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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 08, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 08, 2020

    Questions Thread - September 08, 2020

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - September 08, 2020

    This is a general question thread on September 08, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Harvest “Museum Tab” for Standard remove-only tab is complete..

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Introducing My Divination Card: The Journalist

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm so delighted to share with you the Divination Card I designed, "The Journalist," which will begin dropping with patch 3.12 and the Heist League. Thank you to u/Bex_GGG for granting my (rather last-minute) request to reveal it on my birthday (9/8 here in the U.S.). It's my first time seeing the art along with everyone else and I absolutely love it. This card has a lot of symbolism for me (maybe too much!) and I wanted to share the thinking that went into it.


    I've been playing Path of Exile since open beta, which launched about two years into my first full-time job as a political reporter in Washington, DC. Since then, I've logged nearly 4,000 hours on POE according to Steam, and it's always provided a really meaningful distraction from the stresses of such a job. No matter how much hate or violence I was documenting as a journalist, I could vent it into POE, turning off the horrors of the real world in favor of the dark creativity of GGG's brilliant staff.

    I wanted to do more than just buy supporter packs to put my own little stamp back on POE, and giving a nod to how it helped me cope with the challenges of being a journalist seemed like a great idea. Besides, there is so much corruption in Wraeclast that there definitely needs to be journalists to investigate and document it!

    But for this card, I also wanted to put my money where my mouth is.

    Real-Life Backstory

    Back in December 2018, I excitedly booted up POE, ready to join the queue and explore the brand new Betrayal League. Unfortunately, I was prohibited from logging in; my account had been banned and I had no idea why. Because GGG's support team was busy responding to all the requests related to the new content and banned accounts were considered low priority, I really had trouble figuring out what exactly had happened, let alone if there was any way I could ever restore my account.

    On Reddit, I started seeing a couple other posts from people with the same banning issue, though talking about account bans is banned on this subreddit, so they weren't really breaking through. Determined to solve this issue, I put on my investigator hat. Through both Reddit and Twitter, I identified 16 other users who had all been banned, and convinced 10 of them to talk to me about what they experienced. Along with other inquiries into Steam, I compiled my results and shared them in a full investigative report here on the subreddit.

    GGG responded super promptly. It turned out they'd taken an overbroad action to root out fraud and inadvertently caught a whole bunch of us who had accounting questions we didn't even know about. In my case and several others, Steam had canceled some of our in-game purchases without informing us — in some cases many years prior. (To its credit, Steam took full responsibility for these errors once we identified them.) For others, there were issues they needed to rectify but they would be allowed to sort them out. In the meantime, our accounts were all immediately restored.

    Nevertheless, I think a lot of people thought that I was bitter at GGG or that it was unfair to question what GGG had done to protect itself financially. While I was certainly very hurt and frustrated the week I was banned, I thought everything worked out great after that. Journalism had helped demonstrate there was a problem beyond the individual level, and the company immediately recognized it and made right by us. If anything, the whole incident demonstrated just how great GGG is about actually listening to its players and taking care of us.

    Investing in this card (in addition to continuing to buy support packs!) was partly my way of making clear I have no hard feelings. And in a nod to how that all played out, I specifically asked that the stacks be 10 cards if possible to recognize the 10 other players who trusted in me to investigate our bans. Their willingness to work with a stranger toward a common good that may have helped as many as 200 players or more perfectly encapsulates what a great community this game has fostered. Likewise, my favorite POE experiences have always been co-op or community based, and I love that several of those players are now my in-game friends that I still see online nearly two years later. (Shoutouts to u/Jubbly, u/Robotica95, u/SerBubblez, u/ranakor, u/Wolfywing, u/Cokebeatspepsi, u/monning, u/Frontier_Setter, and u/Killer7_de.)

    Lore Backstory

    So it turns out that creating the lore for a card is a bit trickier than I realized! I knew I wanted it to be "The Journalist," and I knew I wanted it to stack to 10, but there was a lot more to figure out.

    What should the reward be? I knew that I wanted something that would be useful to players but not necessarily super rare or niche. I quickly arrived at a helmet with veiled mods, because it's always helpful to get a couple more unveilings! Plus, it thematically made sense. Uncovering evidence in an investigation makes you smarter! Cheesy, but I like it.

