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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds What builds have you enjoyed most so far?

    Path of Exile Builds What builds have you enjoyed most so far?

    What builds have you enjoyed most so far?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Looking for another build to try this league and cant decide. What have you guys had the most fun playing so far?

    submitted by /u/CataleyaChan
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    Frost Blades DPS Feels low

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    POB: https://pastebin.com/zTGG1GZ6

    According to POB i'm sitting at just shy of 900k dps, however some bosses in even T11 maps are taking me a long time to kill.

    Can anyone see anything inherently wrong with my build?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/WegularTheFourth
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    So, what's ultra tanky?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    Hopefully the collective experience of you all can help point me in a direction that might be worth investigating!

    After much tribulation, I've finally put Sirus in the dirt for the first time. I've been playing a Cyclone Juggernaut that is certainly offensively oriented (5.7k life, not stacking many endurance charges, and using Abyssus). Throughout my time playing the game so far - this is my first league and character - I've noticed that one of my biggest downfalls is simply dying to FPS drops and hard freezes, which truthfully has made me give up on the pursuit of level 100. 95 is good enough, I guess, but I think it might be possible to push 100 on a full-out tank if I can trust it to not die when the game locks up for 3-5 seconds.

    I know Juggernaut is tanky (and I'd be open to full-out tank suggestions for Juggernaut, since there's simply so much to this game that I don't know about), but I'm also open to the idea of rolling another melee character of a different class/ascendancy that is full-fledged tank, even if the DPS suffers. Does this game have any incredibly stalwart, resilient, stubborn tank builds? I've seen some guides, but I don't know what's current - there have been huge changes to item mods from what I've seen since only a few versions ago.

    submitted by /u/rodrigat
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    Any tips/advices?? Necromancer build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Hi guys, it's my first league and I'm doing a Spectre/Spiders Necromancer. It is good to run endgame content, like sirus, simulacrum etc? Here my pastebin, any advices will be gladly appreciated. (I have only 8ex budget now to improve). Ty


    submitted by /u/lipefsa
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    Request for Guidance: (SSF) Cyclone Berserker based on DonTheCrown's budget Terminus Est Guide.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    So have been chipping away at this build for last couple of weeks, currently comfortably(ish) running t7 yellows as I work on tidying up my atlas. However, being that this is only my 3rd character into maps ever, I'm not really 100% confident that I am aware of everything that might be available to develop the build further.

    From the guide, currently I haven't picked up the recommended Brutal Blade and I'm short 1 node on the life wheel, however have been considering my options for dropping some things so I have the points available to start messing around with the new cluster jewels. PoB is telling me not having brutal blade is worth 12% DPS, so I guess any potential cluster jewel action would have to give at least that much back. Still need to finish leveling my skill gems and I've been leveling spares in the alt-weapon slots to begin the process of messing around with +quality and then vaaling as appropriate. Once I get a 6th socket available on the chest, by the guide I would add in Blood Rage. Used it a bit while leveling, not sure I'm fond of it, having 7 skills to juggle is already testing the limits of my potato like abilities and I may have suicided a few times after completing boss fights due to the degen. Is adding a 4th support to the Vaal Warchief viable as a replacement? If so, recommendations?

    Gear is also currently sub optimal. I have a spare terminus I have finally gotten to 6 sockets in the desired colours, currently working on linking it. (Guide has the cyclone on the chest with warchief and some support skills on the est, but my league starter dropped 2 Est's so I've been playing with them as I levelled, current equipped sword is the better rolled one, but I've been messing around with Divine orbs as I come across them trying to get some better rolls. The joys of SSF, getting to waste all this currency.) Figure I need a lot more life on the gear, and probably have to do some more lab runs when I get useful helmet/boots/gloves that I decide I want to keep a while... shudder, hate the lab with a passion. Have a set of spiked gauntlets that I took into the lab when I did my final run but didn't manage to get a favourable enchant on them, so have set them aside for the moment, but I guess I might play with crafting them into something nice later.

    Mostly though I'd just like some guidance on gear to look out for, crafting options I should consider, glaring mistakes I've made in my item selection and tree modifications, that sort of thing? Also which of the later/end game bosses are worth focusing on? I've been sitting on some full sets of the vaal fragments and a couple of completed breach stones for a fair while, are these bosses worth running? I know Atziri's reflect would be troublesome, but beyond that, any good loot? Also have some delirium orbs gathering dust for now, figured if I ever manage to complete all the regular maps, then I might have a play with making stuff even harder.

    DonTheCrown's original guide video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZIdq0EQBUI&t=436s

    Current PoB for my character: https://pastebin.com/xXmg7aqu

    submitted by /u/StanicMechanic
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    Scourge Arrow Pathfinder

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I was challenge by my friends to make a build with 4 random uniques that they gave me and kill the conquerors and Sirus. My items were Shaper's Touch (ouch), Assailum (ouch), Circle of Nostalgia and Impresence. The last handicap is cap of 5 ex you can spend on the rest of your gear. That is why the rest is going to look like hot garbage.

