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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds /r/pathofexilebuilds enters TOP 5000 subreddits

    Path of Exile Builds /r/pathofexilebuilds enters TOP 5000 subreddits

    /r/pathofexilebuilds enters TOP 5000 subreddits

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Toxic Rain Trickster vs Pathfinder

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am thinking of making a Toxic Rain build for Heist, but can't decide what assendency i should go with.

    So what would you say Trickster vs Pathfinder and why

    Best regardszyp

    submitted by /u/Kpjensendk
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    Cheap softcore OoS league starter, under 1 ex budget - My first attempt at build making

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT


    disclaimer: you are gonna die with this build, it's just gonna happen

    to kill bosses you need to stand near them, and cast your wave of conviction, you need spidey senses when killing bosses and when fighting them, just pretend you have 1 HP

    when mapping thought, you should never die, unless some beyond bosses spawn under your feet, or some delirium boss spawn, it's gonna be tough for enemies to kill you

    the build cruises at 196% mov speed in maps

    you are freezing entire screens with 1 button press

    in the eventuality that some spells reach you, the build is at 64% spell dodge chance

    you can invest in pantheons to grab the soul of lunaris to massive survivability increases

    keep in mind that this is NOT a NEW PLAYER FRIENDLY

    if you are new, you *might* accomplish something, but this build is really made for sweaty gamers, if you already bought 2 cases of montain dew ready for friday, then it's the build for you.

    this build is capable of reaching maps as low as 3 hours ( my best is currently 4:41)

    now, you might say " but a 5 link agnerod is gonna cost you a fortune so early in the game" wrong

    https://imgur.com/a/qPfJtuL agnerod is a cheap item

    the most expensive item is gonna be the jewels probably, you can drop the cast speed and only go for life and crit multi to save.

    other high expenses might be Essences to craft gear, the helmet for example has to be searched with a live search, then crafted with life essences for high life, same for a stygian but with resist essences

    the other possible expensive item are the boots


    these might be expensive depending on meta.

    let me know what you think of the build, tell me if it looks like trash, or if you would do something different.

    this is my first attempt at making a build from the ground, i'm sure i'm not inventing anything new here, so if you have a better build, let me know as i plan on league starting with this

    submitted by /u/Clyp30
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    Looking into some kind of poison build as leaguestarter

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    I've been playing since Essence league, but for some reason I have never played a poison build, so I figure this might be as good a time as any to start. There are a ton of option out there, and I'm not sure which would be best. As its supposed to be a leaguestarter, I'm mostly looking for something that gets going easily with cheap crap gear rather than something with a rocky start but higher endgame potential.

    1. Which skill to use?

    Lots of options: Blade Vortex, Scourge Arrow, Venom Gyre/Cobra Lash (basically interchangeable as far as I can tell) are the ones I am interested in, but if you have any other suggestions, and if you could give some general pointers on pros/cons for these, I'd be grateful. I have played Ignite Scourge Arrow Elementalist and several variants of BV before, and I know I enjoy their playstyles at least.

    1. Assassin vs Pathfinder

    Assassin obviously has a much higher damage ceiling, but Pathfinder seems to be no slouch in that department either, and brings its own useful perks. Poison proliferation is a big one; Assassin builds need an explodey chest, Bino's (only for Cobra/Gyre) or Asenath gloves to come any close to the clearspeed, from what I can gather, all of which are not very league starter friendly. BV can just use a couple Obliterations, which are dirt cheap on day 1 at least, and later upgrade to Cold Iron Points + the expensive options.

    Other than the poison proliferation, it looks to me like raw damage + elusive for defense (Assassin) vs some mitigation, elemental ailment immunities and the huge QoL of perma flask uptime (Pathfinder). If I could get some thoughts from people who have firsthand experience with both variants, I'd be grateful.

    This post is mostly meant as a discussion to help me decide which build to play based on playstyle/budget; once I've decided, I'll be fine actually building it as I have the needed experience for that, so no need for detailed build guides or anything like that.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Inkaflare
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    Is Soulrend/Bane a viable league starter in a party of 3?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Im planning out a league starter and I wanted to try something other than melee so Soulrend is looking nice, im still relatively new (Just about 500 hours played) so guides are welcome, im also playing in a party of 3 including myself and my other 2 friends are going to go Champion Cyclone, would it synergise okay?

