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    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 10, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - September 10, 2020

    Questions Thread - September 10, 2020

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Questions Thread - September 10, 2020

    This is a general question thread on September 10, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    See you next week Exiles

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    The alternate quality we all dream of

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    I'm so excited to finally reveal my Divination Card design! It'll be introduced shortly after Heist's launch. I hope you like it!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Investigations on Hexblast

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    The new Hexblast skill revealed in the Curse rework is a very, very interesting skill. It introduces a lot of mechanics that have not been seen in the past, making it rather complex to figure out what's going on. I wanted to discuss my research and see what you guys think.

    1) Mechanic Priority

    In this image, we note three things: The white explosions (Profane Bloom), the purple explosions (Hexblast), and the circles above monsters' heads (Curses being consumed by Hexblast). Let's break this down:

    • Profane Bloom: Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a 25% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage. For enemies to explode with Profane Bloom, they must be Cursed when they are killed, indicating that the Curse consumption occurs after Profane Bloom.
    • Hexblast shockwave: If the target is cursed with a hex, it consumes that hex and causes a shockwave around that enemy. Hexblast's central AOE consumes Hexes and causes shockwaves from each enemy (not necessarily killing them). The Temp chains icon continues to exist at the frame the Hexblast explosion goes off, indicating that Curse consumption occurs after the shockwave. Profane Bloom is not visible in this frame, so we can assume Hexblast precedes Profane Bloom.
    • This means that the damage order is Hexblast hit -> Hexblast shockwave -> Profane Bloom -> Curse consumption. This is important as it permits Profane Bloom to chain on itself, and curses on the enemy are used for the damage calculations at the time of the hit.

    2) Ailment Application

    Although Hexblast is a chaos damage spell, it has some elemental-themed properties that make it special. For one, the damage it deals has the ability to ignite, shock or freeze.

    For this mechanic, we can refer to the item Zerphi's Heart. It also has the line "Chaos Damage can Ignite, Chill and Shock", which has a key difference of being able to Chill but not Freeze. Chaos damage innately has no chance to inflict these ailments; you still need to get ailment chance or crit in order to inflict them.

    • In this frame we can see a shattered corpse. This indicates that Hexblast has the ability to Freeze, and no enemies were Chilled but not Frozen in the preceding moments.
    • In this frame we can see a single Ignited corpse. The player doesn't have any obvious chances to ignite, didn't ignite all enemies so not a crit, and is using Temporal Chains, so Hexblast likely has a chance to inflict ailments within the gem itself.
    • Note that the elemental curses (Flammability, Conductivity, Frostbite) only provide ailment chance to damage of their respective type; they will not increase the Chaos damage's chance to inflict ailments.
    • Modifiers to elemental damage (e.g. Elemental Overload) will affect the ignite damage, but not the base hit damage.
    • Secrets of Suffering override the ability to inflict the base ailments in favour of Brittle, Sap, and Scorched. Unsure if it functions properly, but if it does, -All Res, Base Crit, and Damage Reduction on a Crit build would be incredibly powerful.

    3) Resistance Value Override

    Although Hexblast is a chaos damage spell, it has some elemental-themed properties that make it special. Secondly, it deals damage based on the lowest resistance the enemy has! For example, this lets you use an offensive hex such as Flammability and still make use of the fire resistance reduction that it provides.

    This is perhaps the most unique mechanic of Hexblast. I would draw parallels to the mechanics of Doryani's Prototype, except that instead of using your Lightning Res as the enemy's Chaos Res, it uses the Enemy's lowest Res as their Chaos Res value. This specifically means that Elemental penetration will not take effect, because it is not dealing elemental damage. Chaos Res ignore (e.g. Eternity Shroud will function as usual. Reductions to Chaos Resistance (e.g. Despair, Void Gaze will not further increase damage unless it makes the Chaos Res the lowest value, but may still be useful to scale the damage of Profane Bloom or Doomblast explosions.

