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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike, Uber Elder

    Path of Exile Builds Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike, Uber Elder

    Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Strike, Uber Elder

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    [Octavian] Cremation Archmage Necromancer Build Overview

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    SSF Herald Stacking Melee Build ideas Please!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Hey Guys I currently have

    3 Voices

    8x Purposeful jewels and

    4 Heraldry

    3 Endbringer

    1 Inspiring Presence

    I have 2x IchiMonji and all I can come up with is Tectonic Slam Scion, anyone got some cool ideas that Melee could really take advantage of?

    submitted by /u/CrimsonCalm
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    Fast & Safe build for 60-80ex?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    What's the fastest and relatively safe build to constantly farm T14-T16? Being able to kill bosses and do simulacrum is a bonus but not needed. (already have a fb block cyclone for that)

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/cyuansheng
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    Help with improving my Stormbrand Trickster

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:17 AM PDT


    as the title suggests, im looking for help with my stormbrand trickster, having much fun with it, but feeling i cant complete highest difficulty like last sim waves very good, cuz i die often, as well as t16 delirium maps (100%) where my bleed glad can do it with a lot of time, but he wont die, so i did this char for much dps and speed (which is okay until t15 maps id say)

    when i look on poe.ninja builds they got clarity watchers eye and unnatural instinct, which both are way out of my budget sadly :/


    this is my char and my budget is around 7 to 8 ex, what would be most beneficial (beside leveling 2 more levels for another jewels socket) investment?

    edit: main goal is a bit more tankiness whilst gaining at least a good amount if dps if possible (cuz their dps on poe.ninja seems to be way higher than mine)

    thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Ragnakh
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    need a build to do all end game

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    i started league with bv poison assassin and its been good for most content, but a8, UE, t16 100%D, cortex, have all been big rips

    i leveled a vd necro and shes fun but the damage is not quite there and i leveled a guardian to herald stack after they said they wouldn't nerf... and then they nerfed. can respec to hiero for archmage, but is it worth?

    should i improve survivability on bv? or get more dmg on vd? or is stormbrand/archmage the best way to go?

    here are my pobs for bv and vd:


    submitted by /u/myoldaccountisband
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    Any viable discharge builds?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Title. Viable as in t16 juiced/a8 etc doable but doesn't have to be fast

    submitted by /u/total_derp
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    Is Bleed Bladestorm somehow viable?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I know probably you should play Lacerate for melee bleeding, but do someone has experience trying bleeding with bladestorm? I wonder if the storms ticks apply bleed and you can have crimson dance max stacks. Or how Gladiator/Haemophilia blood explosions would work.

    submitted by /u/haitike
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    Build Help to progress further

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT


    i'm playing multiple builds this league but none of them really can do what i want (for example i couldnt kill a single sirus :( )

    So I'm looking to improve one of them to be a bit more stable in dps and survivability. I have around 5 ex to spend, maybe more if i can sell some things, but i gues not more then 8.
    I have a Map Completion of 149 and awakening Bonus of 63 or something.

    Cyclone Champion:

    Problems: Survivability and also not enough Dps in my opinion.

    Caustic Arrow Trickster:

    It's okay, maybe a bit better clear (i sometimes swap conc for Arrow Nova, but the damage is just to bad without conc).
    Singletarget could be improved.

    Volatile Dead Spellslinger Necro:

    Seems like the most stable of my builds, but gets randomly one shoted. More Damage would be really nice.

    I started building the Hollow Palm Tectonic Slam Mathil Build and have most of the items except some of the cluster jewels (they are so expensive holy cow).

    I hope somebody can help me.
    Thanks in Advance

    submitted by /u/TheTolpan
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    Need help to identify the gem set up

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    New player need some help

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Im following https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ultimate-cyclone-slayer-build-guide

    This is my PoB https://pastebin.com/hvcwZqpH

    Ive only played the game for 2-3 weeks so i still have a hard time with understanding everything when it comes to gearing. I Think i need new rings, amu and maybe boots. Ill also get cinderswallow and a better helm enchant.

    submitted by /u/ON-TILT
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    Fix my Build

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Hi ! :D.Im doing Witch Summ build cuz i thought it would be fun (its my first time in this game) but i dont know why im so low.Could you help me fix this build please ?.I would appreciate this :)


    submitted by /u/assassins98
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    Curious about how much did you spend on your herald stacking build?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    hey guys .. ive been farming day and night to do the herald stacking build so far i collected about 215exalts .. how much should i add to be able to be OP enough to kill bosses with herald stacking build? im into spark or EK and i just wanna know how much you guys spent on your build .. pobs would be nice :)

    submitted by /u/cosmic_arab
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    Double Strike Zerker - looking for help with gearing and where to go next!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Hey guys, im looking to improve my Double strike zerker, but I don't really know where to go from here! If you have any thoughts on what gear I should aim for next or what I should focus on upgrading please say the word :)

    Here is my PoB:


    While this is the build im following for now:


    I decided to drop the skitterbots in favor of pride due to the fact that I don't have the shocked crit mod yet, but I'm considering changing it back if I find some good gloves!

    Thanks for any help :)

    submitted by /u/Kneelorbeknelt
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    Looking for a SSFHC Viable build for a newbie.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Hi guys, just made an another 100lvl character on Delirium SC, made it to 40/40 for the 4th time - kinda bored now.

    Looking for a challange onHC. Ideally something SSF viable as I am not sure that I want to trade this time.

    Made it once to 69lvl on HC.
    From my little research there are few
    Storm brand Hiero
    Lacerate Gladiator
    Maybe pure phys cyclone on Champion?
    ED Trickster?

    submitted by /u/Aze007
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    1st time playing POE, endgame slayer cyclone, not sure where to go from here

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    1st time playing POE, endgame slayer cyclone, not sure where to go from here

    have 50 ex to spend, read the similar threads in here, but not sure what to prioritize next

    Options:Armor: Do I explodey/-mana cost chest or double corrupted Farrul's Fur given I got an Aspect of the Cat ring already?

