• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Herald Stacker with asenath for a similar mapping experience as self curse HH.

    Path of Exile Builds Herald Stacker with asenath for a similar mapping experience as self curse HH.

    Herald Stacker with asenath for a similar mapping experience as self curse HH.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Is there a build guide for herald stacking? Cannot seem to find one

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Been playing ED Contagion and want to try some op build since ED Contagion's single target is kinda meh, but clear speed is great, heard that Herald Stacking was the way to go from several friends, is there any build guides other than poe.ninja that shows how to stack heralds?

    submitted by /u/JohnAppleHam
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    Looking for the fastest and kinda safe build to farm splinters (t13/t14 juiced)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    As the tittle say, i'm looking for one very good build just for t13/14 farming to get those 80+ splinters per map. Í have my Storm Brand Necro that can farm 20/20 very easy but í hate the mapping with it.

    Só my idea is having another Char to farm splinters (Lair,tropical island etc) and do simulac/other end game content with my main. I'm Not intrested in MF, just purê mapping speed. Í already have HH and my budget can be 80ex.

    So guys, what is the Best build that í can make that wont die and clean the map very fast? Ice shot Or some Wander?what about ED? Cant ED be a nice zoom zoom map farmer? Asking because already have one assassin lvl 90 but í dont mind lvling another character.


    submitted by /u/ratzzy
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    Is everyone playing herald stacking wrong or is pob fork lying to me ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Hey all , i decided to do a herald stack build to close the league out and farm the rest of my challenges.( my budget i think was around 150-200ex but im not really sure since i bought everything slowly while farming on my last build)

    Here is the build , its pretty copy paste like what everyone is doing ( i hate that i love it its so OP this needs to be nerfed to the ground tbh )

    https://pastebin.com/8GZ2Rk5x ( i dont know why it says my life is -5 it must be missing something )

    As you can see while expensive its nothing fancy like some people out there , i miss quality on some gems, awk gems , good watchers , lots of stuff - for sure not needed tho just luxury - , so maaaybe some things change as u get more damage but i highly doubt that .

    Now here is where my confussion lies , take any physical spell , divine ire or anything . physical to lightning on my pob is nowhere near as good as other supports . Is inspiration bugged on pob? it seems like it double deeps on the double conversion ? https://imgur.com/a/in5auAD

    even then how is pob telling me that 87% of my bladefall damage is cold when im converting 0 of it ? am i this dumb to understand how this game works? it says that my phys is a total of 3% of my dmg when im converting 0 ?

    the only logical explanion i can find within my head is that whatever spell u choose literally doesnt matter cos all your dmg is the base u get from auras and converting ?

    but if thats the case why is everyone using physical to lightning and physical conversion watchers?

    I'm sorry for the big post , and i know it may sound illogical since the build kills everything as is but i really want to expand my knowledge on poe .

    Thanks for your time reading this :")

    PS: bonus question , divine ire seems to be what people use to kill bosses on this build but on my pob its nowhere near as good as my arc?
    DI:66m channeling 123m release vs 220 m arc
    am i missing something on DI ?

    submitted by /u/zoldyckgr
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    Righteous Fire Builds This Patch?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Any relevant / good guides for RF this patch? Never played the skill and I'd like to give it a try. I've never done a Chieftain so I think that'd be interesting.

    submitted by /u/Allathonis
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    Got 150ex and 1x Voices 5passive but struggle leveling :(

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    All those voices builds say "leveling is tedious". Could someone share a good way to level and preferable end build? Short remark: PS4 market. Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/uebuka
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    Archmage Storm Brand Ascendancy

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Hi, I have trouble picking an ascendancy for Archmage Storm Brand, I'm debating between Assassin, Hierophant and Trickster.

    Trickster's Patient Reaper can be replaced with a Cinderswallow on Assassin, and I'm not sure if its worth going Assassin for Mistwalker. Hierophant seems a little slow with lack of speed, and all 3 ascendancies seem to have around the same end game ES values.