    • Do note that this does not mean the Chaos Damage is dealing Elemental Damage - it is only using the Resistance value to override Chaos Res, based on the wording.
    • Occultist's Void Beacon provides -20% to Cold Res. In combination with exposure from Frost Bomb and Elemental Equilibrium, it is possible to reduce Cold Res by 95% in addition to any additional scaling from Elemental Weakness, Frostbite, and -Cold Res helmets. Eye of Malice may reduce it even further.
    • High burst damage, low enemy Cold Res, and Freeze duration on Frostbite (may be changed in patch notes) allows for potent, long Freezes.

    4) Damage Calculations

    If the target is cursed with a hex, it consumes that hex and causes a shockwave around that enemy. Similar to Impending Doom, the more Doom the supported hex built up, the greater damage the skill deals.

    Without seeing the gem, it is impossible to see the best way to scale this skill. However, we can debate a few things:

    • Consuming any hex causes the shockwave to occur, which is likely a fixed damage value and not % damage like Profane Bloom.
    • It is not specified, but it is likely that it consumes all Hexes when used. It is unknown whether consuming additional Hexes will deal more damage.
      • If Hexblast consumes all Hexes on an enemy, it is unknown whether it will use the highest Doom value, or the total of all Doom levels to calculate its damage.
      • It is unknown if it will provide flat Chaos damage, more Chaos damage, or more generic damage with Doom levels.
    • Based on Bane, Curse Effect will not affect damage.
    • Based on the findings in section 1, curses on the enemy will modify the Hexblast hit and shockwave damage, so it is preferable to maximize your offensive curses on the enemy before using Hexblast.
    • It is unclear if Spell Damage modifiers affect either part of the skill. The video does not show the player clearly using Controlled Destruction, although some of the support gems' letter codes have been changed.
    • Not all curse immunities may be removed from the game. This may be problematic with monsters such as the Goddess, Bameth, and Totem bosses if not addressed.

    5) Build Ideas

    I see 6 main build archetypes that might stem from Hexblast.

    • General Chaos AOE Occultist - non-crit Occultist taking Malediction and Withering Presence. Good AoE clear, league starter friendly. Scales AoE, chaos damage, and -Cold res mechanics to scale Hexblast. My variant uses an Impending Doom Temporal Chains, with Despair, Ele Weak, Frostbite, and Punishment in a Vixen's Entrapment.
    • Crit Chaos AOE Occultist - same as above, but takes Forbidden Power over Withering Presence. Most likely CI or LL. Uses Zealotry, Bottled Faith, Frost Shield; may or may not use Assassin's Mark. More of an endgame variant. If Secrets of Suffering works - big pog.
    • Ignite Hexblast - uses the high base damage of Hexblast and -Fire res scaling to scale Ignites. Likely to be a Trickster. May optionally scale generic DOT Multi and use Bane or ED as supplemental damage. Builds similarly to a Stormfire Ignite build - Hexblast can provide EE with flat cold or lightning damage. Will need to reapply Flammability and Ele Weak after Hexblasting either through Vixen's Entrapment or a manual Bane.
    • Archmage Hexblast - assuming that Hexblast has % more modifiers and not flat Chaos damage per Doom level, manual trigger of Hexblast may be viable with Archmage. Avoid using Unleash as it will not boost subsequent Hexblasts after the first. Very nice synergy with Cursed Concoction. Cold Archmage should be okay with Occultist, otherwise try Trickster or Pathfinder. Some discussion here.
    • Spellslinger Hexblast - ignoring the Doom mechanic entirely, focuses on using Curse on Hit or Spellslinger to apply Curses and detonating them instantly. Only viable if the shockwave damage increases with additional Hexes consumed. Not recommended.
    • Poison Hexblast - most likely going to be a Pathfinder. Might need some more testing on this one, but great potential AoE with Plaguebringer.

    I have a suspicion that Blasphemy curses cannot be consumed, because they're not technically on the enemy - see Act 4 Doedre's interaction with Blasphemy.

    Feel free to comment with any other ideas you guys have! Looking forward to play Hexblast in 3.12.

    My POB: https://pastebin.com/widFr6By (SSF SC)

    Cat tax..?

    Edit: Thanks for plat on this shitpost.

    submitted by /u/blvcksvn
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    Next week's news plan for the Heist league.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I used Google Translator to chain-translate some of the new Replica Uniques into a lot of languages and then back into English. Here are the results.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    hey mods can we pls get a different flair for ggg posts and ggg replies?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    We all love Bex, but especially near and at league start, half the subreddit is bex posts of item previews, which is fine, and expected, but I would love if there was a different flair to mark posts made by GGG staff (which are usually press advertisements), and posts that contain replies from GGG staff (usually clarifications).

