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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Carrion Golems Min-Max'd End Game Build Guide for Max DPS and Survivability

    Path of Exile Builds Carrion Golems Min-Max'd End Game Build Guide for Max DPS and Survivability

    Carrion Golems Min-Max'd End Game Build Guide for Max DPS and Survivability

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    HC build for second leaguestart as HC

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Hi all! Harvest was the first league i started in HC and died shortly before the first sirus with animate weapon necro. Only play very casual so it took over a month.

    Thinking about starting again in HC if the league challange rewards doesn't blow my mind.

    Best for me is a build with high ehp and permanent regeneration where i can damage the boss while running arround trying to dodge everything like brands, minions, totems maybe dot builds?

    At the moment i am unsure if it may be better to pick hc and gauntlet meta builds like ed, glad lacerate or vd dd. Or a build that suits me more from above.

    Maybe you have any tips on a tanky hc builds that suits the playstile i descrieped?

    submitted by /u/Slowdice2
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    I feel like this has been asked 1000000 times, but what build could I use to league start and kill A8 Sirus?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I would be interested in a golem build, but those usually need too many unique jewels, is there any way to league start with it?

    submitted by /u/Juanlamaquina
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    Is Blade blast really worth with BV builds?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Is Blade Blast really worth a a second 6 link in addition for fire BV assasin build?

    submitted by /u/masq1988
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    Need help building a Shadow

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Hi there! I'm willing to play a Shadow character, with some poison melee skill, dual wielding, going critical (I'd really like to try a crit build at least once - I always avoid them because I think they are complicated, hard to scale, and so on). I think those things synergize well, so that is my goal with this build (and they make sense considering the style of the character - I don't want to be running a two handed mace with a guy nicknamed shadow). I tried to scale poison, but I don't understand how it works properly, so I invested in attack speed and I'm expecting the damage to come out of hits, mainly.

    I'm trying to go life + evasion, since people usually say ES is more expensive to gear for, and I suck at making currency. Therefore, I'm going phase-acro. I'm severely struggling to get life, though - making a level 98 char (which I'll not reach at all, I'd like to leave chars at 90), I'm still sitting at 5.2k HP.

    I'm using mostly rares with only life mods, because I'm trying to build around the HP, having the evasion as a bonus - so the evasion is still low, because almost no item has any evasion roll at all. My concern, though, is HP - how do I get a 6.5k HP (which, I've been told, is the bare minimum to even think of end game - I have a max block gladiator with 5k HP that already struggles with T14 maps) on this side of the tree? Is going MoM viable for this setup?

    This is the POB link.

    submitted by /u/lp-lima
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    3.12 Ranger builds project.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:45 AM PDT


    I'm currently working towards a little project for myself to keep having a goal to play for, this by going a full ascendancy completion per league, getting all three classes to 100 and eventually min-max the best I can.

    I started with this project in 3.10 where I completed the Shadow, followed by 3.11 doing this for the Witch.

    This time around, I'll be going for the Ranger ascendancy. But I'm still doubting which specific skill builds to go for, most fitting to each ascendancy.

    The question being, what would you recommend for: - Pathfinder - Raider - Deadeye

    This can be either full-on meta or non-meta, with the main focus of being viable and the least chance of failure. (I know this could all change depending on the patch notes.)

    My current thought process was: - League start with Scourge Arrow Pathfinder since it requires little to no investment, and chaos/poison is rather easy to scale. Pathfinder ascendancy offering a lot of flask sustain and ailment immunity to make the league start more assuring, plus it synergizes well with chaos/AoE. - After that, I'd go for Frost Blades Raider. This would most likely require more currency investment thus not opting for it as a league starter. I feel like Raider offers the best ascendancy nodes for a fast 'melee-ranged' attack skill, by having lots of Frenzy Charges and high Onslaught buff effect and uptime. - At last, I'd go Kinetic Blast Deadeye. Kinetic Blast is probably the highest investment requirement to make it viable thus choosing it as last one to complete. Deadeye is probably the better choice here since it offers a lot for projectile based skills. I personally didn't want to go for Ice Shot as it's more meta and I've played it once long ago, so I'd rather have something fresh to go for.

