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    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - June 26, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - June 26, 2019

    Questions Thread - June 26, 2019

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - June 26, 2019

    This is a general question thread on June 26, 2019. You can find the previous threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    nice trade

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:07 AM PDT

    I've been playing consistently for 8 leagues now and I've crashed more in Legion than the other 8 combined.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Still getting random crashes while mapping.

    submitted by /u/reiqwer
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    [Fluff] Zizaran knows how the future of PoE Trading should look like

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Finally got oni-goroshi after 25 hours of farming. All i have to say is

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    It is absolutely not worth it, dont let anyone talk you into farming that shitt when you could be farming exalteds by the time you actually find it.

    Fuck hillock

    submitted by /u/teemoismyson
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    Ziz auctioning jewels

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Today i made the worst mistake ive ever made this game!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Today i made the worst mistake ive ever made this game!

    I was buying a ring for 1.5EX and i clicked over 10EX that i thought i had split and clicked accept. Thank god i came accross a very kind and honest player. Dont be a dumb dumb like me and check your trades!


    submitted by /u/OmegaPK1
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    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    To all German Telekom (or 1&1, ...) users who have lagspikes

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Just got off the phone with Telekom again. After 3+ weeks of almost daily contact i got in contact with someone who actually had a fucking clue. He actually looked at the WinMTR logs i sent him and looked through this thread https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2453991/page/1 (all 48 pages of it) and saw all the other WinMTR logs. It's a peering issue and they have no interest whatsoever in fixing it.

    Their best solution: start a forum or facebook thread and get as many people as possible to post, so maybe, just maybe, one of the people from Telekom will look at it and do something. People have tried that for many years though and it doesn't help at all.
    Simply put: if you're stuck with Telekom, 1&1 and whoever else uses their network, then you're simply fucked and can't play PoE without a VPN.

    My advice: cancel your Telekom account anyway. Vote with your wallet. We'll never see a change as long as the Telekom has their monopoly. German internet is a fucking joke and it's all Telekom's fault.

    Edit: Even the German Wikipedia article about peering says that there's allegations that Deutsche Telekom is artificially slowing down traffic.

    submitted by /u/FuckTelekomAnyway
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    No Doctor, One Headhunter - Congrats Steelmage :)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    Doctors per Whispering Ice

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Doctors per Whispering Ice

    Some of you like to measure your doctors per currency or doctors per map. But I present to you the new way of measuring it.


    submitted by /u/queenless
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    Engineering Eternity Guide: Increased vs More

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    He tried to scam me by changing doctor card to something after cancelling the trade. Thanks everyone for warnings, I double check everything now.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:31 AM PDT

    Range comparisons with +2 weapon range gloves.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Thanks Jorgin! One Safehouse for these beauties

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    Just made my new Trickster Chest

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    My first thought when watching the new bladestorm skill

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    Been playing since Closed Beta. Dropped my first HH ever from a T10 Shaper Stronghold.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    The year is 2025

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    • The passive tree has become a 3D sphere of nodes.

    • Elemental damage taken is converted to physical damage by one armour-based unique.

    • Shape-shifting gems are a thing.

    • There is a gem levelling stick grants bonus experience to gems, but deals no damage.

    • There is an auto door-opening option. (edit: apparently it's an mtx)

    • There is a cold damage version of righteous fire.

    • Monsters actually try to dodge things - they don't just stand there, waiting to be killed.

    • Chris Wilson is the final boss of act 24.

    • A butch Piety cosplayer comes to your house and you have to fight them IRL in order to progress to the Dominus fight.

    • Spears have been added to the game. Spears require strength, dexterity and intelligence to use.

    • PoE is listed on Steam as a bullet hell game.

    • Vaal Summon Einhar has been added to the game.

    submitted by /u/jansincostan
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    Path of Reading

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    So close, yet so far

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    Memeclone The Second! (Ft. Ice Crash)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Forgive us Johnathan

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    My Legion HoWA-on-life meme build story and experiences with it (and looking for improvements)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:33 AM PDT


    I have played HoWA during Synthesis, but as an Occultist it had 1 big problem: very low attack speed bonus. Every place where possible, the build strived to get more of it (mostly on jewels). Guildmate also made HoWA but as Ascendant (Inquisitor + Raider). My build had significantly better survivability (12K ES + both defensive curses, not <8k ES) but multiple times lower DPS than guildmate's. I concluded that the best approach to solve my DPS problems and guildmate's tankiness was to go Scion Raider+Occultist.

    This league I wanted to correct that mistake, so I choose Ascendant/Raider. The second ascendancy choice was to be decided during gameplay - I was just sure about Raider because it adds a lot of damage (frenzy charges + onslaught) and the generation is specifically made for boss fights (10% chance to grant a charge when hitting rare or unique enemy).

