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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Thouhts on Hydrosphere so far?

    Path of Exile Builds Thouhts on Hydrosphere so far?

    Thouhts on Hydrosphere so far?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:39 PM PST

    Im playing as arc witch, was planning to use brands (arcanist or strom) for curse delivery as i did before, but then i tried HS and i gotta say it feels very smooth. My setup is hs - hextouch - conductivity - area of effect. It moves fast, covers a lot, does decent damage when you pump it with lightning, and looks flashy as fuck.
    You can move it around with you for as long as you want, it will immidiately go wherever you need it, no cooldown, no awkwardly long cast time. What a spell. I hope it works for me on red maps, but I cant see why not. Who else tried it?

    submitted by /u/Disco_Frisco
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    I know this is not a full build, but don't sleep on The Cauterizer for your battlemage needs.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    This gives similar dps to purifying flame or BV as a fully built spell bow + signal fire. It is extremely strong, available early, and already super cheap. If you make your own, make sure you buy a limbsplit with good rolls beforehand.

    submitted by /u/DevForFun150
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    Elementalist build - End game/boss killer

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:49 AM PST

    Have previously played a slayer cyclone build back in legion and wanted to try something new. While I may have played before, I am still learning a lot from the game. Even so, I would not mind trying a build that is abit more advanced and able to map and be a boss killer towards the end game. Would like some recommendations on some great elementalist builds with a higher potential. I saw that the elementalist asecendency got some interesting changes and so wanted to give it a try.

    Also a side note, i was also looking at deadeye as a second option but haven't come across anything yet.

    Would be a great help if I could some recommendations. Thanks

    submitted by /u/MetalMik
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    Str stacking Lightning skill Jugg? Help

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:56 AM PST

    With the new stormbringer boot base type and the Undeniable ascendency of Jugg, would str/acc stacking be viable? How would one go about this.

    I see str stackers in heist going with the Crown of Eyes+Repentance gloves combo, together with replica Alberon's.

    This build needs more accuracy so maybe Oskarm and Obscurantis/new maven helmet mod?

    Was also thinking about Split Personality jewels, but not sure if thats a viable str stack strategy.

    I was trying to make a PoB but have never worked with it before so I don't know how to put specific items.

    submitted by /u/Thepurplepudding
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    Instruments of Zeal - Fanaticism (attack skill?)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:47 PM PST

    Has anyone tested if cyclone or static strike keep charges up? I.e do you have to start and stop cyclone or does static strikes beams count as an attack?

    submitted by /u/Goods4188
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    How is Divine ire on elementalist now?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:53 AM PST

    I Saw a Lot playing it poe ninja. Looks good on paper aka PoB

    Id love to make some igniting with armageddon brand clear and a big juicy divine ire for Bosses:)

    submitted by /u/Corndog1000
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    Didn't like my starter, opinions on Physical BB assassin vs bleed bow glad?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:39 AM PST

    So yeah, gonna speed run the campaign and get back to mapping asap, made it to 87 on cremation, not really feeling it..

    So this next one has to be solid

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Iron Will Support (adds spell damage, scaled by your strength) yay or nay?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:23 AM PST

    I'm playing a static strike+hydrosphere battlemage and I just realized that such gem exists. I put the gem in and it feels like a good improvement. I'm at a7 and I have around 250 str atm. Is the gem worth keeping in lategame(don't tell me to look to pob please, it looks favorable already but I'll calculate again after kitava)? What are your thoughts? Have you tried it?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/my_2020_username
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    Recommendations for a melee build 3.13 (not cyclone)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:19 AM PST

    So I like playing melee builds, and want to league start with one. I see that heavy strike, sunder and reave have all been buffed. But I'm unsure if there are any good builds still viable for 3.13, out of the three above skills which would you recommend, any pob links or guides would be greatly appreciated.

    (Just a quick note I've played cyclone & lacerate to many times, before someone mentions them.)

    submitted by /u/LongLimbJim
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    Toxic Rain or ED contagion to go end game?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:59 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I started playing at launch and I don't like my current build. I've always liked Toxic Rain or ED contagion but I was wondering if I stick to these builds can I carry them to late late game? I'm not a massive fan of rerolling a character so ideally I want a build that I can invest heavily into over the course of the league :) I'm still fairly new to the game so ideally a simpler to play build would be great... Thanks!

    submitted by /u/danixsimili
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    Path of building doesnt work..

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    Restart early league

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Hi, i'm 86 with necro mage but i hate playstyle.

