• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds [Akane] MoM Indigon Arcane Cloak Miner build complete, now includes Lv100 PoB

    Path of Exile Builds [Akane] MoM Indigon Arcane Cloak Miner build complete, now includes Lv100 PoB

    [Akane] MoM Indigon Arcane Cloak Miner build complete, now includes Lv100 PoB

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Builds to do fully delirious t16s after the heralds nerf

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    What builds will even be capable of 100% delirious t16s after heralds are nerfed? Off the top of my head, I can't think of any non-HH builds that are able to simultaneously muster the required range and defenses aside from the outgoing herald builds.

    submitted by /u/Somesortofthing
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    Any build recommendations for a noob like me?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Played for over 100 hours and still am a big noob, played Bruno's summoner and still sucked and am choking on tier 10+Maps, followed the build guide but still sucked at the game, tried to go facebreaker and chokes on tier 3 maps so any one has a full proof idiot guide on this game for any build? Preferably aoe, currently have 4 ex to invest. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/JohnAppleHam
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    With the herald stacking buffs nerfed...where to invest 100 ex?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    So I was saving up for a Herald stacking boi because GGG said they wouldn't Nerf it. But as you all know it will get nerfed in a day. So what's a fun build I can invest 100 ex into? Doesn't necessarily need to be a HH build. I've been playing Anime Weapons and Akane Miner so far this league. Not a big fan of cyclone.

    My goal is to run T16 with Delirium orbs.

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    I have no clue what to play!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. i really want to like this game but i get to act 6-8 in every league and just get bored of my build. i know i dont like standard make zombie-herp-derp necro and i want to play something fun. Something with movement speed and something to melt faces. I have about 17c saved up from leveling a few characters. Any suggestions and what starter items to pick up would be loved, thank you~

    submitted by /u/RavenclawPrefect2019
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    Herald stack guardian alternatives?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I was three jewels into playing the divine ire variant of this build as a guardian - does anyone have ideas for what a LL shavronne guardian setup can do after the nerfs?

    I never used any tailwind or radiant faith, but I'm worried the spell block nerf is going to hit me pretty hard. I have no idea how much ES I'll have after the patch either, so let me know if you folks have come up with any good build pivots!

    submitted by /u/ScientasterSteve
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    Bow Impale Champion

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    I have been told that my impale champion bow build is low on damage, but I tend to disagree.

    Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/6UkgxxjJ

    Is there something glaringly obvious to be improved about this? To me, it seems that it has a very optimal tree and the gear is pretty good, barring very expensive upgrades.

    submitted by /u/demon-stom
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    Let's talk about Stormbind again (8M+ DPS)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I made another post on Stormbind about a week ago. I wanted to follow up on it since it's such an underutilized skill with a bad reputation, yet I'm running T15/16 with ease. I killed one of the endgame Synthesis bosses, but I haven't gotten to Shaper, Sirus, etc. yet.

    Here's the Pastebin for my build. I've tailored it quite a bit since the prior post.

    Changes from Last Build

    Since my last post, I've gone for totems. Totems are a mixed bag, but they're right for the build. The downside is that you can't just blow up whatever you want at any time. You have to place the totems and wait for them to start casting. That's fine in most cases, but it means you have to be extra-super-duper-careful about overextending. You will probably die if you do.

    The upside of totems is that they let you focus entirely on Rune Blast. By popping Arcane Cloak, my dps with Rune Blast starts at >8M and goes up from there. While it's typical to think of clearspeed as stemming from zooming through the map, clearspeed works a little differently here in that Stormbind will kill everything in a mile radius of wherever you put the totems as soon as you trigger Rune Blast, and you don't even need to charge it unless you're in high % delirium.

    Damage Calculations

    Here's how the calculation works.

    Base Stormbind dmg * MIN((Rune Blast mana cost / 27), 9) * (Rune Blast cast speed)

    For me, that's 129039 * (153 / 27) * 11.8 = 8.62M.

    Without adjusting for increased spell damage from Indigon, when the mana cost reaches 243 (27*9), the dps reaches 13.7M.

    The big limiting factor is of course having enough mana, as with any Indigon build. With my mana flask up, which it always is, my mana regen is 982. If there's any one thing I'm going to work on going forward, it's increasing this number, but it's enough to sustain me in most cases.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Good bossing, weird clear

    The great thing about this skill is that you really don't have to choose between clear and bossing. It's a balanced build. With clear, you can blast periodically and let the runes spread to wherever they will, and it will explode the area. When you're bossing, you trigger much faster to keep the runes in a tighter area. I still don't have videos, but as long as I pop Arcane Cloak correctly, the conquerors go down in about 4-5 blasts at awakening 4.

    It's also easy to clear adds with minimal effort in prolonged fights like super-tanky metamorphs. All the increased area of effect means that even a narrow-focused blast is still hitting most of the screen with at least a few runes.

    The only weird thing about clearspeed here is that if you're used to clearing by rushing down everything and exploding the area, you're going to die a lot. Clearspeed here is a result more of deleting huge areas at a time rather than moving your character at a rapid pace. Totems will spread runes across the screen and more, and all you have to do is tap Rune Blast to kill them all. Only bosses require charging up.

