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    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds A few potential offmeta league starts for you to ponder.

    Path of Exile Builds A few potential offmeta league starts for you to ponder.

    A few potential offmeta league starts for you to ponder.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I noticed more and more I get closer to the next league I think about how I can improve, what I want to do differently, etc. Last league it was league start a new skill and take it ALL the way to A8 Sirus - no rerolling and pushing the atlas ad nauseum until I kill Sirus with my 10th character for the first time. This time? I want to come up with some potential builds that might not mega suck, be viable, and hopefully FUN.

    I just want to say a couple things before I share my thoughts. These are just thought experiments to help me get better at researching things on PoE, utilizing PoB, and figuring out how take a thought and turn it to something that might actually be viable. I have no clue if the dps is misleading, I have no clue how tanky these guys will be, I have no clue if I struck gold that has potential for big dick dps with the right gear or if Im grasping at straws. I came into a build targeting 1m shaper dps with cheapish uniques, without any 999 frenzy charge + flask tick + 91239 other conditionals. Could I have wasted my time with these builds because something was heavily changed in the game? YEP. But, the thought process still stands. Strong numerical skill, proper supports, proper ascendency, good defenses...everything else should come.

    Here's what I got so far:

    I. Dual wield gladiator with elemental hit. I love the idea of being tanky as shit and dealing a large amount of magic damage (see my penance brand scion who achieved 78/71 block w/o glancing blows). Stack ailments, elemental damage as much as possible. With single target juice like berserk, blood rage, ancestral totems youre looking at 1.6m dps through 11 aps. Without it, its much closer to like 800k dps. All with the benefit of having block without glancing blows! Surely you won't be as tanky as a sword and board glad...but can a sword and board glad deal magic damage? ;) https://pastebin.com/4satsdS8

    II. Ice Crash Juggernaut. Two options, take the Disintegrator (doesnt need to be 6L) for big dick deeps, or just take a mediocre 450p dps staff with spell block. Can't find a rare 450p dps staff? Dont worry, take Hegemony's Era and be even tankier :). Go glancing blows. Crit. Why Ice crash? Can benefit from slams and the scaling on Icecrash is so dumb (280% damage effectiveness) that any added phys/cold to attacks is bonkers. Why Jugg? Well, die less :). Without any kind of slamming youre looking at 750k dps total for the 3 stages of Ice Crash (big dmg small AoE, medium damage medum AoE, small damage big AoE is how it works). Add in enduring cry, seismic, and intimidating cry that becomes 2.85m dps for the three stages of Ice Crash in total. Add in your two ancestral totems and you got 3.59m dps lol. Is this going to be true? Well, depends on how war cries are calculated in PoB. Either way, this should be some damage on a dude that should be relatively undying. https://pastebin.com/v31v4GD6

    III. Archmage storm brand hierophant. 3.10 is calling, and I have regrets not trying out archmage stormbrand with that ascendency! I went trickster and really enjoyed it and did huge damage with huge QoL thanks to patient repear (adding fire damage to spells gave what felt like insane recovery) and pre-skill tree glancing blows. Now instead of scaling QoL, I want to push the scaling of mana as far as I can, as mana is survivability and damage. This one I'm actually fairly uncertain of - unsure if I should go unleash ball lightning or stormbrand. Seems like I'm a tad passive starved tbh. Manastorm shield, apeps rage wand, and voidbringer bring a ton of damage by adding lightning damage due to what is effectively increasing the mana cost of spells (not the case for manastorm but similar effect). So the goal is to boost archmage by increasing mana cost of skills, which will boost your storm brand damage. Nothing ground breaking, and the build is a shell of its former self, but I had a blast when I was playing trickster! If you want to try ball lightning, take unleash and slower proj, and drop concentrated effect and lightning pen.

