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    Friday, April 5, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 05, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - April 05, 2019

    Questions Thread - April 05, 2019

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - April 05, 2019

    This is a general question thread on April 05, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Price Checks and Crafting Advice - April 05, 2019

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Price Checks and Crafting Advice- April 05, 2019

    When asking for a price check, please include what league the item is on! Also, please try searching poe.trade for similar items before asking what an item might be worth. The post then should contain a direct link to an image showing the item in question. Please note these are community given prices and are not moderated. Always double check prices, only you are responsible for believing a stranger on the internet!

    You can get price checks in the #price-check channel in our official Discord.

    New: Join the Discord version of Global 820 for your Service Trading needs! - https://discord.gg/VxcYmmN

    Please message the mods if there are any problems or feed back

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    RIP Kaom's Way

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Just a wand with 178% damage, 38% chaos multi and Decay

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Id love a league based around Unique items, their lore and their owners. Being able to upgrade the base of Uniques and ultimately, Transform one of your items into a Unique item

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    The game has like over 900 unique items

    id love to see a league where you complete mission for or gather soul fragments of Historical figures.

    How to collect souls?: Pure speculation, im throwing an idea like that but it could be from killing them in maps as the Map Boss and/or Killing them in their elevated Area ( Kaom's stronghold elevated to area level on par with yours but capped at 70). Bosses that dont appear in the game could have special side areas like vaal areas that spawn to spawn them OR they could spawn alongside Areas bosses they share a bond with, ie: Kaom fight can spawn Hyrri's when Kaom calls for her help

    And at some point, when you gather enough soul fragments, you can upgrade a unique item related to that historical figure

    Example: Complete a full Kaom soul and upgrade a kaom Unique item to the next tier ( From Karui Chopper to Sundering Axe (could be done multiple times))

    Example: Complete a full Kaom soul and Kaom's jewelery has its implicit maximum doubled or tripped

    Example: a fully upgraded Death's harp would got from Death Bow to Harbinger bow. 47-123 to 86-223. Then fate it to Death's Opus for 135-309

    Example: Gorebreaker which have awesome unique mods but is a level 10 unique item. Upgrading the base could make the item benefit from its 360% increased physical damage mod. there is 21 maces that separate Spiked Mace from top tier Nightmare mace, so it would require 21 upgrades. Ending up with such item


    Note: Items tiers are partially formated atm. What i mean by that is that some items have the same base reoccuring from time to time but as an upgrade version ( you can see the same skin and implicits/aps). GGG could reformat those into real tier progression, which would end up having 4-5 upgrades to get to top tier rather than 21 like in the gorebreaker example.

    ie: Nightmare mace ← Phantom Mace ← Dream Mace ← War Hammer ← Spiked Club. All share the same 1.4 aps and 10% Stun threshold

    IMPORTANT: some items would be more affected by base upgrade while other wouldn't. It's important to mention that for an optimal league, it should come with a bunch of new Fated prophecies. Buff mods through prophecies and buff base through league mechanic. Those 2 vectors ensures a balance grip for GGg

    Ultimately you beat the League boss and have access to the Manuscript of Legends, a crafting bench that allows you to turn ONE item into a unique item:

    • this gives you a list of unique mods and you pick one to add to the item

    • You also have the option of changing the name of the item, up to 4 words from a list + Your character's name.

    Could be a solid base for a BackLore focused League, rather than creating new lore, new monsters,etc. Would be a nice Opportunity to give a face to some Unique items owners

    And would be grindy and simple rather than too complex and based on rng, which players have been deploring from the last 2 leagues

    Lore enthousiast would be so happy but game lovers would be too. Im not a lore enthusiast myself but having played Diablo 2 Boss mod and POE boss mod races, damn its a blast.

