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    Path of Exile Builds Roast my Holy Relic build

    Path of Exile Builds Roast my Holy Relic build

    Roast my Holy Relic build

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:32 PM PST

    I've played Holy Relics this league and it was the first time I pre-planned it before the league started and it seemed okay. However, after playing it and pushing it forward (basically my pre-plan was made like I would play in SSF to make sure I can get it up and running), it turned out to be great — or even awesome, if I dare to say so.

    Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/DBdzfTK9

    Before I say anything else, for those who doesn't know, to calculate Holy Relics damage you take the average hit, multiply it by 2 (because of Geofri's Legacy) and divide it by 0.30 (skill cooldown; 0.30s is the default, Geofri's Legacy increases it to 0.40s and divergent gem reduces it back to 0.30s). So my DPS is 12+ million (without any flasks). EDIT: Yes, my cyclone's attack speed is precisely 0.15s (both in POB and in-game) with all the buffs so I manage to trigger the Holy Relic's Nova spell every 0.30s.

    So, here are my own opinions, insights and whatnot:

    - I know I have Cinderswallow with no added fire damage on cyclone. This is something I will fix, so no need to point that out.

    - I also know the jewels ain't top tier, but I'm not sure what to go for that would be a lot better.

    - I don't have Bottled Faith and I'm thinking is it better to replace Blood of the Karui (losing defences) or Cinderswallow (losing damage but I don't have to worry about the added fire damage).

    - I can kill all the endgame bosses without any trouble (Uber Elder and Sirus' beams are trouble if I stay in it, but those haven't killed me in a long time; Uber Elder balls are not a big deal whatsoever).

    What I would like to have:

    - My Spectres and AG are too squishy for my liking (AG gear listed below); e.g. in Uber Elder and 100% delirium maps my Spectres usually die, and AG almost dies (and actually have died few times which costs a lot!)

    - I could use more movement speed (because of mobility and clear speed).

    - Of course I could be a little bit more tankier (physical damage and degenerations are the main issues), and I'm even willing to sacrifice some damage for it.

    I don't have any goals in this league anymore (because I have 40/40 and reached level 100 with ease), but I would like to learn more how builds can be progressed further because I have no idea what to do anymore with this.

    AG gear (unfortunately I forgot to export this in POB before consuming it, but its chaos resistance is ~45%):

    - Uniques: Southbound gloves, Kingmaker weapon, Leer Cast helmet, Victario's Flight boots

    - Rare armour based body armour with flat life + % life (temple mod), crafted % life and chaos res (all T1)

    Feel free to improve it or even bash it into the oblivion!

    submitted by /u/Lum1on
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    What build is this bow the best for?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Replica Dreamfeather

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:55 AM PST

    Does anyone know of any written or video guides for replica Dreamfeather Scion (not mbextremes one)?

    submitted by /u/Ladoona
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    Build suggestions for 2 player team 250ex each budget

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:17 AM PST

    Can you guys suggest a nice build combo that I could run with my brother? We have 250ex each roughly as a budget and want to play together but also zoom around solo when one of us can't make it ingame. Ideally we don't want to spend all our budget on the build and keep a solid foundation to invest into blueprints/maps to run but we don't know how much we need for that, maybe 30ish exa?

    I was playing an impale ground slam champion and didn't enjoy it, switched to level a toxic rain trickster and in act 8 with level 57 a Mirror dropped, so that is where our money comes from. I was streaming it in discord and told my brother - holy shit look I got an exalt drop and then the screaming and laughing in discord started haha.

    Then we said let's level scions and aura stack but it looks like those builds need more money than our budget probably? Having a look around for guides we couldn't make up our mind and any help from you guys is highly appreciated. Btw is farming blueprints as a team any good or does it not increase profit?

    submitted by /u/HappyStrat
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    Build ideas for a +2 AOE, +2 Trap Inpulsa?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:54 AM PST

    Can you turn a crusaders glorious plate into a kaoms heart ?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Wanna know before I spend more than 4 ex that I've tried already

    submitted by /u/Akuanin
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    What are some checklists for end game content/bossing?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:24 PM PST

    This might not be a question even possible to answer, but more just guidelines. Its not like at 250k dps shaper is hard and 300k dps becomes easier, but this post is more so looking at "If you dont have around effective 500k dps, don't attempt ____" - super broad generalizations that help you with your power level.

    There's I think two parts to PoE: knowing the mechanics of bossfights and having the gear to do them. If you know how to kite or dance around Kosis, wave 20/20 might not be too bad if you can get him down fast enough or tank a hit or two before falling over. You can probably do A8 Sirus on a zHP deep delver, you'd just need perfect mechanics, and you can probably do A8 Sirus on a 200k dps cold dot build it just might take 10 minutes.