    The ggg replies usually provide interesting clarification on past mechanics or situations from users, and that really interests me.

    edit: say ggg-p and ggg-r, with the former overriding the later. or optionally if we like combos even ggg-pr for both

    I know this is a 1% problem given most other devs don't even bother to reply to user questions and only spam their announcements then disappear, so we're already lucky in that ggg participates so much.

    just a small thing, unlikely to happen I know but figured I'd ask, thanks!

    submitted by /u/ofb
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    3.11.2 Available Later Today

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    In depth chieftain guide for all your beefy bow boy needs in Heist.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Why is this not a thing yet?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Assault Ribbons: What the hell are they?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I just finished the game for the first time, and I can't get assault ribbons out of my head. How do they work? I mean, it's a little plaque with ribbons on it. How can they fight people? How are they a match for actual soldiers? How are they made? Are they just formed from magic or is there some gruesome transformation where a human is turned into one? The lady in control of them IS super crazy.

    Is there any lore associated with assault ribbons? Also summon assault ribbons gem when?

    submitted by /u/cottccid
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    StupidFatHobbit's Filter v3.11.5 - Death of a Chaos Recipe

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    9/10/20 - v3.11.5 - Harvest League Update V - Death of a Chaos Recipe

    Forum Item Filter Page

    FilterBlast Preview

    Video Guide

    Sovereign General | CS

    Sovereign Strict | CS

    Sovereign UberStrict | CS

    Forum Thread

    Custom Sound Example - Sonic 3 Sounds

    Sonic 3 Sounds Download

    Update Notes:

    Normally I would never release an update four days before the league end and just roll these changes into the next leaguestart update but after what happened with Harvest's launch I want to go back to keeping the league launch updates as asbolutely minimal as possible. A large number of sections have been rewritten so I'm releasing this now to ensure there are no issues with Heist's launch. For those who want to start editing this filter feel free, I'll be making the Heist edits as small as possible so that they can easily be copied over without redownloading the entire fitler.

    The most significant change of this update is the killing of the chaos recipe in General. This is going to be a controversial decision but at the end of the day the chaos recipe has been holding the General filter back by causing a massive amount of clutter in early maps and during any loot-intensive league content. Shrinking and fading out rares just isn't good enough. I haven't done it (outside of challenges) in years and I can't recommend it ever, even to new players. It's an utter waste of time outside of extremely specific scenarios, such as trying to get more chaos for Legion in SSF. From now on it will be disabled by default although I've made it quite easy to re-enable and given it it's own section to make it easy to find (22). Hopefully this will further the design goal of having General usable until red maps start (or at least early/mid yellow) instead of switching to Strict almost immediately upon getting to maps.

    Major Changes and New Features:

    • General filter no longer shows chaos recipe rares by default. Toggle located in Section 22 (read the notes and delete the appropriate blocks) for those who still want to do it in currentyear. Note that this has replaced the General+ extension blocks which are no longer necessary.
    • Drastically reduced the number of 84+ bases that show by default, cutting about a third of the total. Previously I always tried to show at least one top base from every item class/archetype but this has resulted in too many "never pick up, ever" items showing. The total number has been reduced by roughly a third - for example all staves have been removed. A full list of cut bases is included in the comments by the main filtering blocks in section 10 for easy reference.
    • Completely rewrote flask levelling section, now uses arealevel instead of ilvl. Redid life/mana flask highlighting - more or less the same total amount of flasks still show except now only the current best tier of flasks have borders as well as now having icons (previously: best and 2nd best tier had borders, no icons). All flasks now use raindrops for icons instead of triangles. Defensive utility flasks have different minimap icons (pink) than from speed (purple) and offensive (yellow).
    • Moved all weapon and jewellery levelling sections from ilvl to arealevel. This more or less necessitated a rewrite of each section so I took the time to further modularize everything for easier deletion of unwanted sections i.e. caster is now split between wands and sceptres, melee axes and swords have been separated (with swords disabled by default). Due to the change there should be a lot less "item bleed" at transition levels - if you see the border that means it's currently the best. Remember that the intention, now more than ever, is that you delete the sections that aren't relevant to you. Things will be VERY spammy if you leave all archetypes enabled while levelling with General.
    • Strict levelling now has the most meta of each archetype enabled by default. Chaos dot and bleed for bows, 1h/2h axes, generic and spellslinger casters, pagan wands for summoners. Reminder that Strict levelling is designed for those levelling with tabula/goldrim/lochtonial/wanderlust where you will want to replace your weapons and eventually your gloves/boots. Use Uberstrict if you absolutely do not want to see anything other than flasks and rare jewellery while levelling.

