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    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds League Starter build with good freeze/shatter? Preferably Elementalist

    Path of Exile Builds League Starter build with good freeze/shatter? Preferably Elementalist

    League Starter build with good freeze/shatter? Preferably Elementalist

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    For the first time in a long journey in PoE I have delved into the neverending void of trying to theorycraft a build on my own for the past two-ish weeks, but I can't seem to come up with a satisfying enough idea for an elementalist build focused on freezing/shattering.

    I've recently seen the "Icyhot freezing pulse", but the way things die without shattering... It just doesn't suit my level of love for the shatter sound effect.

    What I tried to make was a self-cast glacial cascade, I used lots of life as the main defense layer, hatred and herald of Ice for the sweet cold dmg +'s, and I slapped hydrosphere for the exposure.

    In paper, it seemed okay, but in practice GC just didn't shatter things - I was using controlled destruction and Ele Overload, mostly because I didn't want to go crit-based (again, I want a Leaguestart-budget build), and I couldn't even freeze a hydrosphere even after 8~9 ish seconds firing nonstop GC's at it.

    With all of that being said - I'm giving up on glacial cascade (for now), I just want a cheap build that can freeze stuff and the Elementalist is my fav ascendancy because I like to forget that ele reflect maps exist, lol

    submitted by /u/5Daydreams
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    Can someone explain the Mines playstyle?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    For next league am potentially keen on mines or traps, but I don't quite get the playstyle difference.

    Is there a good resource on how that's played, the difference between the basic spell mines vs the one where you can slot in any skill gem and the various benefits?

    I assume the only go to is saboteur? What sort of defensives does that bring?

    submitted by /u/omegaura
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    Ice Trap Raider or Saboteur for League Start?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    I'm looking to play a trap build for 3.15, and I'm wondering what are the strengths/weaknesses of running Raider vs. Sabo? More specifically looking at Ice trap. If anyone smarter than me with traps is reading this, I'd love it if you could share your knowledge!!

    submitted by /u/icantwutangit
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    Which TR is best for leaguestart/SSF out of Raider or Pathfinder?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    I want to try and practice with one of these, but I cant seem to figure out to pros and cons between the two. They both seem like solid choices. From my take, it seem that Raider is faster, and pathfinder is tankier, and both seem like they have the same amount of damage with the same gear on. I am just not sure though and I cant find a straight answer really anywhere so I am looking for someone who might have experience with TR and both ascendancies and which one would be the better choice.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/OmegaPeePeeClap
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    Which melee skills have the clear speed, boss damage, survivability, and SSF viability of Cyclone?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Cyclone Slayer with Brutality, Impale, etc. seems to be my go-to when I want to play melee. I've tried many other melee skills (like Lacerate, Blade Flurry, and old Sunder) but Cyclone always seems to feel better, especially in clear speed.

    Is there a skill I'm missing out on for melee builds?

    submitted by /u/persecuted-gamer
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    Blazing Salvo Miner - Fairly MinMaxed 3.14

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    This league I have been playing a few different builds but the one that I put most work into was my Blazing Salvo Miner. I have played this build once before but then played it with a Tremor Rod. I league started this league with Blazing Salvo Mines with a Tremor rod but the play style felt horrible, something was off with Tremor Rod. So I farmed some bosses and swapped over to the lowlife version.

    I would like to start of by saying my build is not GOOD. It is a pure softcore build with ONLY 4k ES so the damage is insane, but the rest is just softcore stuff. The clearspeed is actually better than I expected and much thanks to the high damage I have manged to achieve. Since I have so high damage, even with the natural spread of Blazing Salvo most(if not all) packs die by a single mine meaning I can run a map fairly easy. Every boss that allows for a just a little time for pre-mine will instantly die, including all Mavens Phases, Sirus A9 and much more.

