• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Carrion Golems Leveling Guide for 3.12 - Fresh and Twink Guides (also a league starter build guide on my channel)

    Path of Exile Builds Carrion Golems Leveling Guide for 3.12 - Fresh and Twink Guides (also a league starter build guide on my channel)

    Carrion Golems Leveling Guide for 3.12 - Fresh and Twink Guides (also a league starter build guide on my channel)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hexblast Ignite - Theorycrafting

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Hello there. I love playing ignite builds, and the fact that Hexblast can inflict ailments but is chaos damage (!) has some great properties.

    • No reflect worries

    • Add either flat lightning or cold damage to the skill, and your ignites benefit off EE!

    Against bosses, you'd cast Flammability on them, let Doom build for a few seconds, then Hexblast for a beefy ignite; against trash mobs, maybe it's not even necessary to have the Hex, and Ignite Prolif off just a weak Hexblast can clear.

    The gem info is not yet in POB and I have no idea how to dummy up the effects for proper theorycrafting, but I feel that the combination of (a) increased curse effect of Flammability (b) EE and (c) Hexblast's "35% more Damage with Ailments per 5 Doom" should be enough to do a massive ignite.


    At a glance, the base hit with 40 Doom and L20 Hexblast would be

    (574 + 862)/2 = 714 average base hit * (3.80) = 2,713 base hit for ignite before any other scaling.

    (3.80 is 35% * 8 = 280% more for Doom scaling, correct me if I'm misunderstanding this).

    Compare to Fireball, which has base damage 1369 * 1.88 multiplier = 2573 base hit for ignite.

    AND, Fireball cannot benefit from EE easily while Hexblast can, which is basically 2x damage against bosses which is where it really counts.


    • Damage over Time / Fire DOT

    • Ignites/Ailments deal damage faster

    • Increased Chaos Damage

    • Flat added chaos damage (Apep's Rage) or flat added damage of any element but Fire (Archmage?)

    • etc.


    As Hexblast has a low (4%) base crit chance and no inherent ignite, getting ignites to land consistently will take some effort at gearing.

    Ideally, would want to not require casting Flammability on every pack. If ignite prolif is not enough to clear trash mobs, the skill suddenly seems pretty clunky.

    Need some way to trigger Elemental Overload reliably. Suggestions?


    Very simple trickster tree to show off the idea - but of course, no DPS calculation yet.


    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/PrefersDigg
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    Updated for 3.12 - ShakCentral's Vortex For Dummies

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Link to Vortex For Dummies: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120

    Thank you to everyone who used VFD last league to incredible success. Over 250,000 people viewed the guide, the discord population increased by over 1,000 members, and I received nearly 100 DMs from people who killed Sirus for the first time.

    The front page of the guide has a summary of the changes for 3.12, most notably the removal of Glancing Blows and a reference to point you to the math. The leveling guide has been updated with fresh skill tree progression pictures and links.

    If you are interested in Vortex and/or can't stream right at launch on Friday, I'm planning to stream my league start at twitch.tv/ShakCentral. Last league launch I was able to answer a lot of guide questions for people who were planning on playing the build, and we had a great time.


    submitted by /u/ShakCentral
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    Blazing Salvo Totems - Quick Overview of my League Starter

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    MoM Crit Crackling Lance Hiero

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Hi, I modified a frost nova hiero into a crackling lance (CL) build. I was wondering if you guys could take a look at it and see it anything sticks out. I'm using storm call as a stand in for CL. I have intensify linked with it to simulate the built in intensify of CL, though the stacks are set to 0.


    submitted by /u/The_BeardedClam
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    anyone daring enough to start splitting steel or any other steel build?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I'm really interested in splitting steel or shattering steel but leary of steel builds. Whats the best route, swords, and champion?

    submitted by /u/siloowns
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    With the gem numbers up, do you think Blazing Salvo is any good?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    I'm going with mines. Definitely easy to overlap all those projectiles, but what about the 30% added damage effectiveness? Is this skill still worth it? Shock + Chill + Burn, though, I can utilize all the effects of one of the Ascendancy nodes.

    I'm thinking of Salvo + Blastchain + Swift Assembly + GMP + Fork (IF it works) + Inspiration.

    submitted by /u/rnzerk
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    So will fireball finally be a strong starter?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Ala firewall - scaling ignite

    submitted by /u/DrBirdie
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    Will slayer be good in a doomfletch build?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    I'd like to play doomfletch build this league but not sure what class to choose. I don't like the play style of mine so saboteur is out. I'd like to try berserker because of flat phy damage and 40% more. However, I think it will be difficult to start with a bow character as Marauder.(far from bow skilltree, difficult to get bow gem)

    So I think duelist (Slayer) might be great? It is much easier than marauder to level as a bow character. 20% culling strike works perfect for every build and 7.5% base crit is great for low crit chance base weapon.

    Anyway, I haven't play doomfletch build before and need some advice.

    submitted by /u/Ricky7788
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    Looking for cheap AFK/lazy build

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I am looking for a cheap, easy to play build.

