Path of Exile Questions Thread - October 17, 2019 |
- Questions Thread - October 17, 2019
- Darkest Blight (for Fan Art Competition)
- Loot goblin
- My entry for the Poe fan art competition: Izaro and the goddess of justice
- Hitting 6000 depth in league, support PoV
- Area good.
- GGG - Thank you for the unveiling changes and improvements
- GGG should revert the "Gain % of Physical Damage as extra Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage" on Two Handed Weapons.
- What do you think the best designed ascendancy is?
- Make Vault map great again!
- [Path of Exile 3.8] Lacerate Gladiator – Build Guide – Powerful, Affordable and Takes Down All Content!
- most amazing craft 2h shaped lightning staff I ever made! Blight SC
- That's uhh... not normal...?
- Polished Legion Scarabs are being heavily pricefixed buy this guy
- POE FPS limited to 60 on Borderless window mode when it really shouldn't be. Suggestions?
- Just dropped my first EX
- How to make currency with prophecies 2
- GGG may have competition from Riot Games soon.
- How much damage/EHP is the realistic minimum for all content?
- Can we get the old pipe decoration color back please ? Or add it as a variation.
- What do you hope for in 4.0?
- Very sad day today bois.
- Just wait for 1.5 months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Silver coins are expensive this League aren't they?
- Farming Scarabs.
Questions Thread - October 17, 2019 Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:06 PM PDT Questions Thread - October 17, 2019 This is a general question thread on October 17, 2019. You can find the previous threads here. Remember to check the Wiki first. You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord. The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:
No question is too big or too small! We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best. [link] [comments] | ||
Darkest Blight (for Fan Art Competition) Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:40 PM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:47 AM PDT
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My entry for the Poe fan art competition: Izaro and the goddess of justice Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:28 PM PDT
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Hitting 6000 depth in league, support PoV Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT
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GGG - Thank you for the unveiling changes and improvements Posted: 16 Oct 2019 11:21 AM PDT While I'm personally slowing down playing the league, I did notice a distinct lack of threads complaining about the unveiling mechanic. To me, GGG made 2 major and critical changes that made unveiling 10x better and actually manageable. Number of unveils themselves got reduced. And the master changes. Because you can accumulate Jun missions and do them whenever you want, I've actually been maxing out doing them this league because it's more fun and actually enjoyable. Unveiling feels more controlled rather than multiple layers of RNG preventing you from having access to veiled crafts. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:17 AM PDT When the stat stick nerf happended, the Two Handed Shaped Weapon were nerfed for no reason. If you compare Staves with Wands or Scepters, you can see that most mods on Staves have double the value or more (+3 in comparison to +1 for specific skill gem level) than Wands or Scepters. On Staves you can roll: +3 to Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos skill Gems +2 to all Spell Skill Gems 120% increased Elemental Damage Penetrates 20% Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage Gain 26% of Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage Sceptre and Wands have half of the value of the above mods, beside the "% of physical Damage as extra Damage" where Scepters Wands and Daggers have the same value. GGG should Imo revert the values for Two Handed Weapons and Bows for this mods [link] [comments] | ||
What do you think the best designed ascendancy is? Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:08 PM PDT I am asking from a feel/archetype angle...not an OP angle. For me, it would have to be the Chieftan and the Pathfinder. The chieftain's ascendency nodes really give that feel of a leader of a fire-god worshiping tribe. Healing more when taking fire damage, getting stronger when using fire skills, etc. The Pathfinder similarly gives the feel of this naturopath who uses potions to supercharge themselves and poisons to cripple those around them. I also like the Pathfinder's flask nodes are so unique. What about you guys? What ascendancies do you find are well designed? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:27 AM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:00 AM PDT
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most amazing craft 2h shaped lightning staff I ever made! Blight SC Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT
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Polished Legion Scarabs are being heavily pricefixed buy this guy Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:50 AM PDT
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POE FPS limited to 60 on Borderless window mode when it really shouldn't be. Suggestions? Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:44 PM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT
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How to make currency with prophecies 2 Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT Follow up to the previous guides on a similar theme: 1 - 2 - 3 This one will focus on prophecies that are profitable for either the season reset or if you are not making 600c an hour mapping. Those are all ok, but may be less profitable than doing something else later on. So don't look here for the big payoff like monstrous treasure with crazy sextant combos. That here is how I planned my reset and it worked great. That is, as soon as I found chaos, I started selling them for silver coins and geared via the prophecies and the profit I made with them. As in, I got wanderlust super early, then rolled a prophecy that was worth 35c, sold it and purchased a 50% storm cloud, fated it with the prophecy, 5 socketed it with the prophecy, that was good enough till red maps. Then once in maps, juicing with prophecy is by far the cheapest. Then, you start to vaal your map too. But let me get to the point of good profitable prophecies you can run when you are not yet making several exalts per hour. You must learn how to run them to be efficient. It gets more rewarding with more practice. Early on, the fragments for the multi mod craft are super hot sellers and if you are efficient, you can generate a bunch of those fragments daily. Let me break them down for you.
