• Breaking News

    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Was going to let the random craft choose if I used this for archmage (mana) or non archmage (+spell gem) build. Hit both. Ideas on best use/way to finish the craft for this explodey staff?

    Path of Exile Builds Was going to let the random craft choose if I used this for archmage (mana) or non archmage (+spell gem) build. Hit both. Ideas on best use/way to finish the craft for this explodey staff?

    Was going to let the random craft choose if I used this for archmage (mana) or non archmage (+spell gem) build. Hit both. Ideas on best use/way to finish the craft for this explodey staff?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Hidden Blade Pathfinder - STR Stacking

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    LL Carrion Golems Necromancer 60 million sDPS t19 100% Delirium deathless clear, no HH

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    What are some slept on or incredibly fun (SSF) builds right now?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    I did a dumb and migrated all SSF characters to trade, thinking I was done with SSF (managed to get A8 Sirus down as a first time!). Have you guys found anything that feels kinda slept on that is end game viable, not too gear intensive, and fun? Wanted to try making new builds but realized a few things in this games that I think will influence how I play the game:

    1) Dot builds are amazing. I really want to try to play an EQ / ensnaring arrow gladiator or jugg, but I feel opposed to that because all I do are main glads for block and trickster for patient reaper.

    2) Block and some form of life regeneration is amazing. Jugg has absurd regen, and while Glad lacks the regen, you can get out of some ridiculous situations because block is super effective vs a bunch of small hits.

    3) I pretty much ignore gear-dependent builds. What I mean by that, is that MoM/agnostic is almost never an option because you need to gear for it. Crit is almost never an option because you need a ton of investment, it seems.

    So with that, you can see why I love the idea of Jugg, Trickster, and Glads. You have the king of regen, a Trickster which is so damn flexible on how to build (life, hybrid life-es, block if pathing to templar, phase acro) and glad, which gets absurd amounts of defenses for 2 ascendency notables.

    What have you all been enjoying this league?

    For me? Here's what I've seriously put a ton of mental effort towards:

    1) Shattering steel bleed gladiator. Super strong, just need to incrementally craft a better and better axe as you run your atlas, stopping at a high p dps i83 elder axe w/ flat phys, inc phys, attack speed, and most importantly the 60% chance to do 100% more bleed dps. I think I was top 3 shattering steel glads on the SC-SSF ladder. I would 100% league start with splitting steel and transition into shattering steel once you get more attack speed (so around BA, probs)

    2) Discharge ball lightning archmage guardian. Guardian has an absurd notable that gives you a 10% chance to gain a power/endurance/frenzy charge on hit. Ball lightning can give you a ton of hits even for single target with Inc aoe / slower proj. Unfortunately, the rest of the ascendency does nothing for the build. I wanted to go with the "tri-elemental" set-up, using BL to generate charges and discharge to remove them. I got a replica Kaoms heart and a 6L staff w/ a new base type that Agnostic overrides anyways....so I figured this is the way. It turns out that I lacked a good amount of mana sustain (had like 3.5k hp, 6k mana) and with lower dps I was getting hit alot, which meant it was harder to attack with BL/discharge...so it was clunky.

    3) Tri elemental hit zerker, using 2x doryani's catalyst and a yoke of suffering. Doryani's catalyst is possibly BiS for elemental hit, but my god is it hard to do damage since it scales off flat damage and not increased phys damage or whatever. So with enough pdps, Wild Strike looks better. And wild strike voidforge looks very very good even without the built in elemental equilibrium that elemental hit has. This guy was squishy, couldnt survive t14+ map bosses very well, but cleared amazingly.

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    So general's cry + cyclone is pretty awesome

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Looking for a balanced build

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:46 AM PDT


    Been playing PoE now for 2 patches and still very dependant on guides. In 3.11 I played arc totems and now on 3.12 I have tried shattering steel and flicker. Now looking something that is preferably a ranged/caster or can stand far away to not eat all the cleave abilities with 1-3 abilities. Also, would Be great if the gear would be fairly cheap (200 chaos or so to get Atlas done). Crafting is also ok, though I suck at it (but gotta start at some point so why not now).

    So far I'm loving flicker zoom zoom, but lately at t11 Maps and last labyrint Ikaros having issues with bossing where I randomly flicker to death. Friend suggested ED contagion, but the playstyle was a bit so-so. Up for suggestions, thanks!

    submitted by /u/mane1234
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    Poison molten strike assassin. Simulacrum.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Should I switch from an int stacking wander to an aura stacking wander?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Hey, I am currently playing an int stacking assassin wander. Map clear is very zoom zoom and bossing is fast (5.6m shaper dps), however, since this build's defense is pretty much just the raw ES (currently sitting at about 10k), it can feel a bit squishy in endgame content, like delirium T16s.

    If I want to be tanky, zoom zoom, and do a shit ton of dps, it seems the only option is to go aura stacking ascendant. I realize that you can endlessly invest in an aura stacking build with things like alt Q purities and voices. But if I want to just get it rolling and achieve the same amount of power as my int stacking wander, how much will it roughly cost?

    submitted by /u/dakmor924
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    3.12 Maw of Mischief Budget Build

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Cwc builds

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I'm almost at level 95 with my VD cwc necromancer, and it is the funnest build I've played so far.

    I love the cast while channeling mechanic with cyclone, as I can just kite and kill things as I move.

    Once I have finished this character, I want to try other cyclone cwc builds.

    What build ideas or guides has any got?