    It's taken some getting used to, but by being more patient with clear, trusting that the source of clearspeed is in how much it hits at once and not my ability to charge to the enemies, it's been an increasingly positive experience.

    It might be feasible to improve clear by picking up +1-2 max totems. It's something I'm looking into, but I'm not sure how to fit it into the build just yet. I'll probably get a Shaper shield. Soul Mantle would be another option, but I'll cover the downside in another section on defense.

    Slow vs elemental resistance

    All that said, one of your worst weaknesses is highly-resistant enemies. Obviously you need to stack ele/lightning penetration and resistance reduction. I have 25% reduction from Wave of Conviction tied to CWC on Rune Blast -- opted for this over conductivity so that I don't hit a road block if a rare is hexproof. I also have 21% lightning pen from the tree and 13% pen from Wise Oak. That's a good 61% reduction, but if you run into a boss with Resists Elemental Damage and Allies Resist Elemental Damage, you can see your DPS cut into a quarter.

    I ran the numbers on swapping in conductivity in place of faster casting on my Rune Blast CWC, and it came out worse for normal cases but could help a lot against high resistance enemies. I might keep one in my inventory to swap in periodically.

    Weird defenses

    Most of the time, this build has actually had pretty solid defense. I'm relying on phys --> cold conversion from my Crystal Vault chest armor to mitigate a lot of cold damage. I'm also immune to poison, have 75% chaos resistance, and of course totems allow me to stay the fuck away. A balance of Life, ES, and Mana give me a pretty large EHP pool, and leech + flasks give me a ton of regeneration. Under most circumstances, it's pretty tanky.

    However, with Delirium in particular, sometimes you don't get the option to stay the fuck away. Sometimes monsters spawn behind you. With your inability to kill this thing right here exactly when you want to, it's easy to get mobbed. If your totems are up, then you can just hit Rune Blast and watch the screen get deleted, but if for example you teleported somewhere you thought was safe but wasn't, you might not have your totem up, and thus there's at least a 1 second delay before you can start taking out enemies.

    Use totems like a flashbang for a new room or area. They go in first, then you go in. I'm sure this is standard stuff for totem players, but it's taken me some getting used to. If you don't play this way, the delay means that every monster in the room gets a moment to fuck your shit up before they die, and if you're in a narrow hallway full of projectile enemies, that's enough to kill you, even with good defenses.

    As I said earlier, it could be an option to switch to the Soul Mantle. That would give you an extra link to work with and an extra totem. I will probably do that eventually, but you're giving up a lot of defense that way (more than 15% physical damage reduction). That said, having the extra link could mean a 30-50% increase in damage, and the extra totem would mean better clear... hard to say right now what would be better.

    Can't do reflect, period

    Anything with ele reflect, including Atziri, is impossible. You will die instantly. Even if you know which Atziri clone to target, you will die, because your totems aren't that smart, but because you're the one triggering the blast, you take the reflect damage. The plus side is that you also get to be the one to leech.


    Stormbind is more than viable endgame, and it might be a good alternative for people looking to do something a little different.

    submitted by /u/Socrathustra
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    Dual Strike Impale Champion vs Sirus (Awakening 8)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Hatred + Blood Magic + CI

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    I've noticed people on poe.ninja that run CI, while also reserving Hatred with blood magic. How is that possible? Example

    EDIT: Solved, there is a timeless jewel i missed

    submitted by /u/bannnanananaa
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    Noob first time SSF advice?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:54 AM PDT


    I've only played 2 Leagues (synth and legion), and played meta builds (frozen orb and cyclone) for both of them on trade leagues.

    Im going to give SSF a go this league for fun, How do people usually go about trying to make a build when your drops are so out of your control? or do you just build based on what drops for you?

    If anyone can suggest a build free to, I don't plan on playing much and probs wont go passed yellow maps this league. Will I get completely dumpstered doing random builds/random items up to yellow maps? I don't really know how hard the game is when not playing OP/Meta builds.

    submitted by /u/Dull_Disaster
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    need help

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Hello! im trying to run a animate weapon build but im starting to get to the point where my minions die really fast and then i die trying to resummon. i was wondering if anyone had some advice they could give me. https://pastebin.com/bid9mj3T this is my characters POB

    submitted by /u/ravenrzr
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    What is the highest Flicker strike dps?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    I remember seeing a guy absolutely deleting shaper in 0.5seconds with flicker last league but I can't find the video anymore, any help?

    submitted by /u/lvl100magikerp
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    Coc Ice Nova - Attack Rate

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    So I've been leveling my first cyclone character and I really love the smooth and succesful mapping even when it comes to t16 maps. But I've been hearing a lot about the mysterious 7.5 attack rate you should'nt pass so I followed this guide that's supposedly updated for 3.10 (https://youtu.be/UqC4WM7am20) and I ended up having a rate around like 8ish. How do I deal with this? Any suggestions? (Getting my Cospri's to lowest possible attack speed roll doesn't fix the problem) Also any tips about survivabilty if you do take the time to answer. Thank you guys very much!