    With cheap I mean really cheap. I don't know how everyone else does it, but during a league I usually only find like 1 exalted or so if I'm lucky... So if some people talk about 1ex/h our something and a "cheap" 30ex build, thats not achievable for me^^

    To give you an idea what I mean with AFK/lazy build, I really like not to push any buttons for flasks or have to keep a look out that my endurance charges are up or anything like this. Ideally it's like a 1 button playstyle. I looked into "autobomber" builds, but they are super expansive to equip.

    Also my characters don't reach high level usually. I would say mid 70s to mid 80s.

    This league I played Slow Mo Zombies from Wrecker_of_Days, was pretty cool but as I reached around lvl 80 I did started to die a alot.

    Previous leagues I liked arc totem very much and played it couple of leagues and I also played ED Trickster once, was also OK (played it with 2 buttons).

    I also don't want to level until like lvl70 with something different and then finally swap to what I wanted to play originally...

    What can you guys recommend for me?

    I looked for a meele build and came across "Reave Blade Flurry" which looked OKish (good AOE) but I don't quite know how affordable it is. Or should I just use a Totem build again? maybe with that new Blazing Salvo skill?

    Edit: Also played a Mine Saboteur, also died alot

    submitted by /u/Penecho987
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    Review your 3.11 (Harvest) starter

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    It's that time again: What was you 3.11 Harvest starter and how did it perform?

    For me it was a Bleed Bow Gladiator... Abandoned it somewhere in act 3 because I just couldn't get it to do any real damage and I was super slow (1.5hrs for a1 + a2, died at Merveil due to clunky puncture mechanics o_O).

    Switched to tried and true BL miner after that and breezed through to lvl. 92 before just fkn around a bit before I was done with the league ('rona and all that).

    submitted by /u/Handsome_Me
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    League start Hexblast/Impending Doom Occultist

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    So with the death (or, at least, meteoric fall) of bane, I've been eyeing up the combination of Hexblast/Impending doom/Profane bloom on a hybrid life/es occultist (with possible transition to CI/LL down the road) as an alternative, maybe even improvement. (Also, it sounds cool af as a concept.)

    Trouble is, I'm something of a novice when it comes to build authoring and whilst I can just about see how to build the defences out by following in the footsteps of hybrid bane / cold dot guides, I have absolutely no idea how to go about scaling hit-based rather than dot-based curse damage efficiently.

    Has anybody got any insight, or is anyone poking around into this themselves that could maybe point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/qpmz234
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    Glacial Cascade Void Sphere Trickster Acrobatics [Noob theorycrafting]

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    I'm new to building my own stuff (especially shadow) so feel free to take this build apart, all I want it to do to go into early/mid maps and have some nice skill interaction between placing void sphere and pushing enemies into it with the glacial cascade knockback. Scaling both by phys, spell and crit.

    Maybe use hatred + blasphemy frostbite for freezes.

    Any thoughts?


    submitted by /u/AlCohonez
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    Inquisitor and -resistance interactions

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT


    i got a question regarding inquisitor who has resistance ignore on crit and its interaction with some spells.

    Does it work with flammability and other -res curses? What i mean is - does it lower resistance after ignoring it with inquisitors ascendancy? Or does it just lower the resistance of mobs which is irrelevant since you ignore it with crits anyway?

    Same thing for wave of conviction - doest it cause exposure after ignoring the res or just lower the res?

    And the last interaction is combustion.

    Im gonna roll blazing salvo door and i wonder if its worth it getting all those -res spells or not.


    submitted by /u/hrottgar
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    Scion-Ascendant Crackling Lightning (first build that i have made)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Hey everyone.

    I'm a pretty casual poe player with around 1.2k hours in it over the last 3-4 leagues.

    im trying to get better at making my own builds and with the new Crackling lightning i thought i would try and give it a go.

    The build is made around lowlife es, crit - Ascendant with going inquisitor + Elementalist.

    i could have gone to the assassin's side of the build but instead i found this more overall cool.

    im not 100% sure what to go with support skills for the new main skill yet, so right now i have just quick thrown in arc to showcase it.

    i still would have like to gotten glancin blow. but now with the move, thread of hope cant reach mehh.

    This aint no league starter couse to the use of shavs + chayula, but we can work around it until the currency is for it.

    The plan for league start is to go much more into life notes until i can afford to play lowlife Es with shavs or chaos inoculation.

    Right now we lay round:

    56,67% crit 81,23% effective + 423 CritM - 236% es from tree.

    Also this is my very first reddit post and very first build - so come with your roast or meanings to the build.

    Stay sane exiles and let's blast the new league.


    submitted by /u/socius8
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    Lacerate Imp Champ

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    Would this work? Kinda first time into making a tree myself.Also first time going for ssf.

    Also,If it works, Im not sure if Glancing blow worth it? Since im not sure if GB and total phy damage reduction works well together


    Note: Since im not sure how much i can handle with ssf i didnt put much item which im not sure if im wrong

    submitted by /u/GetMeaNavigator
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    Generic crit assassin tree

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I'm looking to make a generic crit spell damage assassin that can use (with small tweaks) any spell in the game. I want to league start firestorm, but I'm not sure how well it'll scale (if at all). The intent here is to make a tree that will work for firestorm and will, with only the regrets from the campaign, be able to use other spells (even of other elements). I have void batteries in as placeholders, though I'm aware they're expensive early -- I'll likely use rare wands until I can afford them (or even a staff).