The easiest quickest chain, except for #2 that can take a bit longer. For #1, you go in a vaal side area by tossing a sac frag in your map device. For #2, go to the crypt and find the plaguemaw. This can be a little annoying. #3 you leave on, it will clear itself once you kill a unique monster. For #4, I recommend running one of the related maps instead of wasting your time in imperial garden. For two reasons, the plaguemaw #4 drop currency, it tend to be better drops if you run it in a map... and anyway, why spend time in act 4 when you could be mapping. #5, you either go to Crystal Vein or the Crystal Ore map if you are strong enough. I'd say I was completing several of those per session early on. Now I just reach #2 and clear it via the crypt.
This one is a funny dual purpose prophecy chain. It seems to be a useful juice for your early maps, since it add a lot of mobs. Then at the end, you get a frag that is worth decent money, especially early on.
This one, there is no magic trick, you need to learn how to run it and the last part require you to be able to kill in a cemetary map. Which may be a bit hard ungeared very early. But if you can, it tend to be the most valuable chain, since it drops both the most expensive fragment and a pair of gloves (often) that is worth a decent amount of chaos. As usual with those prophecy chain, you want to complete them in the related maps when possible instead of going back and waste time in low lvl content. It is often also faster to complete the prophecy within a map than within the lower level location. Exception for plaguemaw 5 that is faster to complete in crystal vein than in the map.
This one can be even more annoying, but you get used to it with practice. As usual, complete it in maps when possible. Two parts require you to go in labs. Part 1 and 2 are annoying and a bit long, 3-4 is rather quick. Part 5, you combine with twice enchanted to get two things done at once.
If you start having lots of coins, you can spam prophecies for desirable outcome. You'll get way too many of those, sell them to finance more coins.
I don't believe in doing the chaos recipe, but if you are doing it at all early on, may as well try to have this active when you turn in your chaos recipe.
Don't sell this, use it on any sort of decent unique to boost its value dramatically. If you manage to fate some very desirable uniques early on like one of those bows, then you throw jeweler's touch on it, this will make you very decent profit. Even later on, you can keep using it on decent value uniques to boost their value.
Learn which ones are worth your time. Some will give you a handful of chaos, others will grant you 200c profit to run. Again, jeweler's touch is a nice add on to valuable fated uniques.
Many prophecies like those, which are worth doing early on. Especially very early on. Getting wanderlust in the first hour of reset is a godsend for your leveling, as I did. But now, if I roll the prophecy that gives a tabula, I sell the prophecy because I don't want to spend time to go get it. Amusingly, that prophecy sell quicker than a tabula costing a few extra chaos! But all those can give you so many cool items early on. Later on, fated uniques and random unique drop prophecies are almost all not worth doing, except for a handful. But again, it is still profit to run them or profit to sell them, albeit not huge profit in most cases. However, yes, reset day, getting a tabula, wanderlust, facebreaker or goldrim prophecy to roll is pretty damn great. But you can also roll some of the very desirable ones such as "Lost in the Pages" which is good value.
Don't forget to load this prophecy if you run Atziri for a small extra profit with this unique map which I find better to sell than to run myself.
Shows up very often and will reward you 3 fusings for a short run. Check from the WP, the way to go will be shown by the 3 rocks on the floor. Follow this direction, get the 3 fusings. Not worth your time later, but maybe. It's not huge profit, but it is 3 fusings in 30 seconds.
Combines perfectly with hidden vaal pathway, erasmus gift and plaguemaw I. Kill the boss in a vaal side area (sac frag in map device), it will drop a vaal orb. Used many of those to corrupt my maps early on.
Always perpetually profitable 5 fusings drop in a map. If rich in silver coins, you can seal and spam those to your heart's content. Same as overflowing riches, this is just great spammable prophecy, just a tiny bit less profitable than overflowing riches spam, which will drop some divines/annuls/exalts overtime. Still, 5 fusings is 5 fusings.
Cost of coins make this too expensive to seal for the reward. But keep it on for a free scouring orb once you kill a unique monster.
While not stated as such in the wiki, this is one you can spam too. It drops decent amount of currency. The amount of loot you can generate with this, overflowing riches and reforged bond is insane if you can spam them. Those work for both early profit and endgame maxing of profitability.
