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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Hasunic's Fireball / Flame Wall Ignite Trickster - Leaguestarter Guide (Sorry for "reupload" - I had some misinformation in the first guide, so I deleted all traces of it.

    Path of Exile Builds Hasunic's Fireball / Flame Wall Ignite Trickster - Leaguestarter Guide (Sorry for "reupload" - I had some misinformation in the first guide, so I deleted all traces of it.

    Hasunic's Fireball / Flame Wall Ignite Trickster - Leaguestarter Guide (Sorry for "reupload" - I had some misinformation in the first guide, so I deleted all traces of it.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I want to tank everyone and their mother

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    As the title says, I'm looking for a build that will tank anything and everything with no issues. Just stand their and not die. Or as close as possible to that.

    submitted by /u/Sealkyuubinaruto
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    Other than Cyclone AoE, is there merit to stacking weapon attack range?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Think something like:
    Slayer's +2 Weapon Range
    +2 Daresso's Salute
    +5 Dual Strike Alt quality
    Melee Phys +2 Alt quality
    Ancestral Call +4 Alt Quality
    +3 Essence Crafted Foils
    Replica Pure Talent +2 etc

    Think this meme might be worth exploring?

    submitted by /u/kfijatass
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    CwC VD/anyskill Chieftain T16 Hydra

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I feel virtually unkillable atm, but my damage is lacking in red maps. What are my best options to improve my damage? 10~ ex budget

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Difference between CI and evasion life based trickster for ED/C

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Hi all, its my first ED/C character in HC and im kinda stuck in T6 maps, im taking more damage than I would like. Im currently a life based MoM with eldritch battery using hyrris ire, the dodge feels great but when I do get hit its kinda scary. However Im not sure if the CI variant is tankier or not. Does anyone know the pros and cons of CI vs eva life based? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/JordanTYH
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    CI Trickster Poison Spark Help

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    So, since the alt quality spark has 40% conversion to chaos I wanted to take a look at doing a build similar to the old voltaxic conversion poison builds. Was originally planning on doing a consuming dark version but misread the alt quality and thought firestorm had 40% conversion but it was Flameblast :(

    Hitting a bit of a wall though in the theory craft though as I would really like to see more ES out of this build, and as I've never theorycrafted a poison build before I'm not to sure if the damage numbers are even that good with the set-up I'm looking at.

    This is the current PoB I'm working with. https://pastebin.com/vzWvvhvP

    submitted by /u/kindoramns
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    Looking for zoomie t16 build

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I just ripped on my SSFHC char and I need a break from HC.

    I'm looking for softcore, fast and chill build that scales well with currency - I'm counting on You my softcore friends ;]

    Extra info: Ranged/Spell build, zoomies, if it can kill a8 sirus it's fine but it's not important

    submitted by /u/Nevybot
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    Got a boss killer and looking for a build that can zoom maps

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    I don't have much currency. My boss killer's clear is ~'a ok'ish so I want something that can zoom maps thus I can spawn Sirius fast and generate currency while juicing maps too. Help me out!

    submitted by /u/nvls_
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    RF Chieftain Elemental Equilibrium

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    I have a question concerning EE. I am lvl 68 and just started mapping. I havent pickjed up EE yet since I don't know the exact mechanics of it. As far as I understood (in order for RF to do mor dmg) I need to hit the enemies with something else then fire damage first, otherwise they get +25% resistance to fire.

    I use Shield charge to move around, but not always hit enemies. So I am wondering (without compromising my 1 button playstyle) how can I best trigger EE on all the mobs? Because I am assuming RF is the first that hits the mobs?

    submitted by /u/Penecho987
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    Guides for a replica alberon's str stacking build

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am pretty bored playing or seeing the same builds over and over again. This league I still couldn't get past level 40 because I can't decide on a build to play, apparently alberon str stacking builds are strong so I want to try to level and play one but I couldn't see any decent guides for them, I don't really know how to make a build like that effectively, so anyone can guide me in the right direction?

