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    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 04, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 04, 2019

    Questions Thread - April 04, 2019

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 04, 2019

    This is a general question thread on April 04, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Triple imlicit regalia

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:52 AM PDT

    Shitpost. All except Mathil, of my followed POE streamers, are playing other games

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    I have never seen this before. I think it is a pretty hardcore referendum of where the game is at the moment.

    submitted by /u/Deliverme314
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    Triple imlicit regalia 2.0 slamed divined linked

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    Advanced Nexus Strategy - Edge blocking

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    This but when you attack it *real* DPS is calculated based on the damage you deal.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 11:47 PM PDT

    Alch and go low tier maps might be the most fun way to play for many people. Please consider it if you're frustrated with complexity.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    I see many people upset about this balance or that, or difficulty, or crafting, etc. I just want to help some people out of the pitfall they're in by saying that there's nothing wrong with taking a couple steps back and just running easy simple maps on an inefficient build just because you enjoy it. You don't have to engage with any of the crafting or masters or atlas. Personally I always keep a character on hand for just mindlessly grinding easy simple maps. =) Thanks for listening, I hope this helps some people.

    submitted by /u/Giselah
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    to the dev. assigned for redesigning maps

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 12:49 AM PDT

    thank you for making caldera as a straight forward map. it went from one of the hates map i would run ( base on layout not on drops) to one of my favorite map to run right now (layout wise and drops ofc) thank you in 50 other language

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousTip
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    Stash optimize

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:17 AM PDT

    There is no reason for Syndicate to be character bound anymore

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Having a new Syndicate with each new character just feels bad and makes it choir. Setting Syndicate up properly is no small task, and by the time you manage to do it, you maybe finish 1 Mastermind encounter and move on (around level 92+ in my experience).

    Is there any reason anymore to keep this a character-bound encounter?

    submitted by /u/ComradeShorty
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    When I get an outdoors memory

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Why I'm giving up after 4 years

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    This isn't a cry to fix the game, nor is it an attempt to garner attention. I'm writing this more so as an older player reflecting on years of playing the same game, realizing what I fell in love with and what it has become.

    When I began path of exile it was shortly after my disappointment with diablo and in search of a reasonable substitute that clearly inherited a sense of accomplishment in gameplay and time invested. A sense of grind having true meaning, to push the boundaries of what could be accomplished, a build that while niche could still be something worth playing and fun. I found that in path of exile, numerous builds, wondrous fun, and ultimately a game that I could truly come to call my favorite game of all time in terms of story, lore, gameplay, and community.

    Although all that changed when the fire nation attacked.

    In all seriousness though, delve was truly my favorite league, but the last two have ruined the game in every way for me. I might have the unpopular opinion in saying that I preferred the old crafting system as now it is bloated, inconsistent, and frustratingly unintuitive. I had such high hopes for the master overhaul as it was my least favorite part of the game sense the beginning, I literally cleared my work so that I could play betrayal, but to run into massive memory leaks and other errors compounded by lazy design philosophies established in betrayal (f*** ton of monsters, zero visibility, #poe2.6oneshots) I've ultimately decided that ggg moving forward has little intention of addressing elephants within the game.

    Things such as the severe ramp in difficulty in later maps gated by gear, something that I was ok with for a long time as an end game goal that I've ultimately come to realize is artificial difficulty, while the 95% of the game operates as a fast kill and move dungeon crawler, the last 5% of the game plays vastly different unless a multitude of hours of grinding to spec into appropriate gear, otherwise spending upwards of ten minutes in a single map to adjust to the ridiculous ramp in monster stats where it would otherwisetake less than or 2 minutes for every other map up to this arbitrary point. This has always been a problem in the game, but with betrayal as standard maps that I'm pursuing fit atlas objectives that may take an extra sense of care and patience become impossible by the very existence of betrayal on the map. I'm left feeling as though the sudden difficulty ramp of maps plus the impossible nature of betrayal leaves the end end game as a horribly unenjoyable mess gated behind gear produced by horribly unintuitive crafting with extremely low chances of success with near game crushing rewards. As compared to a time when you could accomplish the same end game goal in maybe half to three fourths of the time. The game seems to compensate these new gear options, adjusting to the power creep.

    In previous iterations of the game there was hard but clearly definable pathways of progression, in a way quite linear in terms of difficulty between map tiers and league content. That is gone, and now I'm left feeling as though the game is ultimately based upon number of hours spent waiting for the next good drop to sell for something actually needed, or meta crafting in the most ridiculously random and morbidly complex crafting system. It shouldn't take 6 steps to arrive at a piece of gear that is just barely shaper viable, and an exalt shouldn't be as rare as the real (not nominal) value of these currencies has shot up.

    Synthesis for me marks the decisive end moving forward for the game. No longer is the game based around strategies to offset the increasing difficulty, it is now balanced around the neigh impossible crafting options that require materials from four different leagues that don't mesh together in the least. And because of all this I've completely lost what pushed me to play this game and enjoy it, I feel no sense of accomplishment when completing a map, all the gear that drops is entirely useless compared to the near required crafted gear, and I just don't have the increasingly higher number of hours and hours required to produce an elder/shaper viable character when previously I've been able to accomplish in every league before betrayal.