    Would love to see such mechanic used for the endleague Boss. A Mad scientist that Imbues golems with the soul of legendary figures granting them their power, Fight waves of bosses to get to the Big boss... a powerless dude that in exchange for his life allows you to use the Manuscript of Legends, which he used to drain Mythical being's souls, to turn your item into a unique one making you a legendary figure too

    Would you like such league? No:Why?

    If Yes: what else would you like to see? What unique do you crave to upgrade?

    submitted by /u/Path_Of_Exiles
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    Are Fractured Fossil Services Scams? Here's an Analysis.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Hello All,

    Seems like more and more of these are creeping up, so I figure I will do some research and give everyone an informed point by point analysis and I hope to help all who read this make an informed decision.

    How Does it work?

    Fractured fossil, when used in a resonator will create a mirrored copy of the item in question, however because you have to put it in a resonator, the Resonator will actually re-roll the mods on the item. The mirrored copy will take on the new mods.

    Basically you are using the Fractured fossils to get a copy of the item base, Socket and Enchants as a guarantee. With Rng on the new mods.

    You can also effect what the mirrored copy "might" roll by adding other fossils into the mix with the resonator, however depending on the fossils, this can be a pricey thing to try and do.

    The "service":

    So often the people who are offering the service will often say that they can control the outcome (only to a degree), and the item that are listed on their service often be "of the best roll/outcome" of the potential you can get.

    They will often say that it is great value for money and for a few Exalted or a few hundred Chaos (if you provide your own fossil) you can potentially make your own POG item.

    It is not very often, that you get a service that will simply list the item base and tell you exactly what it is you are actually getting but there are those that do and to those kudos you are the few gems out there.

    So Where's the Value?

    So currently the price of Fractured fossils sits between 5-8Ex, Which means that usually these service will charge you a Fee (60c to 260c) on top of the cost of the fossil itself some will even change their price as demand of certain items increase.

    What some people don't realize is that for the price you are paying to get a mirrored copy of a random dice roll, you can probably get an actual base with some pretty decent stats. On top of this, you can actually use the base further should you want to re-roll or divine the item.

    If you have to patience to run labs, you can actually do some pretty fun stuff like run the "twice enchanted" prophecy (costs 9 Chaos). Which actually increases the chance of getting the enchantment you want. Not to mention the Value and potential earning from the chests at the end of the lab.

    Here's Where it gets Sinister:

    You can get scammed by using this service, here's how:

    1. The service provider already have a bunch of bad copies made. They sit and collect your fee, and simply give you a bad copy.
    2. The service provider can simply sit and wait for people to come with their fractured fossil, take your fractured fossil and then delete your comment in their shop.

    Lastly, here is the unavoidable Scam,

    The value of the deal is stacked unbelievably in the service providers favor. Here's Why:

    You are literally paying for someone to roll their items, with the idea that you get a copy of that item. Think about it. They are making you pay them (materials and all) so that they can get a free roll on an item base, if the roll is incredibly good they get a nice item they can now sell for a lot of currency (thank you, you paid for it) and you get the copy (that's if they decide to give you the actual copy)

    So How do I avoid the risks:

    • don't use these services.
    • If you can get enough ex to buy a fractured fossil, you are probably in a good enough space that you can buy a decent base for yourself.
    • If you farmed a fractured fossil, don't give it to these guys to make copies and also pay them on top. Just sell it while the price is still high and use the currency to get something that has long term value.
    • if you absolutely want to use one of these services (why?) insist that they stream it or only use one that can stream the process to you. but even then they can still simply refuse to give you the goods. (but at least you will have video proof in this case)
    • Those that argue and say but I have white sockets on my bases there for no scam (really?), that's a weak excuse, because nothing stops them from making a copy before hand and simply keep it in inventory.
    • You can try the max inventory trick, but it still won't stop them from simply withholding the copy.

    So that's my analysis, I hope I didn't miss anything and I sincerely hope that this can help new players to see what values these services offer.

