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    Friday, January 15, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Stress-Free PoE Guides for 3.13 - 1-Button Guides that Let You Use Whatever Gear You Like

    Path of Exile Builds Stress-Free PoE Guides for 3.13 - 1-Button Guides that Let You Use Whatever Gear You Like

    Stress-Free PoE Guides for 3.13 - 1-Button Guides that Let You Use Whatever Gear You Like

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:24 PM PST


    Hey Everyone!

    I've finished my guides for 3.13! All three were seriously tested during 3.12 and greatly benefited from all changes that 3.13 is bringing. 3.13 is also bringing in tons of mechanics that I love (such as boss fights) so my builds naturally have an "unintentional" focus there as well which I think they'll all thrive in.

    My guides are all one-button builds that don't require piano-playing flasks or skill spamming. You can play with one hand and snack with the other until you need to heal. (Not a good idea in HC though...) I'm a HUGE fan of looting possibilities so none of my builds revolve around any specific type of gear or mod as well. Outside of the basics (life & resists), you can use any gear you like. So the whole experience, from button pressing to looting is quite laid back. You can just pick up and play straight from the league's start and clear/complete the Atlas no matter the build you choose. The builds work well for both new players and the experienced. There's lots of freedom to personalize the builds to your preference.

    (Obviously, you need good gear to do good content but the idea is that I'm not going to marry you to certain mods or items to get there.)

    Anyway, if you give any of the builds a shot, let me know what you think in their threads!

    I hope you all have a great 3.13, no matter the build you're playing. I can't tell you how excited I am for this expansion!

    You all rock!

    Wrecker of Days

    submitted by /u/wrecker_of_days
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    Enki's Arc Witch has been overhauled for 3.13

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Here's my Lightning Strike Deadeye starter in two minutes

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    [Zizaran] 3.13 - The BEST BOSS KILLER for Ritual - Steelmage's Detonate Dead Necromancer

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:26 PM PST

    Finally updated my well known Chieftain Facebreaker Ancestral Warchief Totem Build. Very detailed and beginner friendly. Any Feedback welcome <3

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:54 AM PST

    Which of those Toxic Rain builds would you recommen?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:52 AM PST

    Every league I SAY I'm going to play something else...

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:28 PM PST

    And every league I want to league start and play cyclone slayer. What is wrong with me? Why am I such a meme? Is it really as bad as people say it is?

    Someone talk me out of it.

    submitted by /u/Library_IT_guy
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    For you SSF'ers, what builds are you looking at?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:08 AM PST

    Convince me that there's something tankier and does more damage than bleed glad, please. It's been my third league start in a row...Keeping in mind that this league is a bossing build, what builds are you looking at that seem viable with shit gear?

    • Vortex Occultist can do like 700k DoT dps with shit gear. Definitely enough dps for Sirus bc great uptime, BUT its visually a nightmare with ground degen/hit effects.
    • Bleed glad can do like 500k dps with a shitty bleed-mod elder axe
    • I PoB'd a ele hit raider that did like 250k dps with a shitty unique (tempestuous steel) but...its 250k ...and a raider...
    • Ignite elementalist builds seem really interesting and I was told penance brand and divine ire can be very strong (even defensively strong) without much gear, and can scale very comfortably with eminence jewels.
    • Toxic Rain is Toxic Rain, and I heard pathfinder can scale very well with gear... but TR from what I hear isnt really impressive for bossing.
    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    Brief Guide For Early Ranger Build Leveling

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Brief Guide For Early Ranger Build Leveling

    Many people are going to be leveling deadeyes/raiders this league as their starter, however ranger can be a bit rough to level as for many reasons. This is just a brief guide (focusing on skills/weapons/passive tree) to help anyone get through Acts 1 - 3+. This should work for pretty much any build.

    Act 1


    • Split Arrow (G) - Chance to Bleed (R) - Pierce (G) (AoE skill)
    • Puncture (G) - Chance to Bleed (R) (Single target skill)
    • Dash (G) or Blink Arrow (G)
    • Precision (G)
    • (End of Act 1): Replace Split Arrow with Rain of Arrows (G) - Mirage Archer (G) - Chance to Bleed (R) (AoE skill)


    • Starting Bow -> Long Bow (Level 9)
    • 2x Iron Rings
    • Rustic or Leather Belt
    • Anything else you find

    Act 2


    • Puncture (G) - Chance to Bleed (R) - Vicious Projectiles (G) (Single target skill)
    • Herald of Purity, or any Purity that your actual build uses.
    • Ensnaring Arrow (Use against single targets)


    • Long Bow -> Recurve Bow (Level 18)
      • If you have a Blacksmith's Whetstone, then you can use the physical damage recipe. Which is whetstone + magic or rare rustic sash + weapon (recurve bow)
    • Anything else you find

    Bandit: I personally prefer Alira while leveling. It completely solves mana issues and gives resists. Up to you though.

