• Breaking News

    Friday, July 31, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Legit the worst map.

    Path of Exile Builds Legit the worst map.

    Legit the worst map.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Endurance stacking Cyclone Build for Jugg

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Hello r/Pathofexilebuilds I decided to share a build i kinda free balled this league with the super awesome Harvest crafting mechanics.I feel like it is kinda important to say this but this build is my first attempt at making a build without following a guide so any advice as to what to include in these posts would be greatly appreciated!

    This build is a Juggernaut that utilizes the skill cyclone as our main form of damage with a utility 6 link Warchief totem for extra boss dps.

    I will Try to keep this as brief as I can because I don't really like lengthy guides.

    Spoiler: Pob;https://pastebin.com/bH5KCxCe POB is setup against Sirus so the dps shown is for that fight

    Build against Sirus A8 https://streamable.com/qjaqqt This kill was played super terribly on my part and I still managed to pull it off wearing a HH which does nothing for me other than give life and dex, legit any other belt will help you more than this.

    Awakener 8 Baron fight +map https://streamable.com/4r3tdi

    Map showcase without HH https://streamable.com/t6cphr

    Map showcase with HH https://streamable.com/f1zsgo

    Minotaur Boss kill https://streamable.com/ksils3

    This POB has 2 sets of gear, a more min maxed version with a pretty incredible axe that I managed to craft this league. There is also a budget version of the build which focuses more on less optimal gear with 2 different options for axes a 600 dps axe I found on trade for 20c an 850 dps axe I found on trade for around 3-4 ex. The Rare gearin the budget build are mostly to fill for life and resistances there are only 2 mods that are influenced to look out for and that is the warlord mod +1 Max Endurance Charge on boots, and Attack crit on the chest. Remember, in pob i have it setup to show power charges since my chest has the mod to gain power charge on crit if yours does not simply deselect them in pob.

    About the build: This is a 2h axe cyclone build that can be played as one of 4 ascendancies; Berserker, Jugg,Champion or Slayer.These all have their own personal pros and cons and i would recommend looking into them all to see which you prefer. I personally chose Jugg for this build due to the synergies with endurance charges, easy accuracy capping, and immunity to freeze, chill and stun.

    With the most recent update to cyclone in Harvest league you now are able to be stunned while using cyclone which personally feels terrible, so i chose to just ignore this with an ascendancy choice, other ascendancies can achieve this with jewel implicits but that requires a lot of jewels and a pretty big hassle that I do not recommend going through. Jugg also has the great benefit of being pretty much permanently at 100% accuracy without the use of resolute technique thus allowing us to go crit!

    Therefore the logical ascendancy choices for us are Undeniable>Unstoppable>Unflinching

    The fourth ascendancy is really up to you and should be between Unyielding for aoe and damage or Unrelenting for more survivability. I Personally chose more damage since we use 7 total endurance charges and enduring cry giving us a ton of phys mitigation but the choice is up to you.

    In this build I use one cluster jewel to get life leech and mana leech, with fuel the fight and feed the fury, a good third notable is Martial Prowess. A luxury option for this build is a watchers eye with the pride impale mod and lethal pride, Mine happens to give me 10% Strength, 10% fortify effect, 20% armour and 30% crit multi. If you do not have the currency for these types of jewels a simple jewel with life, attackspeed and melee damage will do the trick similiar to the jewel named Gale Glimmer in my pob, for a more budget friendly setup id recommend making all of the jewels aside from the cluser gale glimmer as it is very generic and pretty easy to make.

    Please feel free to reach out to me and ask questions in the comments below or through a PM about the build or even how I crafted the gear in the POB. I should note that its around midnight here so I will most likely start answering replies in the morning sometime. I can also provide different POB's to the other ascendancies if people would like to see what they would look like!

    submitted by /u/ThegreatRaR
    [link] [comments]

    Poison BV assassin SMASHING some content, 100% delirium, insanely satisfying monster melting - pob included

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    25 ex budget Aura Stacker taking on AL8 conqs & Sirus (guide and 15 ex budget version in comments)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    COC Ice Nova, Headhunter help

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So I had a full HH drop in a delirious burial chambers. My plan was to farm delirious maps until this build is as geared as possible. In that case, should I keep the headhunter for farming, or should I use the 60ex to continue upgrading my gear? I'm not sure how well the HH will interact with the BPS required for COC.