    Thank you for reading, have a great rest of the league.

    submitted by /u/Timmeh1020
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    Daily reminder that Synthesis bosses are unbalanced.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    Most of the times they have multi dmg mods with reduced damage taken and the fight is is FAR from being balanced. Ff you seriously think that this is fine then please try killing a 80+ cortex, I can guarantee you that it'll be harder to kill than uber elder. Not only it has insane damage, but the mechanics are more complex/stupid aswell. Plus if you fail it you can't just place a memory and try again, its gone. At least in delve we can go back to bosses using sulphite and try again if we fail.

    I'm really hoping they're going to revert the boss mod changes. PS: If you think op is salty af cause he failed a lvl82 cortex you're goddamn right.

    submitted by /u/adamkaas
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    I would probably still play this league if i had more agency over the content I am going to run and could just have relaxing mapping sessions without side content.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    Bit of a rant inc. TL;DR: is pretty much the title.

    First of all, I want to make it clear that I dont particularly hate this league. I enjoy(ed) nexus even pre 3.6.3 and the crafting stuff didnt really bother me. I just didnt focus much on it and im fine with that, because, again, I did enjoy the nexus mechanic quite a bit.

    What made me "burn out" this league, faster than other leagues before, was the fact that as someone who still enjoys mapping a lot I simply have too much stuff do to that I am not particularly excited about, like incursions, delving (yes, i admit, im not a big fan of delve), nexus, betrayal (its okay but really rippy and dying SUX at 98+), etc.

    At some point in the league, when I figured out the league content, did the stuff I wanted to do (uber elder, get my build going, explore the new league content to its fullest) I just want to mindlessly grind maps and try out new builds. this might seem silly to some, but for me, trying out new builds and minmaxing them is the most exciting part about PoE for me. I played harbinger and legacy almost the entire duration just because there were so many builds i wanted to try.

    This league, however, i feel like I just cant do this anymore. you have to do sooo much stuff that I feel like having a "mental block" that prevents me from even starting the game. I still want to make a sparker trickster to make a real fast zoom zoom mapper but I just cant bring myself to get to that point.

    I just hope that in the future, players will be able to have more agency about what content they want to engage with. I enjoy beastiary, harbinger, breaches, stuff that doesnt take away from the"mapping experience" that I have to constantly break up. but its impossible to ignore the other mechanics because they are such a huge part of income and mapsustain.

    I would love if map sustain for example would be something addressed inside maps alone. I hate having to do temples, nexus, delving just so I can keep up with my T16 mappool. It feels like a chore that I was willing to do for the first two weeks but now it actually stops me from playing again because I just cant bring myself to do it.

    I made a post a while ago about scarabs and how they are the perfect solution for allowing people to focus on content they personally enjoy and I just want to repeat that sentiment. I dont really care how this should be changed in detail, I just want older league mechanics as a secondary content that I can engage with if i want to (via scarabs, zana mods, league stones, you name it) but not force me into it by splitting the balance of rewards (mainly talking maps, again) so that I have to do all these things in order to sustain a mapool that GGG deems appropiate.

    submitted by /u/KinGGaiA
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    Showerthought: Having decay in the Nexus would be like having a timer to run Temple after doing Incursions.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:02 AM PDT

    I get it, Decay and the whole stabilised/unstabilised business makes sense from a lore/theme perspective but there honestly isn't anything rewarding enough about the Nexus to justify it being gated by so many layers of RNG after we've already run the gauntlet of acquiring the memories to begin with.

    I play a 200% MS Soulwrest build with Phase Run & Flame Dash, literally just need to press Convo occasionally while my boys shred screens of enemies at a time and any single misstep is basically a guaranteed rip of that memory, I literally don't know how "normal" builds are meant to do it.

