalt Budget: Music + Guide with full buy links - Archmage Storm Brand Hybrid Trickster

    Path of Exile Builds Through Delirium's Fire & Flames with 5 Exalt Budget: Music + Guide with full buy links - Archmage Storm Brand Hybrid Trickster

    Through Delirium's Fire & Flames with 5 Exalt Budget: Music + Guide with full buy links - Archmage Storm Brand Hybrid Trickster

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    [3.10] Capt. America SST Avengers Build - Play the Hero you were meant to be! *GLAD* Build #1

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I just finished working on this build and it is part of a series that I will be working on. As this is build #1 it would be awesome to get any feedback and what you did and didn't like. Thanks for taking the time to check this out!


    submitted by /u/PCMRCast
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    Increased physical damage or Increased attack damage with "x" for flicker build via cluster jewels?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    (In the title)

    submitted by /u/adarkai
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    Which Cyclone build should I play?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I want to play a Cyclone build but on Poe ninja there are 3 different types as far as I've seen: facebreaker cyclone, two one hand swords and two handed sword. I just can't say which is the best/I would have the most fun playing ... (and which ascendency...?) I would really appreciate some advice.

    submitted by /u/Dyroz
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    Shatter builds.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys, looking for an sort of bomber build that clears whole screens with herald of ice and is still viable to do some endgame fairly relaxed. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/RoXx2646
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    Help improve poison BV

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is my 2nd league after starting the game halfway through Metamorph. I spent a lot of time learning mechanics and gear progression before starting to play, and am aware I could have huge blindspots. I want to ask about how to take this build further, both in terms of damage and especially in terms of surviving Delirium and Simulacrum better in group play (1-2 friends).

    First things first: Poison BV based on Gr00bs build from last league, heavily modified to fit 2 cluster jewels. Here is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/0yYPh5Qb

    I have made all the items I could myself, made most corruptions as well. I am trying to use this oportunity to improve my knowledge about the game. The chestpiece was my first awakener orb craft, for example. Amulrt belt boots are also selfmade. I find that crafting as I go helps.

    My current budget is 9ex, but I farm more every day. I want to minmax this build as much as possible as I would not want to reroll till next league. Right now I feel stuck in terms of options. Should I aim for a good Watcher's eye? Should I make 3-4 more chestpieces with explosions and extra curse and try my luck in alva temple to get a nice doublecorrupt? What is the best invesment I could make right now to make my gameplay smoother and safer? What's the best bang for my buck?

    My defensive stats are clearly lacking in comparison to offence, but my aim is to increase damage, and if I have to lose some, try to keep losses under 10% of current dps. The damage has helped a lot especially versus heavily populated maps whit high health mobs.

    If this were your character, how would you improve the build?

    submitted by /u/vladdict
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    MF Deadeye - Classic Ice shot version or should I try a Kinetic Blast cluster jewel stacking build?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Been slacking off this league, decided to roll a windripper quant MF build. Went on ninja to see if anything had changed and I see alot of quant builds running KB with 1k ES and a stupid amount of Purposeful Harbinger/Heraldry/Endbringer jewels, like basically the whole tree. Is the KB version just way stronger because of the busted notable?

    submitted by /u/MLG_Penguin
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    Lacerate not for me

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    So, I tried Esoro's Lacerate build and after a while, I'm starting to find it pretty boring and pretty hard to itemize it. Should I keep on it or should I change to see if there is something better for my liking?

    This is the current stage of my build, I'm finishing up act 6 right now and on the cruel lab (2nd one), and I'm overleveled.


    submitted by /u/Andrefrf
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    ~50ex budget for ice shot

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    As the title says I'm looking for an ice shot build and I have around 50 ex. I'm looking for the best overall I've shot build although I'll mostly be farming t14 burials. I also want something with bossing potential so voidfletcher is a pretty much mandatory option.

    submitted by /u/xXn00bK1ll3rXx
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    Looking for advice for building

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Berserker spectral throw warcry?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    I fancy trying to build a berserker spectral throw char, probably start with beltimbers and maybe work up to saviour/paradoxica or some combination. I'd like to play with warcry abuse, but as it isn't a melee skill, can't use the best crit node on the jewels. Still worth do we think? Also not sure if it's worth without voices jewels, stretching to 3 cluster jewel spots is a bit too extreme with normal large jewels. Or is 4 warcry jewels going to be worth?

    I've got a nice explode/attack crit chest I'd like to keep and use, but I am I going to struggle without a -15 mana cost chest too? Haven't played spectral throw for years, and I haven't played with warcrys so looking for a bit of advice.

    submitted by /u/carlovski99
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    Need some help with currency..

