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    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 12, 2019

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 12, 2019

    Questions Thread - November 12, 2019

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:06 PM PST

    Questions Thread - November 12, 2019

    This is a general question thread on November 12, 2019. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Okay, I guess I will just stay here

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:36 PM PST

    I love this game, but it's been two leagues and I still have no clue whats going on here

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

    PoE streamers are the best streamers

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    I've watched my fair share of videos on YouTube for games that I play, and I've come to the conclusion that the streamers that make content for Path of Exile are overall significantly better than most other games. The content is entertaining, informative, and most importantly, watchable. The big PoE streamers all seem to be generally cool people without the attitude problems and God complex many other streamers have.

    Just my 2 chaos.

    submitted by /u/ReadingTheTrails
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    Bex - "I’ll be joining Chris, Jonathan and Erik for a meet and greet on [ExileCon's] Saturday. If you want to meet me, that’s where I’ll be! I’m still recovering so I can only come for a short time[...]"

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    GGG consoles need cross-platform markets

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:54 AM PST

    I know, Exile is closing in and everyone has their personal wish list hoping the game will change "their way", but if there is one thing that would make the game much much more enjoyable is cross-platform trade markets. Currently, the PS4 market is soo small and poor on BSC that there is literally 0 Darkscorns for sale and 1 headhunter. There is literally one person in the entire game who managed to get 11 fiend cards.

    And before people go - its like semi-SSF, I have one counter to their view. PoE is a relatively new concept to the broader console community. The people who do try the game out, more or less google a few things and quickly build the opinion that to do anything in this game, you need to follow a guide. Most people follow a guide that has specific itemization on it, often one that does not exist AT ALL or is abused by the seller's natural cartel market on consoles because of the relatively small player base compared to PC. This results in a bad learning curve, where you want to do things right, yet fail at learning them. The completion rate of act 4 is abysmal and the completion of act 10 is below 1%. If the item markets were abundant, players would have a much better item choice possibility and subsequently perform better overall, making them more likely to enjoy and recommend the game more.

    To all the people who say POE should have never be made for consoles - this genie is already out of the bottle. Let's make it work, instead of complain that something should or should not have been done in the first place.

    So yeah TL:DR - PLEASE GGG add cross-platform trade!

    submitted by /u/Nutteria
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    Does anyone know what made the exalt:chaos rate crash in the last 10 days?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:20 AM PST

    Exilecon Cosplay Weapons Policy!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:48 PM PST

    "Cosplay Weapons Policy

    All cosplay weapons brought to the venue will be checked to make sure that they are not capable of harming anyone."

    I'm bringing Doomsower, so I should be fine.

    submitted by /u/mrpetrovz
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    Feminine/Pretty looking MTX or armor skins?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:03 AM PST

    Most of the skins in the game look rather gloomy and "dirty" looking - which is understandable because exiles, dirty, fighting for your life, yada yada.

    The MTX and costumes that are sold are usually themed and the more expensive ones look really awesome and cool, which is great!

    But I would really want a few selections to look pretty/feminine, of course while trying to maintain lore friendliness. Examples of some feminine looking skins are Clarissa and Vanja's outfits. I would personally really like a Valkyrie-type armor set.

    GGG I'm willing to throw money at you for a pretty feminine costume please 😭

    Edit : I'm not a big fan of loot boxes either, I meant if you can directly buy the costume

    Edit : or like hyrri's skin like one of the comments below pointed out!

    submitted by /u/RinLY22
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    To NZ locals, was there any TV coverage about ExileCon?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Just curious as to how they would depict it. I mentioned the convention in the immigration booth and it was practically a free pass in NZ since the police officer was aware of it.

    submitted by /u/edubkn
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    Anyone else still feeling sore about warlord mark nerf?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:07 PM PST

    It has been 2 months plus since the nerf.

    While I don't care much about mana, the life leech nerf has really affected me. I like builds that can recover life themselves, either through leech or regen.

    I play slow too, so I run out of flasks charges and can't rely of atziri flask leech.

    The only way is to really get a temple mod leech amulet and this really kills build variety for me.

    Anyone else feels that life leech for spells should be made more readily available?

    Edit: actually what I'm sore about is that spell life leech is not readily available. Yes it is available through ways like shaper rings, doryani etc, but unless you are in trade league, they are not easily available.

    submitted by /u/babyboo8
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    Just installed Path Of Exile on my PC , wish me luck bois

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:42 PM PST

    How much were Eternal Orbs worth when they could still drop?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:11 AM PST

    10 ex?

    submitted by /u/H4xolotl
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    Love doing blights and getting stuff like this..