    I've been trying to mimic a cyclone cwc ball lightning spire of shards build, but don't know how well that would go.

    submitted by /u/spruceX
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    Headhuntering, what are some good options?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    So I suddenly made enough money to get a headhunter for the first time sinds I started playing poe (back in essence). Now I'm pretty new with this item and I just put it on my aura stacker for a bit. At my current investment I did not think it was working very well.

    Next I tried making a self curse build since I saw it suggested here some times. When it gets rolling it seems fine, but the damage on my blade vortex seems very low (2k tooltip, 146k path of building). It seems I would still need a lot of investment before this building would get off the ground. I failed 2 of 5 tropical island delirium maps.

    The main issues I have with the self-curse build is that it can easily fail at the beginning of a map due to the almost no survivability.

    My question is then are the some good alternatives? My main goal would be to be able to farm similacrums, tropicals with zana delerium and perhaps in the end 5-orb delerium maps. I got quite some characters lying around so I can easily respec another class. I'm planning on keeping my aura stacker (about 4-5k c invested) to help my friends. I've a budget of about a 1000c atm next to the head hunter. I tried CoC, but I found that without heavy investment it would be hard to pull of as well. Thanks in advance

    -self-curse pob https://pastebin.com/ZxXJbuxA

    submitted by /u/Diocruel
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    help about improving my build

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    i can't do t16 %100 delirious map and i don't know what to improve now pls help


    submitted by /u/Kajuist
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    How good is Call of Steel?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Right now I just got to maps on a weird Champion summoner build that I've been working on, and Call of Steel is amazing. I'm running Master of Metal, the Impaler, Resolute Technique, Dread Banner, the Iron Mass, the Call of Steel AoE gem, about 125% increased damage (minion damage from Spiritual Aid), and a two-linked Shattering Steel, and I am consistently blowing up packs in low level maps.

    With a two-link.

    Just Shattering Steel and Maim.

    My minions are only needed for single target damage against rares and bosses. At this point I'm wondering if I should just make this a full-on impale build and forget the minions. At what point does Call of Steel require real investment to clear? Yellow maps, red maps, never?

    submitted by /u/OhWhatATimeToBeAlive
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    Bow Fire BV or Penant Brand (HH + Band of Brotherhood) for mapping fast, delirum and Sirus 8?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Dunno which one to push in, i've seen a few 25m Fire bvs, but liking the sound of penant..

    submitted by /u/DaHedgehog27
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    RF Damage help

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hello, im playing RF chieftain from cpt lance but my damage is far from being acceptable, can someone help me with this? https://pastebin.com/y4DFPMqs

    submitted by /u/IdealessMam
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    This 6L staff just dropped in SSF. Is it a keeper? I'm not sure what builds want both increased physical damage and lightning gem levels.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Ground Slam / Call of Steel q

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Running a fairly generic ground slam + call of steel champion. Generally speaking, it's pretty kickass. But every once in a while, call of steel does literally nothing. I only notice it on bosses and the occassional rare. I've got 70% chance to impale from the tree and 40% from impale support. What gives? Am I missing with the ground slam somehow?

    submitted by /u/HopelesslyOCD
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    Recommend some good 3.12 hipster builds

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a new build. I just went down a str stacking rabbit hole with chieftan and burning arrow, until I read all the text on replica alberon's (deal no non-chaos damage d'oh) and I need something else to scratch the itch.

    Any recs?

    submitted by /u/pickles777
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    Vd help

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Hey people I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to make the two spell slingers can work atm one has 92% mana reserved and the other is 24%. How am I supposed to make them work I'm not understanding how people make it work and I have charisma on my amulet

    submitted by /u/dc_express711
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    Looking for fun build to bring back the joy of poe

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hey there I am looking for a great allround build that feels great and is fun to play. I play several builds already in heist and pretty much done with all build ideas I wanted to test but I still want to play with my friends. Builds I played in heist: Aura Stacking Arc - too boring in my opinion Arcmage ball lightning - too squishy for my taste Str. Stacking alberons shrapnel ballista - very great build getting bored after 2 weeks Crit cleave berseker - way to squishy Bleed bow glad - boring Tectonic slam chieftain - ultra fun to play but to slam 4 times if you are surrounded is not fun. Impale spectral throw champ - played it In an modded hc league to maps. Fun but clear is awful

    I have around 100ex budget and I really really really hate to die. So build should have: Tankiness 13/10 Clear 8/10 Single target 5/10 Buttons to press: mainskill, movement, flask

    Sorry for my bad English, I can't really discribe exactly what I want. I hope you can still get it. Thanks for any advice

    submitted by /u/Neotreitz
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    Flicker [Strenght Stacking] Build

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Need some help min/maxing psn bv

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Leaguestarted psn bv and zooming around and stomping bosses fits me :)

    level 96 atm but kind of hit a wall, if some pob ninjas/smart bois could look at what they wouldve upgraded (gearwise or tree) i would be grateful.

    Damage is great, i get the occasional one-shots but wanna upgrade what i can and try to hit 100 this league :)

    Only play this character and budget for upgrades doesnt matter.

    Pob link here : https://pastebin.com/ePFpHwJ2

    submitted by /u/Jimmehpoo
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    Looking to build a arc stormfire build, but this looks outdated since many things changed in regards to increasing mana cost of skills. Any suggestions as to how i can make a similar build in hiest? What are some variations you guys are aware of?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Is there a build on about 100ex budget that can do 100% delirium maps and most endgame?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I'd more like to play a ranged maybe a bow build. I'm running Poison BV Assassin right now but I've about plateaued with my gear and gameplay and would look for something new. Thanks in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/IAmMooch
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