    If the answer is keep and use the HH, what would you recommend be dropped from the min/maxed POB to pick up the extra resistances? The POB I'm aiming for is this: https://pastebin.com/gy8ijuCZ

    Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/7Bw72FuV

    Thanks for the advice.

    submitted by /u/KappKapp
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    Friend and I just started. Playing Templar

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Two days ago I saw this game on PSN and decided a friend and I should give it a shot and we went in blind. Now I'm between level 16-18, a Templar with storm brand and want to build with the idea of brands as my main focus. I probably need to fix some of my paths on my passives but any tips on brands? I have the recall ability as well.

    I know there are different brands but not sure which one I want to go with. Penance brand seems interesting. I am aiming for all brand related passives and I think casting speed. Do I need "charges"?

    Sorry if I'm misusing terms or my post indicates I need more help then a post can hold haha. If you have a guide I could see or tips it would be a great help!

    submitted by /u/LittleWriterJoe
    [link] [comments]

    Help with Int Stacking Power Siphon Wander Elementalist

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/xN0v5PAh

    I'm on act 10 and about to enter maps with this character and was wondering how I can optimize my build. Aside from maxing resist I'm still lacking an idea of what would be my main source of mitigation, I was wondering between maxing out dodges as much as I can or rely on ES Leech as CI with Incandescent Heart.

    I do love freezing and shattering enemies especially with HoI for pack clear and would like to keep playing with it but I'm also wondering how effective my conversion is from Phys to Lightning and Lightning to Cold. I at least want this to be a decent bosser

    submitted by /u/binarysingularities
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    Redemption Sentries build spectres question

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    what spectres I should be looking for until I get the redemption sentries?

    submitted by /u/Archaon69
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    Need a tanky melee build

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT


    I have been farming harvest and have some gear saved up, but really need a high dps, tanky build to improve. I have a frost blades berserker who speeds through maps, but dies all the time, and I have a cremation necro who is super tanky but doesn't have high enough damage to power through sirius A8 without the fight taking way too long. I also want to use up my legions emblems for a 4-way soon, but all my builds are too slow, or too squishy.

    I want to use my The Savior sword, and I am almost done crafting an explody astral plate with additional curse and crit. I'm SSF but have a lot of gear saved up, including all dps flasks (dying sun, taste of hate, wise oak, lion's roar, witchfire). Is there a build that can tank sirius beams like my cremation necro, but also put out enough damage to not make the fight last long enough to be caught by bleeds and degens?

    submitted by /u/Kroughfire
    [link] [comments]

    Build Check - BL Miner

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Hi All -

    I'm about to hit level 90 and start T15/16 maps, I'd appreciate any advice for what my most cost effective next steps are while I save up for a 6L Cloak of Defiance and Unnatural Instinct Jewel.


    POB: https://pastebin.com/pcYe7kt2

    submitted by /u/BandagedBacon
    [link] [comments]

    Help optimizing Bleed bow or VD/DD Spellslinger

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:55 PM PDT


    I would love some help with optimizing my two favourite builds this league.

    Both of these characters are pretty well geared, but it still feels like Im missing something in terms of survivability and damage to do T16 100% delirious maps comfortably.

    The bleed bow gladiator was built by loosely following the crimson bow gladiator guide made by DankawSL and then later I transitioned to the left side of the tree trying to chase more damage according to POB. (Offence is the best defence etc..) This is also why Im still running elusive on my boots even though I have picked up resolute technique. I have strived towards getting 100% ailment immunity and the Divine Flesh keystone along with 87% chaos res. I know my life is very low and I would probably be served with filling in the scion life wheel. Im not fully transitioned yet so my gear is still heavily evasion based. I am trying to get around that by using Iron Reflexes. The plan was to get an Astral plate with the explode mod and frenzy charge on hit. But I think that would make me lose out on a lot of armor compared to the Kintsugi. The gear is mostly self crafted apart from the bow.

    The VD spellslinger is based on zzang's LL VD/DD spellslinger build and it feels a lot tankier than the gladiator, but the single target damage is far from where I would like it to be. Ive managed to get to 72% attack block and 59% spellblock without using glancing blows.

    I would love it if someone could take a look at one or both of these and give me some tips or call me out if I have completely missed the mark with some of my choices. I am also fully aware that my problems could be down to a lack of skill.

