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    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds I have made a build guide for my previously showcased Spellslinger character, if anyone is interested. All feedback is appreciated since this my first guide ever. Link is in the description.

    Path of Exile Builds I have made a build guide for my previously showcased Spellslinger character, if anyone is interested. All feedback is appreciated since this my first guide ever. Link is in the description.

    I have made a build guide for my previously showcased Spellslinger character, if anyone is interested. All feedback is appreciated since this my first guide ever. Link is in the description.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:36 PM PST

    AOE 400%, 14 Hit/s ICE CRASH Build

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:39 AM PST

    [3.13] Pathfinder Wave of Conviction CoC - HUNDREDS of Millions real DPS! - Insta Melt Any Content - Skipping Maven Last Phase

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PST

    Health and DPS targets for straightforward builds?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Background: I feel I have a good grasp of the game mechanics in the abstract, but often I'd look at mirror-tier gear and not get why it was so good. I'm starting on the long and winding road of making some builds for myself, in order to get a better feel for how different stats affect the numbers in practice.

    To make things a bit easier to grasp, I want to start with some plain vanilla builds - no build-defining unique, or elemental conversion, or keystones that fundamentally change how what stats the build uses. In particular I've been planning out a simple elemental caster (specifically a Fireball Elementalist) and I'm narrowing down the decision space by sticking to rares with two relevant affixes (not including resistances), e.g. +life and +elemental damage.

    The problem I have though, is I don't know how to tell whether or not my build (i.e. pathing) is decent given these constraints. I'm used to following other peoples' builds that do more like 2-5m DPS, but of course those are using more uniques and more refined/optimised "tricks".

    Does anyone have an idea of what good offensive and defensive numbers would be for a build under these conditions?

    (Or even, would you recommend me a different way to get an instinctive feel for the values of different stats?)

    submitted by /u/dtsazza
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    CoC bow

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:02 AM PST

    Hi guys, I always wanted to try a CoC bow but it was expensive for me. This season i'm doing quite well (thank you valdo) so maybe I can try it. the problems are: - idk what ascendecy I have to pick (assassin, maybe inquisitor or I saw some deadeye on poe ninja). I already have a good mapper so i prefer a bosskiller oriented build, is coc bow a good choice for it? - how can I craft the bow? (I've never crafted items but I really wanted to try it) I can't find a good guide for 3.13 coc bow.

    submitted by /u/salkri
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    Budget Self Curse [Occultist] Blade Vortex

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Kinetic Blast+Flame Wall Elementalist | Insane Map Clear | EZ All Content

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:55 AM PST

    BV or COC ice nova on a 220EX budget?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:39 AM PST

    looking to build a new character for mapping and bossing. Would like to be able to do Sirus a9 and T116 100% del map. Which one would be best?

    submitted by /u/sobig2012
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    Curse limit?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:28 AM PST

    If I have 2 curse on hit rings(Flammability and elemental weakness), apply additional curse mod on a chest and then have a lvl 5 awakened hextouch setup with Sniper's Mark, would I be able to apply all 3 curses or it doesn't work that way?

    Edit: Learned Sniper's Mark isn't a hex so that specific one won't work. If I use a hex though, I will be able to apply all 3. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/wideawakeanimal
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    Self Curse BV - How important is it to hit 175% curse effect?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:28 PM PST

    I'm starting to gear up a Self Curse BV Character.

    I'm looking at some builds on Poe.Ninja that are only hitting 165% curse effect for more starting DPS. Does this mean they'll only have headhunter buffs lasting for 75 seconds? (165/175 * 80s = 75s.) Or will they be really penalized at say the next threshold - 60 second headhunter buffs.

    For my character 60s HH buffs are unacceptable. I'm perfectly fine with 75s buffs.

    In PoB Community this build despite having 165% curse effect is still hitting the max 4x multiplier on temp chains according to PoB:


    Is that right that he's still getting 80s headhunter buffs with 165% effect or is PoB Community just bugged for that? If PoB is correct, does someone mind walking me through how? I'd greatly would appreciate it.

    In order to have his build hit 175% curse effect I'd have to switch one of his nodes from dark discourse/X to dark discourse/whispers of death, and change his anointment from magmatic strikes to hex master.

    Obviously I'd lose significant DPS (7.6% loss) only getting 90% conversion with a perfect 40% conversion watcher's eye, and open myself to phys reflect maps - thus either losing an occasional fracture fossil or using expensive 4 socket resonators, or do 3 socket resonators to prevent reflect and hope I can run a no-regen map with an enduring mana flask swap.