    Im just curious if going soulrend with my 2 cyc friends would be more of a detriment, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kaneda777
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    Thoughts about a random fun meme build

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    So I was thinking about wanting to make either a facebreaker or hidden potential build (not sure if in heist or standard just yet) and wanted to know so thoughts from people about these 2 since I dont ever see much about them beyond a few old ass videos and forum posts.

    I figured facebreakers would be the easier choice of the 2 since it limits what skill gems I have to worry about whereas HP would hard limit my gear while leaving my skill choice semi wide open (I know a lot of skills get much stronger with certain uniques). Or even a 3rd choice is possibly doing both and using facebreakers with magic gear and the gem that makes claws stuff work with facebreakers which is prob the hardest one since I imagine facebreakers requiring certain stuff to really work well.

    Anyways some advice, tips, useful videos/links or even opinions on this is welcome

    submitted by /u/Uhhninjeesword
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    Ice Shot Raider, my first off guide build

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Ice Shot Raider, my first off guide build

    This was a fun project, a super fast ice shot that uses totems to clear, so I can just run around and find loot, uses autocasting to for a knockback/life leech blade vortex to keep enemies away and cursing, frenzied and phase running at all times, pretty fun build. I think that in order to get into red maps it needs some refinement from people who are better than me at this game.



    Links -

    Bow: Ice Shot, Added Cold Damage, Volley, Ballista Totem, Bonechill, Cold Penetration

    Armor: Ice Shot, Ice Bite, Faster Attacks, Mirage Archer, Cold Penetration, Bonechill

    Asenath's Chant: Blood Rage, Blade Vortex, Knockback Support, Life Leech Support

    Maloney's Mechanism: Barrage, Curse on hit, Projectile Weakness

    Boots: Cast when damage taken - Steelskin, Ice Golem // Blink Arrow

    Boots: Enlighten Support, Haste, Hatred

    I'm also saving 2 labs and some skill points because I'm not sure where to go

    submitted by /u/buckets09
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    [Meta] Can we get a list of our favorite build websites in the sidebar?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I only remember poebuilds.cc and timtips.com/buildbrowser

    Would love to see everyone else's favorite resources and have them available in the sidebar.

    submitted by /u/rockyTop10
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    What can i change to make it better? [Ice shot Deadeye]

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    Recently I managed to get enough money to buy HH, but my build is struggling with killing rare/uniq monsters. Im doing t14-15 maps but i feel like i'm lacking dps. I can't get monster buffs fast enough to get damage from tham. Also I'm using a lot of uniques so it was hard to get res cap. What can i upgrade / change in my build?

    I know that i need to craft/buy better bow and make it 6l but i need to farm for currency first.


    edit: did uber lab

    submitted by /u/MrPePe1100
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    Path of Exile: How NOT to Play Hardcore SSF For the First Time (Part 1)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Beginner builds so reliable you can't not play them.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Recently I discovered ED/Cont and I never knew it could be so dang reliable. Doing a hc run, I am normally a SC player, no special gear and I gotta say this is the most damn laid back experience I've had with progression. I'm running on garbage yellows, my res is not capped, and my tree isn't optimized. I'm in act 7 as of 5 hours in. I've seen so many posts recommending it and I poopoo'd it because it thought there's no way it's that good. I was wrong.

    I used to run split arrow bleed gladiator but I think this will take the cake on cheap, efficient, and great clear speed.

    What are some of your favorites?

    submitted by /u/ABKTech
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    Is bleed bow gladiator a good league starter, especially if I don't find a Lioneye's Fall?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm coming back after a couple years and wanted to run a bleed bow gladiator as a league starter for Heist. The builds I'm seeing online on PoE.Ninja and guides (like this one) all seem to use lioneye's fall in order to grab the passives from the axe nodes.