    Feel free to suggest any other skill builds you've enjoyed playing, or give me your insight for certain choices I've made so far.

    Cheers, and stay safe Exile!

    submitted by /u/_chronix
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    Work in progress - Impale Earthshatter Slayer

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Hey there, it is my first post on Reddit, and I would like to share my build and get some feedback on what to improve/change so I could get a better outcome for future builds. I am planning a character for Heist, wich is coming soon. The core idea is to go for the highest damage numbers, with crits and impale. I went Slayer instead of Champion for the 20% culling, the 7.5% base crit and obviously, the leech.

    As of right now, I feel like my damage, Hp and crit chances to be quite low. The Goal of the build would be for me to maybe for my first to to clear Shaper, Elder, Sirius and all other major bosses.

    So here is the Pastebin link and thanks in advance for the feedback!


    Edit: updated the pastebin as i forgot some interactions that wouldnt work well togheter.

    submitted by /u/One_HitSlams
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    Build Outline - Chieftain - Arma Brand (Ignite) / Cremation

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    This is the build I intend to play in 3.12.

    I've come up with the plan based on a setup popular with SSF / SSFHC players on poe.ninja. I'll be playing SSF.

    I'm writing this up (a) to get feedback and (b) because this seems to have been a popular/successful setup last league, but I haven't seen any guides that specifically cover this setup, so I thought somebody might find it useful.

    Build overview

    Mostly walking and casting brands on enemies, waiting for them to burn to death. For stronger enemies, Wave of Conviction + Flammability (curse on hit) along with Cremation.

    Damage focus is fire, mostly ignite, with Elemental Overload providing a damage floor instead of scaling crit.

    Defense comes from high life pool (200%+ from tree), decent armor (str items), high block chance (glancing blows + tempest shield), Immortal Call (cast on dmg), and Enduring Cry.

    Blood magic + solid life regen from tree means mana is not an issue, although means being limited to one aura.

    Gem Setup

    Armageddon Brand

    - Combustion

    - Deadly Ailments

    - Burning Damage

    - Ignite Prolif.

    - Immolate


    - GMP

    - Ele Focus

    - Immolate

    - Conc. Effect (either 5 link or Wyrmsign)

    Curse: Wave of Conviction + COH + Flammability

    Movement/Utility: Flame Dash, Enduring Cry, Desecrate

    CWDT: Immortal Call, Tempest Shield

    Aura (free w/ Mortal Conviction) - Anger

    Extra Utility - one of the following 3-link setups:

    - Flame/Stone Golem + Minion Life + Meat Shield

    - Shield Charge + Fortify + Faster Attacks

    - Vaal RF - Empower - Increased Duration

    Passive Tree\*

    * I picked up some dex nodes to make gearing easier during league start / SSF. Could free up 6 points if gear provided adequate dex.

    Gear Focus

    - added fire damage to spells, fire DOT multiplier cast speed, increased spell damage

    - added life, resists, armor

    Common Items / Div Cards to look out for

    - Tabula Rasa (blood aqueduct farm)

    - 5 link staff (Flora's Gift)

    - Sire of Shards (Lunaris Priestess)

    - Wyrmsign (synergy w/ Valako)

    - Hrimnor's Resolve

    - Gang's Momentum

    - Pyre

    - Emberwake


    I figure the easiest way to do this league start will be to play as Molten Strike / Infernal Blow for the first few acts, then transition over to the main playstyle once I can get the gems for Arma Brand & Cremation from Siosa.

    I assume that a 4 link Armageddon Brand and a 4 link Cremation will pretty much get me through to Blood Aqueduct, at which point I can farm a Tabula, then finish Act 10.

    Any input, suggestions etc appreciated and welcome. I know that this setup is probably not going to destroy the game or be the fastest or strongest at anything. Rather my hope is that it is steady, solid, and pretty sturdy without needing any specific gear to make it work.

    submitted by /u/EliosTherepia
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    Glacial Cascade Totem Hierophant

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I know Glacial Cascade will be reworked for 3.12 but I decided on making some kind of build for it. I guess it won't change that much.