    Other Levelling Changes:

    • Bleed bow progression added, slightly different than phys bow. Delete the main phys bow blocks (and the chaos and ele bow blocks, obviously) if you're levelling bleed.
    • Changed how levelling weapon blocks handle early maps. Instead of top few bases being shown until 70, they all stop at 67 unless the base doesn't start dropping until 70 at which case it'll show for one arealevel only. Armor still goes to 70 for now but that section is next on the rewrite list (and also has not been converted to arealevel yet).
    • Caster daggers no longer show while levelling at all (unless caught by another block). Caster shields are now shown by default in strict levelling.
    • Extended 1-stat amulet extra highlighting level range through a3 and 2-stat through a5
    • Minimap icons on small chromes now shows through the entire levelling phase and stops at quarry
    • Magic items in general now stop showing at start of quarry instead of at start of maps
    • General and Strict now show white two-stone and amethyst rings in quarry, white/blue amethysts now show while levelling
    • Leather Belt and Coral Ring now retain minimap icon up through quarry in levelling phase
    • Extended minimap icons on rare jewellery during levelling phase up to 67 in gen, added same blocks to strict
    • Uber stops showing basic flasks when maps start instead of at t3 maps
    • Bismuth and all resist flasks (ruby/topaz/sapphire/amethyst) are now considered bottom tier util flasks

    All Other Changes:

    • More corrupted items in the filter now use the very dark red solid bg (same styling as used by vaal gems). The only things that aren't on this yet are corrupted armor drops, I'll hopefully get that done soon. Adjusted various corrupted highlights.
    • All non-unique mentions of Harbinger Bow in the filter have been removed. Spine and Assassin bow are considered the top phys attack basetypes with Citadel being top for bleed.
    • Significantly reduced the number of atlas bases that have sound (only high droplevel ones do now)
    • Added "borderline" value for div cards that need sound in gen/strict but not Uber (basically just Loyalty for now). Considering simply disabling sound on basic div card tier next update
    • Divine Vessels and Offerings now use the wedge icon which is more or less supposed to represent quest/progression related items now

    Minor Changes/Fixes:

    • Fixed matatl boots having a text color change instead of a border color change
    • Cut coral/paua amulets from guat, added Amethyst for Xopec and Guat
    • Large number of minor highlighting and base adjustments
    • Adjusted influenced highlighting to be more in tune with the current meta
    • A few minor div/unique tiering changes

    As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream twitch.tv/sfhobbit as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter.

    submitted by /u/StupidFatHobbit
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    Here is another Experimented Base Type you might find in Path of Exile: Heist!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    3.11.2 Patch Notes

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Curse Skills in Path of Exile: Heist

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Started to play PoE with my brother a while ago. It was a rough and overwhelming start, but so far i like it. Hope you enjoy my encounter.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    [Shitpost] Last one, I promise. But I keep reading "base" wrong, so I had to do it.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    What happens to Gluttony in 3.12?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    With the curse rework, introducing Hexes and Marks, Poacher's Mark only applies to one enemy at a time. This guts Gluttony, which already has two downsides, pretty heavily. Is there a rework/a replica planned for this niche belt?

    submitted by /u/olsev_baiden
    [link] [comments]

    A machine gun ready to use in the heist.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    [Open source project] Looking for beta testers to play PoE with a controller

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit!

    I'm developing an open source project for playing PoE with a controller on a PC. I'm currently looking for a couple of beta testers. If you're interested, please send me a message and I will send you a link on GitHub.