    I was wondering if this is a required item and if the build is still relevant if I never find the jewel. I don't want to hit a hard wall and any tips on this build would be super helpful! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ItRhymesWithFreak
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    A First Draft: Wintertide Brand Hybrid Occultist League Starter

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I've been trying to narrow down my league starter for Heist the past couple of days. Somewhere along the line, I decided I want to do a cold DoT Occultist, more specifically a Wintertide Brand Occultist (SC-trade). I have a few reasons (that may or may not be valid, politely let me know).

    Full reasoning summaries below, but TLDR: I think cold DoT Occultists will survive nerfing and might even be buffed by new Hexes. Wintertide brand also feels safe from nerfing, is non-meta, and there is always Vortex to fall back on. I may or may not be able to take advantage of new Hexes more easily. All the builds I could find were from mid-league and made use of OP harvest crafting, or unreasonable starting gear (like Shav's) so I decided to try making my own build for the first time(so be nice :). As I accumulate currency in the 1-3 weeks after start, it is very straight forward how to scale the build by going Low Life or CI.

    Here is the POB: https://pastebin.com/EZmXijXg

    This build is supposed to be rather meh, but viable. I used traditionally moderate, *non-Harvest-*gear. Some could be still hard to get (eg +1 cold gems, helm enchant), but they aren't required and I don't expect millions of DPS right away. No golden oils, hopefully no build limiting clusters or jewels, no multi-modding, no Tier1-2 mods, only spec'd to lvl 90 since I know I wont make 100, everything else is bonus. The 2-tone boots might be a stretch, but aren't even ilvl 86.

    Heading to bed after a night playing POB; hopefully will wake up to some good replies. Thanks in advance!

    **How it works:**I did a lot of reading on Wintertide Brand builds. We can proc EO with Orb of Storms for an easy 40% more, and this also allows us to benefit from lowered cold resistance by taking EE. Wintertide stages are debuff DoT damage and don't 'hit' like Vortex, so they won't proc EE ever. Should be easy to have near 100% up time of keystones. We want to build up to maximum brand stages as fast as is reasonable for single target, and apply 3 brands. So the 'DoT DPS' shown in the side bar of POB is the DPS at maximum stages for 1 brand, so multiply by 3 and we have 2mil DPS at max stages. However the brands are only at max stages for a portion of the duration (1.8s out of 4.4s), so that's not the real DPS (getting the real DPS requires a piece-wise function integral, too tired). We can increase this time at max stages by investing more in cast speed, but that comes at the cost of defensive passives/stats.

    For clearing, we swap in Swiftbrand support. A handful of brand stages should be more than enough to kill mob packs, and it has AoE on kill/expiration. There is a slight delay though. Should do a good chunk of damage even on a 5-link.

    We have to manually drop OOS to proc EO, and Arcane Surge is tied to Flame Dash with Phase Run and Increased Duration. We could think about putting OOS into a Trigger wand and dropping Increased Crit Strikes. I don't know if Trigger wands will work with a Curse on Hit-Ele Weakness set up though.

    For debuffs, we have ele weakness on OOS hit. We run a Frostbite Skitterbot Aura with Profane Proxy and benefit from the Skitterbot shock ailment still. This is combined with Siphoning Trap for regen/leech. Both can be supported by Bonechill to increase Cold DoT taken by enemy. Skitterbots should re-arm the Siphon Trap? Thinking of putting this in trigger wand because manually managing the trap might be too clunky to work in the end, but then do the bots get triggered on and off lol? Not sure, will test. This could be the carpal tunnel build...

    Defensively, I have CWDT tied to Immortal Call for damage taken reduction and Tempest Shield for the extra lightning hit and block chance. Both have Increased Duration support because I had no better ideas.

    Flasks: Rumi's is always legit. My basic 'oh shit' Bubbling Flask. Quartz Flask for Dodge defense and Bleed, Basalt for Phys mitigation and curse immune, and Silver Flask for Onslaught to build brand stages quicker, with some MS. Missing Burn and am already Freeze immune.