    For defenses I have a few things but not many. As I states before I have merely 4k ES but balance this with ailment immunit, perfectly balanced Resistances and capped Chaos Res. How do I get ailment immunity? Ignite and Shock from Saboteur, Chilled from my boots and freeze from 10x10% freeze avoid on my Jewels. For mapping the Cinderswollow Urn also helps alot. But that is all for defence.

    For offence I have chosen to NOT use any support gem that makes my char place multiple mines. For a very long time I used Swift Assembly to make it easier to kill packs, kill bosses and truly get the most out of High-Impact Mines Support. Once I hit a certain damage cap I never felt the need for it anymore and instead opted to make the power charge generation smoother. I chose to stack Power Charges for the increased crit chance, the spell damage from my 2ximplicit Circle of Fear and the Inner Conviction timeless notable and all other benefits like crit multi from the tree. To generate all 6 of my power charges I have chose to go for Charged Mines Support instead of Swift Assembly. Poe Ninja still gives me Frenzy Charges, so if you are looking into my PoB from there don't forget to take the Frenzy Charges away. With both the % for Power Charges and Frenzy Charges from Charged Mines (due to Inner Conviction) and the "Blast Cascade" notable in the tree it is extremely easy to get to max charges very very fast during any encounter.

    For movement I use a simple Flame Dash, 3L setup. I get my exposure from my flamewall that I place on the bosses. Purifying flame apply combustion using my arcanist brand and the rest is just auras :)

    PoE Ninja: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/ett%C3%B6ga/BraczoUltimateForm?i=0&search=name%3Dbrac

    PoB (from Ninja - Frenzy Charges): https://pastebin.com/cxPM3c7d

    Some questions that might pop up:

    Why use these boots while you are using mines, you don't get tailwind etc.?

    - There are no other boots or mods I really want so why not have it for the crits of Flame Dash and my Arcanist brand setup. They also help me balance my res and cap my chaos res.

    Why do you not use Elemental Focus instead of Controlled Destruction?

    - I am using the clusternotable "Cremator" to deal with corpses and that is more important for me.

    Why do you have Frenzy Charges in the PoB?

    - Poe ninja does it that way, it is wrong and I mentioned it before :)

    Why do you have Unnerve on your gloves?

    - I am a fairly lazy person and want to selfcraft everything I use, I got these gloves fairly early in the league and with 60% chaos res and 40% in elemental res they were a bit hard to replace. If I played the league for longer I would have upgraded it since the unnerve doesn't really do anything for me

    Why the crit-multi while a unique enemy is near?

    - I mostly liked to boss this league, with fractures mapping gone I will mostly be close to bosses, so why not :)

    Why is there no videos of you insta-killing A9?

    - My computer is sadly too bad to record and play PoE at the same time :( Sorry

    Why do you link the PoB from PoE ninja and not your own?

    - I am not a PoB god, so I mostly compare myself to other using the same metrics. If anyone knows a better setup I am happy to use it.

    This is the first time I ever make my own post on reddit, and also the first time I "showcase" one of my builds. If you have questions or any remarks about the write up let me know. This is way longer than I expected it to be and I most likly missed a lot of things :)

    As a final thing, I always corrupt everything on every char, and give the rest to my brother, but since both him and me stopped playing long ago I have forgotten. With 1 week left of the league, if anyone want to try this out I am happy to share the gear with you. Cheers! :)

    submitted by /u/Braczo
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    Help Build for scion

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Hi so i need help for a build to my scion it was power siphon but i think it was glas cannon for me.

    I have asked on the forbidden trove discord but the people do apparently not make guides on the standard for less then five mirrors and that is way more than what I have so i hope that maybe some one on here can help.

    The requirements for the build is that it can do tier 16 Blighted maps since it is what im doing the most

    and that its not squishy but that it is still at least over 1mil in dps.

