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    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Alternate Quality Spark

    Path of Exile Builds Alternate Quality Spark

    Alternate Quality Spark

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    I found a alternate quality spark in SSF with "40% of Lightning Damage Converted to Chaos Damage" and was wondering if this opens up any interesting build ideas.

    I nearly have a level 3 enhance and wondered if having 72% conversion would be good. I was thinking of either Self cast Inquis with crit or maybe going traps or totems?

    Maybe there are some interesting uniques this could be used with?

    *Disclaimer, I am a noob as you can probably tell :)

    submitted by /u/CreatineCornflakes
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    How good is Mathil's Ngamahu Chieftain Cyclone Build these days?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Is Ngamahu still good for Cyclone these days? I really like cyclone as a skill i dont really like impale cyclones because i really like my Herald MTX :)


    submitted by /u/V4ldaran
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    Best build to farm simulacrum?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Do you guys have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/EDContagion
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    Champion's fist > Berserker's axe ??

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm trying to find a decent earthshatter setting for my second build.

    I thought berserker has better dps than champions, and 2h than unarmed, even though 2h zerker has less defense.

    But after I found out that POE Ninja doesn't consider impale damage on dps, I took couple of builds into pob fork, and unarmed champs has similar damage with 2h berserkers.

    Am I correct? If this is true, then what is the reason to choose berserker?

    submitted by /u/kdjapr
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    Which minion build for boss killing is better?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I need a build that can kill sirus a8 without trouble and is relatively tanky. I dont care about clear speed because i have an BV assassin that destroy everything on maps, i just not good enough to kill sirus with him, so i need an brainless boss killer basicaly.

    TL:DR: Carrion Golems, SO Spectres, Slave Driver Spectres, Redenptiom Spectres for boss killing?

    submitted by /u/darksady
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    Need a build to survive in Heists

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    I'm currently running a bleed bow gladiator and it's a lot of fun, plus it's the most effective build I've run so far (out of 3 to be fair), however I die too often in heists. If I alch a lv80+ map, there's about a 75% chance I die at least once while running it, and it's kinda irritating to lose a bunch of xp and have to run and pick my drops up, or lose them completely over and over.

    My other character this league was an Ice Crash Juggernaut which was fun, but I had to abandon it because the damage started falling off, and it started costing more money than it was earning.

    I'm looking for a build where I die a lot less in heists. I do plan on continuing with my bleed bow build, mostly because I already have 10ex or more invested into it (which is an insane amount of cash to me, I've only been playing poe for a few weeks), and I have a bow that I'm working on which I've already invested in a lot of money. The main objective is to be able to just casually run through heists and not have to worry about getting deleted randomly. I don't mind dying, I just want to die a lot less often haha.

    For context, my gladiator has 6.1k hp, max res, and stacked evasion (i think 48% chance to dodge attacks or something with potions active)

    Looking through threads here, I already know that max block lacterate gladiator is going to be suggested, and I'd be fine running it, but I want to explore other options if there are any. I do really want to run a lacerate character in the future, but I'm already coming off a bleed character, plus my friend is running lacerate glad so I don't want to feel like I'm copying him. However, if it truly is the best option, I'd be more than happy to run it.

    I'm not really looking for a specific playstyle, just something different. I don't mind if it's ranged, magic, or melee, or what class it is, just that I can build it up with a tiny budget, and run heists effectively without dying when the patch drops next week (I'll probably have to spend all weekend leveling it). I currently have a ~1.2ex budget, but I can probably push that up to 3ex if I farm hard enough tomorrow, so I don't really have a lot of cash to work with (plus ex is down to 70c each or so).

    One build I was considering was a spider necro build, but I don't know how effective it would be. I've never played a summoner, but I've heard they're really tanky, and I'd have to imagine that the minions draw a lot of aggro. I've gotten a couple of the drops for the build (the dagger and the flask), but it looks like the devouring diadem is decently expensive.

    I've also heard that siege ballista heirophant is really good. I don't think it's tanky at all, but apparently it's rather safe to use because you just pop a ballista down and hide in a corner somewhere while they do all the work, plus it's apparently cheap, but I preferably want to be able to tank damage as well.

    I'm sorry for the noob question, and the massive wall of text, but so far picking builds has been a weak suit of mine lol. I went through like 8 characters before I finally settled on my first build ever, and it took me 3 days to pick my league starter for Heist.

    tl;dr: What would be good for surviving in heists, apart from max block lacerate glad? 1-3ex budget may be possible, but I'd like a bunch of different possibilities just to see what's out there! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Haker10201
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    Could use some tips.. new player

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    So I have been playing PoE since the new league dropped and been enjoying it so far!

    I have to say it still is pretty overwhelming at times, all the content, information, builds etc etc.
    It is really hard to soak everything in and get a decent understanding of the game, time played will greatly help with that i guess.