    Things I need direction on:

    • What did I miss? Could it work? I'm sure there's something broken.
    • Flasks check out?
    • I have two free sockets in Helm. I don't have enough unreserved mana for another utility Aura though. I threw in VRF and stone golem because yolo, they can def be removed. Maybe Brand Recall for Utility? Idk how it works these days.
    • Any uniques that will help out without putting a ton of strain on other gear? I came across Impresence Amulet (cold version), which historically nose-dives in price by end of first week, which could give me a free Frostbite-Blasphemy Aura. The added cold damage would probably mess up the EE though. Chaos version is more expensive, but I could get Despair for free there without messing up EE.
    • Clear speed will probably be a problem. This is something I haven't found a solution to, but am willing to just work around it. The Holy Conquest notable along with swapping in Swiftbrand Support should help with this to a degree.

    So, reasoning and logic behind the build:

    1. I like casters/summoners best, but never played Occultist.
    2. Risk management: Cold DoT Occultist is a strong build with a proven track record. Vortex Occultist is moderately meta. There's enough players on poe.ninja to make a good chunk, but not enough to attract serious attention from the nerf-hammers. It seems like one of the more properly balanced Ascendancies, where the currency investment scales reasonable with increased performance.
    3. I also actually think Occultist will see some buffs to accompany the new Doom/Hex mechanic. Experimenting with brand new skills is always fun, and there's ever the chance that GGG overlooked something that makes the skill super OP.
    4. That being said, I think Occultist will be poised to take advantage of the new Doom mechanic with only minor tweaking. I don't usually play more than 2 builds a league, since I prefer the endgame content. Having a base build that could potentially incorporate the new skill with minor/moderate changes means less time leveling and/or waiting for Youtube/reddit to tell me the latest meta build.
    5. Why Wintertide and not Vortex? Well, I don't think WT brand will be nerfed since it was just introduced and very few players use it (0.5% on poeninja), though Vortex is probably not at risk either. Being slightly off meta can be fun (or horrible lol). I want to do an Occultist as stated before, and DoT build because I like to run/dodge/ etc from bosses. And I'm not 100% on this, but I think with Vortex, if a Boss is moving, they can move out of the AoE, so I would have to chase the boss instead of the other way around. Boss can't outmaneuver brands.
    6. Last, I can always fall back to Vortex, and will probably level with it anyway. So there's some extra reliability there.
    7. The build should do pretty good damage on a 5-link.
    8. I am trying not to rely on Glancing Blows being accessible, since I think it is likely to be moved or nerfed. Also not relying on Intuitive Leap, or Thread of Hope because of early days cost. That said, I will try to snipe items like these with live searching, since I will be stockpiling ES gear for move to LL or CI later

    EDIT: Thanks everyone! You've given me some things to think about, some more ideas, and made me happy that I felt like I understood some of the game mechanics enough to 'be a shitty Mathil', as /u/tingstodo puts it lol

    submitted by /u/fromtheland__
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    Anyone have a Speed Racing Build that can be a league starter and transition into end game boss iller (A8 Serious and Uber elder at least)?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Anyone have a Speed Racing Build Guide that can be a league starter and transition into end game boss iller (A8 Serious, shaper, and Uber elder at least)?

    I'd like to try rush maps hard this season and hopefully get to mapping in 10 hours or less, and am looking for a build that has notes on how to speed level through the acts, that also can take me through to the endgame on league start. My goal is to get to farming some high level bosses ASAP to try sell some good loot for big exalt sales. I only want to do necessary quests and the ones that give skill points. This would be on normal trade league.

    Right now I'm watching tytykiller's video of him teaching ziggyD how to race, but it only goes to act 5, plus over 185k people watched the video so I'm sure those skills will all be nerfed.

    submitted by /u/Firewalkerr
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    Has anyone worked on a Kinetic Bolt Necromancer?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    After seeing the alternate quality on Kinetic Bolt it's something I realllly want to try but I still don't know enough to make a solid build on my own.

    submitted by /u/-GrayMan-
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    SR builds without RF?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Is it possible to get enough fps out of Scorching Ray that you can use it as a main skill?

    How does it feel?