    People build defenses extremely different - some take dodge, some go MoM, some go for glancing blows, some go CI. The key thing is the ability to mitigate a lot of hits/degen and recover health (leech, potion investment, high regen, recovery on kill, etc). The one thing that remains constant is how people build damage - trying to reach the highest number as realistically as possible, because a high dps is almost another source of defenses. You kill stuff before you make a mistake or they do enough hits to crit you for a big hit, etc. You spend 10 minutes in a bossfight and you will surely make more mistakes than you would in a 2 min boss fight. The only thing changes is dps uptime and how damage is "loaded". I'd argue poison dot builds are back-loaded and take a good bit to set up, bonk builds do a lot of damage up front, and DoT builds like cold dot, bleeding etc have good uptime over a long period of time.

    So from your experience, around what dps (and type of dps, hit? dot?) does...:

    • High tier rare-mapping (t14+) feel decent, including conquerors and guardians?

    • Shaper feel decent?

    • Elder feel decent?

    • A8 Sirus feel decent?

    • Uber Elder feel decent?

    • 20/20 Simulacrums feel decent?

    I will say, getting around 500k-1m dps for dot builds (i.e. great uptime) end game feels doable, but still hard as your damage is modest but not amazing. I'm assuming getting like a 10m brand build or 10m cyclone build that has consistent damage/good uptime, the game must feel absurdly easy assuming you can survive boss fights.

    I think end-game mapping comfortably would come around 300-500k dps.

    I don't know the dps requirements for simulacrum, but I know that having fast and consistent clear is the key to getting level 5-rewards every wave. I couldn't put a number on it, though

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    I need a help for tank flicker strike scion

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:05 AM PST

    any one help me

    submitted by /u/PiccoloEmergency3241
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    How did the guy craft this bow?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:36 AM PST

    Looking for Summoner build for Zizaran Racing Gauntlet

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:14 PM PST

    Hello guys in looking to play this gauntlet I'm a completely inexperienced in hcssf my only experience in hcssf is a 1 character I made in hcssf warchief chieftain with all damage mods I'm looking for a Summoner build to reach maps and give a shot at the altas not trying to push for much just be safe and not terribly slow like warchief totems :p any recommendations are highly appreciated

    Thank you in advance for your time and have and good luck to those who participate

    submitted by /u/Lightmare_GR
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    Maw of Mischief / Ignite Build - Update with higher end gear

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Need help on improve Fire BV build

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:39 PM PST

    hi , can anyone look at my pob and check if i do something wrong and what can i do to upgrade my to futher content because i'm struggle on super juicy map like i'm farming zana deli mod with double beyond , ... . Thanks
    Pob : https://pastebin.com/FERT8ejU

    submitted by /u/mysboy6
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    Fire BV Build Help?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I tried to make a really cheap fire bv build and my dps seems really low compared to anything remotely similar, so could someone please tell me what I'm missing?

    I know my gear isn't the best but it's what I have to work with for now.


    submitted by /u/Telvanos01
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    Need endgame build suggestion

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    So, I got insanely lucky last night and dropped a mirror. I want to try one of the really strong endgame builds. I can't really do an aura stack because my buddy is already doing one. It should be good for all content solo, and also strong in duo gameplay.

    I was considering the kinetic bolt build (that one that scales off cast speed), or the HoT build. I don't particularly want a melee build.

    If you can post a PoB for your suggestions it would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/PacmanZ3ro
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    Help with Winter Orb Shadow: Assassin vs Trickster

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:10 PM PST

    So I was leveling a character a few weeks back and decided that I really liked using frostblink as a movement skill. I started theorycrafting how to get the cooldown as low as possible and what build would really benefit from using it as a movement skill. What I landed on was Winter Orb since it does so much more damage while channeling and the end effect will hopefully feel like a Frozen Orb Sorceress from D2LoD. The idea of the build is to channel winter orb as much as possible and frostblink between packs. The key uniques to reduce frostblink cooldown are The Stampede, a Watcher's Eye with the mod "30-50% increased cooldown recovery of movement skills while affected by Haste", and if the budget was infinite, Badge of the Brotherhood (not included in PoB's but it makes the frostblink cooldown get down to 0.63 seconds!). Annointed Fleetfoot and dual wielding for the Dark Arts small nodes give me another 50% cooldown. Crafted belt gives another 12%.

    Right now I have two Path of Building setups which are both pretty detailed and configured. These PoBs contain items which I already own besides the 6L Carcass Jack and the Medium Cluster Jewels because I'm not 100% sold on those configurations yet.