    You'd be looking at 121k per brand, which I dont think will be anything ground breaking...it should still provide pretty good clear and maybe slow bossing. You'd have around 6k mana though, which means you'd have a ton of effective HP. If you could fit glancing blows in? Even better. https://pastebin.com/v31v4GD6

    IV. Unleash the SRS Necromancer. This build I actually dont know much about other than scale minion life and take minion instability. With bone offering and one notable you can easily reach 75/75 block with glancing blows, a good bit of mitigation, and you are in a perfect area to stack as much health as you feel like you need. In this case, I took unleash to scale the QoL - self casting 20 SRS seems like cancer. Self casting 6/7 SRS after some time seems much more reasonable. We will see tho. This build does about 134k dps per raging spirit and utilizes a dual curse set up with storm brand to proc EE. The fact that they seem to be homing and deal quit a bit of damage on paper suggests this might not be a terrible league start? I've never played it though! https://pastebin.com/TqvjHquE

    V. Cyclone - Cast While Channeling - Freezing Pulse.

    You know how scion int stacking Sire of Shards is a thing using cyclone? Well, how about the shittier younger brother, CWC Freezing Pulse? Firing in total 6 freezing pulses due to being a threshold jewel abuser, if I am understanding correctly you trigger 3.37x a second, or....20 freezing pulses a second? Obviously not all are going to hit a boss because you are firing them in a circle, but lets be modest and say 15% hit. You deal 340k per pulse, thats 3 pulses hit per second, that's a little over 1m dps. https://pastebin.com/FJHsQW1y

    IV. Wheres scion? ranger? Well, those I need to brain storm. My last scion build didnt turn out too well (couldve been because I was in SSF)...and ranger.....just feels like a really weak ascendency to me. Good for zooming but seems to lack any defenses outside of a niche pathfinder MoM agnostic build. Maybe I can see if frost blades can work?

    Anyways, those are my builds / thoughts. Let me know what you think, hopefully you learned something or got inspired or realized that you are so much more knowledgeable than me because all of these are shit builds. If so, tell me why :) Would love any feedback / critique. Otherwise, stay tuned to figure out which one I start with, if any - maybe the new steel skills will change my mind and I'd go champ or duelist! If you like this content, follow me on twitch.tv/lowkeyripper if you want to learn the game with me.

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    Glad bleed bow starter switching to impaler assailum

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I need to know if this build can be viable for end game.

    After seeing Zyggid video of the Glad bleed bow I really like the gameplay of it. Tarke did one too on ssf and it seems it can work fine for starter and then shine with assailum and a good bow. And with the explosion chest not as accessible in next league, the bleed explosion is really cool.

    But I wanted to give it a twist after I made some currency and wanted to try to put impaler in the setup. So that I can get a huge impale with assailum. Also add the impale gloves that reflect impale damage on surronding ennemies for better clear.

    Here is the pob I come up with : https://pastebin.com/PAtUB0Kz. There are both Zyggid build and the impaler one. Change items set and tree to see both.

    As you can see the impale damage is not that great and I need your help to know how I can manage to get it higher.

    If it is not possible or not worth it, I'll just stay with the pure bleed build.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/StingerSkull
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    The Agnostic + Eternal Youth

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    Do these things work together? I have no ES but can my ES recharge my HP?

    submitted by /u/Argensa97
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    Mortal Conviction + Supreme Ego

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    Can this combo works?

    submitted by /u/Holiday-Internet6666
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    Obliteration therapy

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    First of all let me state that I am aware that Obliteration isn't supposed to be a single target item and I'm aware that there are better options out there.

    But I just love what it does and since I tried a BV RF slayer with hidden potential and 2x Obliteration... I can't stop thinking about it.

    My first concern is of course the single target problem and I searched for a skill that would have huge base damages. What I discovered is that not only bear trap has a huge base damage but it also ignore spell damage mods that you could wish to have on your wand. So no regrets lol.
    I can already see you all face palming because that skill is awfull as a main skill. My line of thought was to drop up to 5 traps with 200k/trap and wait for the first monsters to die to finish the pack.
    Obviously it's all good until you face a very mobile strong mob and then it's very clunky as Bear trap does not have AOE.

    Has anyone thought about a single targetish skill that could do the job in the way I intend? What other limitations do you see? I don't mean to delete bosses. Just being able to kill them is enough for me. Sadly, builds in poe.ninja isn't really the place where i'll find the answer.

    Sorry if what I ask is stupid. I just like twisted mechanics that goes against meta but still work (more or less).

    submitted by /u/bastimars
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    Gem Rewards by Class?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    So I know the endgame build I'm looking to play, and I know that through the wika I can see what gems each quest rewards, one quest at a time. What I'm looking for, however, is two tables with the same information: Classes across the top, Act/Quest along the side, and then either rewards or vendor rewards.