    GGG pushed back at first on having two veiled mods for some technical reasons. We ultimately figured out how to make it work, but it comes with an exception: Veiled mods on these helmets cannot roll syndicate-specific mods. Nevertheless, I still hope it will be useful to players!

    So what was this journalist doing in Wraeclast? I felt pretty dumb when I realized I didn't understand that according to the lore of divination cards themselves, they're all from before The Cataclysm. Thus, the lore of individual cards can't specifically reference characters or events that have happened since then. My plan for an Oriathan journalist investigating Dominus' corruption was not going to work.

    I had to do quite a bit of my own studying to refresh my POE lore, and ultimately shared these suggestions with GGG:

    How about if she was an early part of the Purity Rebellion and tried to uncover Chitus' lust for power? She preceded Victario and helped uncover the gemling experiments and the legion Chitus was building. But maybe her undercover investigation went awry and she got caught and turned into a gemling against her will? Or maybe she saw the power of gemlings and wanted to become one herself? Might be too much story for a card, but it might work. Ideas for flavor text:

    - "Reports of the Monkey King's megalomania were greatly exaggerated, or so he claimed."- "She had uncovered the Gemling legion, but soon became an unwilling recruit."- "A good spy doesn't forget she's gone undercover."- "She intended to warn the people of the Gemlings' power, but she went too far."

    The last I saw, GGG had accepted the "good spy" line and went to work on the art. I had no idea what, if anything, they planned to do with the rest of the lore I suggested. When I reached out to Bex about the possibility of a birthday reveal, she teased the art as being "very neat" in her opinion, which had me even more hyped for today's reveal. I have to agree!

    I absolutely love the way she's hiding, taking notes, wearing glasses, all of it! So much detail that definitely tells the story I was hoping to tell. You know that feeling when you kind of picture something in your head and then someone else's portrayal matches it? This is just too cool.

    Anyways, I know a div card isn't always the most exciting reveal when it comes to new-league theorycrafting, but I'm just thrilled to be able to share it with all of you and leave my little mark on a game I love so much. I really enjoy this community as well, and I hope all of you here at r/pathofexile appreciate my subtle tribute to the power of our teamwork in Wraeclast. And thank you GGG for this opportunity!

    Good luck in Heist, everyone!

    - Zack/SirBlogzaLot

    submitted by /u/zackford
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    A good spy doesn't forget she's gone undercover.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    [PSA] Void Sphere is NOT 8 seconds duration with 2 uses by default

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    So in the video, you see Void Sphere with 2 uses on it, and it takes 8 seconds to recharge. That's true. In the video, it is like that.

    The devs are using Second Wind Support though. You have to account for that on the gem timings too.

    Max level Second Wind is 24% increased Cooldown Recovery. 10 x (1-0.24) = 7.6

    This means the cooldown is actually 10 seconds long, and only has 1 use by default.

    Here's my proof they use Second Wind

    I just wanted to clarify this so people don't think they can add Second Wind to a gem with 8 seconds cooldown and 2 base uses.

    Edit: I'm aware that the numbers can still change. I've seen a lot of talk about this skill, and everyone I've seen has been talking like 8 seconds is the base with 2 charges. I just wanted to inform those people they didn't consider second wind.

    I genuinely hope these numbers are improved. It would be cool to use this skill as a main link

    submitted by /u/TrashCaster
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    Please reconsider Static Strike's base duration nerf

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    For those unaware: In the 3.11 patch, SS received a small rework where the hit frequency of its beams was maxed after a single attack . At the cost of this change, the frequency changed to scale based on level and the duration was halved to 2 seconds.

    On paper, this change sounds very good in the light of the warcry rework, since the beams count as exerted for the complete duration. However, the duration is so short that this mechanic is almost anecdotal. Without duration investment, it is still necessary to attack almost every single pack, such that the gameplay is identical to Double Strike with worse damage. But even with heavy investment (Skill Duration cluster + Increased Duration Gem) you barely get to a 4 second duration. Since the beam frequency is also capped, you can barely kill two packs before having to attack again.

    The difficulty of scaling this skill is best shown by the fact that only one character appears on poe ninja using SS as a main skill. The rework is good on paper, but resulted in an underpowered skill. I propose to add some power back in the form of base duration since that is its main appeal and will make heavy investment more justifiable. I agree that the old 4 seconds might be a bit too long, but 3 seconds would be imo a good middle ground.

    tl;dr: Change base duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds pls

    submitted by /u/alisir5
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    Eyes of black, three by three, staring ever darker into me...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Please remember revert the weightings on cluster jewel notables for Heist

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Since we had harvest, crafting cluster jewels after the weight changes wasnt that horrible.

