• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Path of Exile Hideout Showcase

    Path of Exile Hideout Showcase

    Hideout Showcase

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    It's been a while since we've shown off hideouts created by our community. We've always been amazed by the time and dedication our players spend on decorating hideouts for their Exiles! To give you some inspiration, we've selected several standout hideouts recently submitted in the Hideout Showcase forum section. Check out the video below!

    What We're Working On

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    We're almost at the middle of the Blight League! The majority of the issues reported by our community were resolved and most of our developers are now working hard on the 3.9.0 and 4.0.0 expansions. However, we're still continuing to monitor your feedback and develop patches with fixes and improvements. Today we'd like to give you a small update about the fixes we've been working on recently.

    Here are some of the issues we're planning to resolve soon:
    • Changing the Display adapter when in-game sometimes causes a client crash.
    • Rogue Exiles killed by Pestilent Strike do not grant credit for a Challenge.
    • Carrion Golem can cause Auras to get deactivated.
    • Respawn in town when dying in Uber Elder area.
    • Bosses such as Malachai and Graveyard Map bosses sometimes failing to transition to the next stage of the fight after being frozen.
    • Fog of war on the Delve Map sometimes hides distant connected nodes.

    In terms of performance, we're planning to deploy changes that would improve the performance of water in-game, spectres of Flame Sentinels and several support gems, such as Multistrike Support, Unleash Support and Blastchain Mine Support.

    The changes mentioned above as well as a variety of small fixes will go live in future updates (some of them will possibly be deployed next week).

    Thank you for your continued feedback!

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