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    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 30, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - March 30, 2020

    Questions Thread - March 30, 2020

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - March 30, 2020

    This is a general question thread on March 30, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I have over 200 whetstones :)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Wraeclast Men'sHealth #13

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Trading is an absolute fucking nightmare. Give us real trading tabs.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Whether you're using poe.trade or the official site, trading is a complete mess. It makes me irrationally angry even as someone who loves profiting from market inefficiencies and makes most of their currency that way.

    Let's go through the list of hoops any new player has to go through to even make mundane trade:

    • Learn that the game doesn't have any auction house or any built-in trading system, really.
    • Read about chat channels. Try your hand at #global and $trade messages. Get absolutely nowhere.
    • Read about tools like the official site and poe.trade (bonus: stumble upon "the list" and nope the fuck out right then and there)
    • Peruse offers and find one you can actually afford.
    • Message a guy who doesn't respond because he's in a map and a <1/5/10/50 chaos trade isn't worth their time and/or portal*. Get confused because you don't know why he doesn't answer until days/weeks/months later when/if you start listing items yourself.
    • Message 16 dudes out of frustration. 2 of them answer that the item was sold already. The rest don't answer.
    • Get told that the community site you're using (poe.trade) is bad and that you're a noob.
    • Finally get invited to a party, then get promptly kicked by the seller after waiting in their hideout for 5 minutes: "Sorry, that one's sold already"
    • Message a guy who finally instantly responds (woo!), invites to party and trades. Notice they're using only pre-made sentences and wonder if they're using a program for quick-chatting using hotkeys, or if you just gave currency to a bot.

    At each of these little steps, a percentage of people give up. Even a massive portion of those that don't and decide to get a premium stash tab to sell items will eventually fall trap to:

    • Market manipulation. Why the fuck are people allowed to put in offers and never fulfill them? This is done on almost all popular items to get people to list their items much lower than they're worth, buying up the supply from the naive folks for easy money. Fake listing is a problem that vanishes by having a proper exchange.
    • Scams. As far as I'm concerned, few games actually care about banning scammers because "YOu SHOuLD HavE bEeN mOre CArEFUL", completely oblivious to the fact that this is victim blaming for an issue that thrives entirely because of the lack of consequences. Scamming is a problem that vanishes by having a proper exchange.
    • Canceled offers and stacked invites. Because you need to spam 50 people to get to someone who isn't price fixing/can't be bothered to answer, you'll get no replies for a bit, then receive 5 party invites at once. So, someone messages you, you invite them 10 seconds later and it's either "sorry, got one" or they get in your party, chill there a few seconds, then leave without a word, never to be seen again. Canceled offers and stacked invites is a problem that vanishes by having a proper exchange.
    • Massive delays. "Hi I would like to buy your Glyph Stone Medium Cluster Jewel for 1 exa in Delirium" -- even though that jewel was sold over an hour ago. Massive delays is a problem that should be solved by having a proper exchange.

    So, GGG, I don't care if you want us to buy superior timeless super-premium stash tabs to trade with others directly. This trading system is ass. It promotes the creation of bots. It's a breeding ground for scammers. It's convoluted, requires paying to really participate in, it's annoying even when everything goes well and it's insanely prone to having people corner the market.

    submitted by /u/PlusLiterature7
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    Anger leads to hate....or in this case 500% increased aura effect of anger.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Farming for lab enchant is the most miserable gaming experience i have had

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Last time i tried farming my enchant, was back in Incursion for my Arc chain helm enchant. Took about a week but i finally got and told to myself never to run lab again. And here i am after a whole night of farming lab for my boots enchant. I though heck its a boot how long can it take. 200+ enchants later and from a lootable of 16 enchants i havent seen the one i want (i know they are weighted but still its around 1.x% to get it).

    RNG is essence of arpgs, except the process here is worse than a boring 9 to 5 job. You are basically walking through traps slowing you, to reach a target over and over for hours. Theres no density to enjoy your build, the rewards are shit compared to mapping, theres traps that make you clip in weird ways when desyncing, theres no xp, theres a boss that gets instaphased but still continues attacking for 10s until he goes to switch, theres micromanaging buying offerings and twice enchanted prophecies blah blah blah. I can grind the same map for hours on end. After the first hour of lab farming i was almost nauseous. Took me 5-8mins on average to do the full run. I would rather put the offering on the map device to make the map boss spawn an enchant device at the end of each map with a 20min cooldown than this snoozefest that is labyrinth.

    I think GGG are completely out of touch on some aspects of their game. I really wonder if the guy who thought of that enchant system has ever bothered with farming a certain helm enchant. Just change the damn system next league, same problem that has been mentioned over and over for years now, instead of trying new wonky leagues that break and make the game unplayable for weeks until it gets patched.

    TLDR: another lab rant post, actually tried farming for an enchant after a long time and it feels worse than ever

    submitted by /u/moglis
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    GGG Balancing Purposeful Harbinger

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Next level trading right there

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    This may sound very stupid but I am "second place" glad with hollow palm on Poe Ninja builds and I am super stoked.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I'm a mediocre player that has recently "got it" on how to play POE.