    I hope poe succeeds, I literally have bought the art books, collector's items and multiple supporter packs, but as it stands I'm starting to feel the game move past me in a direction that requires to much time for a reasonable adult.

    submitted by /u/poemehardbebe
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    Inspired by Enki, I've finally finished my guide. Here's everything you need to know to play a Vortex Cold Snap Occultist!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Finalized 3.6.3b Patch Notes, releases in 45 minutes

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    More cool stash tab symbols.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    The amount of peradnus coins from T16 100q+ map with Gilded perandus scarab.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    Well, this was “fun”.... R.I.P.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 01:25 AM PDT

    Aul Depth 1446 Kill

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    The Real reasons Energy Shield is stronger than Life.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    TLDR: It scales better and Evasion and armor are bad. You happy? Now you don't have to read a long drawn out post unless you want to know WHY it scales better.

    So some people might be thinking but what about 1k es regalia's etc. Yeah, well that's not even the biggest reason, it's a symptom of the real disease.

    First Strength vs Intelligence. Per 10 it's 5 life and 2% melee physical damage vs 2% es and 5 mana. Seems okay at first but lets actually add some numbers.

    Life : helm:130, rings 200, shield 160, amulet 80, boots 100, belt 130, gloves 100, body armor 130. is 1030 add in 1130 for lvl 90 and you have 2160 base hp.

    ES : H 260, R 130, S 270, A 50, Boots 150, Belt 120, G 150, BA 550. Total is 1680 add in discipline for 217 if you wish (will do both in this since it's technically a defensive aura which could be subbed for Purity or something etc)

    Both of these setup's are roughly the same everything costing less than 5c (I checked prices) I didn't include resists since that would affect both sets.

    2160 life and 200% life and 300 str vs 1680 (1897) with 200% and 300 int.

    6930 life vs 6048 (6829) They are very similar. Life being 13% better and 1.5% better. Now lets bump it to 300% and an extra 300 stats and increase both base hp by about 30%.

    (10301.3+1130)+(600/2)300% =11076 (16801.3)(300%+600/5)=11356 (16801.3+217)(300%+600/5)=12485.2 Life is now 2.5% worse and 11.3% respectively. It will continue to become worse and worse.

    However ES doesn't have as much armor and evasion as life based builds. Since you're generally aiming for pure ES bases while life based builds can have whatever base they want.

    This SHOULD make both balanced right? Wrong, evasion and armor are so weak in comparison to just having PURE EHP that it doesn't matter. The only thing that life based builds have over ES is Acro/phase acro, being the best nodes in the game.

    ES builds don't care about armor (cuz rip aegis and spell block) because it sucks and you can easily get 4-5 endurance charges which will do more than a granite flask of iron skin anyway.

    Evasion, you only really need about 1-3k evasion and either a stibnite or some form of blind and you're better off than a pure evasion build w/o blind.

    There is no situation where ES is weaker than life IF you can afford the gear. It's extremely expensive because they balance that shit around getting shit rolls because the t1 es rolls are 10x or more rare than life counterparts. (it's the same as physical vs elemental on weapons) So when the planets a line and we get all mirror gear and 30k es it's broken as fuck. Vs with life gear you get about 15k maybe 20k if you're a snowflake BLS build.

    Now lets run those number's again this time Life get's the same 2%.

    2160 life and 200% life and 300 str vs 1680 (1897) with 200% and 300 int. 2160*(200+300/5)=7,776

    ES 6048 (6829)

    (10301.3+1130)(600/5+300%) =12838.8 (16801.3)(300%+600/5)=11356 (16801.3+217)(300%+600/5)=12485.2

    HOLY SHIT IT COMPETES?!?!?!?!? Magical. Now if someone can send me the theoretical max life vs max es values on gear (probably should include resistances) then we can do the math for the 0.01%.

    Really, that's all in boils down to is that Intelligence is flat out better than Strength. Sorry gym bro's being smart is better. After a certain point (135*3) resists are worthless (sometimes useful) and stats are all you want besides damage and even after a certain point damage becomes useless since you 1 shot mobs and a .1% difference in shaper times pales in comparison to reaching the threshold to not be 1 shot.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that currently Life has a Flat life roll, a % health roll, and a combination or % life and flat, or plain flat, or just %. While ES has Flat, % es, hybrid % es, and Suffix % es AND Suffix quality (% es)

    It's 3 affixes for life and five for ES. So if they want to bring up Life w/o nerfing ES they need to make Suffix Life rolls.

    submitted by /u/4percent4
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    Fuck Proximity shields.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    That is all.