    PoB : https://pastebin.com/9p5ufWsb

    Ascendency :

    Pursuit of Faith and Ritual of Awakening for obvious reasons since it's a totem build.

    I chose Divine Guidance since I already took a lot of mana nodes and MoM with the Dynamo wheel for the massive regen with guard skills.

    Using Elemental Overload, I figured it would be much easier to take Conviction of Power to generate power charges and endurance charges since the easiest other way to get power charges was with an orb of storm setup and endurance charges with enduring cry, freeing a lot of socket slots.

    The only reason I would take Arcane Blessing for is for the Elemental ailments avoidance which I can easily cover in the gear section.

    Mechanics :

    I'm using a soul mantle for the free 7th link. This is a classic setup with the double Kikazaru rings and the Sanctum of Thoughts wheel to 100% negate the effects of curses. With that I slap a Self-Flagellation jewel to give easy %increased damage. So before ny boss fight, just spam the totems until you have a decent amount of curses on you and thus more damage.

    I also use a Tukohama's Fortress to provide me an extra totem but more importantly, Mortal Conviction.

    Mortal Conviction makes that you can have a single non-banner aura that reserves no mana at the cost of it being your only active aura.

    On this I take Supreme Ego. Since we can already have a single aura, the 50% more mana reserved from Supreme Ego is negated by Mortal Conviction. Supreme Ego only gives us 50% more effect of our single aura.

    It seems that PoB can't negate de mana cost and force the Supreme ego ''more'' multiplier on our aura (Hatred). To fix this, on one of the Kinkazaru ring, I added the lines ''Hatred has 50 more aura effect'' and ''Hatred reserves no mana''.

    With this setup, I can add a Clear Mind jewel since we're not reserving any mana thus giving a nice %increased spell damage.

    The fact that we're not reserving mana help us a lot since 40% of the damage taken is taken in our mana pool. We can take bigger hits. We can also use Arcane Cloak to provide us with a big shield and massive added lightning damage.

    Gear :

    Mostly rares filling up the remaining slots. Life / Mana / Resists.

    You can get shaper boots to craft ''% chance to avoid elemental ailments''.

    You can also get this mod on the bench on the helmet and the gloves.

    It can bring us to around 80% avoidance for elemental ailments which is quite nice.

    On the flak setup we use Taste of Hate since it's Glacial Cascade is Physical converted to Cold. With this we use an Atziri's Promise for the extra chaos damage.

    Finally, double Long Winter jewels to convert 100% of Phys to Cold and had 2 burst of GC which is like a spell echo support.

    Feel free to bring modifications to it and tell me what you think.

    submitted by /u/watchiing
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    Necro Cyclone CwC VD

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Hello Exiles

    I'm looking into starting next league with some VD action and wondering if a 6L of Cyclone, CwC, Desecrate, VD, Spell Cascade, Conc Will be sufficient for early mapping, obviously with a sufficient passive tree etc

    Ideally I'll scale off full fire damage to simplify it, before moving into Scolds Girdle build


    submitted by /u/SymruinGaming
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    Looking for a build, mainly bossing.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hello, fellow redditors. I've recently come back from a extended break since the end of Metamorph and been trying to get back into it with all the changes and such.

    I've been trying out some builds and currently im playing a raise zombies build but the damage is quite low in my opinion and it seems that most upgrades will now cost me around 10-20 ex per piece to even get more damage? Did Sirus 8 earlier today but my god the last phase took a life time.

    Due to this im now reaching out to you lot to see if anyone here has a good bossing build mainly for maps, conquerors and Sirus 8. I just feel lost currently. If i were to sell all my summoner gear i'd probably have around 20 ex to spend on a new build.

    Movement speed for maps is no requirement, im fine with a movement skill / quicksilver.

    AoE clear would be a bonus for mapping, but mainly looking for a solid bosser with good damage that doesnt take ages on Sirus / guardians / conquerors.

    Some bit of tankiness is also a bonus, with room for mistakes on mechanics if it happens.