    Does this exist or do I have to try and build it out myself for reference?

    submitted by /u/z1zman
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    Help with finding build

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I just started the game, I chose a witch and I must say that it's kind of hard to find a build. Since the game seem to be heavy on the prep for the build before actually playing it I've been tryijg to find what I'm gonna do with my character. Problem is that I have no idea what to look for, what's up to date, etc.

    I need to know what to look for in a good build, who makes good ones, the best places to go to, etc. If you have build suggestions I'll happily take them but I mostly want to learn how to pick and read them.

    submitted by /u/lirao
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    Wondering how to play without harvest

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Hi, I just play this game in Harvest league so I was wondering how can we obtain the item like we used to in Harvest?

    Some item was so easy to craft in Harvest but I have no idea what it will be in other league without deterministic crafting. For example, such dex stacking or int stacking items. And mirror-tier double influenced item and something like those.

    And also this would mean some build will not work or too expensive to reach right?

    submitted by /u/steins2588
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    Looking for advice for potential leaguestart BV build.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm looking for your opinions/advice on my seals-mana-BV Occultist https://pastebin.com/J3xZSmZH. The main thing I'm trying to achieve with it is smooth BV gameplay (that's why I'm using seals) with high surviveability (potential MOM, but not sure about it) and solid DPS. I chose Occ over Inqis because of good clearspeed and smooth ES regen, also Inquis is boring :)

    P.s. This is a template build, empty slots will be occupied by rare items.

    submitted by /u/Apxa
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    Chosing an ascendancy / build for 3.12 SSF, reviewing a few options

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Chosing an ascendancy / build for 3.12 SSF, reviewing a few options

    So, the question we're all asking ourselves ; what build to play as a first char in Heist ? Of course, patch notes aren't out yet, so it's all subject to changes, but even if GGG shakes the meta a bit every league, we still can make a few predictions (plus we dont have much else to do while we wait !).

    Playing PoE every league since a launch, i switched to SSF with Harvest and don't plan on coming back (i know it will be a lot harder without harvest crafting, but that's OK). So i'm looking for a build to be my main character for most of the league. The criteria are as follow :

    * Can do all content given enough time, from Uber Elder to Sirus 8. * Decent/good clear speed * Decent/good bossing * Have a few good respec options depending on the meta shifts * NOT Spectre build, i played it in Harvest, it was very cool but i want something else. 

    Bonus :

    * Easy leveling * Smooth transition from white to yellow to red maps. 

    I'll have a look at a few ascendancies with this criteria in mind, reviewing the builds that i'm interested in. Of course, these are only opinion with the knowledge i currently have, i'm totaly open to modifications, ideas etc... So fell free to criticize !

    Necromancer :

    • VD / Spell Slinger : Good clear, good boss killer, scales quite well with gear. Defense depends a lot on % Life on block + Glancing blow, which i suppose will be nerfed one way or another next league. Maybe still good enough next league with another ascendancy

    • Zombie-mancer : Clear kinda bad, decent boss killer it seems. Leveling and early map should be good enough but it seems the ceiling is quite low. Can be very gear / unique dependant.

    • SRS / Skele-mancer : Decent clear, decent bossing, seems smooth up to yellow maps but not sure how it transition to red maps / endgame bossing.

    Trickster :

    • ED / Contagion : Good clear, mediocre bossing. I don't like the gameplay, always found the combination of skills a bit clunky, but it's a staple build for a first character so i might change my opinion.

    • Toxic rain / Caustic arrow : Good clear (especially TR), can scale quite well for bossing. A bit gear intensive, not sure how easy it would be to do Sirus 8.

    Assassin :

    • Winter Orb : Yes it's far from a meta skills, but it seems to still hold its ground. Clear should be good / very good, i have doubts about bossing, and tankiness...

    • BV poison : Excellent bossing, but i have doubts about the clearspeed, which seems to rely on bino's prolif. Unless i'm missing something ?

    Saboteur :

    • BL / Arc mines : Good / very good clear, Very good bossing, gameplay is a bit clunky with mines if you're not used to it (and i'm not). Not sure how it plays without tremor rod.

    Occultist :

    • Bane : Good clear (profane boom boom), mediocre bossing. Maybe i'm wrong about bossing ? Not sure about this one, might be a good base to respec to another curse build depending on how the curse rework works out.

    • Vortex : Mediocre clear (not sure) / Good bossing : seems like a safe option, but with kind of a low ceiling ?