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Hello, I've played the game for about 1000 hours and I have never gone about 90 and I really want some kind of herald stacking gear, but I'm not even close with the budget.. Can someone help me with some tips and tricks mby?

    submitted by /u/impossiblegamin1
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    Budget duelist boss killer (sirus+)?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:29 AM PDT


    im looking for a budget bosskiller build as a duelist. I have an ok mapper so far but struggle with long boss fights. The characters purpose would be solely to kill bosses. I looked into cyclone? Or max block bleed glad, though this one seems like a snooze fest. My budget is around 10 ex, can go higher, but would like to stay lower due to only playing the char for rare sirus fights.

    thx :)

    Edit: And wouldnt hollow palm be a good idea? Since I wouldnt have to equip weapons and gloves? Or is the currency saved by this just found in the other hollow palm needed items?

    submitted by /u/Rainmakerrrrr
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    CyClone 3.10 delirium 13M dps huge aoe

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Arc Herald Stacking Guardian

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hello Exiles! For the past week, I have built a herald stacking guardian based off of CaptainLance9's "Immortal Hitman"

    Please note: My current build is still semi budget, I have the wrong boots type (Doryani's Delusion Slink Boots the evade version), a Fire damage Nebulis, Bated breath, 2 voices that have 7 passives and a large jewel, and only 3% mana reduced from jewels

    My current build costs around 70 exalts to replicate, this is not budget at all even when including the wrong things in my build.

    Nonetheless, the build is still amazing, with over 35 million shaper dps when fully buffed.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wws89HV6lmI (Casual Clear)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Jbd0IwHo0 (Sirus Fight)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-xuYtx4wpY (Immortal Man Rises from the Ash, CaptainLance9's Video which explains everything even further)


    (There are more videos on my youtube channel if you are interested)

    submitted by /u/ShadowBlazinIce
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    Need Help Finding a Build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    As the title suggests I'm looking to make a new build. I'm playing an Ed/c tank right now and am getting kind of bored of the play style, I want to find a new build but am completely lost. I want one with good clear and single target damage but is also pretty tanky. If anyone has any ideas that would be a huge help.

    submitted by /u/Remote-Relationship
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    Can i get some help on my build please. what gear to go for after I max my resists?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    This is my first league since close to 4 years ago. and my first character this league. playing toxic rain mine. https://pastebin.com/S0dgmyLQ

    I just spent all my money on my BIS bow and my amulet.

    and with that, my resists got messed up.

    And since I still need to upgrade, im going to work towards another BIS item or 2 that has resists i need.

    Other than getting a helm with the upgrade "toxic rain fires 1 additional arrow", i am still not sure what other upgrades I should be getting along with resists (and chaos resists)

    I believe my next big DPS increase is giong to come from my quiver. but other than that, i am not sure what other items/stats would be BIS or closer towards BIS. I also want to transition into kaoms heart plate as well.

    any help will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BnSisMINE
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    Awoke chain sup for Storm brand/archmage!?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    A Quick question about how good the awakaned chain support is for storm brand / archmage. Its pretty expensive and i wanna know if its worth it for that +1 chain.

    Thanks in advance! 🤠

    submitted by /u/honkencrater
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    Iceshot with mirage/barrage deadeye need help with gear/direction. Lacking DPS

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    POB Link: https://pastebin.com/V0VLdLup

    Link to character on website: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/zykal42/characters

    So I can clear mass clear t16 40% juiced maps without much trouble except bosses. Even if they'd sit still and not hit back with barrage it'd take a solid minute to kill them. The delerium bosses like kosis and On, take forever to kill. I def feel on the squisy side but that's to be expected, I do get 1 hit a fair bit. Most maps i burn through 3 portals, maps with delrium boss I burn all 6 usually or sometimes strike out.

    Any help on gear upgrades or jewels skill points notebles etc would be great thanks!

    submitted by /u/busted_gamer
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    Help with Impale Double Strike Berserker build.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:23 PM PDT


    So, I have been playing this build for a like a week for end game bosses. I haven't got my first awakener kill yet and I want to get it myself. I saw mathil's last league DS Berserker build and it's bossing looks really awesome.

    But only problem is that my build is really squishy. I melt most bosses who don't have phases but the stronger bosses also melts me. I died in like one, two hit. I can run T16 easily, just that I keep dying to conquerors, simulacrum bosses, etc.

    I heard that archmage storm brand is really good for bosses? If so, I am gonna go play one.

    Any suggestions about improving my berserker and new builds please? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/krezrog
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    Does storm brand's damage change when I buff my char while the brand is active?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    For example, I cast a brand and keep on brand recalling it. Then I pop Arcane Shield/arcane surge/vaal righteous fire/whatever other buff.

    Would this make my current brand (that I casted pre-buff) suddenly spike in damage? Or do we need to buff our char before casting the brand and keep that brand going with brand recall?

    submitted by /u/dongpickle
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    Need help throwing 150ex on some build.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    first off, i am as dumb as it gets when it gets to builds so i just follow forum builds usually.

    ive managed to farm around 250ex via simalcrums and ive been playing cyclone but want to do an op build

    Im really interested in herald stacking builds but i honestly dont know which one could take on wave 20 sim without struggling.

    I saw this build on forums https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2809562/page/1 but it seems so many people in that thread are complaining how they have so many issues with it and i dont want to pour my ex into a build that will be lacky or suck.

    id really appreciate it if someone could spoon feed me a build to follow.

    thank you for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/sams199
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    Hi, I'm a fairly new player and changed characters twice so gear is kinda wack, but would anyone be able to help me decide what kinda gear, jewels, etc I should buy next?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Build critique wanted - SSF friendly Ground Slam Berserker

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I put together this PoB for a Ground Slam Berserker in SSF. I've got the character into maps now, but I am feeling a little bit of burnout and I want to know if this character is likely to be viable in high tier red maps and against tough bosses or if I'm just wasting my time. I've never actually gotten to the late endgame content because I always bounce from build to build but I'm more or less settled on melee characters and I just really love Marauders and Ground Slam - I've done a handful of Ground Slam builds before. This one is 100% my own (i.e. I didn't look at any guides). Pretty much nobody is playing Ground Slam, and if they are, they're going the mace/stun route. Mine is using axes.

    I've got basic gear slotted in, any uniques are items that I have and I have mainly T1 life rolls on the rare gear just to see what my HP ceiling is likely to be. I don't bother with putting resistances on gear in PoB. Ground Slam is only 5-linked as I don't have a 6-link and I fucking hate Tabula Rasa.

    I don't care if it's not an S-tier clearspeed and bossing build; I know it's not. Staying alive is my main priority but I certainly don't want DPS that's so low the big boss fights will be incredibly difficult.

    Some of the ideas of this build:

    - I am not taking both Aspect of Carnage and Rite of Ruin as I feel this may be too big of a defensive penalty.

    - Taking Warbringer for the heal effect, using Enduring Cry for regen and as secondary endurance charge generation

    - Pain Reaver because SSF. I hate mana issues. Also, if I am not taking Aspect of Carnage, taking Pain Reaver is my only other option as I am going for axes and Resolute Technique. Flawless Savagery and Blitz are obviously useless.

    - Axes, again because SSF. Axes have the best base DPS out of the bases that work with Ground Slam.

    - Resolute Technique to allow for easy gearing.

    - Taking both Fortify nodes for more defense.

    - Extending life leech a little bit with Lust for Carnage

    - Vaal Molten Shell because it's OP

    - 6 Endurance charges for more damage reduction

    - Rapid Expansion for better AoE and easy Endurance Charge generation. Enduring Cry for generation against bosses/stun-immune maps

    - unlinked Vaal Warchief for additional clearspeed/single target

    - Vaal Ground Slam because it's awesome for clear in my experience. (3 Vaal skills, may be too many)

    - May be better to swap Words of Glory for Battle Cry as the instant warcry cast is probably better when you're in combat.

    - I don't have a clue about cluster jewels. If there are any I should keep an eye out for, let me know

    - I imagine I could easily swap Punishment for Temp Chains or Enfeeble; I just don't want my INT requirements to be too steep.

    The DPS numbers in PoB should be reflective of single-target DPS WITHOUT Berserk active. Mapping DPS should be somewhere around 400-500K which should be plenty.

    There is an Enlighten gem in the aura setup that I do not yet have. At the moment I'm just running Pride/Flesh and Stone/Dread Banner. I've got a Soul Taker in case there are still mana issues if and when I drop Enlighten.

    If going for DW maces (or some other weapon choice) and crit/stun is just flat out better, I am not against re-rolling at all.

    I mainly am looking for a sensible balance of offense and defense, and I'd like to have a reasonable chance at taking down a big boss like Shaper or Awakener. Any criticisms are welcome, even more so if they're constructive. Thanks!

    Here's the PoB: https://pastebin.com/ZT5kdGd8

    EDIT: Infusion is active in my configuration because I was messing around with Cyclone. Woops.

    Looks like the build might work nicely as a Champion with Master of Metal, Inspirational, Unstoppable Hero, and First to Strike, Last to Fall. Maces could be good if the stuns are effective, plus we get culling strike with stuns by going maces. Little lower DPS than axes overall but not by much. Slayer wouldn't be bad either.

    submitted by /u/MMGeoff
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    Looking for skill to use for warcry spamming build

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Hey there, What skill beside cyclone should i be using with a warcry zerker build? I saw a video of a sweep guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIumWov_NF4 which look super fun but there's no PoB. Would anyone mind giving me advice for what skill i should use with warcry build that isn't cyclone or help me figure out how to build like in this video please?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fara_ven
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