    The first thing that came to mind was scourge arrow because I was like "cool at least I can get the dodge bonus from the garbage helmet" and "I can make use of that despair and the DOT damage from impresence" and "Lots of Dex at least gives me life from those damn gloves".

    So I leveled, looked at POE Ninja a bit for some ideas and came up with the below pastebin. However my DPS on bosses feels garbage. In POB it is saying I am at like 1.2mil shaper DPS, but it doesn't feel like it.

    With that said I have managed to get 3 of the 4 conq's down including a very painful like 10 minute Baran because if I stood still long enough to channel more than 2-3 stages he would one shot me. I am not 100% convinced my wither totems didn't do most of the work on him.

    Anyways. Anyone that knows Scourge Arrow got any ideas on tree or just general Scourge Arrow mechanics that they could share? I have Veritania and Sirus left and I am terrified of them both (especially Sirus). Standing still and channeling scourge arrow sounds terrifying on both fights. Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/52MCvrwg

    submitted by /u/elrui
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    Claw/dagger build

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Was wondering if anyone felt like suggesting a fun build for me to roll to that uses claws or daggers. My main is a max block lacerate glad, and ive been tinkering around with a dual wielding volconus fire wild strike raider. It does over 1mil dps, but survivability sucks. Maybe i'm too used to my 85% all resist/ 80% block chance gladiator. Got any suggestions? Currency is no issue as long as its not a 120ex+ build. Just looking to enjoy playing rather than trying to get through content now.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/aDuggie
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    Freezing pulse totems or BL mines

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    got around 15 ex to invest into a build, which functions better all round?

    who has faster mapping bossing etc

    can either of them do t16 100% delirious?

    submitted by /u/Leafilia
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    How to advance my dw lacerate gladiator? And general gear upgrading for melee characters.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Paste bin link here: https://pastebin.com/Ma5TxUJF

    Hi all,

    Usually in this point of my build is when i dont understand the item progression of my build. I've capped my resists, and gotten some 20-30c weapons, but after this, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for as i upgrade past the basic gearing portion of capping resists, and meeting stat reqs. I'm mainly looking for some common gearing goals at this point, i.e. go for a crit strike chest, all in jeweled foils, etc?

    Also, if you look at my paste bin, i typically avoid using league mechanic items like cluster jewels since I'm not quite familiar with them, and i dont want to rely on them if they go core and it's rare, or doesn't go core at all.

    submitted by /u/assblasters
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    Looking for faster mapper

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    currently I am plying a herald stacking arc guardian,have done all endgame content , but i can't get delirium 5 3 1 easily, this is my profile : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/justin6201/characters

    Is there any improvement for me? or I just build another speed mapper , btw I have another poison bv ass with explode chest too

    submitted by /u/justin6201
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    What are your thoughts on Toxic Rain Trickster?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:59 AM PDT


    I am playing this build an put around 20ex into it. It clears T16 quite well. Sirus is a problem thought due to the lack of single target damage. At this point I get around 250k pod dps. Which slightly better gear and all awakend gems leveled up, I might get to 300+. Still NOT THAT HIGH for my liking. The dps numbers seem very low - even with decent gear - compared to other builds in this league for the same budget.

    So I am wondering: Are toxic rain builds just good starter builds? They are neither super fast at mapping (I even gem swaped with Caustic Arrow) nor are they any good for bossing (the real bosses, not conquerors).

    Though I really really liked toxic rain for how far it got me with very little investment (felt at some point better than the BL Miner I started with), now I find it hard to get more damage for reasonable investment. I have 30ex lieing around, but no upgrade feels worth the low dps increase.

    What are your thoughts on this? For really not optimized setup (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Logicmaker)

    Thx for answers :)

    submitted by /u/Rainmakerrrrr
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    How do I increase shaper DPS (LL Stormbrand Hiero)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Would love your input for a clear build!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Greetings exiles!

    I've been playing delerium alot this league, and really enjoying it despite the random lag deaths. I have been playing cyclone this far and am having troubles with scaling my damage without spending around 20-40ex That's not the point, but I'm currently out putting 2.1m dps with medium clear speed. My build is by no means bad, I've killed shaper and awakened 8 cyrus. I'm just getting sick of the slow clear speed.

    I need some reccomendations for a build that can speed run t16 maps, as well as simulacrum with ease with room to improve for my ultimate goal of running fully delerious maps.

    I currently have like 12ex to spend, but for the right build that could do what I mentioned above and be a formidable boss killer, I would sell my cyclone gear and gain an extra 35-40ex for the build.

    I've been toying with CoC with cospris, I've seen some INSANE damage, and the cost is minimal compared to what I'm looking at right now for an upgrade on my cyclone build.

    Do you guys have reccomendations? Ultimately I would like to play herald stacking but I'd need to farm some more currency for that.