    EDIT: People complaining that its one of the only anti ranged mechanics in the game, yet you seem to forget how anti melee it is as well. We've gotten to a point where no matter your build you're looking for more range or aoe, no matter if you're melee, spell caster, bow attacks...etc Proximity shields are bullshit and multiple proximity shields are worse.

    submitted by /u/SmokeCocks
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    Can I see one of the devs VS a beefy synth boss?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    No? I still wanna know why they're affected by map mods with no rewards.

    submitted by /u/Helpmekindsir1
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    [Suggestion] Some nodes on the skill tree have become too specific and are harming build diversity

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:45 AM PDT


    Hello, I'm teeny and I primarily enjoy Path of Exile by making weird off-meta builds and trying to explore options that have either been dismissed or not tried before. I spend a lot of time on path of building and have noticed a rather annoying trend in the way GGG has been approaching reworking nodes in the past few leagues.

    The problem

    GGG has been pushing archetypes in leagues which is really cool. It allows them to improve and expand on specific ideas, however there is some downside to this. Part of the way GGG pushes these archetypes is by reworking nodes on the skill tree with strong synergies with those skills. This is also good as it allows them to improve under-utilized nodes on the skill tree. My issue lies in that some of the nodes are more specific than they need to be and could be changed to apply to more skills without hurting the desired functionality for the pushed skills.

    The Culprits

    This is most easily seen in the changes to poison nodes in Delve and the elemental conversion nodes added in Synthesis.

    For an example of what I'm talking about here are the stats granted by the Divine Fury notable:

    • 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
    • 12% increased Elemental Damage
    • Fire Spells have 15% of Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
    • 12% increased Physical Damage

    The part that I take issue with is the conversion specifically of the form:

    • <type> Spells have #% of Physical Damage converted to <type> Damage

    There are 4 nodes on the tree that grant this for a total conversion of the following for applicable skills:

    • Lightning: 25%
    • Cold: 10%
    • Fire: 15%

    What I find unnecessary about this is the inclusion of the Spells clause to the requirements for granting conversion. This severely limits the amount of skills that can benefit from it.

    This is the list of spells that use physical damage that have the fire, cold, or lightning tag:

    • Explosive Trap
    • Divine Ire
    • Glacial Cascade
    • Purifying Flame
    • Storm Burst
    • Wave of Conviction
    • Holy Flame Totem

    That is a rather small group of skills this part of the notable that this applies to. I can understand not wanting to put generic conversion on this part of the tree for fear of buffing already strong physical spells like Blade Vortex and Ethereal Knives. However this current wording excludes a rather large group of skills that convert physical to elemental which is attackers.

    Here is the list of attack skills that could benefit from these notables:

    • Burning Arrow
    • Charged Dash
    • Frost Blades
    • Ice Shot
    • Lightning Arrow
    • Lightning Strike
    • Shrapnel Shot
    • Consecrated Path
    • Glacial Hammer
    • Ice Crash
    • Infernal Blow
    • Molten Strike
    • Smite
    • Static Strike

    Now some of these are a bit of stretch being bow skills on the opposite half of the tree. However that is no reason to discount their possibility due to the existence of Scion. By simply changing the condition of these conversion nodes to skills rather than spells it triples the amount of skills that could benefit from the conversion on these nodes. I see no balance reason why it should be more difficult to get conversion for attacks rather than spells.

    Therefore, I propose we change this formatting:

    • <type> Spells have 15% of Physical Damage converted to <type> Damage

    To this:

    • <type> Skills have 15% of Physical Damage converted to <type> Damage

    Now we can move onto the changes to poison in Delve. Here is the change that was made to the Fatal Toxins cluster in Delve:

    • 65% increased Damage with Poison (down from 115%)
    • 55% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills

    This is actually a really good buff for attack poison builds as it increases poison damage given by the node as well as increasing the value of any Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage or Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage you can obtain. It buffs the build and encourages more ways of scaling your poison damage. It is a great change but it has one major issue in that it halves the effectiveness of the node for any build that is trying to poison using spells. Spells can poison by design but due to this change you are heavily discouraged from trying to scale it. I assume that GGG doesn't want to put generic increased Chaos Damage on the node to avoid buffing ED & friends rather that poison builds.

    My proposal is that we steal some wording from the Born in the Shadows node in Saboteur and change this:

    • #% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills

    To this:

    • #% increased Chaos Damage with Hits and Ailments


    GGG has been doing an awesome job with their skill tree reworks. The introduction\rework of nodes for Brands, Warcries, NACDOTM, CDOTM, and minion damage have all been great additions to the skill tree and good for build diversity. However the current conversion and poison nodes have been made too specific limiting their ability to be used in a larger variety of builds despite being exactly what those builds would want from a node.


    Some of the reworked nodes on tree are too specific and limit build diversity.

    Change conversion nodes from:

    • <type> Spells have 15% of Physical Damage converted to <type> Damage


    • <type> Skills have 15% of Physical Damage Converted to <type> Damage

    Change poison nodes from:

    • #% increased Chaos Damage with Attack Skills


    • #% increased Chaos Damage with Hits and Ailments
    submitted by /u/teeny__
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    My first serious craft in forever, first i've ever posted. Made for soulrend trickster.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    Could we have a progression for Jun's missions like other Masters ? It would be awsome :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    Soulrend is cool and all but I like my Soulrend...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:27 AM PDT

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