    I'm going to restart today with my low 100chaos but i hesitate a lot with:

    Cyclone slayer or toxicrain pathfinder(or trickster but pathfinder seems to be a little better with investissment this league)

    Can you tell me if cyclone need a lot of currency to be efficient cause toxic rain is generaly level scaling early.


    submitted by /u/Prodio
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    HoT Autobomber - Elementalist vs Assasin

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    Hey! I want to build HoT Autobomber for speedclearing maps but im 20iq when it comes to building something. My galaxy brain can't determine whenever elementalist or assasin are going to be better as, lets say, running fast and killing some bosses. I also can't determine if I actually need bomber gloves for elementalist due to too many words in ascendancy tooltip. Can somebody help my poor soul please?

    submitted by /u/sethaxd
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    Convert TR totem to Scourge Arrow totem

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:50 AM PST

    I've been playing a Toxic Rain totem trickster, and it is really good. I realized that I don't love Toxic rain's small AoE. I would like to switch to scourge arrow totems, but I don't really know what to do. Has anyone seen a scourge arrow totem build or know how to convert?

    submitted by /u/keithgmccall
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    Why does everyone go the golem route for ignite builds?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:45 AM PST

    Browsing through divine ire ignite elementalists and it seems like they're all taking the 2 golem ascendancy notables.What makes them so good? Some also take shock notable instead of the nodes from the left side

    I thought the exposure node+30% more dmg node were going to be the best.What's going on?

    submitted by /u/CeausescuPute
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    Tanky build for HC SSF

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:43 AM PST


    Plan to play hcssf this league so need decent build. Last league played earthshatter glad with warcries on sc which was tanky as hell but was nerfed and kinda didnt like gameplay.

    Had a plan to try bleed bow glad and bfbb chieftain but not sure.

    So TY in advance for your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/RealStrog
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    Need your fbk for witch builds

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:17 AM PST

    I will start this league later today and I am curious if anyone is playing with zombies or cremation as necro, or elementalist with divine ire or something similar?

    I would like to play both of them, but also I až curious how is the levelling with necro and elementalist now when they changed stuff.

    Thanks for your feesback, and sorry for typos...typing from mobile phone!

    submitted by /u/pisoj-_-
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    Three Dragon's Elementalist Reave

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    If anyone remembers the old screen wide clears that Elementalist would get with HoI and Inpulsa's, could that effect be recreated with the new Elementalist nodes?

    Would Shaper of Winter/Storms allow Inpulsa's to proc Hearld of Ice and HoI cause Inpulsa explosions? Or would I still need to wear Three Dragons.

    I imagine I would also have to link Herald of Ice to Elemental proliferation.

    HoWa+ Shock effect + Golem buffs for damage. Is there anything important to this build I'm missing for those who are more knowledgeable about ele damage attack builds atm?

    submitted by /u/NiceCheetah
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    Ziz's BB/BF Chieftain questions

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:01 AM PST

    Hello guys!

    I was playing an BB/BF Assassin but I'm dying way too much, the damage is amazing but I hate dying THAT much (and I'm ok with dying but not more than 2 times per map). So I was thinking in rerolling to chiefting but I'm afraid about the damage. I loaded both POB (Esoro's and Ziz) and Assa has like 3 or 4 times more damage... so:

    - Is the chieftain capable of doing Conquerors/Sirus A8?

    - How about juiced red maps?

    Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Cutethulhu_
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    LF help building Mistwall Raider wander.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:14 PM PST

    So I know it's not meta, and I know it's not going to be cheap to scale up but speed isn't my goal here. I really want to build around this unique.

    My idea is to use Mistwall, Wind dancer, acro/phase acro in conjunction with the new onslaught and phasing branch of raider (veil and chase I think) I just can't settle on a skill. Power siphon seems like a good (great?) option but with trinity support being a thing I was considering ele hit instead. I just had a drastically life altering event (twin boys) so don't have the time to properly PoB this.

    Could anyone give me a hand with this? I would really appreciate it. I wasn't able to find anything that's been updated recently when I had a few moments to play early.

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    submitted by /u/Asherrion
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    Hows trinity support?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:45 AM PST

    Personally I've been leveling as an ele, got bored of arc at act 6 and decided to swap to Ice Nova/Shock nova, both supported with trinity and unleash. The damage is very good. Leveling felt so smooth, having both fat chills and shocks makes bosses so trivial.

    submitted by /u/TheAmpca
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    whats the best builds for tricksters now?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:41 AM PST

    what is trickster best at these days

    submitted by /u/pawel123mage
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    Currently in act 6 leveling a crit claw spectral throw elementalist

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:01 AM PST

    Wish me luck. My damage was basically non existent for a while. There are 0 guides or builds like this, i made it myself lol. My damage came back when i upgraded my claw and i mean it seems like it should be fine once i get to maps and get a decent claw

    submitted by /u/Nmsokn
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    GC vs PR mines

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    So I'm following Esoro's GC mines build and loving it. But I saw some people earlier today saying that purifying flame mines worked better. Should I look into a purifying mines build. I like the GC mechanic, but I'm fairly new and dont want to gimp myself when I only get play 1 toon a league

    submitted by /u/kiefykang
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