    It's bad enough to rip memories in maps but when it breaks my path in Nexus and I don't have backup tiles I seriously question why I'm still bothering.

    submitted by /u/--rcpd--
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    PSA - Spell Cascade + Unleash + Detonate Dead = Vaal Detonate Dead on every cast

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    So I've been experimenting with a fun interaction between the new unleash support, spell cascade, and corpse explosion skills like Detonate Dead and Volatile Dead. Basically, it works like this:

    • Spell Cascade causes a single cast of an area-targeted spell to cast 3 times. Normally the 2 extra casts occur in front of and behind the original cast, with minimal overlap; however, with corpse explosion skills, the extra casts occur at the location of the targeted corpse, wherever that is. This means there's a much higher chance for spell cascade to cause overlapping AoEs with corpse explosion spells. There's also a chance to hit corpses far away, even off-screen, if no closer corpses are available to target.
    • Unleash support allows you to store up to 3 charges of a spell and recasts the spell for each stored charge. So, at maximum charges, a single cast will trigger 4 spells (the original + 3 recasts).
    • When used together, each recast of the spell will also cascade. This essentially casts your spell 12 times with a single button press. Normally this isn't that useful, since Unleash and Spell Cascade both have less damage multipliers on them and the cascades have minimal overlap (except with recasts). However, since corpse explosions can overlap highly based on the location of the corpses used, this becomes very powerful.
    • Furthermore, Unleash support adds a slight delay between recasts. This delay gives enough time for the corpses of enemies who died to the first cast to be used up by the following recasts. The result is that the explosions will cause an "Inpulsa"-like chain reaction of explosions, even if there are fewer than 12 corpses on the ground to begin with.
    • Lastly, Detonate Dead has a helm enchantment that grants 45% chance for an additional explosion to occur. This seems to proc on every cascade and recast, meaning you will detonate around ~17-18 corpses on average.

    Finally, Detonate Dead is viable! While this seems like quite a powerful interaction, it's still severely hampered by the fact that you need to "seed" each pack with corpses to begin with, so I definitely don't think it's overpowered. But try it out, it's a lot of fun!

    submitted by /u/thatsrealneato
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    This is not what I wished ...

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:29 AM PDT

    Synthesizing would be slightly more enjoyable for me if there were Fractured Orbs

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Currency that drops in the nexus that allows you to exalt/slam a fractured mod onto an item. This would allow you to find a fractured item with only one fractured t1 mod, and if you're aiming for a second implicit that needs a certain prefix, you could block all suffixes with an empty prefix and slam it for a second fractured mod. This would turn those nice t1 single fractured modded items into double or triple fractured, allowing you to get more implicits regardless if the second and third mods roll poorly.

    Might make things slightly more accessible. I want synthesizing to be a part of the game, but it truly seems like only the extremely wealthy players and people who play 10+ hours a day are going to obtain these bases. It just feels like there's way too much RNG involved to get the fractured items, have the synthesizer choose the right mods and then the implicit outcomes having multiple outcomes. I don't know. Just a thought. Then again it might just be adding to the cluster f*ck.

    I still liked the other guy's idea of showing what mods can roll on the synthesizer in game. That would definitely help.

    submitted by /u/loganluther
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    I'd honestly like to see a Legacy league 2.0 Anyone else with me?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    Sol Arch : 590 harbinger PDPS bow

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:39 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    Reading this subreddit the past few weeks makes me feel like y'all forgot all the good that GGG did for the game and us

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 02:41 AM PDT

    And I think GGG is the last company in the world that deserves the huge buckets of shit being sent their way lately. We should appreciate them taking the risks they make from time to time. Some of those risks unfold to something never experienced before, in a good way, and the other unfolds into something the majority might not like.

    I also see a lot of statements that they should focus on optimizing the game instead of doing another complicated league. As far as I know they have a dedicated team doing optimizations all the time, upgrading their modular engine piece by piece. I don't think they can put the content creators on the optimization tasks as they ?have no experience with that? What I mean to say is that optimizing their game always has top priority, no matter what.