    I started out as ED contagion, it didn't feel right for me so after i farmed some currency and got to 90 (personal goal.. so many deaths...) i rerolled to cyclone slayer, to be honest i just copied one of the first build i saw when googling. Now after playing this for a week it sort of feels off, looking at the poe ninja stats for slayer builds i dont really see anyone using the build i am using. I allready put a decent amount of currency into it, a starforge etc. before i invest more I would like some advice as to where to go from here.

    Also would like to note i am currently just running some t12/13 maps without to much of an issue really, so its not like i hit a wall or something. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around how to scale my character from this point on .

    Here is the pastebin.


    Thanks in advance, sorry if i dont make any sense..

    submitted by /u/Drhunes
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    Delirious mapping build needed for my 2nd character 3.12

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys, long story short:

    I'm running champion earthshatter as my 1st league char, its perfect for heists I almost never die, its good for mapping good boss killer however I fall short to delirious mapping due to very close range and I have major issues with legion monoliths.

    My budget is around 30 ex for zoom zoom char good for delirious mapping anything you can recommend?

    submitted by /u/Tragboo
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    Occultist Vortex - dying a lot, need tips

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    this is my char:


    or (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Kangarax/characters --> HeightenedHeistPleasure if not working).

    Built as a boss killer since my frost blade raider is dying too much in red maps.

    Have 1 ex to fix the build


    - Dying a LOT

    - sometimes damage bypasses ES

    - Sometimes just random one shots

    What can I do for it to improve?

    Damage seems also very lacking. The build I'm following ( [3.12] ShakCentral's Vortex For Everyone ) seems also very different than builds on poe.ninja.

    submitted by /u/kangarax
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    When does cyclone feels better?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Decide to make a cyclone build the basic 2hd crit champ build. I lvled up using bladestorm and so far I'm still using it just hit 70. It feels stronger and faster than cyclone. Using terminus est and tabula. Will cyclone eventually feel better than bladestorm the further I lvl/progress?

    submitted by /u/Xevn
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    Looking for new second build in Heist

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:24 AM PDT


    I am looking for my second trade league build that is:

    1. Tanky and allow for some careless play. Mitigation and regen would be nice.
    2. Easy to play. Not too much skills juggling or targeting to do damage.
    3. Good clear speed.
    4. Single target is not a prio as long as I can get bosses down reasonably.
    5. Able to do Legion and Blight encounts easily. I think this rules out most melee builds.
    6. Budget around 5-6 ex to get started. More to min-max later is okay.
    7. Should be okay for Heist contracts, but not a prio.
    8. Preferably not a witch/necro, duelist/glad or templar. I wanna try new classes but can look at these too.

    I have been looking around at the forums but have a hard time figuring this out, since most guide don't cover things like Legion and Blight effectivity.

    My current max block HoA Glad is terrible at it plus have survival issues in juiced t14+. Better gear could solve survivability but not Legion or Blight. Probably good at Heists too.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/boikar
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    Build to finish the league - 25ex budget

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:14 AM PDT


    I'm looking for some ideas/spells (not a complete guide or POB, I like to do them myself) for a build to finish the league 36/40, all boss and maybe later some hard content like delirium 100% when I could put more on the build.

    I'm a very lazy player, I don't like to stand to cast (bv is already too long to cast for example), I don't need a zoom zoom build, but also not a RF like build with "meh" clearing.

    I need decent tankyness (again, not RF level but no instakilled by a random trash).

    Decent boss dps (for sirus/uber, delve 300-400, not instaphase but not 10min fight) and decent clear (able to open most of a legion monolith, clear delirium 100%, etc).

    SO far, spectre and golems seems to be good for that, I like stone golems elementalist (mostly because I don't like spectre), but it doesn't seems that great on clearing side. I also like cyclone, but I don't know what build can be good with a very good AoE (champion impale is way too small).

    Any ideas of items/spells/gear that I can like ? My most successfull build ever was a PP necro VD (before spellslinger) if that can help.

    submitted by /u/RayGW2
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    Ice shot late game upgrades.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm trying my hand at an ice shot deadeye again and I want to make it as strong as possible. I'm having a hard time with survivability in late game maps with a 4k life pool and non existent chaos res. I'm not too sure where to find more life though, there seems to be a lot of recommended/ required uniques taking a lot of space. Also while the damage is nothing to sneeze at, I feel like single target is lacking abit with the barrage setup. If anyone can help and give me some ideas I would appreciate it. Budget is not the biggest concern, I'm looking to min max the build. Currently my thinking is the bow is good but not great and could use an upgrade, also the amulet is a bit lacking. Here is the pob- https://pastebin.com/n8KYu58t.

    submitted by /u/harshvibesdog
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    Delve builds

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    looking to making currency from delve. any good builds out there that fits the description? i was thinking of BV poison pathfinder.

    thanks bois.

    submitted by /u/Azuhiiro
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    Thread of hope and glancing blows.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Currently building a CI ed/contagion trickster and cannot hit glancing blows with my med or small thread of hope. In the socket above it

    submitted by /u/CJofreddit
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    Trickster edc

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Can any check my profile https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Tzicass/characters Something wrong and don't know..

    submitted by /u/Tzicass
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    BL Miner low single target dps?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I haven't played this build before but it looked fine so set up am Ascendant Ball Lightning Miner. It's going well but I find the single target damage kind of lackluster, I thought this build would be stronger at single target? Maybe I'm doing something wrong but would appreciate any tips to improve the boss DPS :). Does it matter how I place my mines?