    Ahh, and the new sweet +40 and 8% attribute clusters.

    The creation

    I wanted to make a twist, to make the build different. So I browsed the wiki for every single int-related unique and found something interesting:

    Mask of the Stitched Demon Magistrate Crown

    Armour: 192

    Energy Shield: (229-253)

    Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 Int

    +(40-50) to Intelligence
    +(160-180) to maximum Energy Shield
    Strength provides no bonus to Maximum Life
    Intelligence provides no bonus to Maximum Mana
    +1 to Maximum Life per 2 Intelligence
    Your Energy Shield starts at zero
    Cannot gain Energy Shield
    1% of Life Regenerated per second per 500 Maximum Energy Shield

    From the flesh of the gods, Xibaqua was born.

    From the carnage of Xibaqua, we were born.

    It is our duty to return to the gods what was once theirs.

    An average HoWA build has ~1500 int. So this helmet is basically +750 life, which is 1.5 of current Kaom's Heart. Additionally, the build can get crazy regen thanks to leftover ES but unfortunately can't use ES itself.

    The initial PoB used Belly of the Beast and reached 9k life. I did not care about DPS at that time, more about the tree - typical HoWA build focuses strongly on int nodes and attribute converting jewels which means it will have very few % life nodes. Since it has +750 life from just helmet (and will get more from other gear) it was very important to obtain % life where possible.

    The rest of initially planned gear was as usual:

    • 2x HoWA (no better offhand than another +12% int, even Atziri's Reflection)
    • Cyclopeian Coil (~80-100 total life, up to 21% attributes when corrupted)
    • Shaper's rare amulet with 1% dmg per 15 int (100% dmg for average HoWA) and #% increased attributes
    • rest: rare gear with +int as much as possible

    No Shaper's Touch because of new Precision aura.

    Initial playthrough

    I had very bad luck at the league start, dropping practically nothing valuable over first 2 weeks. Majority of my currency was from vendoring 6s and selling rares for 5-15c. I bought 2x HoTM and used 2 Esh blessings and a trash rolled mask for 20c (I guess no one really uses Incursion uniques). I went the cheap way and my first 6L was Shround of the Lightless. I needed more DPS. So far HoWA was always Molten Strike but given 3.7 patch nerf (160% base => 130% base, 70% projectile dmg base => 50%) I went Spectral Throw. Reached red maps having 100k on ST tooltip (note that correctly aimed ST will hit 2-3 or even 4 times per projectile). Nothing very large, although it had double penetration support thanks to built-in 6th link in Shround. Also, when choosing ST, I wasn't aware that ST has also has many hits thanks to it's projectiles so the claw's implicit +46 life on hit turned out to be a good accidental defense bonus.

    I knew I couldn't go far with the Shround. It is not really HoWA-friendly and 2 additional abyss uniques (Tombfists and Bubonic) do not bring as much int even with 2 abyss sockets - one rare item can have ~50 int, 2x abyss jewel is max 30 assuming both have perfect T1 int mods. At least Shround had large +#% life so the build had 6k life. And jewels/abyss jewels were cheap, very cheap. The were so cheap (2-5)c that I bought multiple similar jewels just to make it easier to cap resistances in case of future gear changes. I still have like 10 spare jewels in stash, all with the same mod pattern: +(5-7)% life, +(10-15)% lightning/claw dmg, +(10-20)% total resist, +(10-15) int or hybrid attributes

    Ascendancy and tree

    PoB was clear that Inquisitor would be the best DPS addition for Raider, but I wanted more defense. Jugg was an option, but the build already had enough accuracy thanks to new Precision aura. I went with Gladiatior for 15% attack block, 15% spell block and 10% chance to blind on hit.

    I tried Acrobatics, but it turned out to have too many downsides:

    • takes many points on the tree
    • 30% less block
    • 30% less ES (so less regen from helmet)

    I tried Templar's starting tree but it was just too costly to go there - the build was already spanning from Duelist to Witch areas. Removed left-side points and left only Elemental Overload. Invested more into Duelists area (Golem's Blood is great) and acquired much better jewel socket for attribute convertion.

    Searching more DPS

    I knew Shround should be replaced at some point, once I get enough currency. But for what? The ideal item was Shaper's rare with % attributes, but after 2 weeks of league with max 10ex currency in all gear and stash I could hardly imagine going for buying/crafting and linking a rare chest.