The most efficient and cheap way early on to get a tabula rasa is to generate this prophecy, then you go to blood aq wp till it spawn hidden vaal pathways. Run it, grab the frags, the vaal gems and possibly, the juicy 6-links or/and vanity card. I did finish a vanity set way faster than humility. In fact I completed two sets of vanity before a single one of humility while I was already doing channel. That's a few I can think of. A lot of the good prophecies early on are annoying later on. Like the ones to fate certain uniques is amazing early on. When you spawned this prophecy 30 times already, you're just annoyed. But something not too good like Wildwrap later on is a very good armor early on. I also fated windscream on day 2 or so while buying a perfect base to fate... and I'm still using them a month later. So, I think it is how I'll always start a season now. Focus on getting silver coins, use the prophecies to gear up and juice early maps. Get a few exalts profit running the prophecy chains quickly. Between the prophecies you get that will give you extra loot and those that give you useful items... and the prophecies you get often which you can sell profitably, like twice enchanted. If you start to learn how to run prophecies, you will make good money... early on and later on. Those are just some of the more mundane prophecies you may want to skip later. We are not talking about monstrous treasures, bountiful traps or possessed foe. I will have other good unknown ones that I think can work soon. I need to test them, it is some of the shitty prophecies we all dislike such as "Rebirth". Since this generate a rare nemesis monster, the potential for spamming it in a map that has "nemesis monsters drop 3 currencies" seems pretty insane if it works! Or "Risen Blood", which generate a unique monster that can be combined with a sextant that will make unique monsters drop corrupted items. Figuring those out, but it is hard to have enough prophecies to spam really. The high end huge profit tricks take a while to combine off. But the low end decent profit tricks are obvious once you learn how to complete all the prophecies efficiently. You just practice running the prophecy chains efficiently or how to fate various items or how to get a certain unique to drop from a certain rare monster. Getting a goldrim later on is pretty meh, but to roll this prophecy on day 1 makes your leveling that much smoother and easier. [link] [comments] | ||
GGG may have competition from Riot Games soon. Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:20 PM PDT So if anyone apart of this subreddit is also a fan of league of legends you may have heard the news how Riot Games (the producer of LOL) is planning on releasing a Dungeon Crawler/hack'n'slash Game that relates to the League of legends lore and the verse surrounding it. This may be a very good thing or a very bad thing for POE as a whole. Riot is scarily large in comparison and will be able to pump out content + fixes to issues more often and faster than what we would have come to expect with GGG, Competition is generally good for the consumer but sometimes it can go in the other direction for one of the competitors if they don't quality product to compete with or if they don't find a niche and fail to produce something that makes it differentiate itself from the already established competitor. I hope this competition breathes some new life into this genre as a whole and i hope it pushes GGG to fix and work on issues at a rate that doesn't make the player base go insane. [link] [comments] | ||
How much damage/EHP is the realistic minimum for all content? Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT Im not aiming to be the fast or safest clear. I just want to make sure the build/i'm planning/designed can reasonably clear all content. The build I made will do somewhere between 700k and 1m DPS depending on a few factors. Will have 7K EHP and be ranged. Up until this point i've played summoners and totems so i'm usign to seeing 2-3m dps in POB or the guide i'm looking at and most things wacking my summons instead of me. So i'm not sure what are viable stats for most traditional builds. Are these reasonable numbers if I want to be doing t15 maps, elder, etc? [link] [comments] | ||
Can we get the old pipe decoration color back please ? Or add it as a variation. Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:00 AM PDT
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Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:27 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:40 PM PDT (Solved, but still worth the caution) I've played PoE off and on since Beta, I've spent thousands of dollars, and thousands of hours in this amazing game over the years, but unfortunately I had to rebuild my PC recently, and when i installed PoE on steam for the first time ever instead of the standalone client it prompted me to link the accounts, which was no problem untill i realised the decade old email i used for PoE thats only reason is still relevant to any thing in my life is it was the one i used on PoE ( AOL ) recently did a update which required a security clearence code which could only be sent to a mobile phone i also have not had in many of years ( AOL is dead and was no help to this) Emailed support, tried to get my email changed to one of my actual relevant emails.. a long back and forth of questions and answers including a long list of transactions and transaction IDs, IPs of the only places I've ever lived and played PoE at ect. only to have GGG finally declined my email change because of of one single transaction back in 2014 on my fathers credit card when i was in my late teens that I can not provide card details for. :( take this time now if you do read this, if you have a old email, get it changed now if you can, would rather not have this happen to any one else, tis' a very sad night for me now. And i do hope GGG will hopefully work with me to maybe get it resolved, but after 6 hours i think it's pretty clear that unless i magically shit out a credit card from 6 years ago that wasn't even mine, but my fathers and magically get the bank account which my father also as far as i know not used in 5 years to get that one single transaction information out of the hundreds of others i could list in full with receipts, i believe i wll no longer be able to play PoE. [link] [comments] | ||
Just wait for 1.5 months ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT
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Silver coins are expensive this League aren't they? Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:14 AM PDT 1:3 is like all time high they were. I wonder why. Even had to move them up to alchemy tier. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 16 Oct 2019 11:48 AM PDT So, i've been using the Possessed foe prophecy as per grimro's guide I wait until i hit the sextant, throw in my map, add warbands and enter the map. if it doesn't show the prophecy enabled as soon as i zone in, i port out, seal the prophecy, clear the map and repeat. However i have done this 15 times now (5 times i've got the sextant) and not once has the prophecy proc'd. is there certain maps that cannot proc it? (i'm running shaped toxic sewers) or is there something i'm missing. TIA [link] [comments] |
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