    I just had to write this off me and at the same time throw a huge chunk of appreciation to GGG for all their hard work done the past few years. Even though, for me personally, Synthesis is not what I'd like it to be: I still love you as a company and you have all of my support. Keep doing what you've done all this time <3

    submitted by /u/SuperNoodlePlays
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    This league's off-meta builds & cool interactions

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    I tried 3 builds this league, each with various success.

    1st Build: Orb of Storms Inquisitor

    Orb of Storms + Tempest shield (using Tempest shield to recast Orb since it has a super low cast time), building cast speed and crit playing as Inquisitor. I had this build planned as the league was dropping, and probably busted a nut at the huge buffs that Orb of Storms got, seeing 10m Shaper DPS and kind of got tunnel-vision.

    The build was potentially one of the worst builds I've ever done, mostly due to how squishy it was. Orb of storms isn't terrible, but the way it plays, you need to let enemies come to you, sort of like how Vortex works. Building AoE gives a massive quality of life, that I also didn't do. The skill is basically melee range, so you have to facetank everything, playing a squishy build like I did is not an option.

    Overall I give the build a straight 1/10, it needs to go back to the lab.

    2nd Build: 9-Curse Fireball/Cremation Occultist

    This build used Fireball for clear on a 4L, Fireball > Arcane Surge > Onslaught > GMP.

    For bosses, I use CWDT > Desecrate, then a 4L cremation (Cremation's damage is so nutty, I didn't even need to 6L) Cremation is socketed in a Sire of Shards, since the +4 projectiles works for Cremation.

    I kept Enfeeble & Temp Chains on blasphemy (I feel like those need 100% uptime)

    On Doedre's Skin, I kept Projectile Weakness, Flammability, Ele Weakness, Warlord's Mark, Assassin's Mark, Poacher's Mark.

    Witchfire Brew for the 9th Curse, Despair.

    Wearing a Doedre's Scorn nets us 180% increased damage because of 9 curses, as well as having 9 curses on basically everything is so insanely useful that the build just becomes easy. This build was literally able to do Uber Lab as soon as it hit lvl 65 to wear the Doedre's Skin. By level 80, I did Red Elder, and by 90 I felt immortal. The only time I was annoyed, was for certain bosses that are completely immune to curses (different from hexproof). These enemies include those totem bosses on Atoll, Null Portals and even Betrayal Fortification walls. Aside from that, this build is SUPER tanky due to the curses and Occultist regen, and does massive boss damage. The clear is mediocre but not bad, and the build easily transitions into a full support curse-bot with the added benefit of being able to defend himself. As well, the build was the cheapest of each of my builds, but still performed the best, IMO.

    Overall I give the build 10/10, would roll again

    3rd build: Flameblast Prolif Elementalist

    This build used a cool interaction with Circle of Anguish and Elementalist node "Mastermind of Discord". The node gives 25% reduced reservation of Heralds, and I got 2 rings both with 39% reduced mana reservation for Herald of Ash & 90% Herald buff effect. This effects the fire spell damage we get for Flameblast, as well as the overkill burn damage. Since we have over 100% reduced reservation, we also can 6L the herald if we wanted for free (I settled for Herald > Enhance > Burning Damage > Increased Area)

    I used Devouring Diadem & Cinderswallow for REALLY high sustain, this interaction is so underrated (can run no-regen maps with this with 0 issues). Everything we kill is ignited and burned, so Cinderswallow flasks seems to always be up.

    The build is moderately tanky, amazing clear speed and amazing boss damage. It was pretty expensive, so I wouldn't recommend without big monies.

    Overall 9/10, due to being expensive

    submitted by /u/SmarmyPapsmears
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    New implicit unlocked!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    If you're going to force Decay on us, can you at least let us set a checkpoint so we can clear the decaying memory and not get stuck at the wrong entrance?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    While I'd prefer only seeing Decay in the fragments you run in maps, I could live with decay if it didn't feel like a choice between sprinting to the stabilizer you want to end up at meaning most of the memory is left uncleared, or risk ending up stuck at the wrong entrance because you wanted to actually get something out of the memory.