    I'd love your feedback!

    submitted by /u/Zhadok
    [link] [comments]

    Getting Ready for Heist Bench Craft Service: How do i manage a full bench in 2 weeks every league.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Dreamfeather has Counter-Synergy with Wind Dancer

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    So while GGG is making life as a Ranger (especially Raider) even harder with their Curse changes, I think it's time to discuss some other issue that Dex characters have. I have pointed out some of them in a previous analysis here.

    But in this specific thread, I want to point out, how broken many Dex / Evasion builds are, by discussing Dreathfeather. A unique Sword that is nowadays pretty old and hasn't really been buffed in forever. It's unique characteristic, is that it's Attack Damage% increases with your flat Evasion Rating.

    Now when it came to the Raider Ascendancy "Avatar of the Chase", they were wise enough to word it "30% More Chance to Evade" so it would not affect your flat Evasion at all.

    Wind Dancer on the other hand does NOT do that. It applies a flat 40% Less Evasion Rating. Massively reducing the potential damage of Dreamfeather.

    So the thing here is that Dreamfeather is the type of item that was designed for people that want to specialise completely in stacking Evasion, while Wind Dancer is pretty much required if you want to specialise in Evasion builds. Stacking Evasion and not taking Wind Dancer would make absolutely no sense, Wind Dancer is pretty much required to offset the huge downside of Evasion, especially in the current DoT and Spell heavy position this game is in.

    Dreamfeather is also a fairly weak, left behind, weapon these days. To further screw it with counter-synergy to a Key Stone I would consider required for Dex builds is just icing on the cake.

    Can we address this somehow? At least for next league?

    On another note. I was actually about to recommend turning "Poacher's Mark" into an Aura, and making Gluttony reduce all of it's Mana Reservation, both to make the Belt interesting again, and because Poacher's Mark cannot compete as a curse. But now with the Curse changes that Belt is even more broken than it was before. I don't know what to say.

    submitted by /u/Khari_Eventide
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    Exalt prices in Harvest (not a rant)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    This is not a rant (promise). Just an interesting thought.

    Take a look at the historical price of an exalt compared to chaos.
    Using this nifty tool
    We see that:
    I'm disregarding the start of the league crazy graph start because... Well, it's the start of a league. It's gon be weird.

    In the middle of the league after things are less hectic, the price hovers around ~175c consistently over Blight, Legion, Metamorph and Delirium.

    The prices are fairly volatile though, going as low as 110c in early metamorph and as high as 205c in early blight.

    Now if we look at Harvest:

    You can see that the price has been much more consistent with almost no large dips or jumps (apart from league start, of course).
    The prices have been hovering consistently between ~170c and ~130c

    Now, what I really want to know is... Why?
    With harvest granting the ability to use targeted exalts for almost no investment, why have exalt prices stayed so consistently high?

    Consistency in general makes sense, essentially because people are not slamming the hell out of exalts on gear, it's more of a fiat currency. Something to use because trading 1000c+ is not feasible every time you want to buy something expensive.
    But why has it stayed at roughly the same price as past leagues?
    You would think that with harvest crafting and purchasable crafts through TFT (such as aug life being ~20-50c) the demand for exalts would be lower.
    Sure, we would still use it as a fiat currency, but people selling stuff for exalts would have nothing to do with said exalts other than... Buy other things. Buy targeted augs from people running harvest services. But the exalts have to go somewhere? Surely there'd be a surplus of exalts that people wouldn't be randomly slamming because god forbid you put a mod you cant annul with harvest and brick your gear.

    If I told you that next league there will be a mechanic to mirror gear that would also guaranteed randomly improve a single mod on the mirrored copy, what would you think would happen to the price of mirrors?
    I sure as hell wouldn't expect the price to remain the same.

    Now I'm curious if the exalt price will be more volatile next league, same as it was in previous leagues before harvest. Because there was actual demand in using exalts, not just trading them.

    submitted by /u/KamuiSeph
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    Will Curse immune bosses / monsters get reworked aswell ? since curses are reworked and are now hexes / Marks ?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    i cant see myself playing a pure doomblast / hexblast build when totem bosses, Bemeth etc .. have Curse immunity.

    also forget occultist we all know no one is playing occultist ;)


    submitted by /u/KaribVII
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