    Looking at channeling skills right now to see potential league starters

    submitted by /u/Manchildmay
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    What’s your smoothest A8 Sirus farmer?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Looking to finally master Sirus and I'd like a build that can kill him quickly and easily, especially as a league starter (so I don't have to reroll a second boss killer).

    Any tried and true builds past few leagues? Preferably not a summoner or one that relies on clusters/harvest crafts.

    submitted by /u/upvotes_fairy
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    Help needed with bladefall bladeblast assassin

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    So, I've spent the last 3 or 4 days messing with this build as hard as I could to put together my first decent build. I wanted to play the shadow (never played in this side of the tree), and I wanted to try crit. Elusive seemed pretty nice, so I went for it, as it is built around crit. I also got some Power charges just because they seemed easy enough to sustain (therefore, I considered myself always at max charges). Here is the POB link.

    I suck at making currency, so I'm trying to make this one able to complete most content, build also cheap-ish (well, surely under 5ex, DEFINITELY). The chest is around 2ex right now, so I intend to buy a decent base and craft it (last time I did this and I spent 60 chaos to craft a 1-2 ex item, so I definitely paid off). The other stuff is mostly cheap, although I will have to put some good money on the rings.

    I didn't want to scale poison, so I stood away from it completely, and overfocused on crits. My main idea is to spam bladefall, and, after some 5 casts, cast bladeblast (for, maybe, 15-20 blades on target). I don't have any active flask because I really don't like the way flasks work (although I will try to keep a Diamond flask up, because it gives me 100k added DPS).

    My concerns: some items are expensive, and we are close to league end (so I'm assuming that, even 2 weeks after launch, they will be rarer and much more expensive). I'm making my calculations assuming 10 blades on target with bladeblast, but I'm suspecting this is bullshit. I don't know how many blades on target will I actually get and, although the DPS is really good, I'll only have a single explosion, so I'm not sure how to look at this number (the Sirus DPS for 10 blades is around 3M, which is a completely full of shit unrealistic number imo).

    Above everything else, I really struggled to get a good defense. 6EHP feels like trash, and I really wasted lots of passives to get to a meager 174% increase with a bit of evasion on top of it (and dodge, of course).

    I'm using many uniques, but it is because those are the items I'm most confident in finding the elemental resistances I need, most of the time. The only ones that are really key, imo, are the super Cold Points, and the chest for the great combination of life, ES and evasion, with charge duration as bonus.

    This is my most well thought theoretical build so far, but I think it still has massive flaws, although I cannot pinpoint them. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/lp-lima
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    Looking for a *very* high damage league starter for Heist

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi all, I was wondering if you might help me out here, I'm looking for assistance with a very non-standard league starter. Your typical league starter is mostly about blazing through the campaign and early maps very quickly with a minimum of tinkering or unusual requirements. If that means slogging through bosses a bit, that's totally fine.

    But in Heist, I'll be league starting with 3 friends. We're all going to stick with the same characters while playing together, and not play those chars solo. We started that a bit this league, and a problem immediately became apparent: Damage.

    My friends are not quite as... interested in the finer points of PoE character building mechanics as most players in here. Put less politely, their builds can be expected to be a series of dumpster fires. When we tried leveling together a bit this league, it was a slog. I started with the usual tricks, a bog standard speed leveling caster into whatever, but even with a tabula killing the 4x buffed bosses was horrendous. Even killing magic packs could drag on. We progressed at a snails pace compared to what I can do solo.

    So for Heist, I'm interested in finding a league starter that can really make up for atrocious damage on my allies and highly buffed mobs. Damage (and sustain, because boss fights will still probably drag) are really the only considerations. Survivability isn't that important, and the usual league start focus on simplicity and speed isn't either. What start from scratch builds really blow away the campaign?

    submitted by /u/hesh582
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    Why doesn't "% inc elemental damage" double dip on stormfire builds?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Hey. I'm planning a stormfire build for next league, so I need to make sure I really understand the mechanics behind it.

    I've seen a bunch of videos on stormfire builds, and they do mention that lightning damage is a way of scaling your ignite damage. So that would mean that the damage of the ignite is based on the damage of the lightning hit after it's been scaled by lightning damage. Is that correct?