    But for the love of god I dont want to waste 5k alts + 500 regals/scours to get a usable cluster jewel and I dont think the rest of the players wants that also. They are already gated behind delirium and they allow alot of build diversity. They are a super nice addition to the game and it would be a shame to gate them behind a currency wall.

    Edit: To clarify, I commited a mistake using the word "revert", I wasnt being so literal. What I meant was a middle ground, not asking the same weightings that they had in delirium, since we now have guaranteed sockets, but easier than they are right now. At least to me in delirium they werent THAT easy to roll, you still needed a decent investment on alts/regals, but not astronomical as you should have if they keep them like they are right now but without access to harvest crafting.

    submitted by /u/BenjaCarmona
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    Before you Buy - The Imperial Eagle Supporter Pack

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Firestorm reveal when?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    A Tribute to Harvest

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Bought a double corrupt service, didn't get scammed

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Could at least one Supporter Pack each league reflect the theme of that league more closely?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Not having MTX for a league reflect the theme of that league - for example a "thief/Heist character" style armor set for Heist - is a missed opportunity IMO. Also, props for our hideouts from each league, so we can create specific hideouts that also reflect the league's theme.

    Signed, someone who appreciates both relevant MTX and the Hideout system.

    submitted by /u/t0lkien1
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    "We'd rather this doesn't occur on Heist's launch day, so we'll be releasing this technical patch beforehand"

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Best line in the entire 3.11.2 technical patch in my opinion, its not just a statement its a mindset change and better planning ! i love it <3 thank you for all the hard work GGG peeps !

    submitted by /u/ZP0TAT0
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    Uber Uber Offerings Should Drop in Trials in Red Maps

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Since harvest isn't going core, we are loosing the Offerings for Uber Uber Lab (as far as we know). Since I am assuming most people dont even bother with Trials after yellow maps, it would be cool if we had some incentive to run trials in reds by giving us these offerings, or a chance at these offerings.

    submitted by /u/thatsgerman10
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    Elementalist feels bad if you want to be dealing damage yourself.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I really liked the concept of Elementalist - Master of elements, spewing fire ice lightning stuff all over the place, however I'm kinda sad that the only good thing on the Ascendancy right now are the Golems. I tried to play Elementalist as a spellcaster, and while I do agree on the idea that she can scale off of Herald buffs and Golem bufs, but Golems without actually building around them feels like a chore to manage (It's like having five auras that turns off if you take a big chunk of damage), and the Herald branch costs way too much points. While the Conflux branch is weird and underpowered, and the Paragon of Calamity is so inconsistent apart from the Leech which can be helped with Cluster Jewels.

    I don't know man, Elementalist feels bad

    submitted by /u/-D_Q_H-
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    Magic Find Academy Talent Competition - Create a Magic Find build and win 600 MTX points!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:42 AM PDT


    Welcome Exiles! I'm Exosta, founder of the Magic Find Academy, the Discord Server for MF enthusiasts,both beginners and veterans, League and Standard players. We now count almost 1000 members in our community!

    In our first Talent Competition I invite you to create a new original Magic Find Build,based on Item Quantity and Item Rarity Gear.

    As we all know, Magic Find Ranger builds are the most popular, but in this competition we want to explore other interesting build possibilities, with different Skills and Ascendancies.You can theorycraft your build in League, but the best gear for Item Quantity is now legacy and only available in Standard: I recommend using Legacy Rare items with the Legacy "20% increased Item Quantity" mod.


    Entering the event is free, no entry fee is needed. In order to apply you need to:

    - join the MF Academy Discord server at this link https://discord.gg/fubtmHe

    - post your Build Submission in the #🧱build-submissions channel!

    The competition starts on September 5th, and ends on October 15th.


    I will evaluate together with the other MF Academy founders every Build submission We recommend to prioritize a mix of the following aspects:

    1) Creativity: Surprise us with an original MF build featuring Skills or Ascendancies that are not usually picked for playing Magic Find (a Windripper Ice Shot build does not have good chance to win this contest).