    POB: https://pastebin.com/PDrtrgih

    submitted by /u/czarandy
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    Any builds that would work well for the new arcmage variant that converts 60% of Lightning to Cold?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    What's chainhook single target like?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    This is just theory, but if you went impaler + chain hook + call of steel + explosions, could you get clear to be reasonable?

    And then what does single target look like?

    I kinda want to put this together in standard, but I don't have that much time to play.

    I know I have a weapon somewhere. You can get explosions easy with gladiator. Getting attack speed will be easy with glad also.

    I know it would be painful no matter what. But it would be funny.

    submitted by /u/OrcOfDoom
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    Recommend me a build that uses mainly uniques

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    So I'm suffering from post harvest blues. Every rare that I see I always think about how I can craft it to make it better. But I can't cos harvest is gone.

    Any build recommendations that uses mainly uniques? Am fine with a few rares that is easy to gear for.

    Was thinking of archmage with cloak of defiance etc, but I hate cremation playstyle and have done BL/arc to death. Any recommendations that can keep me occupied over the weekend until heist is fixed?

    submitted by /u/babyboo8
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT


    Now that everyone is aware of how broken Call of Steel with Slams or Assailum is i wanted to share the version I played.

    For anyone that isn't aware of Call of Steel here is how it works:

    1. Equipping a Steel skill gives you Call of Steel
    2. Call of Steel explodes all Impales in an area dealing "shotgunning" aoe damage no matter the source of the impale
    3. Lord of Steel jewel is used to boost that effect
    4. The Impaler applies 4 Impales on your target and everyone nearby with a single hit and prevents impaling for four seconds

    So the move is: getting a single huge physical attack hit in - "snapshotting" the damage with Impaler -and then exploding it with Call of Steel for a huge burst.

    Instead of scaling a single Slam i wanted to make a really assassiny feeling build.

    It's probably worse than the other variants, but it does clear red maps at ~lvl75 on less than 1 ex and is pretty fast(faster than the slam clear) so it's usable.

    The idea is taking Dual Strike and using Enemy is on Full Life effects (Alt quality on Dual Strike and Full Life support doesn't save) to get crazy damage.

    You'll have Phase Run on left-click run into a pack hit it once and then cast Call of Steel to explode the entire thing. Second hits are never necessary. For boss encounters its Vulnerability - Blood Stance - Ancestor - Phase Run - Dual - Call and if it survives you attack as you can for 4 sec and then repeat. Ruthless can be stacked for the first hit to raise the one-shot potential.

    Marylene and Lord of Steel are Mandatory the rest is optional. Bleed is scaled more or less by accident so Voidheart + Anoint add a nice bonus against very beefy targets(some bosses).

    Kintsugi makes the build pretty tanky and Abyssus is cheap dmg boost when necessary.

    In terms of weapons we're looking for Crit and high PhysDmg at the cost of AS.

    Alt quality on Dual Strike, Ruthless and Damage on Full Life are most important. Warcry speed alt quality on Enduring Cry helps a lot.

    Phase Run can be replaced by Wither Step for more survivability at the cost of dmg.

    Pride Watchers Eye would be the big-ticket endgame item.

    I wouldn't recommend running this in SSF until you have the Amulet and Jewel, but you can start it in trade.

    Short Clip +40% Monster Phys Reduction Conq Tier 11 Lvl 81

    submitted by /u/Cottilion
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    Maw Of Mischief Idea

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I've seen a number of Maw of Mischief posts over the last few days with a large number resulting in builds with average clear speed and boss potential. Then I had an idea.

    What about running utilizing the buff itself on an end stage carrion golem build for bosses only. The extra 40% on attack speed and damage boost would be huge for golem nuke potential and on multi stage fights one could just dodge and repop golems if needed.

    Any thoughts on just using it as a pure boss nuke?

    submitted by /u/Philosophallic
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    Splitting Steel/Shattering steel etc

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    A few questions on the topic.

    Splitting steel feels way better to me but shattering steel doubles my damage in pob. It consumes twice as many shards though and I'm assuming POb isn't calculating damage when shards run out?

    Also, I'm like half committed to a crit setup, and I'm not sure if that makes sense with impale or how that even works?

    Also if I'm using splitting steel, I reset impales on a boss after 12 hits? 7 of those are presumably ramping up to max impale so assuming I have 100% chance to impale, I get 5 hits before I lose 35% of my damage? Does that 35% include impale damage or just initial hit damage?

    I can't tell if I'm overanalyzing or not, I honestly find it all a bit confusing. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to optimize bossing since I won't be hitting like a freight train.

    And is there a better use of 3 gem slots than ancestral protector with culling strike? Feels kind of useless but I'm dual wielding so I only have one six link

    submitted by /u/CreatineAccounting
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