    If this is correct, then wouldn't elemental damage also increase this lightning damage that our ignite is based on? And if so, why doesnt it double dip, as it would also increase our ignite damage (which is fire dmg).

    If that's false and "% inc lightning damage" is ignored and only the flat base dmg of the lightning hit is taken into account, then i guess i looked at the wrong builds .


    submitted by /u/niuage
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    Help finding good build guide for Carrion/stone golem for Heist.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a solid written guide with POB for Carrion golem. I haven't played in a couple leagues now, but back a couple years ago I did a fire golem Elementalist and it was the only character I've ever beaten Shaper with. I'd like to do all the end game stuff I haven't been able to achieve since then. I know crafting is big this league and don't know how well cluster jewels are doing compared to legion which was the last league I played. I don't want a build with crazy crafting required as I find it terribly frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Ravenous0001
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    Hoping to actually finish the acts this next League - beginner build suggestions?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    So each of the last 3 leagues, I've had things pop up where I can't get into the league/forget until the last couple weeks. By then there's 0 motivation to complete all the acts due to it all rolling over to standard before I'll finish.

    This last league I ran an assassin flicker strike build that was very fun but I was gifted a tabula at level 5 which made it easy until act 7ish then I hit a wall with resistances and started dying a bunch. I tried to stack resistances on all my rare items but wasn't doing much it seemed. Maybe I needed better potions?

    I'm hoping to get some advice on either a cyclone, blade vortex, or flicker strike build which isn't expensive. My goal is just to finish the acts and start mapping as I've never seen that part of the game.

    Also - would it be easier for me to do regular or ssf for the league?

    Thanks for all your help as always friends and good luck in the upcoming league!

    submitted by /u/Demnod
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    Advice with my character

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I want to thanks in advance to the community that helped me in a previous post about my character. I failed and failed like a lot of times, but i ended finding a way to continue.

    I was playing a bleed bow gladiator, but i was unable to kill bosses. It had a beautiful clearing speed. I miss it. I have a lot of problems understanding what makes you a tank, so i went for something with a shield.

    With only a few changes, that gladiator transformed in a lacerate/earthquake gladiator. I can't decide yet what skill i'll focus in. Lacerate makes boss fights easier, but earthquake has a nice clear speed. I used to play herald of thunder autobomber, so i'm used to clear maps in no time. Now i feel slow, but i'm able to complete maps by killing bosses, and that's something i was aiming for.

    I'm looking for some advice in a few things:

    - The first, i would like to understand what makes a character tank. I currently have max atk/spell block, but sometimes i get one-shoted. Is there any way to make a character with good clearspeed and tank at the same time? Or something with spell aoe and a lot of tankyness?

    - Second, i want to play a heavy tank character like a righteous fire, but i tried failing all times. Is there any way to do it correctly?

    - What is your opinion on earthquake vs lacerate? Wich one should i keep and why?

    - I left the link to my POB. Any advice with the build will come really handy.

    Thanks in advance

    POB: https://pastebin.com/gKUf6dCB

    submitted by /u/vlespade
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT


    Build is just a POB passive tree. I have close to no experience homebrewing builds, I don't have much experience playing with weapons either. But since the steel-charges-skills and the changed Lancing Steel look pretty cool together, I wanted to try to put something together.

    Looking at POEninja it becomes pretty clear that Agnostic isn't often used with weapons, but I thought it could be a cool way to supplement survivability since weapons also have an easier time leeching mana.

    Mainly I'd like some help optimizing the tree, I don't know which nodes are safe to cut away. For example I don't know whether I should go crit, or perhaps resolute technique further into the marauder area, or whether I take Alira or Oak or skill points.

    Usually I take a build I hadn't created myself, and try to push deep into maps. Something makes me think that a build like this that doesn't have a common base can't be taken that far, but its hard for me to tell since I'm not too familiar with weapon scaling.

    EDIT did some optimizations and forgot to share the new ones.

    submitted by /u/EvilTuxedo
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