    Ascendant :

    • Lightning archmage something, can be very good with the new buff skills clear should be very good, but bossing is usually not very good.
    submitted by /u/herzele
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    About HoT Autobombers in 3.12

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    so i loved the hell out of this build during harvest but obviously it will get super jank with the lack of easy crafting;

    so right now, my current idea is a necromancer with inpulsa and storm secret(prolly gonna be super expensive in 3.12 tho) and with the reworked curses i think it will be super cool with conductivity+impending doom.

    what about you guys?

    submitted by /u/jordzkie05
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    Need some feedback on Leaguestarter - Assa BV into Ice nova CoC

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:51 AM PDT


    If 3.12 doesn't have some direct nerfes I will consider trying this out for starter :)

    This build starts as OOS - frostbomb - Stormblast mine into BV @ 38 when I get unleash. Pretty smooth and easy leveling for me.

    I want to use the build to farm the atlas and enough currency to make a decent switch to a "budget" CoC version with 2x Cospri's. I could use some feedback for improvements and stuff I missed. The PoB is only the BV version and I plan to try this for CoC build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9go1b-MjNA&t=96s&ab_channel=MarcusNordstrom

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/52LHTfSm


    - Blade vortex for clear and boss. (conc effect switch with inc. aoe)

    - Vaal ice nova for clear and extra boss dmg

    - Frostbomb + bonechill

    - Vaal righteous fire

    - Vaal clarity for big DPS nuke (to help ice nova mana spam)

    - Militant faith (inner conviction) - Maybe, depends on prices.


    - Acrobatics and phase acro

    - Atziri's step (more dodge)

    - Steelskin level 20, just gonna put it on 'move key - left click'

    - That's pretty much it - I'm playing softcore and don't mind dying a few times.

    So trying to keep this on a low budget, the wands are really just the stats I want, but not a must. Carcass jack would also be good, but any decent 6-link will do. Added +500% cold res on wise oak to simulate the Pen. effect.

    Any feedback will be nice, Thanks :-)

    submitted by /u/Corndog1000
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    Herald of agony, max block gladiator, good starter?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    TL;DR; are there any experienced HoA players that know if this could be a good league starter or will it be too expensive to get going?

    I stumpled upon a HoA max block gladiator build from angry roleplayer


    I only played HoA once as a guardian but it was kind of mediocre in terms of dmg and tankiness + expensive to really become fun playing. Since there are many Juggernaut HoA builds, could it work as a gladiator? I like the max block and spell block.

    What are pros and cons of a melee HoA build in general? Thanks

    submitted by /u/OnColdConcrete
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    Best Headhunter build?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    i finally bought a headhunter for 30 ex league ending. i was thinking of trying out a headhunter build with inspired learning x2.

    I think the self temp chains curse was nerfed or something im not sure whats the correct way to go about a HH build anymore

    advise pls

    Edit: not sure why so many are downvoting this post, i believe this subreddit is for path of exile builds and my question and flair was relevant to builds. I understand there is no such thing as best because of league meta's but its just sad to see POEBuilds becoming like POE subreddit where asking questions is not promoted and are downvoted to oblivion.

    submitted by /u/thegreatestviz
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    Leveling with a group of four, what build to augment ed/contagion, ice shot, and creeping frost?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Like the title says. Starting the league with a group of four and that's what we have so far. My question is, what would be a decent build to augment those three? I'm the only one that hasn't chosen a build yet, and if we're trying to get to maps/endgame as fast as possible, I was wondering what would be some good starters to go with those three.

    submitted by /u/Valyntine_
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    Help with optimising blade vortex elementalist

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Hi all, new player looking for help with understanding BV / elementalist mechanics and how to improve my build. I've searched around but only found vague and conflicting answers in older threads.

    POB - https://pastebin.com/mvtnqGXy

    I started playing about 5 weeks ago and picked a triple herald BV build from poe-vault to start. I'm effectively playing SSF - only sharing loot with a few friends who started at the same time as me. I won't be doing any trading with others.

    Realised about 3 weeks ago that it was a horribly outdated build. Partly due to that and partly due to not trading, I have been forced to continue tweaking it since. It's been a fun process, it's helped me learn some of the basic mechanics, and my continued tweaking is why some gems are not even level 20 yet. I've now gotten it to a stage where I can now clear T16 maps with any mods comfortably, am happy with the clear speed, and now want to continue optimising the build to be able to also kill more/all of the end game bosses.