    The other downside is I'm not sure which one I'd want to replace - Master of Fear (unnerved, which PoB doesn't calculate DPS for but possibly it's 10% MORE dps), Evil Eye - possible 5% more damage, great defenses blinding with ele weakness and flammability on hit, or wish for death - culling strike is soo nice to get started building those initial stacks after all. Extra duration on temp chains especially without hex master is super nice QoL too.

    I could probably hit 175 keeping all his existing clusters if I took the first 5% curse effect node leading to hex master and changing anointment to hex master. However he's really point starved, even unallocating fangs of the viper he loses enough dex to not be able to equip his synth bow. Obviously I have an advantage as I can buy a lower dex bow if it comes on the market so I can unallocated that for the first 5% curse effect. I haven't bought a synth dex bow yet - I've never did self curse BV before (last time I did self curse was legion cyclone RIP) so I'm starting out with a plain bow to test it out.

    Despite the DPS loss one benefit of allocating hex master is temp chains on yourself will go from 28s duration to 47s duration, giving a bit more safety - possibly looting as you go, dealing with a good alva layout you actually want to unlock doors on, safety with Jun mission choices, etc.

    Still can't figure out a way to keep magmatic strikes and keep his existing clusters otherwise without freeing up two additional points to buy 2 more 5-node clusters or a 6-node cluster. I have no idea what to free the remaining 2 points from. Probably blast radius and area of effect damage but that's 2.7% dps gone and BV having a 34 instead of 35 radius.

    What's your thoughts? How important is it hitting 175% curse effect for self curse?

    submitted by /u/Adderalin
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    Is Bastion of Elements Worth?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:19 AM PST

    can anyone tell me how good is bastion of elements for elementalist, if you have 30 notables how much less elem dmg will i take?

    submitted by /u/ShadowNoxis
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    I have about 60 ex to use on a build. What’s out there that can run fully juiced maps on this budget if any? Open to all builds.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:44 PM PST

    Lowlife COC Assassin next steps

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:43 PM PST

    Hi All,

    I have about 15 ex currently but im not sure where to place it, im levelling up my gems so probably dont want to go that path but maybe i could get a watchers eye and another dps flask?

    im unsure because most POBs i see from POE ninja are now using like 160ex Watchers Eye or 40ex gloves which i just cant afford yet


    submitted by /u/Recmangs
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    Current mainstream aura stacking builds and where to start?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Poe.ninja shows that there are quite a few ascendants doing aura stacking out there.

    I am aware of this build - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2899587 Which seems decent.

    I also see many ascendants go EK. Thus I wonder if there are any other build guides that I could follow and compare.

    I am looking for a budget ~50ex start.

    I am aware of the SRS build there. But I am looking for a tanky version. And Victario's Influence probably takes away from that.

    submitted by /u/Megatherion666
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    Need help making my winter orb occultist tankier

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:44 PM PST

    Now full discloser before the post: This build was NOT designed for survivability, but I just love it so much I want to take it all the way to end game.

    So I made this build which is an in between to a truly godlike build, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCEImMpwsLo&t=189s. all credits to him he makes amazing builds. But for my case, I made the "cheap" version at about 15 ex, and here it is(dont mind the boots, I already had them): https://pastebin.com/VJpzzFub

    Now, is there a way to make this version doable for sirus 8, without mathil like plays? Or is it an inevitable fact I need to farm valdo(which the build does very well) until i can drop 50 ex for the necessary upgrade for the fully realised version?

    submitted by /u/BusinessAgreeable795
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    What next? Looking for DPS improvements for CoC Inquis.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:15 PM PST

    Hey there, long-time lurker, first-time poster . I'm looking for guidance on improving my CoC inquisitor build. I've killed Sirus8 (with a couple deaths), but I haven't attempted Maven yet because it feels like I don't do enough damage. Any tips are welcome, thank you.

    Link to POB:


    In terms of budget, I have like 20ex in raw currency, and probably another 20ex worth of gear I could sell. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/mac-gamer
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    What can I do in standard with this nerfed build?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:05 PM PST

    I got my brother into PoE in Delirium league as something to do during lockdown. He really embraced Harvest and Heist leagues and now has a considerable nest egg in standard. He's decided to start playing on standard so that he can enjoy the stuff he's accumulated and the characters he's leveled. I agree somewhat; the new expansion makes long-term crafting projects appealing.