    I have 1 mirror and 844 ex right now for the build ( maybe 2 mirror with a few more days farming )

    submitted by /u/Its_Evie
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    Chaos Slinger into DO league start?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Anyone have a good chaos slinger tree/pob that transitions into Death's Oath nicely? Occultist preferred

    submitted by /u/primsec
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    Discharge Trigger on Skill Use + CoC Bow Build?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:41 PM PDT


    so, ever since the interaction with the changed Endless Misery jewel and "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill" mod became known (shown e.g. here), I've had this idea in the back of my mind to use this interaction for a sort of "double CoC" build.

    That is, use an attack with CoC to spam a ton of spells for creating lots of charges very quickly. And at the same time have that attack trigger Discharge in a full 6-link every 250 ms.

    My trigger skill of choice would be Barrage in a bow, since it does not take too much investment to get to the ideal 3.78 APS (just below 264 ms Discharge cooldown) while being able to trigger 2 spells. Also it's easy to craft +1 gems / +2 support gems in bows. So far, I've tested using a crap bow with the required trigger mod and an Astral Projector and this does indeed cast Discharge at the cursor instead of the character's location. I imagine this would allow using the CoC setup for trash mob map clear at the same time as generating charges, while Discharge would provide single-target damage without having to go into melee range.

    Now, here's where my problems begin. I'm not good at scaling damage in PoB, so I'm not sure how difficult it would be to achieve solid DPS for end-game bosses using this build (because if it's just for mapping, a normal CoC bow char built with a focus on the CoC setup's damage would be better). And especially, if it's possible to pull this off on a low-medium budget. I'm a pretty casual player (full time job + 2 children) and usually can't afford to gear more than 1 char per league with somewhere around 20-50 ex investment (depending on gaming time and drop luck). Is it possible to reach, say, something like 5M dps without going full glass-cannon? Then I'd probably try my luck with this next league (pending patch notes) as a respec from my starter build.

    Finally, I'm not sure which Ascendancy would be best for this, my ideas so far: 1. Inquisitor: crit chance + ignore res, good for using all 3 charge types (con: no extra max charges, avoid ailments mod on Astral Proj. wasted) 2. Slayer: extra Frenzy=Endurance charges looks like a good fit, could go with lightning damage only on the CoC setup for EE (con: difficult to get enough crit chance, position in tree better for attack builds, attack damage small ascendancy nodes wasted) 3. Assassin: crit scaling, extra power charge and generation, good location on tree for generic crit nodes (con: defenses, might not be worth it to take Deadly Infusion b/c of downtime from Discharge consumption) 4. Elementalist: golem buffs would be overall beneficial, other nodes good options for extra damage (con: gem slots would get very tight if going for golems on top of two 6-links, no extra max charges) 5. Others??? (max charges granted by Trickster, Occultist, Raider, Chieftain, Juggernaut, but they don't seem optimal to me, or am I missing something?)

    By the way, for charge generation I was considering some or all of the below: Frenzy: self-bleed + The Red Trail Endurance: Eye of Innocence + Replica Ambu's Charge Power: PCoC

    Also, what spells to CoC to get many hits = many charges? 1. Blazing Salvo + Ice Spear (get some +proj) 2. Ball Lightning + Arc? (maybe Storm Brand as 2nd spell, but that seems enough to put as CWDT with Eye of Innocence) 3. BF+BB

    TL;DR: My ideas are still all over the place, please help me make this into a viable build! Or let me know if it takes too much currency to become anything more than a total meme build.

    submitted by /u/Matrim61
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    Syndicate Operatives Help (Xbox)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    New summoner trying for a pure spectre build. I need help acquiring some syndicate operatives and I'm willing to pay 1ex for the trouble.

    submitted by /u/LibertineXXI
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    Most balanced build?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    We often talk about which build does what best or what build is best on a budget but we never talk about very well balanced builds.

    What do you think is the most balanced build in terms of damage/defense, clear/bossing and cost/payoff.

    I think cyclone slayer is the most well balanced build you can play with mana builds a close second.

    submitted by /u/djamil_
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    Smite Champion Ascendancy Nodes

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I'm thinking of trying to make a Smite Champion build that actually uses smite and not hollow palm. I usually follow build guides so I'm pretty new to this.