    Cluster jewels in bottom left (I don't understand these, when I pull up the lvl 99-100 builds in POB, these slots are ~+1% DPS&life per point, but non-cluster jewel slots are 2.5%+ life or DPS what am I missing?)

    I have this jewel lying around, is it a good replacement for explodey chest if I go Farruls or do I need Deep Cuts?


    Bottled Faith?
    Replacing my left ring/regular jewel?
    Know I need to annoint my boots, was gunna wait for this round of upgrades in case I need to replace it

    Appreciate any other suggestions, assumed I've missed something given its my first time

    POB: https://pastebin.com/4Hq1EN3s

    submitted by /u/whyisgamora08
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    Self curse question

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Can selfcurse blast through map without beyond ? ( HH + 2 IL)

    submitted by /u/Guardian_The_Harold
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    Anyone of you guys playing a good poision cobra lash ?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    If so, can i pls have a pob. Thnaks !

    submitted by /u/SICKSIDE
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    Level 100 builds. Some final choices of mine.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Zombie necro.

    Spectre necro (slave drivers)

    Cyclone Champ. (dual wield)

    Archmage Heiro.


    Perfect ice nova.

    (And A really bad CoC that i've not even attempted to min max yet because I have no clue what i'm doing https://pastebin.com/Evqt2RNu if I could fix this to be able to have good single, i'd probably stick with it)

    I just want a level 100, No hiccups. It's a tight budget (33 ex) if I really sell stuff, it can possibly be at 40.

    Or if you have suggestions, let me know.

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    MF builds

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    Anyone have some updated pob's for an MF character? Herald stacking is fine as currency isn't the issue, just wanting something to reference. A current character would suffice as well. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/madness0606
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    Help me understand Cutedogs selfcurse Setup

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:43 AM PDT


    Ill get all the basics - but the Curse% just dosent add up to 173% from waht im seeing - waht part do i miss?

    3* cluster 40%

    Helm Enchant 30%

    Gem 10%

    Annoinmet 5%

    submitted by /u/StewardUlk
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    recommended endgame content build? [movement speed, headhunter, 1 attack skill]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    got myself a headhunter and ive been running the zerk 7.5k life cyclone hollowpalm and i mean... its great for damage, but it suffers greatly to speed vs other builds. with the build i followed there is no room for movement skills and it doesnt use a weapon or gloves so gem setup is pretty tight.

    is there a build that with some ex funding it, would hit all my checks?

    1.movement speed, the more it has before adding in headhunter, flasks, or movement skills, and ccan keep up with friends or party members that have movement skills while i do not is a must.

    2.benefits greatly from headhunter and can use it instead of a specific required belt for the build

    1. slightly less damage in return for aoe?

    1. only relies on you firing 1 attack skill. can have multiple timed buffs if necessary but i dont want to have to build 2 diff weapons

    thank you to anyone who can recommend a build and said builds guide.

    submitted by /u/RedditForumLurker
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    Whispering Ice jugg

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Hi all, looking to build a whispering ice jugg utilising Shapers touch, and Split personality jewels, cyclone cast while channeling on the whispering ice and building bulk attributes to buff the heck out of energy shield from strength, evasion from Intel and stacking plenty of armour and es items such as Crown of the Inward Eye and Alberons Warpath, Hoping I will receive enough damage from a combined total of Intelligence increase spell damage on Ice Storm and the Iron will notable or gem in Ice Storm, planning to pick jugg to get a lot of additional defenses from the automatic endurance charges and increased damage per endurance charge, ideally the split personality that I have, which is 5 Intel and 5 life, should carry additional life requirements, anyone got any idea on how well (or poorly) this would go, would using iron will, ele focus, conc, and controlled destruction give sufficient damage obviously with additional scaling elsewhere on the tree through pathing.

    I don't think the defenses should be an issue with 5k odd life and es each being sufficient, would this also want to run Hatred and Herald of Ice or look into different aura combinations to boost the damage?

    Thanks in advance, merely a theory build now but would appreciate the input

    submitted by /u/SymruinGaming
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    Need help with hollow palm block gladiator

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Hi guys, got really frustrated with my baron zombie necromancer (lvl 94) due to Sirus aw7 and decided to try something else. Its the first time for me getting a secondary character to end game. Decided on something tanky and got started on a hollow palm max gladiator. Max block sounded just like the thing I was looking for. I am usually a very casual player but due to Corona I have had more time to play. and have gotten further in the game than ever before.



    So, im still leveling him but I am a bit lost on how to increase damage/Life. He is so low on life that even if I finish the life rectangle he'll be around 4k life. I would never expect to do well against end game bosses with so little life. Low level red mapping is decent but with so little life if a hit gets through I guess im toast.

    Damage is ok for low level red maps but rare mosters take a while to whittle down. My gems are still leveling but fiddling around in POB it seems that getting them 20/20 won't make a huge difference.

    Please give me any insight and thoughts? Should I respec to facebreaker? I have sunk most of my measly currency into this build by now.

    submitted by /u/papaloco
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    Need help choosing a build using Farrul's Fur

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hello guys, i just dropped and 6Linked a Farrul's FUr, and im looking to build something around it. I would like to build something dual wielding, like DS or something like that. I wouldn't consider Flicker tbh, but im open to other things like puncture bow bleed. I mainly want something to speed clear maps and simulacrums, but that is able to kill bosses decently too. Any recomendations? Im not going mirror tier, but i plan to invest around 30~40 ex. Thank you

    submitted by /u/raigorzzz
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