    Gotta love this game.. Still learning after almost 2000 hours.

    submitted by /u/utrolie
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for a Toxic Rain build for me

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Looking through some builds on Poe ninja, Toxic Rain has a lot of options. I have about 10 ex to play with and was wondering what versions people like. Pathfinder or Trickster, Maloneys Mechanism or Asenaths Chant usage. Explodey chest or Carcass Jack, what do you guys recommend from experience ?

    submitted by /u/Not_MVP
    [link] [comments]

    Fire BV, Poison BV or BF/BB?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I think the title speaks for itself, planning to level a shadow, but couldn't figure out which one to play. Can you please compare those in terms of tankiness, map clear and bossing?


    submitted by /u/Tekelbira
    [link] [comments]

    Ele foil build suggestions?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:09 PM PDT


    Hey! Just finished a pretty sweet ele foil, not really sure what to do with it though. Don't wanna do the ele buzzsaw as I've played a decent amount with spectral throw. Will ele hit or wild strike be decent with a foil like this?

    Bought the sword with the attack speed, tried making a phys foil but ran out of phys rerolls at the time, so just spammed some attack modifiers and got the lightning + cold roll.
    Augmented a low fire, bought some remove/add fires until the t2 hit
    Crafted crit, remove/add crit and got the multi, crafted crit back on.

    submitted by /u/SneakySkullmonkey
    [link] [comments]

    Righteous fire marauder?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Is Righteous fire marauder a thing?

    submitted by /u/HotSausageLink
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    Looking for a new mid season build

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Title sums it up basically, I've been playing cyclone slayer and really enjoyed it, but as is always the case with path I'm starting to get bored of playing the same skill all the time.

    I've got a budget to get started of around 15ex, but this being harvest and all I'm not worried if the build is a project that takes more than that to be complete, it would just be nice if it could push into yellow's at least on that.

    I prefer self cast and active builds, never been much of a fan of summons or DOTs, and my only real requirement as that the build go fast, I'd rather be squishy than slow. I play softcore normal.


    submitted by /u/dantraman
    [link] [comments]

    ED Trickster what do now?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT


    How should I progress now besides weapon upgrade? (too poor. too dumb)

    I'm pretty bad at the game and don't have much time to play these days. I'd like to make T15-16 more comfortable. I'm not too squishy if I don't get lazy.

    I'm honestly getting pretty tired of the build but I'm too poor to make something else. Now I'm just going to try to massage as much progression out of this one as I can.

    I appreciate all the help. Love you.

    submitted by /u/klbishop143
    [link] [comments]

    Help with SSFHC Wild Strike Raider

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I got a wild strike raider to level 89 and ripped to a conqueror before Sirus. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for my next try. Went swords the first time, trying claws this next go through. PoB below with the gear I had when I ripped, only new things are the two claws. Any passive changes or link changes? Any specific gear I should look for? Any tips for wild strike, unfortunately don't have a combat focus drop yet. Working on chancing a inpulsa.


    submitted by /u/MoistEmployer44
    [link] [comments]

    Poison Bladefall/blade blast vs Poison BV

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I know there similar styles just one ranged. Would probably go with poet pen and spellslinger set up till red maps with bladefall/blade blast.

    Played poison BV before but not pst yellow maps.

    Only see a couple people playing poison bladefall. Is poison BV just objectively better?

    Thoughts? Opinions?


    submitted by /u/Echoalpha01
    [link] [comments]

    LL VD DD Spellslinger survivablity issues

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I took your recent advise for ED Contagion and moved to Necro VD DD with Shav and PoC and some okayish gear.

    I have tried posting on the forum from which the build idea came from

    Nobody is able to help.

    I am dying almost 2 everytime i attempt a Shaper or Elder Guardian. Sometimes even to Sirius and or his warlords( the 4 mini bosses)

    I have 6.9k ES 29-24 Attack and spell block in hideout with Bone offering and flask i reach 74-59 attack and spell block respectively

    I have fully upgraded Solaris and Abberath.

    Also using blood and sand(sand stance) to avoid 1 shot deaths from off screen/slightly far away monsters.