    Delirium was a great league for me. I had two excellent characters: archmage storm brand heirophant and herald stacking coc arc guardian. Here's the closest gear I can find on poe.ninja for the storm brand char: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/tongcruz99/AliveBrand

    I have tons of accumulated uniques (6L shavs, 6L cloak of defiance, asenaths, etc.) but my rares on standard are mostly junk.

    I like the gear set for my old storm brand char. It's mostly uniques, so I can focus on crafting just a few rares for a while. I just don't know what build to play. Anybody played anything particularly fun recently with this kind of stuff?

    submitted by /u/Drwin87
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    Looking for advice on my Scion MoM CoC Ice Nova build

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:06 PM PST

    First off, PoB - https://pastebin.com/Y69aViuw

    Otherwise, my account name is Mojadu and the character is named Mojadu_BigMummyMiner (I'm sorry)

    Currently I am comfortably farming T16s (not much juice) with the occasional death, though the deaths are mostly big Beyond boys or VD explosions from Rituals.

    I want to see how I can increase my damage and possibly even my defence. I'm more concerned with increasing damage without sacrificing any defence, I don't want to be any less tanky.

    I'm thinking my biggest upgrades currently would be Awakened CoC and upgraded gloves, boots and belt? Not sure where else I can really look.

    I recently switched my Frostbite on Hit ring with Essence Worm and changed over my Vortex to Hextouch from Culling Strike.

    I'm also not 100% sure about my tree, someone smarter than me can probably come up with better pathing but I just can't see it currently.

    The downside here is I only really have 15-20ex ish at the moment to play with.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated, thank you!!

    submitted by /u/mogjadu
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    Fast juiced map clear for HH + 80ex

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:22 PM PST

    Currently playing cutedog's self curse occultist BV and I clear up to 80% delirious maps reliably but can't do 100%s at all as I just die before I can get any HH stacks. Harvests in regular T16s can also be annoying as the build tends to fold without stacks. I would prefer something that can also clear conquerors, doesn't need to be maven/sirus viable as I have a BF/BB character that shreds bosses.

    I have witch, duelist, and ranger at 90+ and available to reroll so i'd prefer one of those classes, but I'm open to levelling one of the other classes if needed

    submitted by /u/domovoi1685
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    Carrion golem build question

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:02 PM PST

    1. is there an alternative to raise spectres? I am having issues managing my spectres (3 cheiftan apes) and i forget to desecrate to raise them again, meaning I gotta get em again in Ashen Wood
    2. What is the keybinds for the a ele carrion golem build? with vaal haste, pride, and dread banner im as auras in my ctrl stack, that leaves me molten shell shell on left click, vaal haste middle, flash dash on right, raise zombies on Q, flesh offering on W, assassins mark on E, AG on R, convocation on space. That leaves desecrate, summon harbinger, raise spectre, and a potential key to swap golems. IMO there simply arent enough keys for all this.
    3. Since my golems self rez, is there a way to set the golems i want? My golems died in a blight and instead of 4 carrion, 1 stone, and 1 chaos, i got 4 carrion and 2 stone, leaving me at a loss for chaos meaning i have to change a bind on the fly
    4. Does summon harbinger self rez? as in, do i need to ever cast him? it could save me a key but in point 2 im still using too many keys
    5. I was thinking of swapping spectres to CWDT instead for less keys and work, but im sure my DPS would suffer


    submitted by /u/IAMAthinmint
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    Best builds for doing a league with just one character.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:13 AM PST

    I got my 36 challenges done a while ago so I guess now's the time to plan for next league and maybe play some ssf but I'm looking for some inspiration as to what builds are most suitable for league starting and doing all end game.

    One of the most important things for me is to be able to do all or at least almost all map mods so I can corrupt maps and run them without really caring with mods they get. Ailment immunity is another big plus and of course a good mix of clear speed and single target.

    My go to build that has fit these criteria's has generally been Toxic Rain Pathfinder as it really doesn't care about any mods, is immune to elemental ailments and can be scaled well into lategame. I have however played it a lot and want try something else.

    I got two builds I'm considering at the moment, Bane/blight occultist and Burning arrow elementalist. Here are the pros and cons I have with the builds.

    Bane/blight occultist Pros

    Chaos dot ignores all reflect and chance to avoid mods.

    Occultist ignores hexproof.

    Profane bloom, my favorite explosions.