    My PoB as of right now: https://pastebin.com/R9uHrzei

    submitted by /u/MakeMeLaughPlssss
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    Lacerate Gladiator - what are my next steps?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:35 AM PDT


    I started playing at the end of last league, still pretty new and learning a lot. Playing a lacerate/gladiator, following Esoro's guide and currently just killed Sirus and working towards A8 now.

    I tried doing simulacrum and I think died around wave 17 or 18? Also couldn't finish 100% delirious map due to lack of damage/getting one shot by ranged lighting mobs.

    I was wondering if anyone had any tips on what I can change in my gear to take this build to the next step? I know I need to work on the enchants on my gloves and helm but wondering if I need to make any big changes before I start grinding it out/buy a new item with the right enchants.

    Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated!

    POB: https://pastebin.com/RhQYT481

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ooupo
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    Storm brand trickster viability

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Title. Anyone play a stormbrand trickster? How is it?

    submitted by /u/xXxLaggerSwagxXx
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    Warcry stacking impale lacerate glad need some help

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Hi, all,

    I want to make my impale+bleedsplosion gladiator work, however his DPS is no way near the needed threshold to deal with Simulacrum and orbed delirium maps. So I decided to fiddle with warcry stacking.

    This is my current scuffed PoB : https://pastebin.com/DMjk1fD6

    I would much appreciate if you can give some pointers on what I can improve, as I can see some people claiming 15 mil DPS on this build and I can barely theoretically squeeze 2.5kk without throwing hundreds of exalts at the problem.

    submitted by /u/Nutteria
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    Do higher shock effect (e.g. 80%) can cause more lightning damage?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Anyone suggest a good lightning shock build w gems?

    submitted by /u/hauy15
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    Need help with cyclone slayer.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:22 AM PDT


    I wanted to ask if someone could help me with my cyclone slayer, it's first time i have ever played cyclone. Main goals are how to scale dmg better and how to improve defences as i struggle with bosses like sirius. looks like my dps is about 700k while guide build has 11kk dmg having slightly better gear.

    POB: https://pastebin.com/JhCqzXTF

    Best regards


    submitted by /u/onepain08
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    What was the best starter build this league?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    I started with a ED contagion trickster and have had a lot of fun. It clears maps and legions like nothing Ive played. But, it kinda sucks for single target. Especially since I have not had much cash to invest in it. I got it to level 91 but im starting to get annoyed at the boss killing.

    So, because im still dirt poor and selling all his gear would only net me maybe 150-200c, plus another 50c I have saved, I basically need a starter build again if I want to start a new character.

    What are some good options for starter characters that are cheap but a bit more well rounded? What has been fun?

    submitted by /u/mattyshum
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    Known Sources of Corpse Explosions?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a list of all uniques/skills/affixes that grant something similar to "enemies explode on kill?" The ones that I could find were:

    Herald of Ice (Shatter Explosions)

    Inpulsa's Broken Heart (Shock Explosions)

    Haemophilia (Bleed Explosions)

    Crusader Explodey Chests (Physical Explosions)

    Shaper Explodey Maces (Fire Explosions)

    Occultist's Profane Bloom (Curse Explosions)

    Gladiator's Gratuitous Violence (Bleed Explosions)

    Are there any other sources of explosions that I missed?

    Edit: I forgot Herald of Ash (Burn Explosions)

    submitted by /u/dramondraco
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    scion with berseker with assassin cycloner

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    im trying scion shes very interesting and im wanna try a cyclone build i got lucky woth a paradoxia drop and i can buy another one to do a dual wield crit berseker assassin or maybe berserk champ impales and rage has anyone tried it?

    submitted by /u/cosmic_arab
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    Need help improving my AW/AGW guardian!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    My favourite character this league is a level 89 Guardian built around Chains of Command, pure physical damage, and with Guardian's party buffs/QoL stuff I'm really really enjoying playing through content that I haven't done before!

    I've hit a point where I'm fairly happy with my minions' damage to reliably walk through content.

    I have 5k life, 1.2k ES, and my unreserved mana is ~300, which is plenty, with Pride, Precision, Dread Banner, and Flesh and Stone.

    Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could spare a little bit of time having a look at the POB (LocalIdentity's fork) and see what other people think/how I could improve it.

    I haven't yet learned how to min-max builds past this point, and would REALLY love some inspiration/help! :) :)

    I'd be happy to discuss/work out modifications to the build, I just want to collaborate first before making any adjustments, to avoid "bricking" the character. :)

    I have about 6 ex that I could spend on it, if the difference is worth it!

    (Gems are on their way to 20 Qual level 20, already)
    POB link:

    submitted by /u/CrimsonXLI
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    Is there a collection of "different" builds?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I usually use poe ninja builds to look up different/unique builds but by now only level 97+ show and they're all the same. Is there anywhere I can see meme builds and filter out things based on item/skill/ascendancy?

    submitted by /u/UNLUCKYButKeepGoing
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