    As it is now, 2-charge memories feels more like you only get 1 real charge.

    The checkpoint addition you just added on the Reward nodes was great, why not apply a similar idea with regular decaying memories?

    submitted by /u/Zelniq
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    I hit the top on fire damage Marble Amulet

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 04:36 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    Path of Exile: Celestial Winter Orb

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Having the 6L recipe gated behind a random encounter that's gated behind scarce resources seems like a bad idea.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    I'm currently level 96 in a private league, almost entirely SSF but I did get a bit of sulphite from my buddy. I would have been level 98 were it not for the Cortex Bosses. I've already thrown 900 fusings on armours, so I decided to save them.

    Anyone who has played SSF knows how damn long it takes to save 1500 fusings. I've finally managed to hit that mark. Yet, surprise surprise, there's still no Primeval Ruins in sight despite the fact that I skip just about anything while trying to find it.

    I still have a few Liches, Architects dozens of currency and fossils nodes lined up once for when I do finally find Primeval Ruins. Despite having played so much and having some sulphite from a friend, I'm still only at Depth 302 orso.

    I'm somewhere between 8-9 days of playing time. I'm having fun this league, but this is absolutely ridiculous and it's very tempting to just migrate the fuck out of the private league (I won't).

    submitted by /u/IvonbetonPoE
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    Lag after patch

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    Anyone else getting insane lag spikes in certain areas after the patch? I'm getting it in my HO, City Square and the yellow key zone in uber lab to name a few. But no lag in for some other maps or the rest of uber lab. It's very strang and annoying.

    submitted by /u/Qanik
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    200IQ 3D Chess Trade Interaction

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    Three PoE players walk into a bar...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Three PoE players walk into a bar.

    A rich player, a middle-class player, and a typical player.

    Barkeep: What are you guys having?

    Rich: Your finest champagne to celebrate - I just crafted this BIS mirror item in Synthesis! <s*hows mods*\>

    Middle: Damn, that's OP. Write your crafting strat on this napkin and I'll try it, too.

    Typical: I hope it doesn't cost more than the dozen chaos I made on the chaos recipe.

    Rich: Not likely. I spent about 50 exalts just getting it ready, then had a one-in-three to hit the target mods on synthesizing. Then of course the 5 or so exalts to finish off the mastercraft. My first two attempts bricked, you know.

    Middle: FML. That's about a league's profit for me, after gearing and jewels. I've got to find a better currency strat.

    Typical: FML. I've only got the exalt that dropped from a busted barrel in Catacombs.

    Rich: The hardest part's not the crafting, it's finding and buying the bases.

    Middle: FML. I've GOT to learn how to set up an alert when the items I want are posted for sale on the trade sites.

    Typical: What's a trade site?

    Rich: Good luck with that. My whole guild had to help find the bases.

    Middle: FML. I don't have a guild.

    Typical: What's a guild?

    Rich: Better hurry and figure something out. My feeling is they're gonna nerf the crafting rewards soon. Fine by me; I've already made myself even richer than I already was.

    Middle: FML. I hope they don't nerf it before I can scrape up the dosh. Maybe they'll nerf it sometime during the NEXT league, so I can try it with my currency on Standard.

    Typical: I LOVE Standard!

    Rich: <c*hecks phone*\> Well, gotta go. Guild has more currency and bases to turn into sweet sweet mirrors. So long, suckers! <leaves>

    Middle: FML. I gotta go, too. Gotta get grinding, and studying poedb. This is getting choresome. Maybe I'll dump all my currency into a currency strat. <leaves>

    Typical: What's poedb?

    Bartender: Here's your champagne. That'll be one exalt.

    Typical: FML.

    submitted by /u/PoE_Leader
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