    2) Gameplay: Try to create a powerful MF build, capable of running juiced maps. This is easier using the Legacy Gear available in Standard. Your build has no budget restrictions, you can choose to include expensive Mirror Tier items. Remember though, that we care more about creativity than sheer power.

    3) Quantity/Rarity: It's important to rise Quantity and/or Rarity, as much as you can. You don't have to add Quantity in every single gear slot, nonetheless we appreciate decent investment in Quantity/Rarity.

    4) Showcase and Guide: You can post your build as a Path of Building Pastebin Code, but we appreciate entries with a detailed written guide. I recommend providing a link to a PoE Forum Thread or creating a YouTube Video! Remember that it's not necessary to actually create the build ingame in order to post your Build submission, in other words you don't need to spend currency to collect mirror-tier items or other expensive gear. Submitted builds can be pure theorycrafts and this will not impact your chance to get a prize, so unleash your creativity!

    Only one entry per Discord member. The build must be your own original work.


    We are offering 600 Microtransaction points (MTX) that you can spend in the PoE Shop!

    1st Place: 300 MTX Points

    2nd Place: 200 MTX Points

    3rd Place: 100 MTX Points

    These points will be distributed as promotional codes, thanks to GGG! If you want to contribute to help rising the prize pool with an offer, don't hesitate to contact me and together we will contact GGG.

    submitted by /u/Morgoth92
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    Another Melee League Comes To An End

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    I'm love crafting league, but...

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Dying to frozen legion enemies: what is killing me?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    I play a Herald of Agony Juggernaut. I have 90% phys reduction, 80% elemental res, 90% chaos res with divine flesh, maim on hit, blind on hit, life on hit, life regen, endurance charges, enduring cry, molten shell and Aspect of the Spider. My cyclone is zdps, so reflect doesn't hurt me. I don't deal insane damage, but it's sufficient. I slowly plod through the game at Chris Wilson-approved speed. The benefit is that I rarely take major damage from anything and it is a super chill play style.

    Twice now I have died while fighting frozen Legion monsters. Not active monsters, I'm not dying to archers or generals or anything. I mean frozen monsters during the "breaking the time shells" phase. One moment I'm cycloning through inert monsters, the next moment I'm instantly dead with the message "(player) has committed suicide". This has happened twice, both during the frozen legion stage.

    I have blood magic linked to my cyclone, but I only lose around 5 life per second from this, and it is instantly regenerated from my high life regen. The first time I died, I thought that some random monster randomly critted me to 1hp, then in an insanely unlucky circumstance, my cyclone killed me. But the second time this happened, also in the frozen legion, with the same "committed suicide", I got suspicious.

    I have tried searching for an answer to this to no avail. Does anyone know what mechanic I'm missing that is killing me?

    Edit: Thanks for the replies! Looks like Legion was just a coincidence. Apparently Golden Rule and Gloom Shrines don't mix :) Good news because I now know how to avoid this mechanic so as to avoid death.

    submitted by /u/jwexile
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    Divination Card Fanart

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Personal appreciation for how far PoE has come

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Saw original PoE launch trailer. Felt nostalgic, even though I've never played back then myself.

    I just saw the original PoE launch trailer by coincidence and it really hit me just how much has changed. I mean, PoE 1.0 looks ancient tbh. I'm a relatively new player myself, but seeing that trailer and looking at some 1.0 gameplay has gotten me nostalgic for something I newer experienced myself. I could easily imagine a reality where PoE never got heavily updated gameplay or visuals, and still looked and felt like runescape classic does today. However, today, 30 something leagues/expansions later I'm playing and enjoying what feels like a true contemporary AAA RPG and I just think that is awesome. Watching that launch trailer and sitting here waiting for Heist and PoE 2 feels surreal and I just wanted to express that feeling to someone. Thanks GGG for something truly unique and great.

    Stay sane exiles, for many leagues to come.

    submitted by /u/Trixuz
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    How would everyone feel about Delirium cysts in Blight potentially in the future?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Simulacrum splinters for lower drops, random clusters for better rolls and then maybe even delirium orbs in high tier map with good rolls (like golden oils).

    Yes? No? Thanks for reading if you did!

    submitted by /u/Tyler_Whirl
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    One of a kind Transcendent Flesh

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    One of a kind Transcendent Flesh

    After 60+ Jewels and vaal orbs, I rage threw one in the corruption chamber and the gods blessed me with this. No idea how to even price this.


    submitted by /u/Noobphobia
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