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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds The one build per league guy is once again asking for your help.

    Path of Exile Builds The one build per league guy is once again asking for your help.

    The one build per league guy is once again asking for your help.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Every league I come down to this sub asking for a build that I can league start and that can take me to 100% aoe feared farming with enough investment and time.

    As always I am sharing my previous builds so you guys have an Idea what I have played and what I will most likely avoid repeating.

    SRS Necro (blight league)

    Poison BV Assasin 36/40

    Started as bleed glad but dropped 3 point voices and switched to HoaG Jugg 36/40 who then dropped 1 node voices

    VD/DD Necro - 26/40 did not like Harvest and the necro one bit

    Aura Stacking CI Scion (ended with 3+ mirrors worth of gear and my first 40/40)

    Coldconvert BV Pathfinder (36/40 mirror tier amy and gloves)

    Steelskills Champion - very bad —> switched to Hexblast ignite trickster - 36/40 not bad, not terrible. Problems with certain bosses. Average mapper.

    I always aim for bossing more so than fast mapping, but when I map I juice the living fu k out of it. I don't care about clear speed so long it is absolutely garbage.

    What I care for os to be able to kill ANY and ALL endgame bosses relatively easily, with enough defenses to not have to play like Mathil to kill them. Sure S9 die beams and UAtziri flamestrike deaths are on me, but I want to be alive if hit by shaper balls/elder balls/ normal attacks etc.

    I hope the fine community will help me on e again choose my build.

    submitted by /u/Nutteria
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    Help with Righteous Fire for 3.15

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    I'm hoping to play Righteous Fire next league, as I've never really played it before and it has always intrigued me. I know it's not a league start kind of build, so I'm looking for something that can easily transition into it later. I'm looking for any help/suggestions with what is currently good in 3.14, so I have better context when patch notes come out for 3.15 and know which way to go.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure what the "end goal" looks like yet, but I'm currently thinking I'll go marauder so I have the option of either chieftain or jugg. I've read that chieftain is easier to start, and I'll likely want to transition to jugg later to scale better. I've seen others do inquisitor, elementalist and even trickster, so if anyone has any insight into the differences I'd love to hear it!

    For starter I'm thinking of levelling ground slam until about level 31 until I get library and first lab unlocked, then going fireball/flame wall/wave of conviction spellslinger until maps, where I can get currency to buy gear for RF.

    I play softcore trade league and make a pretty good amount of Ex over a league, so I'm not limited too much by budget (short of mirror tier of course, but 100ex is very doable)

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.

    submitted by /u/Archonaus
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    Why is my POB saying I'm only doing 13k DPS when I can clear red maps? Surely something isn't right (i'm new to this)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    League start to 40/40 Minion builds?!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    As the title says, I'm hoping to find a league start minion build that will take me all the way to 40/40. Any suggestions. Usually get about 50-100 Ex a league and full atlas.

    submitted by /u/Gimmezombeer
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    Which Exsanguinate-Scion?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I plan to start with an exsanguinate scion next league (if it gets not nerfed dramatically).

    But I'm quite unsure which way to go. Because when look at poe-ninja there are so many different versions.

    To sum up my analysis of the different versions. There is the difference between selfcast and spellslinger. But self-cast has a lot of variations (items are not so different tho)

    • Petrified blood yes / no
    • Pain Attunement yes / no
    • 1 or 2 Large Cluster with Mediums and small
    • Corrupting Fever yes / no

    I usually like to start with a build and invest in it to do all content. So I think best is to start with the spellslinger-version and then transform into self cast.

    Which one is the best version for me? I like to be tanky while also maintaining good damage. So I'm not sure about LL/Petrified Blood. What damage numbers I can get on which version?

    submitted by /u/Lewrdy
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    Please assist with weak boss damage

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    Another pre patchnote build question.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys looking for input from more experienced players, I've been playing for a long time but never really get far, never faught any endgame bosses or farmed crazy money, hell never even finished the atlas. Anyway what I want to ask about are various builds.

    I've tried toxic rain, that was pretty decent, tried kinetic blast flameslinger (my fav build so far), elemental hit raider, great build, cyclone, decent but I love clearing whole screens and some off screen, tried bf/bb but honestly didn't follow a build to closely and couldn't kill shit. Tried freezing pulse balistia and it felt way to slow to get going, and don't like the warcry earthshatter explosives.

    Don't like trap builds or mine builds, don't like minion either, just not my type of play style. So biggest questions are,

    Are brand skills kind of just like trap skills? Can you make a brand skill clear screens or zoom zoom?