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:08 AM PST

    Wasn't there an updated version of this or no? but anyways - was GGG able to invite Elon Musk? :D

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Robber's Trench Hideout - The Cremation of Kaom [3.8]

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Anyone playing on a Notebook with a good spec for PoE?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I am playing on a notebook since I have been traveling a lot due to college and some other stuff that I have planned for the upcoming years. Right now I have an Asus with GeForce 940M, 8GB RAM and no SSD. After Delve it started to fall behind, not only because of no SSD but also during maping and league encounters. Blight and Syndicate are really though and I almost couldn't play the league.

    I am saving money to upgrade and was looking into some models. Since I will still be moving at least 3 times on the next years and will need the mobility for studying, I am looking for a better notebook that can supply both needs (academic and gaming) while I can't build a decent PC.

    Anyone playing on a notebook that can handle PoE well mind sharing the specs?

    submitted by /u/DarkenLord
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    A Post Mortem of Console POE

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:37 PM PST

    TL;DR: Console POE is dead (or at least severely and permanently crippled), and that makes me sad.

    Path of Exile is an amazing game. GGG has done an absolutely incredible job of creating a very deep, engaging, and rewarding experience. They pump out new content at an unbelievable pace for a developer of their size, and they are respected by their loyal player base for their devotion and ethical monetization.

    I want to see GGG succeed and continue to grow the playerbase. This is why the horrible mismanagement of POE's console implementation makes me very sad. I believe they have irrevocably ruined a huge opportunity for growth.

    Before detailing my experience, let me first set the stage with two points:

    1) I play on console over PC because my job requires me to sit at a computer for 8+ hours per day. Kicking back on the couch is much more comfortable and relaxing at the end of the day, and the controller is different enough from mouse + keyboard so that I can avoid repetitive stress injuries to my hands. I believe there is a large population of gamers in a similar position.

    2) I'm playing on a PS4 pro with upgraded SSD over a wired 150mbps connection - so my experience is much better than the average player.

    I started POE for the first time on PS4 at the tail end of 3.6 along with a group of friends. We had a blast learning the mechanics and progressing towards the end game in 3.7. However, the more we played, the more apparent the performance issues became. By the time we got to red maps, two had already quit. One quit because his cyclone berserker was constantly desynced from the server - resulting in many, many deaths. Every time you attack with cyclone: desync & death. Every time you try to leapslam more than once every 5 seconds: desync and death due to randomly teleporting around the map: there is no lockstep mode on console. (RIP all builds that rely on movement skills for speed)

    The other quit because of the constant crashes: Legion encounters: crash. Temple: crash. Delve: crash. High quant maps: crash. Beyond: crash. Even just sitting in hideout doing nothing: crash. The third friend was soon to follow. Three players that would almost certainly have played many more seasons and purchased supporter packs - gone forever because of the abysmal performance of an otherwise great game.

    I loved the game so much I actually endured the constant desync and crashes for 3.8. Despite the severe drop in the playerbase and the almost dead markets right from league start.... I did all content, saved up and bought myself a headhunter. I couldn't wait to try it - it looked so fun seeing streamers play with it, and I had put in countless hours to save up for it. And to my horrible (but not unexpected) dismay, the desync and crashes are 100x worse with HH... to the point where the game is quite literally unplayable. Feelsbadman x100.

    When the game crashes on playstation, you are prompted to send an error report with a screen clip of the ~15 seconds leading to the crash. Over the course of my two seasons I sent HUNDREDS of reports... quite possibly over a thousand. I can only imagine the terabytes and terabytes of reports that Sony has amassed in the last 9 months. Quite frankly, I'm shocked at the lack of quality control on PSN - I didn't think they would allow such a completely broken game to persist on their platform for this long.

    In any case, I am now leaving the game - most likely for good. I see lots of comments on r/pathofexileps4 of people in a similar situation, saying: "maybe I'll come back for 4.0" or "maybe I'll come back with PS5". But the truth is, performance is only going to be WORSE with any major changes to the game - we have seen this time and time again. Ever since the launch on XBOX so long ago, GGG has consistently demonstrated that console is a very low priority for them - it's an afterthought.

    I am by no means suggesting that it's an easy task - but obviously it's possible. I've played a LOT of games on PS4, and POE has far and away the worst performance of any game I've ever played.

    GGG: if you're going to do it, then do it RIGHT. Either make the proper investment or don't release the game on console until you can afford to make the proper investment. This half-assed approach has ruined the future growth potential by alienating the majority of the console playerbase. The players that like this type of game have already tried it and quit because of the terrible performance. After such a negative experience, why would they ever come back? I know my friends certainly won't.