    Thanks in advance guys! :)

    (Sorry for the writing, I'm in mobile)

    submitted by /u/MajorHoserr
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    Mana Guardian as a summoner?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Hi so I really want to play mana guardian because of the very high ES and I'm leveling it right now and while the herald of agony approach is nice and clears pretty well I feel like I might want something else to go along with it right now I have specters and herald of agony is there anything else I can run on a 4l that will help support my build?

    Also is there any other skill that is viable for mana guardians besides herald of agony?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/prowombat32
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    Self-Cast Assassin Freezing Pulse - How do I build defences more?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Here is the path of building ive made so far: https://pastebin.com/cDhDYRt8

    Wondering how to build more defences in and if the tree looks good for a spell crit caster, have never done one of these before and would appreciate the advice


    submitted by /u/DrCockGobbleSupreme
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    Am I missing any huge obvious upgrades for my lacerate bleed max block gladiator?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:04 AM PDT


    I killed Siurs lvl 5 and shaper, t16 maps are no problem, but since I have invested only like 5 ex into this build (6 linked the belly myself with 18 fusings) I feel like there should be room for improvements. Is there anything obvious that could boost the build largely in terms of damage? Most of the time I feel tanky enough (died 32 times and am lvl 94). Thanks

    submitted by /u/OnColdConcrete
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    Juggernaut Defenses with Assassin DPS?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I don't much care for a build that has to manually dodge everything but also don't like one that takes minutes to kill Sirus 8. Is there a build that can do more damage than my Vortex CI occultist (with LL belt and Atziri shield - 1.5M DPS vortex) but with that kind of defense? I am thinking a Juggernaut that abuses impales or something maybe. I have a budget of about 90ex but don't want to be forced to spend it all.

    submitted by /u/MajWoody
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    Full fire conversion Hollow Palm Raider Infernal Blow!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    https://pastebin.com/B3127fHF my PoB (I dont know how to make it calculate the Hollow palm dmg)

    I'm kinda stuck overall, I feel I should have more dmg, but I dont know where to start (beyond leveling my gems and up their quality)

    I can currently clear yellow maps and red maps with certain ease as long as the mods dont go too far with the dmg. O and the green posion crusader is kind of a pain to deal with.

    any advice?

    submitted by /u/rauseo9
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    doryani's fist build? theories on making it work

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    So watching mathil's stream he is doi8ng a build with this. he never really tries to make the most "OP" version of something though.

    wonder if anyone has any takes on a setup that could work and do a lot of damage with this? Abusing herald stack? cluster jewel stack?

    Thanks for any thoughts

    submitted by /u/SpiLLiX
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    Is there a non-minion based "I don't want to die" build?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Maybe it clear maps a little slower than stormbrand or ED/C. Maybe the bossing is meh and a conq takes 30s seconds rather than getting instantly blown up. But at the expense of all of that clear speed and power, the build just... Doesnt die? Maybe a 20/20 simulacrum takes awhile but you can just afk because you don't die? Maybe sirus takes a bit longer too, but you can face tank a projectile? You get what I mean.

    Does such a build exist? One where you trade power for dumb sustain or tankiness? Is that build a league start? A league ender? Something that maybe if you invested 10ex,30ex, whatever a reasonable amount is, you can actually become a decent mapper and bosser whole nigh unkillable?

    Did I just describe cyclone? Lacerated bleed glad?

    submitted by /u/tingstodo
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    Stuck at level 92, can't seem to fix my CI Bane Occultist Build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT


    I am running a Bane Occultist CI build



    I keep dying and can't get to level 93. I am stuck on awakener level 5 and got smoked by Sirus in my one attempt.

    I tried to convert my build from this Starter: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2489249

    Which is a more life based build to a tankier CI ES build. However, I spent a ton of money and am at ~9,800 ES and it doesn't seem to be enough.

    I don't know if I need to change my Flasks, My Passives, My Gear, etc.

    I am not even sure if I am running the right gems at this point since the original build relied on Diadem Proccing Desecrate which I removed from my build.

    Any advice would be really helpful.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/beegeepee
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    Struck this whilst looking for some minion stuff, any one have any physical bois who are smart enough to be on this side of the tree?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Getting a little bored, could use help finding a beefy build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Beaten end game bosses already this league and am thinking about quitting the league or trying something different. I'd like to try a really tanky build that employs many layers of defense. I'm ok with taking a little bit of a hit as far as offensive damage goes in order to really ensure tankiness. I'm typically a fan of spells, not a big fan of DoT builds. If it's SSF viable that might be even better, as I think SSF might spark that desire to keep playing this league. Anyone have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/eurojjj19
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    Remember the legion league self temp chain HH cyclone?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    As title states, is that build still viable in delirium? Or is there another version of this build for delirium after all the nerf to cyclone range, if you know one please share in comment. Thx!

    submitted by /u/gloriuhz
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