    Is it worth trying out bf/bb again, even though I've never come close to affording an explody chest?

    Is Coc ice nova expensive to start? I've seen this build for a while and really love how so much stuff is happening on screen, like the flashy clear all type of build.

    Otherwise can anyone recemend another build that clears maps fast, and that is viable as SSF even though I plan on doing trade again, I can't make exalts for shit.

    submitted by /u/AlphaEquation
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    Rate my Lead Sprinkler 1500 STR Molten Strike Chieftain league starter for 3.15

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    I've never played molten strike before so I don't know how this dmg stacks up or if I am doing something really wrong. Its a basic build with most of the gear achievable day one except Astramentis and Cyclopean Coil.


    I want to eventually make a 2k STR Baron Zombie build but I need a lot of expensive things before I want to start that one up so I figured I could just make a different STR stacking build which is easy to get off the ground. I've also really been wanting to play with a lead sprinkler build and I think this is the best one I can think of.

    My goals for this build are atlas progression up to red maps, some early delving, Uber lab, maybe some Temples, and lots and lots of Heists. I figured that even a basic build like this could be a good way to start off the league smooth

    I just want this to be a relatively cheap and efficient build, so any advise is appreciated.

    Right now my main concern is on mana sustain. I have planned a viridian jewel with 2 mana on hit but idk if that is going to be enough. thoughts?

    And of course, thank you very much

    submitted by /u/HoplarchusPsittacus
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    queen's hunger + immortal will, skill duration stacking storm burst theory

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    i made some theorycrafting around this idea lately.
    the build is still fresh and only PoB, but it seems like a nice combo:

    +"the queen's hunger" triggers offerings that affect you (AT 100% EFFECT)
    +by using "leash of oblation" you can have an offering of each type
    +skill duration helps keep offerings up, but you need increased duration on chest and passives
    +"storm burst" benefits heavily from skill duration
    +"storm burst" is a channeling skill, so using "the immortal will" makes the harbinger apply a nice buff to you
    +as bone offering grants block chance and life gain on block, and harbinger makes you immune to curses, ailments, stun and gives you 20%reduced damage taken, i see some tank potential in this

    -the curse immunity makes it imposible to use self temp chains for keeping buffs up (solstice vigis is still an option)
    -you need corpses around for the offerings to work. with 5 corpses consumed every 5 seconds you get offering time to around 24sec.
    -still untested, don't know if the mechanics involve work as i hope (never played storm burst before too)

    UNFINISHED POB: https://pastebin.com/q64Z6GZk


    Edit: any feedback on "march of the legión"? It sounds like it can be nice for having múltiple aura buffs

    submitted by /u/CtulhuMenemista
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    SSF Build League Starter

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    Hi, looking for potential SSFSC league starters. Preferably ones that scale form 0 - A9 Sirus with minimal uniques. I was thinking of starting physical skeletons and then transition into spectres or cold conversion later. Are there any other starter builds with decent transitions with little regret usage?

    Thanks in advance for helping!

    submitted by /u/QuinJustQuin3
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    Glacial Cascade, Witch

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Want to play with this skill, because it looks cool.

    Can't decide between Elementalist(Would seem to be more solid and more DPS+Reflect Immune) or Occultits (seems enemies won't be near me, then it is mostly obsolete, if not explosions).

    Main focus on map, but want to be able to kill bosses, even if it would take a minute.

    Can't seem to think about decent defenses. Thinking about either putting shield on and picking up Glancing with block nodes for it or go full ES, when rich.

    This is more SSF focused build, so want only something achievable gear wise. Also put only 5L, wonder if it would be possible with that to play red maps. Evertyhing else on top, would be only cherry.

    Bound to fail hard?:)


    submitted by /u/Representative_Fly53
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    Estimating if one of my three possible starters are viable in terms of cost

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    So here are my options to start with: Ball Lightning Hierophant (MoM i guess) Stormbrand Archmage MoM Hierophant Stormbrand Crit Inquisitor (Balor Mage)

    Its hard to tell how easy i get "good gear" especially for the crit version of Storm Brand. For all MoM Builds it will be Essence Worm, Cloak and Pledge of Hands with Foible for sure. Thinking about how freaking expensive the Foible was, iam not sure if i want to play starting MoM as starter. Please help me out in terms of "Startcost". Cheers

    submitted by /u/Skoopy_590
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    Converting a CI tree to life version. Need tips and help

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    I found a build on poe.ninja that I would like to try out. As stated in the title, that char is CI and has a ES tree. I always have problems to convert such trees into a life or life-ES-hybrid version, so I would love to hear some tips.