    Winter Orb Assassin: The first PoB is for an Assassin which does 1.3-1.6 Million Shaper DPS with winter orb and has a 0.80s cooldown (75 bpm) frostblink. The main problems with this build (besides the fact that I'm making total meme Frozen Orb Sorc from D2LOD) is that it doesn't have stun immunity and it only has ~5k eHP including the ES/MOM via Eldritch battery (Diadem). It also doesn't have any layers of defense besides just having high mobility and auto-target offense and the sustain only comes from ES leech gem for the ES pool and Life Flask + Diadem for the life pool.

    Winter Orb Trickster: The second PoB is for a Trickster which does ~1 Million Shaper DPS with winter orb and has the same frostblink CD. The main problems with this build are that it has ~30-60% less DPS than the assassin, no culling strike like Assasssin, and the same tiny eHP pool as Assassin (5.5k total) as well as the same sustain issues. It's better in that it has stun immunity and if I got ahold of a badge of the brotherhood has the frenzy charge generation built into the ascendancy.

    How can I solve some of the problems with these builds? Specific questions I haven't been able to address:

    1) What is the best way to get life leech on cold spell damage?

    2) How can I bolster my eHP while still memeing with the FrostBlink shenanigans?

    3) Assassin or Trickster?

    submitted by /u/smithoski
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    Help needed, recently hit a wall with my Fire BV Assassin

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Hello, I am currently running a Fire BV Assassin, and recently started doing delirium T16 maps.

    Altough the start of the map is fine I start to die a lot by rewards level 6, when the mobs start to get a bit tankier.

    Survivability isn't super good but I can handle myself, with that said I am currently starting to look for options to scale my damage a bit higher but can't really find a viable way to do it, I'd like some suggestions on what I could improve on the build.

    Note: I recently got the explode chest but I was running an impulsa's as body armour (which pairs with the gloves)

    Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Asp0Tstw

    submitted by /u/MinorcaPlays
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    Looking for a fast mapper that can do t17 delirium

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Playing most content with my pretty optimized carrion necro atm and it's a blast. Only downside is the screen clear of the golems, which kinda sucks when it comes to legion encounters.

    So for my last build this league i'm looking for something that can complement my necro and fill that role. 100% deli viable would be nice, but not necessary.

    Budget is 50-60ex to start with (can invest more later on) and i already own a headhunter and bottled faith.

    I was thinking maybe strenght stacking poison wander with replica alberons, but I have no idea how good the clear is.


    • Preferably Assassin

    • If there is other decent choices, no BV please

    • No LL, don't want a 3rd shavs build this league

    submitted by /u/JoeFerrosDog
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    Impale Minions

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Seems like a lot of Zombie and Skeleton builds are using Impale Support but none are running Call of Steel. Wondering why this is. Is the clear not needed? Would it pair well with good single target minions like Enhanced Vaal Fallen?

    submitted by /u/Rad_Fishy
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    Are there strength gems that scale well with level?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I've spammed an hunter amulet and got one with t1 life, some res and+1 strength gems. So back to the question, most Melee gems don't scale much over like 0.5% with level up, are there some that so scale well?

    submitted by /u/Secretfire2
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    Explode build help

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    I'm just finishing up my Carrion golem build and while it clears high tier maps and end game bosses fine I find it sub par I heists.

    Im looking to make a build to farm heists with, it ideally needs to be able to efficiently make use of an exploding chest or other corpse removal as my PC is a bit of a potato and once corpses start stacking up in heist my fps just drops so much.

    I have around 30ex to work with in currency to start it off.

    Any build suggestions?

    submitted by /u/NzLawless
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    Something really tanky and cheap for end of league.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I only built up one character this league at the start, a toxic rain trickster. Got up to yellow maps then got distracted and pulled away by some other games. Now I have a hankering to come back and start another character.

    I am looking for the cheapest tankiest character around with preferably good single target damage. Clear speed is not important as I can use my TR trickster for map clearing. But now I want to build a nice bosser character. I have never beat Sirus and would like to give him a run, but I don't have a whole lot of currency at the moment.

    submitted by /u/AGWiebe
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    Need help with Tec Slam improvement

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Hello all, if you would be so kind as to look at my current build:


    I am currently stuck at ~3.96mil Sirus dps (mostly buffed), but would like to take it further without paying $$$ for a 500+ pdps axe. Is there anything else I could be doing that can push this build a step further? I'm mostly concerned about bossing damage.

    FYI, for bosses, I run my 3 warcries, drop a regular warchief totem and vaal warchief totem, punch my damage flasks (atziri's promise + sulphur) and start whacking at the bosses. Then run around, rinse repeat.

    submitted by /u/DontBeMeanPeeps
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