    Probably I'd run firestorm to start, then if and when that falls off/becomes unsatisfying, transition into crackling lance or divine ire, etc. I also want to run CI so I can ignore chaos res (I know league starting ES is iffy, but I'm tired of league starting life builds and getting fucking by hezmin etc., also don't want to worry about a 4th res type in my early league gear).

    Here's the tree: https://pastebin.com/RXZqd9dQ

    Is that a good generic spell assassin tree? What tweaks should be made? If not, what should the tree actually look like?

    EDIT: Should note that I have arc in there as a placeholder.

    Also should note that it doesnt HAVE to be assassin -- that just seems to be the most effective generic ascendancy. I'm equally okay playing any hand-cast ascendancy, minus maybe inquisitor. My strong preference is CI, but if I can run life and with good defensive layers, I'm open to it.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Jewfro
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    Necro archmage cremation vs ascendant archmage (BL/arc/anyspell)?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    well, i want to do mostly juiced maps with a good clear and endgame bosses without dying if possible.

    Having this in mind, which one would you guys chose? and why?

    submitted by /u/Metalgui
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    Options for spellslinger?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    I like the one button play style of spellslinger and while it took a big hit I'm convinced there are still viable options for it. VD Necro should still be fine for instance even though ED/C might be rough.

    My interpretation is that you need to limit yourself to at most two spells and then you should be ok(ish) even though some other options (auras for instance) might be gone.

    Anyone have ideas on feasible options? Preferably for things I could spec out of into something else if it does prove too inefficient.

    Steel skills (would not at all mind to try them)? Blade fall/Blade blast?

    [Edit] Forgot to mention that this is for SSF

    submitted by /u/Nizztos
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    Im planning to only use 1 character this league

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Is there any league starter build that can do 100% delirium map when invested?

    submitted by /u/Multiawesome
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    Crackling lance, Good, bad or just start something else?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Because I want to start something that is viable at all stages, and usually thats spectres, which seems as if it'd outperform crackling lance at all stages, early, mid and late

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Deep delve build (first time)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    quick question from someone who want to try deep delve for the first time.

    By checking poe.ninja the top 3 buils at deep delve (I've search for 6k+) are: Penance Brance Assassin (40%), Icicle Mines Deadeye (22%) and Ice Shots Mine Deadeye (10%).

    When looking at 1500 upto 2000 (the range I'm aiming too at least), Penance Brand still leads but there are more builds a bigger variety of builds. Yet Ice Shot and Icicle Mines seems to be good builds as well.

    So my question is, with the nerfs Assassin recieved. And considering that the guide pinned on discord suggests Ice Shots Mines (which I believe are not that different from Icicle Mines, which have a quite good new quality if I'm not mistaken). Would be a good a good idea to start with Lifebased Scourge Arrow Pathfinder and later on after get better gear respec and go for a Deadeye Icicle/Ice Shot mines?

    submitted by /u/andrenery
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    Have you decided on your league start, with the new gems and alternate gems having released?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Discharge seems nutty, and Hexblast seems nutty as hell, but none of them inspire me a ton even though the damage is 100% there.

    Really wanted to try selfcasting either Blazing Salvos and especially Crackling Lance, but I dont really know how to build around it. Archmage seems counter intuitive tho the added lightning damage is there. Indigon could be a thing.

    Really I'm more and more leaning towards Ice Crash Juggernaut, filling in the cheap uniques and eventually finishing. Shouldnt cost more than like 10 exalts at worst.


    So I think Im gonna go an old skill unfortunately, I'm not sold on the new skills outside of discharge and hexblast which seem pretty niche. What are you guys looking at? Maybe you can change my mind with one of the steel skills :)

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    Archmage Discharge possible?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    After seeing the 450% added damage, I thought I would chuck in a 4link discharge into my archmage build. Haven't decided what I'm archmaging yet, probably firestorm+unleash hierophant, with Orb of storms and Pcoc, arcane cloak, the lightning sigil thing, something something. Anybody else thought of using discharge in an archmage build? Any ideas welcome.

    ( I dont plan to use discharge as the main skill, just a fun blowup button)

    submitted by /u/Thread56
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    Looking for a fun build to play in 3.12

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    At this moment I've got 2k hours played in this game and I'm looking forward to start some new interesting character in new league Heist! But there we got a problem - I've played ton of builds already (cyclone, tectonic slam, spectral throw, ele wander, necro summoners, chieftain/hiero totems, cold snap/vortex occult) overall I love melee but 2 leagues ago I had so much blast with Freezing Pulse Hierophant that every other build after it was so bland and almost unplayable for me so I made another FP Hiero last league... Now I want something different but I cannot think about anything enjoyable.

    I'm seriously considering ED/C Contagion Trickster, but I would love to play some Marauder/Duelist fun melee skill and I'd like to ask for help to find it.

    I would be very grateful for any suggestions :)

    submitted by /u/SlayerKn
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