    Also, I am open for different decent all rounder builds aswell, in harvest my most successful build was a hollow palm ice crash raider, I like playing kind of off-meta stuff.

    submitted by /u/ceredwyn
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    Best Builds For Running High Level Heists?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    So most people are saving up all contracts for the big patch next week - but what are actually the best builds to spam those 200+ heists with?

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    is there a viable firestorm build?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    title, it seems that the rework has made it worse, but I wanted to know if there was a build that makes it work.

    submitted by /u/Ld_martin
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    New and interesting chase builds this league?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Since league mechanic is uninteresting for me, I'm looking for new build to reroll into to not burn out. Really bored of the ever existing ED/C, BV, CoC Ice nova, miner, minion etc. builds that dominate every league.

    I've min-maxed Replice Alberons Scourge Arrow poison, and its literally the perfect build but just doesn't interest me anymore since it's finished.

    I've already played Hexblast Ignite, GC miner this league.

    What underrated build are you rocking?

    submitted by /u/thefury1337
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    Are carrion golems that good?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    It is now the most used skill on poe ninja. Wondering what the pros and cons are for this build and how far will 50ex get me

    submitted by /u/Leafilia
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    Fireball/Flame Wall are pretty good at Hall Of The Grandmasters - 4 minute run / 1 portal

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Poison BV Assassin. Need tips/suggestion on how to proceed.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    So, I'm not following any specific guide... basically looking at poe.ninja and trying to come up with my own ideas.


    Thats how my character is currently looking. I have passive points to add but I'm not sure how to proceed now. But some notes:

    1) I know I need a 6L Carcass or whichever other body armor asap, I'm working on it :)

    2) I''m feeling that I need more Crit, but I'm not sure. Can someone help me with that? (having said that, I'm already running Alira but I believe 2 points could help me more now)

    3) For my Clusters Jewels I've made some on POB that sounds good for the build. I still need to craft/buy them, but I believe the medium ones are not that expensive though.

    4) My weapons... right now I'm using 2x Obliteration and, on swap, 1 Cold Iron Point + 1 Bino. I still trying to decide which set clears better. For bosses I'll just use 2x Cold Iron Points. (right now I'm enjoying 2x Obliterations more than Bino + Cold Iron)

    5) Any suggestion on what to get next on my passive tree? Maybe more life (currently sitting at 128% increase) or 1 or 2 jewel slots? Not sure really. Could also respec some nodes that are not that great.

    I know I'm asking alot but it would really help me get any tips/suggesion on how to progress my character more. But for now, I believe my highest DPS increase would be a 6L

    submitted by /u/andrenery
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    Blade Vortex Chieftain leveling question

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Hey there!

    So I'm trying to level Chieftain Blade Vortex as my next character, and i wanted to learn what is best skills/weapons for it.

    As far as i know, I can't use BV properly until level 38, so what areIthe best possible skills for smooth leveling or even league start?(I'm planning on using it in next league)

    I was using Esoro guide from YT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnhaseNAPMc


    submitted by /u/gelu295
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    Feeling too squishy with Bladefall / Bladeblast assassin

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    Hi there, folks!

    A while ago I started to work on a BF/BB Crit Assassin. The damage on paper looks really good (Unleash + Spell Cascade + Spell echo creates more than 40 blades on a single cast, and I can blast them while they are still falling). I tried to merge a couple of guides into this build.

    The damage looks nice (although I still have to buy another Cold Iron Point), but what really concerns me is the defense. Right now, I'm only doing low tier maps to get the atlas bonus, but, even on T6 maps, when something freezes me, I usually end up dead. I can map well, but I'm feeling like I'm a glass cannon - whoever shoots first wins. I don't think that is viable for end game, from what I hear.