    So thoughts on which of these 3 is the best?

    submitted by /u/RANKEDisBROKEN
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    In a search of advice from fellows exiles

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    Greetings, so i am new to poe. Started in sc but very soon moved my nolife hours to hc :D So far strugling to complete story mode ( 10 acts) , atm trying to play bow maybe for the 6 th time, few times died on Kitava, few on Piete. I mean like i dont know how to survive with bow ? im using Furty's guide from (poe-vault) have som HP nodes, using goldrim stormcloud. My skil gems : rain of arrows with few supports but i feel kinda lacking single traget dps, cant dps bosses quickly :( what golem is used best for leveling? what to use for survivability ? ( using immortal call + cast when damaged) any tips would be nice, atm my bow is in act 6 :D yesterday had a revenge on kitava :)

    submitted by /u/Lamelar
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    Stormbind update: highly defensive ES low-life necro

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I've had a pair of posts about Stormbind. It's been my pet project to make this work since the start of the league. Since I have a few minutes while the servers are down, I thought I'd post a quick update.


    Ever since seeing people talk about getting such high mana regeneration with necromancer, I thought I would give it a shot, and it has definitely paid off.

    I don't want to get too in-depth like I did with my previous posts, but I wanted to give a quick summary of the advantages of necro as well as some other innovations I've made:

    • Block/spell block chance is a huge benefit on necro
    • Necro has all the mana regen
    • Low-life Ivory Tower is a perfect fit with high mana regen
    • Every elemental build needs disorienting display for nearly-free 50% evasion. I think once people realize how good it is, the price will skyrocket.
    • [[Algor Mortis]] gloves are amazing. To my knowledge, they're the only way to sap and shock at the same time, and they also make the enemy take up to 35% more lightning damage.
    • Cinderswallow is a near-must for sustain while mapping. You can't beat it. Get a cheap one at least.

    I haven't taken on anything but the conquerors thus far, and those have been easy (a5); however, I ran a weaker build, a trickster, and killed lvl 82 Catarina. My even-weaker hierophant killed one of the endgame synthesis bosses. I'm very confident this will handle all content, considering I saw a very-similar Ascendant build breezing through 100% T16 with worse defenses (here's its POB: https://pastebin.com/rRk7prSz).

    submitted by /u/Socrathustra
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    75 ex budget LF non herald stacking build

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Title states I have around a 75 ex budget looking for a new build to play preferably high dmg and above avg clear speed. Currently playing glad cyclone.

    submitted by /u/Nekron91
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    Posts Pen in 3.10

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Hey dudes :) i recently found a Poets Pen and thought of making a build with it. But i really dont know which ascendancy i should take and which spells to put in. Any suggestions? Thought of juggernaut or inquisitor and scale crit + having a CoC Barrage Setup in 6 Link for even more triggered spells.

    submitted by /u/greenrac00n
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    So Im looking for a meme build

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    My friend is new to path of exile, and he needs a build that will provide ludacris amounts of screenshake and lag. He has been playing a cast on crit barrage fireball build that has worked well, but it isnt viable past t15 maps due to the terrible survivability. Im looking for a unicorn build that provides a good amount of screen vomit/lag/screenshake, but is still is able to do the high end content.

    submitted by /u/leagueoflegendsucks
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    Improving my Vaal Doublstrike build

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with how to improve my build!


    I'm wondering if I should use different passives and skills, and what items I should focus on upgrading first.

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Kneelorbeknelt
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    Volitile dead sion

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    is this build any good i made a caustic archer but on steroids, only uses caustic arrow / bow swap to stack freenzy / some wither for boss killing. also a big question looking to get some help if any one has more knowledge.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:11 PM PDT


    the main question is while using wither totems ( what inflict touch of cruelty hinder debuff ) is that 10 % calculation taken into affect same with the wither stacks them self pob dosent seem to register the 100 % increased chaos damage taken to enemies with the calculations so would my damage out put be closer to 11 m full wither stacks since the ( 100 % increased chaos damage taken from wither + touch of cruelty is not taken into account ? ) by the looks of it on pob.

    submitted by /u/greekpsari
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    Volatile Dead LIFE Necro Single target dmg trouble.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Hy guys, im actually playing a Life Necro VD Spellslinger version.

    I was going to target farm splinters but i only can do full delirium + kill bosses on T13ish maps.