    Current minion pob for anyone interested, maybe someone has some tips for more damage


    submitted by /u/Wiizper
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    Fun easy to gear builds

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    With the end of harvest approaching, I'm getting kind of bored with my current builds (poison BV assassin, golemancer, vortex occ, DB guardian, VD necro) and wanted to level a fun build to kill time.

    I don't really have a large budget, but I would probably be willing to spend around 10 ex to start mapping, but anything more than 20-30 ex may be unrealistic. Because of that, I wouldn't mind the build needing a few uniques, but ideally the build doesn't require me to craft another one of those power charge, crit, explode, curse chests to function.

    I also wouldn't mind the build being kind of off meta, or maybe not even viable to kill bosses, but the build should be able to clear non-juiced red maps.

    Finally, some kind of POB or build guide to follow would be lit, I'm kind of brain dead, and without something to follow, my brain usually shuts down

    submitted by /u/HurinSon
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    Need help on ignite calculation

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Hello everyone

    im trying to come up with an ice crash ignite build for 3.12 and want to calculate the dps of the minimum damage of my character, to know the minimum ignite it can apply

    however, im not understanding how pob is getting to a certain number. Here the avg source damage is about 1m and gets to 3m, but i dont know how this was done. It shouldnt have been 3m if it really is times 0.5.

    thanks in advance

    character pob

    submitted by /u/htsukebe
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    Thoughts about OOS leaguestart

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:50 AM PDT


    I'm currently testing Some potential league starters. Spell slinger is a no brainer but Ive seen TyTy roll out Some OOS assassin that seemed viable until yellow Maps or so.

    Its pretty darn effective for leveling and i was wondering if you could make it viable for boss killing and red maps aswell!

    Anyone who did smthing like this? I'm thinking archmage/ unleash style ball lightning, Maybe Some power charge stacking? Assassin vs. Templer?

    submitted by /u/Corndog1000
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    Help with Scorching Ray Inq [SSF]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT


    I have quite some expierence with PoE, but this is the first time I want to play with my own build. I usually play SC SSF.

    I decided to make a Scorching Ray Inq. I know its not the most meta build and some ppl say its not good because you have to stand still to channel the spell, but I don't mind and I like the shaper mtx ;D

    I went with Inq instead of Trickster because I like the consecrated ground for the elemental immunity and Inq offers a lot of cast speed and attack speed (for fast shield charge).

    I made an early league version with high life, MoM and Glancing Blows, but I think the build could easily transition into CI if I'm not mistaken.

    I'm not rly sure with the skill tree and the gems. I focused here on SR with EE (trigger it with storm brand setup), but I saw a lot of ppl on poe ninja didn't use EE and instead went with an Armageddon Brand combustion ignite setup. Not sure what is better here.


    submitted by /u/MMCShiNi
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    Need help with Wild strike lightning

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Hello !

    I didnt played much but the potential of this league is insane. Since i'm still bad at crafting appropriate item for my char i'd like some help to improve the bossing capabilites of my Raider.
    POB : https://pastebin.com/TFfmb7Bx
    Should i keep my Circle of Regret ? Pick first a amulet with lightning pen ? a better helmet ?

    I have 10-12ex budget

    Thanks !

    I know about the lightning rez.. it a wip

    submitted by /u/Ierronboulot
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    Haven't played since Metamorph, help catch me up a bit on builds?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    As the title says, I haven't played PoE since Metamorph. During Metamorph I tried out a Vortex Occultist and enjoyed the bossing ability, but found the playstyle a little too slow. I really enjoy playing fast clearing bow builds, but those usually come at the expense of being either squishy or very expensive. I think the most balanced, fun build I played in the past few leagues was a Hopeshredder Scourge/Rain of Arrows Ascendant back in like Betrayal or something. That build was an extremely good blend of zoom zoom, but also bossing potential when I needed it. Have any similar balanced builds been popular in recent leagues? I remember hearing about impale bow duelists, but I'm sure there's a lot of new stuff I missed

    submitted by /u/Zarrex
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    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    So I know we don't have patchnotes yet blah blah blah but are there any viable steel builds right now that should/could be improved by the buffs they are talking about? I've never played one but I have always wanted to play one as I like the idea of it.

    submitted by /u/IIIQIII
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