    But for the first time, I planned out my build before league. Did it 100% and it's been extremly successful.

    I am second place by delv depth on POE ninja among gladiators with Hollow Palm. I also got the most life, top amount of dexterity and on top of it 72/72 block perm.

    For many of you this is really something you would scoff at but a person that thought 1 ex was a lot three leagues ago as git gud.

    Btw I'm having a blast.

    Even showed my wife like some proud boy. Look at what I did!

    submitted by /u/DroIvarg
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    Money Goes Poof

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    It's Happening

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Why does trade suck? A PoE history lesson.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    I saw this post recently and in the comments were many people who seemed to be relatively new, wondering why in the world no AH style system existed in PoE, or at least why so many of the frustrations that are present haven't been fixed in any number of simple ways. I can speak on this, as I have been playing since Closed Beta and I'm a bit of an econ hound myself (though far from the level of experience of many other veterans).

    As a disclaimer, I personally would greatly benefit from the existence of an AH in PoE. I know how to use auction houses, and I know how emergent market forces work in game economies. If an AH were introduced in PoE, I personally would feel that my experience had improved. Keep this in mind as you read on.

    First of all, the feelings of confusion/puzzlement over the lack of an easy-to-use exchange system are completely normal, given that most games that allow exchange of items between players don't seemingly arbitrarily hold back the smoothness of their own trade system. It is a perfectly legitimate question to wonder why in the world GGG haven't taken any number of simple steps to assuage so many of the frustrations that exist with the current trade system. I can explain.

    GGG and Chris Wilson himself have made official statements (and a manifesto) about this issue over the years. Trade as it exists now wasn't always so, and when GGG made PoE, they carried over the player-to-player barter style economy from Diablo 2, PoE's spiritual predecessor. At the time this was a perfect fit, and made sense. Veterans of Diablo 2 had yet another dose of familiarity in this system, and the ARPG scene in general wasn't thick enough with entries for such a system to seem out of place to new players, since there wasn't much else to compare it to. MMO's had moved onto AH style exchanges and had been there a while, but APRG's were rooted in a different place, so the difference wasn't so stark across genres.

    GGG and Chris Wilson wanted a game where players interacted with the game, and with their loot. The orb system exemplifies this, with many ways in which to interact with the items that you personally get as drops, modifying them and molding them to your build (which should also be unique, given the extensive customizability of the tree and such). Exchanges could be made between players, but in the original view of the game, should be rare enough such that the majority of what you use still comes from what you get yourself. The drop quantity and quality of items in the game was balanced around this very idea. A by-design efficient trade system would go directly against this idea and Chris has directly stated himself that GGG would have to nerf drops by as much as 75% in a world with an instant trade system.

    So if this is the case, then how did we get where we are today? How did we go from players being seemingly satisfied with the old D2 style barter and small-scale trade system to people wanting an AH or bust now? Well, it all started with Premium Tabs. GGG wanted players to be able to show off their items in the forums, so they allowed Premium Tabs to display items in showcases on their website. Since this included the stats of the item, people now had a way to "showcase" their items for sale, rather than pride. Shops started popping up, with people sorting their items into categories on their forum threads. Programs like Procurement and Acquisition allowed searching of items that were publicly indexed, creating the first pseudo-auction-houses. Things progressed from here until eventually entire websites started combing the public API data and indexing every item that was in a publicly viewable Premium Tab. Then GGG realized that they had to offer a first-party option to these sites so they wouldn't have innumerable sources indexing from their API and slowing it down. This brings us to where we are today. But at every step, GGG was not "advancing" the mechanics of trade in PoE, they were capitulating to emergent player demand. They were only doing what they now had to do given what had already been done, and it all started with allowing items to be publicly indexed.

    GGG never wanted people to economize and commoditize their items. Exchange was to be a rare and organic thing (player interaction) that would happen with the main focus not being on any raw currency value. This was built into the original design of PoE, having no actual currency system and all the orbs being of some actual use in-game. They didn't want a liquidity-based market from the start, and wanted the focus to be on characters and their items, with the occasional exchange if some melee found a good wand for their caster friend. Sure, players would be encountering items that they knew someone else might value, but the original idea of the game was such that a player wouldn't care enough to bother trying to realize the full value out of every item they got in loot, and the lack of an infrastructure for formal trade reinforced this. You weren't supposed to be "able" to commoditize your items, but the gameplay wasn't supposed to make you care enough to miss being able to. This design allowed GGG to create a more loot-heavy drop system, since the lack of liquid exchange would mean that players largely wouldn't be moving items around to their most efficient economic endpoints. GGG wanted to capture that magic of finding an item yourself that was an upgrade, and the lack of a liquid-exchange meant they could crank up the droprates to chase that magic.