    I realized I was not scaling any form of defense other than dodge, so my gear kinda doesn't give a shit about anything defensive other than high life and resists. Comparing my numbers with some other builds, when elusive is at max effect and phase run up (which I left as on left click, and, with inc. duration / second wind, is up pretty much 90% of the time), I get 65/55% dodge, plus 5.3k life, and blind close enemies with Sand Stance. The regen is shit, I only have it from a 1c shaper amulet I bought with it to leech some life from spells (and EB is being used because I couldn't sustain mana either lol) and vitality. It really worries me that, in this 5M shaper DPS build (according to my plan), all my defense passive points are already spent (all left for me to pick up on the tree is scaling Power charges).

    What am I missing on this build to make it more tanky? I've seen some guides, and their defenses don't look that much better either, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Am I missing more damage as defense machanic lol? I still have to upgrade the helmet, but that shouldn't add much to it. I struggle to complete even the ascendancy trials, because the bleeding hurts me so much, despite using flasks to contain it, so I'm pretty sure I'll get deleted fairly often on T12+ maps.

    POB pastebin:


    submitted by /u/lp-lima
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    Fulcrum Theorycrafting - Appreciate ideas!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I was considering a build around the staff.
    I have a feeling it could be great with a self-ignite, self-chill and self-shock kind of setup with an Inpulsa and a Winterweave, optional Chieftain for unaffect shock, reverse chill and unaffected ignite respectively. Or Deadeye because as far as I'm aware, Tailwind and Reverse chill works multiplicatively.

    This could also allow you to run Hotfooted and Replica Hotfooted for a lot of cast speed or/and attack speed and a comfy 40% Movespeed.
    This looks like a decent base for something, but I'm not quite sure what. Any ideas what could be potentially good? Don't feel like I want to explore BV as I really want to actually be able to utilize all 3 ailments on the item.

    submitted by /u/kfijatass
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    Melee Build that can do it all: Clear, kill bosses, AND Delve?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    The past couple of leagues I've played casters and this league I've REALLY gotten into a rut. I just can't find a build that I want to stick with despite leveling a few builds (Golems, CG Mines, and Toxic Rain) I haven't even scratched the surface of the atlas.

    I need a change, something engaging that isn't mindless, and something that will hold my interest.

    I'm thinking a melee build since I haven't played one in forever. As the title says, I'd like suggestions of a build that can clear, kill bosses, and delve.

    Leveling being straightforward is a HUGE plus too. I generally don't like builds that require you to level with one skill and then respec into the main skill once you hit 60 or so.

    submitted by /u/CArnoldBarent
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    Adding a spell to RF for bosses that isn't scorching ray?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    I'm making an RF chief right now, but I don't like roleplaying as a scorching ray totem during boss fights. I wanted to add something "punchy", like flameblast or discharge. It doesn't need to be optimal or meta (flame wall looks boring despite the crazy numbers).

    What's a good/fun addition?

    submitted by /u/Beeblebroxia
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    Hey guys so with the new replica abberons warpath + pestilence strike just stacking strength do you think it would be better than normal pestilence strike.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I've got the POB numbers on some people off ladder and they have 6m poison dps, but is thta a lot considering poison is a slow stacking damage type? I wanna try it on path finder and see how good it can be over regular pestilence strike.

    submitted by /u/mlgmombanger69
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    Any recommendations on a boss killer build?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I've played poison bv, and some ignite builds this league, really want to try out a bossing focused build that can easily deal with conquerors or A8 sirus, I know poison bv is not bad at bossing, but it's so squishy that I need to use several portals to take down some bosses.

    Ive heard that vortex is great at bossing, but im afraid the dps is gonna be as low as my ignite builds :P

    I don't like summoner builds tho

    submitted by /u/Zeriob
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    Divergent Ethereal Knives

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    I really like Ethereal Knives; it was the first build that I used when I started playing in Harbinger League. I've got a bit of a soft spot for this skill.

    Now, the Divergent Ethereal Knives offers alternate quality, which adds #% chance to Impale on Spell Hit. I have no idea how to make this work, but I would definitely be willing to give it a try.

    If anyone has any suggestions for a character that could make use of this skill gem, I would gladly appreciate the guidance.

    submitted by /u/Oathkeeper89
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