    Then, another meme came in - prophecy-upgraded Icetomb:

    Crystal Vault Latticed Ringmail

    Armour: (561-604)

    Energy Shield: (111-120)

    Requires Level 49, 59 Str, 59 Int

    +(30-40) to Strength
    +(30-40) to Intelligence
    (140-160)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
    +(50-75)% to Cold Resistance
    Cannot be Chilled
    20% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
    30% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
    (15-20)% increased Effect of Chill

    Beneath the frozen eye of Lunaris a new world will be born.

    A crystalline, perfectly still utopia.

    Legion encounters sometimes drop 6L'd uniques and since pretty much no one uses Icetomb, I bought a 6L'd Crystal Vault for 48c. This "upgrade" let me sell Shround which was worth multiple times more. I gained 40 int and some phys defense, which the build really lacked (generally, any right-tree-side build struggles with phys dmg reduction).

    I bought better int rares with the rest of currency. So far the build was looking good.

    Skill upgrades

    Doing harder content (higher red maps), DPS again started to fall off. <200k Specral Throw was not sufficient. And when defenses are not sufficient, ST DPS is reduced significantly because the character has to run around to avoid hits, losing most of returning ST projectiles.

    Searched for a different attack skill. Tried Reave. And for Kuduku's sake, why did I not try it earlier? It had so many advantages over ST. ST needs additional projectiles. Treshold jewel for ST is absolute trash (5% dmg per projectile hit) - any 2 mod rare is better. Chaning to Reave let me remove GMP (and it's 26% less dmg penalty) to Conc Effect and perform some tree optimizations (projectile dmg => AoE dmg shifts resulted in better Witch's area) which boosted my DPS significantly. At that point, the character had 400k tooltip.

    Then I tried Blade Flurry. Similar DPS (at least by PoB) but painful to use.

    Note: a large amount of melee skills don't work with Claws.

    Going meta

    Some guildmate suggested to try Cyclone. More than half of players play Cyclone.

    This change was the biggest build improvement I had made. Cyclone is meta, and for many reasons:

    • A lot of supports, including strong defensive ones (Infused Channeling, Fortify).
    • You move while dealing damage, taking advantage of the best PoE's fighting strategy - just not getting hit.
    • One mod on a ring and you a free from any mana regen/leech problems. This let me remove mana gear and mana nodes on the tree. In case you wonder how a HoWA build can have mana problems when it has so much mana from int - reminder that I don't have the bonus mana, thanks to the helmet.
    • Apart from required mana regen, you can reserve much more mana thanks to 0 or almost 0 mana cost
    • Just having a very high base dmg, attack speed multiplier and added dmg effectiveness.
    • On hit effects are very frequent with Cyclone

    Reached ~7k life and ~700k tooltip.

    Meme Ascendancy

    After all skill and gear changes, block was no longer reliable. I changed too many nodes and removed too much block from Duelist's area. I needed to pick a different second ascendancy.

    What is the best ascendancy for Cyclone? Saboteur!

    • 30% AoE
    • 6% ele pen
    • 25% chance to blind on hit

    This meme choice let me to still get some DPS (pen) while also maintaining blind which was initially from Gladiator. And the build has low AoE, this was one of very few opportunities to make it better.

    Further upgrades

    Few days ago I got The Doctor from Stacked Deck set, which doubled my all accumulated wealth so far. This changed a lot:

    • further rare gear upgrades
    • Enlighten lvl 4 (right now the character is running Wrath, Vitality, Precision and Blood and Sand)
    • 6L rare with Shaper's mods for attributes and some phys dmg taken as ele.

    Current state

    The character right now: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Mask-of-the-Stitched-Demon (yes, no one else with this helmet is on the ladder). 8k life and ~750k Shaper DPS.

    Direct character link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Xeverous/characters?characterName=howa_about_melee

    I think the build has reached its ceiling, topping at ~800k Cyclone DPS and 8k life. I have no idea for further upgrades, apart from better amulet with T1 % attributes roll ((9-12)% instead of current 7%).

    It's surely suboptimal compared to current meta Slayers and Zerkers, but I really like how unusual this HoWA-on-life-Raider-Saboteur-Cyclone build is.

    Things that could be better but I can't think of any working upgrade:

    • The build needs better phys reduction. Right now it's chest's % of phys taken as mod, basalt flask and Whirling Blades + Fortify
    • I think the regen from ES granted by helmet is underutilized. HoWA builds have great ES amounts, but my gear is very low on ES and hard to change to something that would have it. So far I have ~12% regen (4% from ES + 4.5% from tree + 1.7% from Vitality multiplied by Watcher's Eye recovery bonus)
    • Some rare gloves could replace Tombfist. But what mods on a rare could make it better than intimidate, 6% life, 25-30 int and ~50 life from 2 abyss jewels?
    submitted by /u/Xeverous
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    Eirikeiken Showed Mathil His Ice Crash

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:43 PM PDT

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