    Unfortunately, what we have now is a shit situation, and I don't envy GGG the position they are in. The game is fundamentally rooted in the above concepts. People obviously will extract value from their items if they can, and the economization of the game over time due to public indexing and the days of Procurement and Acquisition have caused players to start seeing certain orbs as currencies first, orbs second, something GGG never wanted. Increased trade efficiency means increased item flow, and because of the way markets work, that means more items landing in places where they are most efficient. This shifts the loot focus from one where you get your power from drops, to one where you get your power from the market. GGG's magic is in jeopardy here.

    The lack of an exchange in modern times is GGG's grasp at retaining what magic they can. The more frustrating trade is, the less likely at any given turn that a player will utilize it. Even when players regularly trade to some degree, the amount of time it takes on an item-by-item basis means that they still won't be trading as much as they would if they could simply click a button (I know this because this is me, I'm a goblin through and through). GGG has essentially made the best of a bad situation, by making the worst of bad circumstances. They didn't specifically implement frustrations into their current trade system, but they aren't against taking advantage of the natural presence of such circumstances if it holds back hyper liquidity.

    Many say that the playerbase for games like this (multiplayer RPG's in general) has moved on in the age of connectivity that we now live in and exchanges should be standard (I'm one of these people). However, despite my own views, I can certainly appreciate and sympathize with GGG's current situation, trying to hold on to the magic that was one of the cornerstones of the game in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Archangel_117
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    How come GGG nerfed Herald of Agony Virulence stacking mid-league, but won't nerf Purposeful Harbinger until next league?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    With Lone messenger and Pure agony you could reach more than 100 Virulence stacks for HOA because it had multiplicative interaction with buff effect. Bex posted earlier, that by nerfing Purposeful harbinger it would ruin too many people's builds. So screw HOA players, right?

    Mid-league changes should be universal for all builds. Either don't change anything after the league release or do a balance patch after a month or so for everything.

    What then should I expect in future leagues? I have no idea if I should invest in an OP build because it may or may not get nerfed.

    Maybe finally hire playtesters who can make it past Brutus.

    EDIT: To make it clear, my issue isn't the aura build itself, but the fact, that nerfs happen unpredictably. GGG should be more transparent about mid-league changes in the future.

    EDIT2: While it may be argued that one was a bug and another just OP mechanic, how is a player for the purposes of investing in a build supposed to know if auras affecting Black Cane, Solstice Vigil, Sporeguard, Tailwind boots or even golems are intended?

    EDIT3: Consider this happened few leagues ago https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2051270/page/1 - that was 11 days after the league release.

    submitted by /u/whssp
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    Trade API broken?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    For the last hour or so, no items have shown up on the trade site with live searching and people have been messaging me about stuff sold two hours ago. What's going on?

    Edit: Couple hours later, still absolutely unusable. Definitely longest downtime I've seen for something like this. Anyone trying to trade right now, don't bother.

    submitted by /u/GREEDYBastastard
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    So GGG just released the best looking pet MTX so far - the Nine-Tailed Fox!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Haha auras bzzz

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    We will be best friends, redditor

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    I can not see it anymore.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Divine Power (original song about Sister Cassia)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    There's an unreleased Uber Blight Encounter called "The Blight Heart"

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    In datamined voicelines;

    • CassiaTheBlightHeart: You've done well, my little apostle. Ahead of us lies the moment of truth. Where are you looking? I'm being metaphorical. We'll work on that. Before we strike at the heart of the Blight, please make sure you're ready for what awaits us. This would be a very inconvenient time for you to die. I may even miss you. I suggest you limber up, because you're going to be doing some running.

    • CassiaAfterBlightHeartDefeat: Exile, I--... I can't believe it. We destroyed it. We destroyed the source of the blight! This may not cleanse Wraeclast immediately, but it is the turning point in the war against this foul rot. Growths are still out there, spreading and consuming and possessing, but without the beating black heart, it's simply a matter of time until Wraeclast is free once and for all. And it's all thanks to me.

    submitted by /u/H4xolotl
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    F São Paulo Servers

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Same Energy

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    6 years ago GGG decided at the last minute against the idea of a master selling your items in your hideout

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Being a console player be like......

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    [SC] PSA: People starting out or making new character and want a quick 20c

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    In act 8 doing The Wings of Vastiri quest ( killing Undying Hector Titucius in the Bath House.) You get a unique jewel reward 'Conqueror's Efficiency Crimson Jewel'.

    While this jewel is usually worth 1alch this league it is currently selling for anywhere between 10-25c uncorrupted.

    Since a lot of people are running the herald build and are spam corrupting this jewels hoping to hit '1% reduced mana reserved' which is as of the making of this post ~9EX.

    Still seeing many people sell these jewels for <10 chaos but a lot are also being sold at 20 chaos.

    Tip: If you really need the 20 chaos to get your build started i'd advise not vaaling it yourself, while 9 ex may sound crazy the corrupt is quite rare, i've already vaaled over 50 myself with no luck and im sure others have had even worse luck aswell.

    submitted by /u/MainingYuno
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    are you the true face of god exile? sirus 8..

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:38 AM PDT

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