    Good built in chaos res and wither refresh.

    Anti heal for Maven.

    Doesn't need specific unique items.


    I'm not sure how strong it will be at bosses, but probably should be fine with blight. Not ailment immune by default, will have to gear for it.

    Burning arrow Elementalist Pros

    Should be able to get both solid clear with ignite prolif as well as single target with some investment.

    Ailment immunity

    Golem buffs

    Reflect immune


    Avoid elemental ailment maps will be hard/impossible to run later on with awakening bonus on 14+ maps.

    Somewhat dependant on uniques but they are at least not expensive ones outside of 6 linking the bow.

    So those are my initial thoughts but I'm interested in other ideas or perhaps some who played either of these two builds as I haven't played burning arrow since 3.10 where I did it with chieftain and Bane I haven't since 3.9. Essence drain and miners are other options of course but I already played those a lot as well.

    submitted by /u/Yayoichi
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    What's the Best 3rd Link for Cospri Ice Nova?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:38 PM PST

    Ice Nova and Frostbolt go in Cospri, but what's the best 3rd option?

    I see a bunch of different options: Ice Bite, Energy Leech, Inspiration, Glacial Cascade, Hydrosphere.

    Can somebody explain the pros and cons of different options or why you would want to choose one over the other?


    submitted by /u/livejamie
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    Cold BV Defensive problem and future upgrades

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Hi, I'm recently investing in this new build and it's at a pretty stable point right now I think with some good investment but sometimes I just feel like I take too much damage than I should.

    I always have my quartz flasks and all the other ones active at all times + all the defensives the pathfinder gives me with Mind Over Matter, Acrobatics, Phase Acrobatics etc. but sometimes versus big mobs or bosses I get extremely low or just die.

    Life is prob a priority but I don't think it's fully the reason of my problems.

    Def is my main problem but if I ever get that solved easily I'll still have to find my next upgrade to work towards (Amulet with explicit mana regen is on the way) so any tips on that will be really apprecited.

    POB: https://pastebin.com/TMNEZipg

    submitted by /u/ZMassa
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    Making my fire BV Chieftian tankier? (or faster? or higher DPS? More AoE?) for first push to 100

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PST

    So I've never made it to level 100 before, and I'd like to give it a shot this league. I just hit level 98, getting through 97 entirely in heist without a single death. In mapping, however, I feel like I get randomly one shot a fair bit; I'm starting to keep a record of what kills me.

    Here's a pastebin for my build: https://pastebin.com/2eXFapPP

    Resistances: 77% fire/cold, 87% chaos. Resting I only have 74% lightning resist; I'm working on a source for those last 3%, but endurance charges are covering it at the moment. I wonder if part of why I die sometimes is immortal call using my endurance charges then being short 3% lightning resist for a bit? To get the last 3% chaos resist would cost 8 skill points, which seems to expensive?

    Crafting projects: I have a jade amulet with T1 Dex and +1/+1 gems, just working on sorting resists/life on it. That'd give me 17 more dexterity, which would free up a single skill point.

    I also have a shaper Crit reduction/elemental damage stygian vise that is just getting resists finished as well - it already has T1 life, which is why I'm not worried about perfecting my current belt.

    I have temp chains, blind, divine flesh, 50% crit reduction, 15% physical taken as fire, 5 endurance charges, 6.7k life, corrupting blood immunity. Flasks are life/wise oak/atziri/suphur of warding/quicksilver of adrenaline. I've got a bottled faith to switch in for non-cursing bosses.

    Anyways, happy to take suggestions.

    submitted by /u/CE2JRH
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    Newbie to crafting: Did I brick my bow?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:31 PM PST

    Newbie to crafting: Did I brick my bow?


    So I decided to try my hand at crafting. I followed an online guide on how to make a spicy bow for a chaos DoT build. I may have fucked it up, so I'll explain what I did.

    The guide said that after I got the Damage over Time Multiplier and +1 To Level Of Socketed Gems, I should craft Can Have Up To 3 Crafted Modifiers, Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers and then +2 To Socketed Support Gems (in that order).

    However I am not able to craft the last modifier on that I want (+40% To Non-Ailment Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier) onto it because there's no more room for modifiers. What did I do wrong and should I start over with the entire crafting process?

    If my description of what happened is off or you wanna check if I've misunderstood the guide, its this one: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1963181 (scroll down to the ''Bow Endgame Crafting Guide'' section)


    submitted by /u/Individual_Bag9441
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