    If there isn't really anything beyond "take life instead of ES nodes" I would appreciate your inputs on the PoB.


    (I tried to make a life tree for the acts, so only level 68-9, and on the gear I only wanted to have some life and es to see how much life I can get on a hybrid version, as it's an Occ. I didn't bother adding any res to the gear, so don't focus on that. Oh and I just noticed that I f*ed up the ascendancy nodes, so ignore that xD)

    My goal was to not deviate too much from the CI tree, being the reason for some of my pathing.

    submitted by /u/IzithGoesBrrrrr
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    Help me decide on league start

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    I don't think patch notes will matter for this so: I want to go ranger since it's my least played class. I'm thinking between venom gyre pf (I know assassin would be better but) Or Trap raider (probably ice or arc/explosive)

    I have a good amount of experience (2000 hours) and don't mind a slow league start, just looking for something new to me and fun to play/build

    submitted by /u/jcdodee
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    Sort rare Item mods for DPS in POB

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    It would be a nice feature to be able to sort rare item mods (prefixes/affixes) for dps or other stats in POB. Don't know if it's just too much data to check and burns your cpu though.

    that's all :)

    submitted by /u/hyperfish3d
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    How to scale self chill

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    I have messed around in PoB, and self chill scaling doesn't seem to work how I expect. Does it only get increased by effect of non-damaging ailment? Is the default value based on how large a shock was inflicted? Does the shock inflicting a chill count as an ailment I inflict?


    submitted by /u/ShinyForm
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    Late-game Build Advice: Toxic Rain Ballista Champion

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Howdy Sports Fans,

    POB: https://pastebin.com/Ckdy2kJa

    This is the first build I have made that actually ended up being good enough to challenge end-game bosses. At level 94 here I am not super sure which direction to go for improvements. I would say the offense/defense is fairly balanced, so either would be worth upgrading. At 5.2K life I don't often get outright "erased", but it can happen if I am not careful. According to POB I am clocking about 3 million Shaper DPS in a fairly ideal condition where I can get at least half wither stacks applied from my self-cast TR. More damage is always great, and I can see more room for offensive gear improvement than defensive.

    My current economy is about 6ex~ and I don't expect to end up with any more than maybe 10 ex for budgeting purposes. I would really appreciate it if someone had the time to look at my PoB, and see if there are any changes to gear, skills, or passives that I could consider. There are probably some oversights that I haven't even considered, so any input is really helpful! I will try to respond to any questions as reasonably as I can.

    Overall this build is a damn blast, and took me from 0 to hero. Definitely looking to be my league starter going forward.

    submitted by /u/bstephe123283
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    Help building a Spectre necromancer.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    I just finished the campaign with a necromancer and want to make a spectre build. I have been reading kay's and ghazzy's guides.



    They are quite different and i dont know enought about the build to decide. Wich one would you recommend the most?

    I want nearly full block like the kay's version (she does it without glancing blows).

    To apply elemental equilibrium one uses only armagedon bran while ghazzy's has a 3L -Hextouch-frostbite-Storm brand. Kay's has a CwdT link instead. Wich one is better this?


    submitted by /u/PapaJones952
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    Simulacrum Farmers

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says.

    I am thinking about what Builds can consistently farm Ultimatums on a budget of 10 to 50 ex.

    As Simulacrums are some of the most fun content poe has to offer I would like to have a few builds to chose from to start farming them early next league (especially since we don´t know which builds the nerf hammer will hit).

    I am thankfull for any suggestions

    submitted by /u/Hareph1
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    Bow Build Question - Scourge Arrow and Bleed Bow

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    If you have played both which did you like more? They both look fun and well rounded and im stalling on picking my new class -

    Im not looking for instaphase bossing - just looking for a good 360 build that does a bit of everything well (I do need one that's forgiving a bit since im playing with wornout hands...) I will in the near future only have time for one build in my schedule.

    any advice is welcome as I am only a bow build dabbler.

    submitted by /u/Darstanter
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    Help with a build idea: MoM Channelling attack trickster, possibly CI

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    So browsing on Pob for build ideas i thought about using trickster to build a Mom channelling character, using an attack (BF or Cyclone?) to get frenzy and power charges, high crit and some form of either elemental damage or pure phys.

    Then i though about Escape Artist and i though about building into a CI version with lots of evasion and ES + some mana on gear, getting around 6k Es + 4k unreserved mana..

    Problem: which weapon and skill to use?

    Edit: rough idea of the build: https://pastebin.com/9uyb1cM9

    submitted by /u/rds90vert
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