    So far, I can kill all conquerors comfortably, the elder/shaper guardians are generally problematic but killable with a few deaths, and I have killed non-uber Atziri and breachlords. At this stage even A0 Sirus is impossible for me, and I'd imagine Shaper/Elder will be similar. I'm sure an experienced player with better mechanics would do much better than me, but as a newbie I need my build to carry me a little.

    First thing that might jump out at you from the POB is I'm using a shield but also using phase acrobatics. Clearly not ideal I know, but I'm not comfortable with the survivability loss to drop the shield just yet, and shield charge feels good.

    So on to breaking down my (probably wrong) understanding of how BV interacts with the heralds. I'm going to lay it out in hopefully a simplified way. Please pick apart all the mistakes in my assumptions and thinking below, and thanks in advance for responding.


    BV damage calculations

    • Let's assume I'm fighting a boss. No need to analyse normal mapping, because clear speed is fine; it's probably HoI explosions blowing everything up, supported by onslaught and frenzy charges from cold snap. I don't fully understand how it all works but it's working well enough so I won't bother looking into it.
    • So in a boss fight where the on-kill effects are not there, it seems the lion's share of my damage (especially in a boss fight situation) is my BV boosted by the heralds.
    • My in-game BV shows 112-167 physical damage. Let's just call that 140 damage. Half of that gets converted to lightning by the phys to lightning support, other half to cold by Hrimsorrow. So 70 lightning, 70 cold.
    • The 70 lightning component is boosted by an extra 29% physical damage as lightning from the support gem, let's call it 20, and HoT (26-81 lightning - let's call it 50), and so 140 lightning, of which 90 was once physical.
    • The cold is boosted by HoI (43-65 cold - let's call it 50), so 120 cold, of which 70 was once physical.
    • HoA gives a bonus 15% of physical as fire, so ~10 fire damage, of which all was once physical.
    • this is effectively my 'base damage', which then goes on to be modified by the various 'increased damage' and 'more damage' mods
    • So it seems like the majority of my damage is coming from the base BV physical damage (~170 using the numbers above), with ~50 from HoT's buff, ~50 from HoI's buff and none from HoA. Question 1 - does that mean my relatively valuing of increased / more damage should be physical > 'elemental damage' >> lightning/cold damage >>> basically ignore fire?
    • the physical component of each element gets 82% total 'increased by' buffs, and another 12% 'more' from Herald of Purity: 1.82 * 1.12 = approx 2. That effectively means all of the converted physical damage (~70 lightning/cold, 10 fire) gets doubled.
    • each of the lightning, cold and fire components similarly get buffed by 'increased by' and 'more' buffs to various extents. Most if it is from my passive tree, which is mostly just 'elemental damage', so those are shared across all three.
    • that's all well and good at a high level, but where I get confused is how the various specific types of 'increased by' and 'more' apply
    • for example, I only noticed today the tooltip for the heralds generally say that spell damage doesn't apply to them. Quite unintuitive. Question 2 - does that mean that HoT's ~50 damage buff to BV as well as the storms that it leaves behind don't get modded by my 'increased spell damage'? Similar story for HoI's damage buff and death explosions. If so I have massively overinvested in spell damage.
    • Question 3 - 'increased spell damage' at least applies to the physical damage from BV, so it's not completely useless right?
    • Question 4 - 'more spell damage' from eg arcane surge and Vaal righteous fire - does that 1. do nothing at all for BV damage. 2. apply to just the BV physical damage or 3. also to the HoI and HoT buffs?
    • Question 5 - how about the 'more area damage' and 'increased area damage' from concentrated effect?
    • Question 6 - and BV's inherent 35% more damage per stack?
    • Question 7 - when BV crits, does my 2.95 multiplier apply to all its damage (using the rough base numbers above, the ~120 lightning, ~120 cold and ~10 fire that are then modified by increased/more), or only the physical component (ie ~70 lightning, ~70 cold and ~10 fire)?
    • Question 8 - I have some random 'add # physical damage to spells' or 'add # cold/fire/lightning damage to spells' - are those effectively added to the base damage component of the calculations above - ie given BV only does ~140 base damage, those 'add damage to spells' modifiers are very very good?
    • Question 9 from the wiki, it's clear that with the physical to [element] conversion, increased/more damage doesn't double dip. But the worked example suggests that when one element is converted to another there is double dipping. So would it make sense for me to try to pick up some ways of converting my cold/lightning to other elements?
    • Question 10 - more of POB question - I have gain 8% physical damage as extra cold on my boots, but can't see it anywhere on the calculation tab in POB. Where is it?