    I want to keep playing POE, I want to be hyped about Exilecon and 3.9/4.0, I WANT to give GGG my money to support development of this great game... but it's in such an inexcusably broken state on console, and I see absolutely no indication that that's going to change anytime soon.

    So it is with great sorrow that I bid you adieu :(

    submitted by /u/Stack_of_Hotcakes
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    Retaining pre ascension icon

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:09 PM PST

    I wish it was possible to retain pre ascension icon on character screen. Have some other flavor like border with skulls/arms/webs/shields/totems/fire/roots/mist/sparkles..../whatever to represent ascendancy.

    Also let us choose the icon if we want!

    submitted by /u/SetYMJ
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    Looking for a Mana Hierophant Build

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

    First time poster, kinda noob, long time lurker here, for RP reasons I want to create a character with a massive mana pool. Figured Hierophant is the best choice because of it's Sanctuary of Thought and Divine Guidance ascension passives. I could also take Illuminated Devotion and Arcane Blessing](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Arcane_Blessing). All These passives give me:

    • Arcane surge when hitting with a spell
    • Spell Damage and leech
    • 20% maxMana converted to ES
    • A bunch of Increased Area of Effect (up to 125% while on Arcane surge and 5000 unreserved maxMana)

    So my questions are: * What skill gem would be good? AoE looks like the natural option, should i choose one of the three elemental types? Fire/Cold/Lightning ? Flameblast for increased AoE A potent single target + Herald of Ash Firestorm (I kinda like fire but I'm flexible) * How should I increase damage? Should I go crit? elemental damage? There's the Elemental Overload keystone looking interesting. Low Life? (Kinda scared as I'm a noob) * How should I increase defenses? If Mind Over Matter and Divine Guidance stack, that's a 40% of damage sent to my massive mana pool. Auras look interesting but Sanctuary of Thought uses 5000 unreserved mana, so that would be complicated.

    Thank you for your time, this game's theorycrafting is what keeps me coming back.

    Disclaimer: this doesn't even need to be viable for high level maps or elder/shaper whatever. Just story and lowlevel mapping is more than enough. I intend to play it SSF and casually, I just want to know what to strive for and a little guidance.

    submitted by /u/Niohock
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    [Unofficial] ExileCon Cosplay Gathering

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:43 PM PST

    Hello Exiles!

    I'll be hosting an unofficial cosplay gathering for ExileCon - I know many of us out there are joining in celebrating the 4.0 announcement with cosplay, from specific uniques, to NPCs, to memes even, so wanted to organize something so we can take some awesome pictures together.

    Details below - I'll update the post when they are confirmed. You can also join in in the community channel under #cosplayers in the community discord channel to get some sneak peeks and chime in with suggestions :)

    When: Tentatively Saturday, Nov. 16 at 5:15pm, after official events end.

    Where: Somewhere in Aotea Square. Some input from GGG staff would be useful here: given the time, would there be someplace within the venue where I could set this gathering up, or is the venue area for ExileCon closed off after 5 on Sat? And if it's the latter case, suggestions are welcome for a location so we don't block any traffic.

    How: Bring your cosplay! All are welcome, no requirements that it be a full outfit. The idea is to have fun and take some group photos. Here are the tentative groups (based on claims I saw lurking around reddit posts and discord channels) which may change according to the turnout. Feel free to make suggestions:

    • Masters (new and old), NPCs
    • Player builds and uniques
    • Bosses
    • Memes
    • Fan Requests / Re-enactments

    Photographers: Ideally I'd like designated photographer(s) for the gathering. I'll be in cosplay and in no position to carry around a decent camera - if you are a photographer and interested in taking some cosplay photos and compiling them for the community, please either DM me, ping me on discord, or drop a message in the #cosplayers channel.

    Let's make this happen!

    submitted by /u/envatilea
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    A few predictions for exilecon announcements

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:48 PM PST

    A few predictions for exilecon announcements

    Obligatory i'm not a game developer, also not native english speaker. These are some changes/additions to the game that i predict will be announced (not all of them of course).


    Some of these are big changes, some of them are QoL but it will be interesting to see if i got any right.

    Feel free to discuss any of these if you think they're too crazy and share your ideas.

    submitted by /u/misu2315
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    Clear or not???

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:04 PM PST

    Do you guys explore the story areas completely or like go through them as soon as possible. If i just dont explore and move on quest to quest do i miss out on anything??? On my 2 nd character so i kinda know where to go and shit

    submitted by /u/SYEDMAHMUD2280
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    Simply adore the artwork from the Crucible MTX

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

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