    Act 3

    Note: Four links start dropping around level 25, so make sure to check vendors regularly in Act 3.


    • Snipers Mark (Use against single targets)
    • Artillery Ballista
    • Buy Pride after Tolman quest
      • Replace Precision with Pride
    • If you find a 4L:
      • If it is GGGR, do Rain of Arrows - Chance to Bleed - Mirage Archer - Vicious Projectiles
      • If it is GGRR, do Rain of Arrows - Chance to Bleed - Mirage Archer - Added Fire


    • Recurve Bow -> Royal Bow (Level 28)
      • Whetstone recipe if you can
    • Anything else you find

    Passive Tree

    Go up towards Aspect of the Lynx first, then go towards Master Fletcher.

    That is pretty much it, after the end of Act 3 you should be able to transition into your actual build or you can keep leveling like this. This general template should be good enough to get you through the game, make sure to keep upgrading your bow every 5 or so levels though!

    submitted by /u/TrueDPS
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    I see people are excited about raider, but I don't see anyone posting any builds. Anyone have any raider builds they are excited to try this league?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Fellow SSFHC players, what build are you going to play?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    I feel like this is going to be a bossing league so i am thinking archmage cremation but i really dont like the playstyle so i am undecided. Maybe lacerate glad?

    What are you going to play for this league?

    submitted by /u/mortisnoctem
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    Any Wild Strike Raider with Trinity Support Builds out there?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:11 AM PST

    Really tempted to try it out but I am too bad at making builds myself.

    submitted by /u/neunzehnhundert
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    What is the fastest map clear build for 3.13 that still wouldn’t struggle too much on bosses?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:06 AM PST

    What build could clear T16+ maps the fastest while still being able to clear A8 Sirus without too much struggle?

    submitted by /u/BBL0101
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    I need someone to discuss my league starter with me.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:38 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    I am currently debating about my league starter, sadly only with myself, because I mostly play PoE alone. But I need someone to talk to and maybe help me decide.

    I like to do my builds all by my self since I understood most of the game, partly because I really like coming up with something that works and partly because a lot of the builds and build guides are for skills and mechanics I dont like. For example I don't like damage over time builds. I've tried it several times now, but it always kept boring me to death and I could never get really far.

    Coming to my builds. I currently have a tried and true Sunder Juggernaut that I did all content in Harvest League (on medium-level crafted gear). I was considering this build because it did really really well in boss fights and small hard-to-dodge arenas and because I am curious where I could take this build with the new bases from Heist and Ritual.

    The other build I have in mind is a hit-based Hexblast Occultist. I've tried that build already in heist, but somewhere around map-tier 12 I hit a dead end because I couldnt scale my damage in any meaningful way. With the Hexblast and Occultist buffs this seems like a problem that could be remedied now and with being able to focus hard on - Cold res, hefty chills, Temporal Chains and Enfeeble this could also be relatively defensive with alot of Bosses strutting about.

    What's your guys take on this?

    submitted by /u/h03rnch3n
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    Fanatacism Inquisitor Ice Nova Theorycrafting

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    I've seen people floating this idea around, but haven't seen any full theorycrafted builds, so I thought I'd make a thread to see what other people have come up with.

    The main idea is Spellslinger Frostbolt to keep up Fanatacism (possibly along with Shield Charge) for massive cast speed, mana reduction, and AoE on Frost Nova. We get Battlemage too, although I think it's hard to fully take advantage of it with a wand. Besides that, the build would probably mostly just build like a standard self-cast Ice Nova build, but you get the Fanatacism benefits but miss out on Pledge of Hands.

    Theoretically, you could also make Trinity support work if you get your attacks to do more lightning or fire damage than cold damage, but since Battlemage means having flat cold damage on our wand is good and it would take an extra link on both the attack and Ice Nova, it doesn't seem work it to me.

    Defensively, Pious Path gives elemental ailment immunity and a lot of life and ES regen, which means we probably want to take advantage of the simultaneous regen. The three main ways I know of to do that are Corrupted Soul, Emperor's Vigilance, or EB/MoM. Out of those, EB/MoM requires no uniques and lets us reserve 100% of our mana pool if we want (although the build should need very little unreserved mana to work - especially since you can reduce Ice Nova's mana cost to 0 with Inspiration if you need to, then link Inspiration to your attack to generate charges). Corrupted Soul has the benefit of giving us a decent ES pool easily. Emperor's Vigilance gives us a secondary layer of defense in the form of block, and is the only one of the three that lets our ES protect us against chaos hits, but it also leaves us susceptible to bad RNG, doesn't help against DoTs at all (which also makes the benefits of protecting us from chaos damage pretty limited), and leaves us more vulnerable to getting one-shot by non-chaos hits if we don't block them.

    We probably do also want another layer of defense beyond just hybrid life/ES and good regen. If we don't go Emperor's Vigilance, is block still the best secondary defense to go for, or are there other options available?