    other BV related questions

    • Question 11 - POB shows 61% crit chance. Given how quickly 5-10 stack BV hits, can I just assume that my enemies are always shocked/chilled/ignited? By extension, does that render items that give eg 5% chance to shock basically worthless for me?
    • Question 12 - POB shows my ignite damage as 243 over 4.6 seconds. How's that even calculated? That's basically 0, so presumably I can just ignore it?
    • Question 13 - which leads me to think HoA is actually underperforming for this build. All it's doing for me is turning 15% of my physical damage into fire for ~200 mana reservation - perhaps I should drop for something else like hatred?
    • Question 14 - I am considering trying hypothermia support for BV as the top few BV elementalists on poe.ninja are using it. Am I right in thinking that most of its buffs are worthless for me (increased chill duration/effect/freeze chance/cold damage over time), but the more damage against chilled enemies is potentially very good?


    misc questions

    • Question 15 - with Mastermind of Discord applying 25% elemental penetration, and my gloves applying elemental weakness on hit (30%), and assuming the average boss has about 40% resists, I will generally be fighting bosses with -15% resists. So basically I should value additional x% resistance penetration as x%/(1.15+x%) more damage?
    • Question 16 - even with blind, fortify, a bit of block, a bit of dodge, 4.7k health and ~700 unreserved mana with MoM, elusive, 2 golems and Purity's 4 minions to distract, I still feel pretty squishy. Generally don't die on T16s but on guardians and end game bosses, frequent deaths. Any easy ways to get tankier?
    • Question 17 - any easy crafts/farming I could do in the last few days of league to improve? Happy to do tier 1 harvest but can't be bothered with T2+.
    • Question 18 - best way to farm influenced gear? I'd like to try out a crusader -lightning penetration on nearby enemies helm, hunter tailwind boots, and I'd like to test out a +health on blocking shield with glancing blow
    • Question 19 - would love to incorporate endurance charges into the build somehow for more physical resist. Is self casting enduring cry about the only option?
    • Question 20 - I've tried out chaos golem (I like the 5% physical mitigation). Lightning golem seems underwhelming (cast/attack speed is barely noticeable given I already have a decent amount). Stone golem's regen also seems barely noticeable. Which two golems would you run?
    • Question 21 - Finally, what else would you tweak/improve?
    submitted by /u/rhynst
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    Can Anyone Offer advice on Scourge Arrow as good league start? or vouch for it?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    I'm looking to league start with a char and end game with the same char. Doesn't need to be zoom zoom but as long as it can survive and do all end game i'm happy. Scourge arrow I've never done before and its peaked my interest. However after doing some research many people say the damage struggles they die a lot etc, can I league start with one? and has anyone had success with it? over like TR for example.

    submitted by /u/fexuntv
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    Smooth brain SRS standard player wants to reach endgame

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT


    That's my skill tree. Lvl 74, tier 2 maps are crushing me. Can't complete 3rd Labyrinth.

    Current life is 1107 w 1191 ES. Resists are 43/80/49/-60. 143 armour and 582 evasion.

    54 str 353 int 99 dex

    Quartz, Jade, Stibnite, and Bismuth flasks on bar.

    SRS- Ele Foc and Min Dam. (Min Speed and Ruthless waiting on links/stats)

    Flame Dash


    Raise Zombie

    Raise Spectre

    Lightning Golem

    I know I really need a 6 link. I have a Vis Mortis, but can't get it to link more than 3 and used all my linking orbs. SRS is my main source of damage, other minions are there to body block/aggro. Uniques include Lori's Lantern, Sidhebreath, Kaltenhalt, and aforementioned Vis Mortis.

    I'm also on Xbox so the market is basically dead and I only have 9 Chaos.

    How can I salvage this build to progress further into maps?

    submitted by /u/BoyAndHisSnek
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    Divine Ire or Penance Brand League Starter?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Are either of these builds really viable. Haven't played spell builds in a really long time and these two caught my eye the most, but most of the scaling is just conversion shenanigans. Is there any way to league start with these builds or is it just doomed from the start?

    submitted by /u/KAHOOTFATHER
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    Doedres Skin Build

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Yep Thats it Anyone got one

    submitted by /u/Pineapplecow_
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