    My Char https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/thegreatestviz/characters ReapMyHarvest

    POB: Pastebin is being flagged so i tried to just generate the POB [code](eNrdXVtT28i2fh7ChVVc17iJOp7d06yd5lLgBkIDIZkJi-pltTCCrJEJBnC7Dr_axu2VgyFsiZZPauTSbEllZf1v1brW7N639-nabejSnKJM_ebKEX_pZnsjCPkuzyzdbF-dvncuuf_xi8PtXV5CTeniWpvfOPwU-v3WcvNTcmfbOl6JZX6eLSVO8XXZFP0FWgsyip3uXFVAPVuzwzi2vHpgiT1JTl4nKY6rJ8p6fmzdaHpAonW54uQ5NFO8vr70xY5FOdhabY8qY6ycZ5eGWq_SKfXcPct7xrnVUTk2fHSZYX-3m06Pv-uv7cun6TmNvjPIKuD49PT87OF5PbKWZmMV_g9afXp6m-M8W40pVXwq83WyMQmb40B0kFveh0Bl0whH3xAv5SwYiUWy8fbbmrp_B708bja2Oi-0boBeOY_d20p4XZi2MTVsmN2SlAWBOrkfvGGL2QnW2_hf54llbJdZpYpS_avKBdLQ4eDIB8v4v4PK90uns6vqeVvo_QC8wRlz5W9PF2-VL3nSOAKU9O86TMs-YwPbW9k0-DJDPRX2g6urncvGmeRvlttmTuBWn9dFp2YfRJXNvGmY6SWbnUAe5qdKwzvZOXS1HybuOvlhaAkOoiOzNf2pSdatw1X_tYCXTYpFSdEzzMlmwQjh7pr0mJulVxlMQNO0aYP-K_4StLfZiFPYRuKS-ywpSmuGn4PeF-vxanELxNk1n0QgnEpC-R8Nmjw56ZS5M97TeW9MiYcLIPYR6GawZa_zFbaoiV0EfFZalb4vIfNdI18hKkX4MH4nqhpE-ELwTFnKjHOmmLi_HHaDeW115misu78SQx6ZIpRh9NP-GrZqum_DBBfQZa4Yi-6B6u2ayLOcr9F5JTyQUW3Xlk70ZbVLJspR53pTl9i73OaR6b1BhoEZmVzON_vxanRf7Zptx0s2ajYprPlrGQYvwo2zV5P65PJ3dlEkIadEDmzEQzmF5DxJ2-cQ8ejvMbMwW_cOADYFgDf6DOYbdTwHwr7LPHcE2abtZkVFU6vNrNo8veUnajbNTibVKAyMqkkfcEe5r4BLDjjr5uxLjuJG49recAS-IHA3TH58tJlUEpsDoI79niwUidlgkyzcuVYbpzeoN6dYhu58pvgXJi65dyM-pj_fVpg39bmOzPu979t8h7DbCXRbPCGl7vMVZbPBzm9UtX4NlPh9PrvKg8qMOqURjms6w60OUEgBDGzNcIMR1FKkQBg9RvpAq1H-s4YJhqweAblIa26ZnR6RSkt1N_tQPrsIJg7vqKmDIKcV-oyAQxV1pEVIRRgJVEUWyIT1FseKjrue3oNCwdZ4fZ9azyMlcelldJmn7KZtPAlgr1v0sTblJOkzL8FMzi2BZ_WyCTwpW7e2_f7u2cH77fmzcZGxfSvDBPU31dGqgbsyTd8hL4MLaDjSGOh1UPashY84LvadoPugiLBLT4NKktQXpM1RV3T9PZYqsHGZiDTk1fEZ3fXRtreGU_Kc0D6NO022k_puriqw9bl1lS9Rl514T6rgfdPWLpQbuXmlGS2mTYR07HYL51Fu1DDQmtSIJZ1cuiXMXRYwYWafdgqwkwe8y0Ris9-p3Duacp53mjjz0BSOgp-10TG7DSXh7qvP5cX5lsHlYXseu1c4_SKyG27ptpuX0HZf5bK6mVwr9F8GarKmYQsiIT61lqr_8202lS3c3HXF4_qlfm3NVykt-OZ9fXdU_WJUuQ9tFRvbjlJuLW00YOl7nvbppuUS3Vge3IrgvqILXc1VMo09zisTy68xYwc6UP29yO8NNrGHXefD_NA53i-cS-LCaP_a3FWqL9eGmmh1bYptKRrvTLwwoE8NJK4aXrGT69z1Nt8fCu0YAcXey3TdZcPtVF5ThpzgDds7EgWXK8wqjNGRYeLzv3XO8vfxhvDlCWKSQlm8nueWtfXstN59RbbX_AzO-tC0KZjWM6fZuHdgVoOfuaZPX-Zmzct_bq5n05-QZGnMR2dBnqyDxko333G3ThLRpvzgJSPVnYyTO78FDoykR1wnjIyDqazdhp9uDNu_hxvrFrqjyDoVb8fs3lx_2-k51FTw0nf12P_mS0dLw9Hi8_GH0NuQKvCZa2dU-xyU2lNloJJaNviSGjjYLH5hFd63QX0qtd7M-aLrd6Y7NZ29Zeo_l_pka_MUnU-GIExdxqnmje2UxgH6FSy6vi7kdJCv01SfWPg3NBbeeZOYGwZIu8hpTalzcTkW3r3Tf-L5HT6ay4bLrd_Ptmkvmgb4yXxx4khZukXhH8LxHP21RPpzpIbPOGlNqXNxNWq-33FtN2nkN9-J1khPuJyC1dNYUzv7ChWOpWmyca0hMXbeui0JdrUN39jQ3DwbzZN6AeJPpiObcycp7P1yke4riV-5tiuGkwK5fu-mPwaGPp9CRzy00P2FhDshknrgOv7sE7yTzbh31O8cPCkDe-tYvM38nP-uX-M52U5qNdJWhaQuvqZlJzTb152x9YVL3Pk-hYZ8n1zFbS9nHRqgE8pNgQ7kF7r9XBt3hlv5Qwnk2neQbfqsoUgQu3S3aaVzesD123XrOH7228MJUbU_7NGXTXlCa0ZWKrbru_tmmZtmj4DeaKemZ8U05GWTSu8lY9sp3meTTWWbRY99o060O3HjT36o5f_ih5_6csI31DpvhbF1--o18dmHRqqr-7FDwwhU6jk3hUThrCal3dTEh1U4vjbePv72BLJGZd6VhfJuEaMNa4tyEesy29uul_h4ZtpWB2dUu_jWublx3Gcy03Vy3vqdlREerMjFdqyvn91s0NF6FcU69u-6PWcv4dmG6vLO1Tpd3CPjJcSqx9ecPV8rqtVzf-kWvlVV64qippZ5p5uG7d3YyFwyyelSaygD7LIHLfr7f8GEZ2ZkUJhcfButKkeW_D6sq2tMXIwf0T9gc2WwKSCO1OdJjWK8Rf7UySqSmS0DsGFFgOvbcu59od8944Sa-8DgT3b4OATZPNQtBWZR_UnMRvi7ysTrJf4d6mYlsV1fyTe3p6Xhjj6XrajhjNH2bCl-bJATsfAp3mkX3miQkTeIjsxpUhkcJHQ0EpHSKuhD9k8FEMEeJSDbGvpBgq6sshUr797SPEhpwxwYaEiyH0g_mQSqzkkBHK4DMSYsg549iR0SFREkn3WQKhQNArpxIBISdsiAVnasgUfKRcUgy9UoaHFAvFXDf-kCrusyHzJYxEsCJwVymshgQJn9iOOXTvC4WGWAmEoXukOMwX1XcJ3EUEQz-C-TA1BPMB3hEldsbK0QDbHFGYGkWYwxWKEVxRVIEcGENDTiiGuVIKU4BegAJxRoZIWgaRFCAJ7lMK0mSKWVlZ1uCKb39jZlm2EkJScjYUCqZEGAbWMMgRhKg4KIJJOyiSCLpkDIMOYO7ALJOWEcKl7ZgIVjMFogBKKxABraB7ywJjMAUGl0CioFvsBAgT9AkaKqKcyqlVlwBdIEQVCIUrnw4xsVoABSgxBO1jMqTE51agSMHkCfOVVQnMmHBu9YjAHIYYKTdXJtCQCAWUYFc-tzxIUKRAwqrNB1VZEcFvRYAeM0msRIXtWRAYixBpZ8kF9Emw5YpSYJwAO9A7B0VxYdkjYEp2Yj4MLawFIOpjZO0DVCSUlaeUVtiMEpgLaAXcsQIPaZzGQWh-xqb2iNrBL86O3IefJlV1Xb56-fL29vbFta4meWy-Jql5EebTl9fQCNzsufPv57bblyP42R4d747e3l4cqS-_H535F79d5dWX9wfil-PtX3_bMbujD5_ipLj74r8b_XbxcfbrzZXKQv3r52BU_n4kAv55Os5-lQdvv-ZfRtfHx78YFfl7-x8vxtefbpKj6bmc-DeB2kXi-Wxy9KkY799dVAef4u3fcR6df9p9Pz5kv5w_v_3j88HH4_L5DeL43XR2Nf16cPvrLzf744j_dvT5j6vgOZKf_vjl5Ih8_pSj2ceLy1h-nGbVKP7z7I-97bvx7ZHSz5Pkz6T6cxJqEX4tipP83e-Hpx_Uh2znUO3nJx_fo-rqPN1_fmSuwv2r83g3uEjPxpxdsU9XRBezvfHe_oc4GJ1djEiC35c6vDHT60-Tav88eHsbH8f7BzviD_T8_JfbN2-c4F8uJP-6PsNU1mqYf3PhyuoJmEJyy0uqOnfN9_OtoQNv9XvQcbcrvgcdBVvtQcfAHfrMz-7PVj3oMLFm-iSZjctLMtpFBi7bi1tCaS9uwe1ln_4wVX24IDam9aGDjNSHjmPSxwYgrKs-dBgL2sv2bDrqQwfpqQ8byIdA3semIPipXmLmBPXiV6le1oL8XqbMBWa92CCqj1hsmF-SoU7tQhruMyzkSt5nWEiVso92lVCiF7dS4l7SAyixpOOd_QHU6Bf4IEP2oiN-L_FBRu5jBQ5WLelYp9ELjPoFyJ4hSALo68UvbY6Lu-k4532CCzDcxw4AthLWi1_BeL-Q2ysIAWTqJT9AirxXYrMAr1fwQ7xPEAJo2isaUCgi-tgLkpT0mR_hqleQ5FBc9FGHrUeWdGRRsr9soB34ArWaK-tsMWc_vMsr4-7Zi4svrtR7n5hbrzS6CCfjqrA17Z95Pv3D5m5c7289MLo61tfzCtXePbp_KOz2v1a62k3slg23d3dRbVrC399sPcf1MbzXblVgXljaz2NT7yGblWZswjyL6iUid3lRKLtGbrvvfL_rmS6gPH7lnY3O9gZn-rqaFcYb56kOzeDIPZjcSWdlZQrvF3Nr0sFFlnyZGe9w95UnDQaIFhABZRMUhyEx8MWPIx9zyXGAIkG0ZtgoBRWoYUbFJEAyQiKIoiBgeuDm4liHzsjAfTozX155jA4Op9dpEiZV-cojg3-FhY4rE_3fKIpKT3qnNcz36hp7eRt7QGCilfueBpbc7L25TlsdAv14qtN0tdVlobPqlYf8n70kCwuj7dpOvSRfb1gaoHXDeUlpd5R8BjlG3gfot5vsGDrxDmYZSLeb6HyiZ9P8emIHtJZohdbWJG5r8uLd4W8Xe4M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    im just getting tired of dying at T16's and T15's from random things that make no sense, sometimes a random small mob hits me twice and i am dead, sometimes the damage from bosses/mobs don't even touch me.

    i can't figure out what i am missing in my layers of defense or is my offense damage too low that gives the enemy a higher chance to kill me..

    any suggestions are welcome, even stupid ones because at this point i can't think of any normal reason to die so unexpectedly. even the gear i have now exceed over 20 ex and i can't figure out what is lacking in my defense

    submitted by /u/thegreatestviz
    [link] [comments]

    Bleed Bow or Bleed EQ for a boss killer?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Hi folks,

    I've farmed up around 30ex and am wanting to make a nice bleed based boss killer.

    I've looked around a lot and am more or less deciding between:

    • The Bleed EQ Jugg UberDan played (a bit worried my budget won't be enough)
    • An Assailum Puncture Max Block bleed bow Gladiator with split arrow for clear

    The bow seems to have much higher dps for the budget but seems somewhat squishier than the jugg with ~5-6k life vs 8-9k life on the jugg.

    I haven't played either build before so was keen to get the communities' feedback and suggestions.

    Would you recommend one build over the other and if so, why?

    Any guides you'd recommend? (Otherwise I'm quite happy to just work it out from PoE ninja POBs :))

    Should I consider a non-bleed build for a boss killer this league that is under 30ex?


    submitted by /u/meemorize
    [link] [comments]

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