• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Anyone's starter sucked and rerolled already?

    Path of Exile Builds Anyone's starter sucked and rerolled already?

    Anyone's starter sucked and rerolled already?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:14 PM PST

    BBBF Chieftain or assassin

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:40 AM PST

    Title, I leveled chieftain version up to maps today and it feels very slow, should I reroll to assassin version, is it any faster?

    submitted by /u/Rezinar
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    5 starter buffed non-meta builds in 3.13

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:44 AM PST

    New player Looking for non meta build options

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:15 AM PST

    Hi, I'm relatively new to poe and wanted to get some suggestions on builds that aren't the TOP builds. I don't necessarily care for being the best of the best, but want something still viable if possible. I see a lot of the same skills being used and I'm basically looking for people's hidden gems I guess. Any info or builds are appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hexebus
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    [Zizaran] 3.13 - An All-Time Favourite SPIN TO WIN - Cyclone Slayer Leaguestarter

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    Starter builds now that we have an actual idea of the changes

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:39 PM PST

    Hey guys can you recommend a build that you think would be good for the league now that we can actually see the changes that were made in the game?

    preferably no cyclone but everything else works.

    submitted by /u/Waterfalling2
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    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:47 AM PST

    Currently thinking about an occulist ice crash hollow palm build with temporal chains or frostbite as an aura. The movement would be frostblink, and the main defense would come from evasion keystones as well as vigilant strike with hex touch enfeebled attached. Any thoughts on this? One of the main issues might be attack speed so I will have faster attacks support but it still might feel semi wonky in mapping.

    Edit: Notes on attack speed.

    submitted by /u/goblin1231
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    Looking for an inquisitor crit build for lightning warp

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:35 PM PST

    If anybody knows of any builds or could quickly throw one together that'd be lovely ty in advance

    submitted by /u/Pikalovr
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    Any good miner/trapper builds for this league?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:03 AM PST

    Gave up searching on what build should I go, so ill start with sab, anyone can share your miner/trapper pobs?

    submitted by /u/JayBornInMay
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    What is the best method to farm elder base bow for bleed bow ?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:02 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm just start playing on bleed bow gladiator in this league (Ritual) and now I want to know the next thing. Is there any effective method to farm elder bow of 83+ lvl ?

    submitted by /u/Apolomir
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    Divine Ire ignite elementalist, an actually tanky version (2M shaper dps)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:44 AM PST

    Welcome exiles,

    There's been a lot of interest in this sub for divine ire ignite thanks to the recent elementalist rework. I've spent way too much time theorycrafting and absorbing everything people discussed here (slurp), so I thought I would share my version. (already posted it in response to another thread but I thought it deserved its own thread, and I tidied up a few things since then).

    So here the focus is on survivability, because I'm really not convinced the other versions posted here are reasonable on that aspect (sorry creator of the "tankyer version", we still love you <3 ), and we should have more than enough damage anyway. I'm not sure if it is hardcore viable, but it's a lot tankier than the average softcore build at the very least.

    Here's the POB before any more blabla :


    So let's highlight a few things.

    The gear is in the POB is not quite thrash league starter gear, but it's not a multiple mirror monster either. I plan to play this as my second character as pseudo-ssf (buying uniques if they're too hard to farm, crafting everything else). Only the 3-notables large jewel is a bit ambitious, but you really don't lose much by crafting a 2-notables one, and most of the notables are roughly equivalent damage increase in some way. I've checked that every rare is craftable in 10 to 20 tries with common fossils (except for the hunter items, that can be alt + regaled reasonably well).

    Let's move on to the defensive layers :

    • 5 to 6k life (+ .5k ES)
    • ~65ish% phys mitigation when flasks are up, through golem buff, basalt flask, rumi 3k armor and a little bit of armor on gear, + 2 things not displayed in POB : the infused channeling defensive buff and the lunaris pantheon buff when there's multiple mobs nearby.If push comes to shove without flasks and against a strong hit, you should still be around 30-35%.
    • 55/21 attack/spell block without glancing blow, from a shield + a bit of tree + some crafted block on gear + Rumi
    • ~600 to 1000 life/s through golem and tree, and some (very) small leeches with atziri flask
    • 12% action speed reduction with chill from skitterbots
    • ailment immunity from golems + ascendancy
    • a bunch of golems with meat shield to distract the mobs, %chance to taunt on hit from an abyss jewel, and natural taunt from stone golem. We have a reasonable elder helmet dedicated to keep them alive.
    • primal aegis from the ascendancy to deal with elemental damage
    • Room on gear for a lot of chaos res, since we have a f*ckton of resistances from the tree and from being an elementalist. I get to positive 50% chaos res in my POB.
    • Blind nearby enemies/ reduced damage from far away ennemies thanks to flesh and stone. Prevents us from taking unwavering stance, but it's way too strong to pass up.
    • A flexslot setup of cwdt + steelskin, and low level vaal grace just as a free panic-button, even if we don't have real synergies with it.
    • 75% stun avoidance from cinderswallow and a craft on gear. We have a lot of life, defensive layers and mitigation, + a lot of cast speed to never channel for more than a second, so it should be more than enough.

    In terms of damage, we reach 2M ignite shaper damage per second (not total ignite damage), which is really good for a dot because the uptime is much higher than with a regular hit build. You should multiply it by 2 to have a feel of what it means compared to a non-dot build.