    Have invest a bit in gears and etc, but still can't do T14~T15 Bosses while on full delirium.
    I have a lot of Fire dmg, double curses (Ele Weak + Flammability), spell dmg leech , block. seens perfect, but like in Dunes T14, Tower t16, Lair t15. I never can kill the bosses in less than a minute.

    Still don't know what should be fixed, tree, gear, ascendy or even switching to Low life version.

    Can u guys give me any advice?
    pob: https://pastebin.com/LX56pu4Y

    submitted by /u/iUndeadWalker
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    Darkscorn scourge arrow, Is this a good build for a 17 ex budget?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Realistically, I just want to do all the content, farm up for a voices build and hit level 100, it's all I want, i'm tired of switching builds..

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    I want to make a VD CoC on an Exquisite Blade; The issue is what Attack Speed do I need? This is very confusing

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    There's a lot of information out there, I read it, got more confused.

    I just want it simple;

    If I use a 15% CDR boots, what should my attack speed be?

    If I also use a 20% CDR belt, in total of 35% CDR, what should my attack speed be?

    Thanks, hopefully some 200 IQ person can answer and explain so I understand also.

    submitted by /u/Printulpula
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    Help me find a cool LL build

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Greetings Exiles!

    I got my hands on a 6L Shavronnes but I never played LL before so I'm looking for a nice build as I suck at theorycrafting ^^°

    Please note that I'm playing on PS4 Standard atm so most of my upgrades would be self-crafted as the trade there is pretty dead, and I obviously don't have access to Cluster Jewels.

    I already got some stuff available besides the Shavronnes: Presence of Chayula, Atziri's Reflection, great Sambar/Void Sceptres for Lightning or Cold damage. Also lots of 86 Shaper/Elder bases for crafting.

    I'm preferably looking for a caster build as those are what I like playing ; not ED/Bane.
    I was thinking about Storm Brand maybe?

    I don't need it to be the greatest or craziest build ever, just something capable of clearing most or all content without having to invest 200ex.

    Anyway I'm open to suggestions ; something with a build link or at least a PoB would be awesome!

    Thanks for your help :)

    submitted by /u/KymiBwo
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    HC Viable Melee builds that aren't cyclone?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I was looking to start a frost blades character but I'm not sure how viable it would be for HC so I'm looking for suggestions on what you guys think would work.

    submitted by /u/Contentthecreator
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    Best clear build starting with a budget of zero?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Absolutely no preferences. I was thinking Assassin BV but I'm not sure. I don't aim to do simulacrum or bosskill all that much, just pure juiced map clearing.

    submitted by /u/synthcalibur
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    Can someone help me figure out where I went wrong? I'm missing so much damage!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    would anyone be willing to take a look and tell me why my damage is so scuffed? https://pastebin.com/7B2DzFtz based on ziggyd's bleed bow build guide, followed exactly, i even have a better dps bow than he did but im under a quarter of his damage! he had 4m and i have like 700k? can not figure out where i went wrong!

    I know simple things like adding quality to gems and i need a couple jewels which i will add with levels but I've simulated all of this in pob and I still can't reach 1m dps!

    submitted by /u/XX_TCG_XX
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    Pathfinder Wander Damage

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:24 PM PDT


    first of all sorry for my bad english. i rerolled my ice shot deadeye to a pathfinder wander. my problem now is that the damage (AoE and Single Target) seems very low and i don't know why. For 3 or 4 Leagues i tried the same wander and had the same problem but now i want to solved the problem.

    with this gear it is hard to kill T9+ Trash and Bosses.

    The "Barrage" in the PS Setup is Barrage Support. Maybe u need to change it.

    i hope someone could help my and the dream of a nice wander come true.

    This is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/EcjnmePt

    the cluster jewels are new and not optimal. and the gem level need to be 20.

    submitted by /u/ToTec_
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    A good boss killer!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Can someone give me a pob for a good boss killer? I just leveled a ranger that clears very well and kills the map boss but struggles on kiling sirus and the other conqueros... i have like 25 ex... Just wanted a solid char that dont take a eternity to kill a conqueror

    And I hate mines.

    submitted by /u/belmalreal
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