    What conclusions have other people come to who've worked on theorycrafting the idea?

    submitted by /u/Quazifuji
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    Earthquake vs Lacerate Bleed?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:35 AM PST

    Hiya. For a max block bleed Glad, what are the pros and cons of EQ over Lacerate?

    EQ feels like it can dish out higher boss damage, and would probably work better with multiple bosses in the arena (I assume one EQ hit can hit multiple bosses due to the AOE). However it requires warcry and fist of war management, a delay, and may be a little worse on map clearing than Lacerate. The POB numbers for EQ bleed are HUGE even on a scuffed character.

    Lacerate seems a lot smoother and faster, but requires Crimson Dance which means stacking 8 bleeds on a boss which might be difficult in the multi-bosses arena. Number are small than EQ's. However in poe.ninja I'm seeing the majority of players opt for Lacerate over EQ.

    Appreciate your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/Ridge9876
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    When do the diminishing returns of Armor kick in?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:34 AM PST

    So right now my build has a normal armor of 23k (39k with armor flask), and if I've been hit recently I have 44.6k (76.1k with armor flask).

    So my question is simple, when is it no longer worth it? As an FYI i'm running molten shell so I know that caps at 50k. My thought was maybe replace the armor flask with a Basalt instead. That'll leave me at either 23k or 44.6k

    submitted by /u/AsheBear_
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    Looking for non poison dot build with great scaling potential

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:03 AM PST

    Hey there, I'm looking for a dot build so I can sort of fire and forget that I can play all league but always feel like I could make it stronger.

    I've looked around and divine ire ignite seem popular but the damage seem to cap at 7m which while a lot is kinda low for endgame harvest crafted gear. Vortex seem to be in the same boat. Am I mistaken or are ignites and cold dots meant to be this way as a trade off for being dots? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Fara_ven
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    Any Deadeye / Raider Rain of Arrow or Toxic Rain builds ? Pref Rain of Arrows

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    Dear all,

    I plan to make Deadeye / Raider char using one of 2 mentioned above skills.

    I prefer Rain of Arrows, if it is somewhat viable in engame content I would love to hear what should I build for it.

    Toxic Rain seems better but probably I would need to go Pathfinder for it, as the last option it is doable.

    My plan was to use Deadeye with Rain of Arrows. Heavy Phys with Impale (seems good with new mirage archers) or get Trinity Support and get Doomfletch Prims bow (and stack phys dmg too)

    What do you think, is it usable ?

    Best regards.

    submitted by /u/LongiWasTaken
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    [Octavian0] 3.13 Explosive Trap Saboteur Build Guide

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Max block lacerate gladiator or slayer/champion cyclone?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

    Good morning. :)

    I stumbled across Esoro's new max block lacerate gladiator that he recently added to the PoB for his lacerate build. It looks very promising and very friendly for a league starter. I last played during delirium league. I played ice shot deadeye, pyroclast mines, and baronmancer during delirium. I was just wondering people's thoughts on the build and if it would be a more promising league starter than a cyclone build.

    I'm still deciding between these two. I was also curious if an impale champion cyclone build would be a better option over slayer. Let me know about your experiences. Have a great league start! =p

    submitted by /u/iamjeephearmebeep
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    I have not played PoE in almost 3 years and I've never made a build before. Here's my HoI BV Elementalist build. Any help would be great!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:48 PM PST

    PoB Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/Js8nUaXu

    I liked BV last time I played and couldn't find a build from last league that wasn't triple herald so I made my own. My main concerns are my gem links, my lack of faster cast speed (never used unleash before but saw it used in many bv builds last league), and whether or not it is stupid to go for acrobatics as I've never played a build that uses it but wanted to be greedy and get the phys to cold passives down there.

    I have the golem ascendancies but figure I can switch those to mastermind of discord and heart of destruction if i need more damage once I've gotten a reliable way to put expose on enemies. I have no idea how expensive cluster jewels are but a medium one with heraldry would be an easy fix and I could just path up to the large jewel node above Elemental Overload for that.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    submitted by /u/Dyshonest
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    Better end game summoner

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:29 PM PST

    I played Carrion golem during heist and loved it. I tend to do better with pet builds also. I know Carrion golem will be decent. I've heard summon mages will be very strong.

    I would like to know which one will be a good league start. Something that has a budget into the late game. Mages will probably be the flavor of choice so even budget will be expensive.

    No need to link guides, I have found a couple variants of both. Just some honest opinions of what will be good.

    submitted by /u/Dopeangel
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    What is considered some of the top Elementalist starter builds for 3.13?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    I've never played elemantalist but I want to try this league. I've seen Righteous Fire/Golem builds and some ignite builds.

    Anyone have any suggestions on a fun/strong Elementalist starter build? Links to builds would be great!

    submitted by /u/beegeepee
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    Mathil Ritual League Starters

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:57 AM PST

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