    Which ascendancy nodes would you take? I'm kind of torn, as the Fortify path seems good, as does first to strike last to fall, inspirational, and the worthy foe path.

    Is the fortitude node worth it at all as opposed to just running fortify on leap slam or something?

    Any advice would be great thanks!

    submitted by /u/danktuna4
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    Noob PoB Question: How to correctly calculate "mana spent recently" for arcmage builds?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Trying to PoB an arcmage build and wondering how to correctly calculate the mana spent recently setting to show the correct DPS so I'm not accidentally inflating it too much.

    submitted by /u/GivingItMyBest
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    Why no Ele Hit Raider build uses Frostferno?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    I looked at many Ele Hit Raider builds and not a single one of them uses Frostferno. What am I missing? + 4 to skill gems is incredibly strong for Ele Hit, certainly worth one link. And lvl 30 cold to fire adds 90% of cold damage (which is level 24 - 25 gem btw) as fire to Ele Hit. I'd say Frostferno is a good six link for it and much cheaper than any other alternative. Why is no one using it?

    submitted by /u/vagif
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    Some Noob Questions

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    Noob here, got to level act 4, level 40 and started looking at guides.

    This one below caught my eye.


    What is the context of Ex's and C's?

    What is POB short for?

    What are Investments?

    submitted by /u/heatblade12
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    Raider League starter?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Just asking what is a possible raider starter that uses the onslaught and frenzy nodes in ascdendancy? Ps: no TR or CA

    submitted by /u/MatthisMaster
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    SpellSlinger VD/DD still viable?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Hi guys, never tried this build before on the hype, but now it seems off-meta I guess(?) and I want to try it a little, still viable for league start or is dead now? I assume I'll level as Arma Brand and then switch to SS VD/DD/Desecrate when I reach maps (also I'm not sure if I can have all this 3 skills with SS) Any tips?

    submitted by /u/lipefsa
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    How do you kill bosses with Lightning Strike as main skill?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Every other skill has some "help" in terms of utility, like Hydrosphere, Wither Totems, etc.. is there such a thing for LS?

    Even with Vaal LS, killing bosses takes ages!

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    Question about animate guardian curses and effects

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Hi guys.

    1. If I get curse on hit glove for my animate guardian, how often will my animate guardian CONSISTENTLY apply that curse against bosses in battle? Never done that before, so I'm curious.

    2. If I equip my animate guardian with this scepter: Stabilising Sceptre - Official Path of Exile Wiki (fandom.com), how often would my animate guardian CONSISTENTLY apply elemental equilibrium against bosses in battle?


    submitted by /u/MasterChief22530
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    Lf build

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    I'm tryna find a good self cast exsanguinate build and I'm on a trickster everything I find on yt goes into a pastebin and I that doesn't work on mobile from what I've seen.. I'm someone could link or pm some details it'd be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/AwayDance2854
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    Any good advice to level a chieftain cyclone build?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    I would love to try a cyclone build with chieftain, has anyone have a build guide with good leveling explain to start with it? Thnx in advance!

    Ps. : Yes I saw Mathil videos but english is not my first language so I don't get everything he says on the videos so that's why I would like another guide or if possible a PoB to follow. Thx

    submitted by /u/Ankh0890
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    Ele hit balistas sion leveling proces

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Hi !

    Im going to play ele hit balistas sion next league if my build will pass the pach notes. Build is great - ones you have quill Rain, +1 totem quiver, conversion jewels and 5l or forst ferno but levelin as ele hit before is kinda shit

    I Got a few ideas: * Tr mines + balistas * holy flame totem it's like 20ish points to respec * ele RoA + some balistas those one have like close to no respc

    Any advices for ele hit sion going chieftan plus ranger

    submitted by /u/madziar169vvv
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    Any Guide about Aurastacking League Starter with March of the Legion?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    I love this boots and i wanted to know if there's any guide about a league starter AuraStacking build that uses it

    submitted by /u/nittor14
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