    We do use an arcanist brand with wave of conviction/combustion/flammability setup, but with multiple brand and our high cast speed it should be up all the time except against thrash. Same goes for EE from two lightning golems in malachai's artifice (ring).

    We get to around 10 cast per second, which means against either a boss or multiple thrash (since divine ire gain bonus stages in both of these cases), we channel to 20 stages in one second.

    For clear, we don't use a quicksilver flask, but we have flame dash + second wind and a lot of cast speed, + 30% speed from cinderswallow, and tailwind if you manage to harvest craft it. The clear should be pretty good with the ignite proliferation and the cast speed to make it smooth.

    Here you go, I'm available for ideas/feedback/questions :)

    Disclaimer : I stole a lot of ideas from other posts, so thanks redditors <3

    submitted by /u/Walach_
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    Detonate Dead, Spectre question

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:29 AM PST

    Hello, till I get the super juicy spectres from harvest or primeval ruins. Which spectres are easy to get and also has high % life ?

    submitted by /u/Re4acTive
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    Cobra lash still good as assassin?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:28 AM PST

    I've played this in the past but not too far into maps. I was curious if anyone has any first hand info that's trying this build currently.

    submitted by /u/cryogen0cide
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    New Player looking for a non-meele build

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:49 AM PST

    I played heist league last time with a cyclone slayer.

    This time I am looking for any non-meele build guide which will be easy to follow.

    I am looking for cold damage build such as vortex+cold snap or creeping frost. (This seemed intresting)

    Any help would be appriciated.

    submitted by /u/sn0wrus
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    Ancestral Call and Chance on hit Proc

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Question: Will Ancestral call improve my chances to gain a frenzy charge on hit with (for example) flicker strike? I know Multi strike does. thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/CAndrewG
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    cylone build find

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    Hey all, I am kinda new to the game (this will be my second character) I am looking for a good cylone build guide that is easy to follow

    I am trying to follow this build but it's hard to follow as I don't know where to get the gems required and when (like at which ACT)

    submitted by /u/Free_My_Pizza
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    Are there any non-clunky totem builds?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:11 PM PST

    So, I've been really wanting to do a totem build for a long time, but I never committed due to the constant need to put something down and kinda wait for it to do its thing.

    Are there any really fast totem builds?

    Ideally something a bit flashy (perhaps firestorm attached or armageddon brand). Really want to play into the whole "ritualistic" tribal kind of theme.

    Basically, something fast, high dps, and flashy.

    submitted by /u/TooPraised
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    Bonechill, Cold Attack builds and Herald of Ice

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:56 PM PST

    Currently running a crit-based cold conversion Raider using Blade Flurry and Herald of Ice for a little added clear. I'm also running a 4L Vortex - Hypothermia - Unbound Ailments - Bonechill setup.

    Based on my understanding of chill and Bonechill, only the strongest chill will apply at any one time. Therefore, if the Vortex, whether via hits or chilling ground, isn't applying the strongest chill (vs my hits from Blade Flurry, for example), is it correct to say that I won't get the benefits from Bonechill on my Blade Flurry hits?

    Or is it the case that since Vortex creates chilling ground, that will always trigger the effect of Bonechill's chilling ground lines, even if my hits from Blade Flurry chill?

    I know the best way to unambiguously benefit from Bonechill would be to add Elemental Focus to my main 6L, but that would be countersynergistic with Herald of Ice's clear explosions especially since I'm running a crit build. However, I'm also wondering if, based on chill thresholds, that Vortex's chilling ground chill will win out over my chills from Blade Flurry hits only on really huge targets, which is when I need the damage boost anyway.

    P.S. PoB doesn't seem to indicate a chill value on my Blade Flurry hits, only a freeze chance, but I don't know if that's a configuration error or what.

    submitted by /u/Seiyashi
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    Scourge arrow versus pestilent strike pathfinder

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:44 PM PST

    Little conflicted between the two. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Cychotical
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    Crushclaw Spectres?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone was kinda to grab me some crushclaw spectres if they stumbled upon them during harvest. I never got the chance to use them during harvest and was wondering if someone could spectre them for me so i can grab them from you.

    submitted by /u/Bara_titty_bitch
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    New player looking for lightning build

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    So yeah I'm kind of a new player, I played the game once before, I played toxic rain last season.
    But now I'm really looking for a lightning build that's not to hard to play. Or if its hard with a well written guide so I can follow it and I know what to do.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    submitted by /u/Spacemountain01
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    New player looking for a non-unarmed attack inquisitor build?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:50 PM PST

    Just started playing the game, saw many people recommending to start with a build already in mind, really liked the official art of the inquisitor holding a 2H mace and searched for a build like that, but didn't manage to find anything that isn't 2 or more years old or unarmed.

    Would really, really like if a 2h mace/staff/sword/axe/whatever attack build exists, but this point I'd be happy with anything that isn't punching.

    submitted by /u/AraraDeTerno
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    Chieftain or Elementalist for BA?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:38 PM PST

    hey guys, ive been itching to play BA but with the rework from elementalist, is it better to go this route or is chieftain still the best for fire builds? can someone help me pick between the two? thank you !

    submitted by /u/tommyboi741
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