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    Friday, September 18, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Tytykiller's recommended Heist league starts (via Twitter)

    Path of Exile Builds Tytykiller's recommended Heist league starts (via Twitter)

    Tytykiller's recommended Heist league starts (via Twitter)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    PoE 3.12 - Spectre Summoner League Starter Build

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Stress-Free PoE Guides for 3.12 - 1-Button Guides that Let You Use Whatever Gear You Like

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:16 PM PDT


    Hey Everyone!

    I've been writing these guides for a while now and I'm excited about their 3.12 changes. (If you've played my guides before, they have each had a serious "renovation".) My guides are designed around a laid-back playstyle (though you can make them as "break-neck" as you like). All of my guides revolve around a 1-button playstyle without any flask or skill mashing. They're also made so that you can use any gear; add any Uniques or Rares you like.

    So they're relaxing in terms of loot along with the mental and physical demands.

    You can SSF from league start and clear the atlas. (Obviously, you need good gear to do good content but the idea is that I'm not going to marry you to certain mods or items to get there.)

    Anyway, the link is above. I hope you all have a fantastic 3.12 :-) !

    *\(I'll have the details of all the guides up within the week. I just wanted to get the "bare bones" up there for those that follow my guides and wanted to start the league with them. They'll be filled out shortly...just not before league launch.)\***

    submitted by /u/wrecker_of_days
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    Voltaxic Rift Scourge Arrow Pathfinder: From League Starter to End-game Finisher

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    My 3.12 Heist League Starter - Glacial Cascade Mines - Saboteur Crit

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Void Sphere with alternate qualities

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I realise that this topic has been done to death and Void Sphere has been largely deemed not usable but I LOVE the look and feel of the skill and wanted to take a final look. With the full list of alternate qualities I think this might JUST be something to explore a little more.

    With the following;

    • alternate quality Void Sphere (40% reduced duration, 40% increased recovery speed)
    • alternate quality Second Wind (10% reduced recovery speed, +1 charge)
    • 20% cooldown belt
    • 15% cooldown boots

    It's possible to get Void Sphere to a 5.02 second cooldown with 3 charges, allowing us to sustainably use a charge every 1.67 seconds. This is assuming my math is correct and I haven't missed any other sources of cooldown recovery speed.


    What I'm wondering now is what the best way to scale its damage or make it useful would be;

    • Depending on how it works with archmage you could go archmage and/or indigon with the typical MoM/Agnostic setup for defences.
    • With it being a phys/chaos split you could scale poison to get a very large poison application method. It's not the fastest application of poisons for sure however.
    • AOE damage is a given due to low cast rate meaning we want to hit as much of the screen as possible.
    • You could use it with hextouch(curse on hit) to rapidly apply and cycle through your curses to use the new doom skill?
    • Power Charge stacking with a staff and enigmatic reach is a good source of damage AND aoe.
    • Depending on how champion works you could make it a super tank supporter by having it intimidate, taunt, blind and hinder enemies, largely reducing damage etc while putting other control supports on it too? (I actually kind of really love this idea)
    • Technically we can go ascendant we can get necromancer and sab/slayer for 60% aoe from that alone. God that's a terrible idea........
    • I'm sure we could go some elemental nonsense but I'd just use an elemental skill then :P


    Notable items I can think of to help;

    • Breath of the council - lots of phys damage, lots of chaos damage, aoe, completely offsets the duration decrease of alternate void sphere.
    • If going support you obviously want devouring diadem for some auras.
    • Carcass Jack if you want that thicc aoe

    Let me know what you think. If you had to, how would you make the skill useable?

    submitted by /u/qwerty2jam
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    Creating and Reviewing league starters for people before launch!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    It's been tradition for a few years that before league starts I stream and respond to people on reddit who may have questions about builds or just want one made completely. Feel free to ask for advice about meta, league starting, racing, or any build philosophy in general.

    I'll try to respond as much as I can to PM's, comments here, and on stream where you can link and ask away. This time I will try and maintain a google doc where I post pastebins for builds that are created on stream, which will then be posted here in an edit afterwards.


    My credentials are 2 demigods, a lvl 100 character on HC Delirium, and a lvl 100 rank 29 / rank 1 chieftan on Harvest HC.

    submitted by /u/Reileyje
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    Scourge arrow pathfinder vs poison BV assassin

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    What would be better for league start? I'm leaning towards scourge arrow but I'm not too sure.

    submitted by /u/AlphaManlet1
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    Hexblast / Impending Doom

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys I just have a short question about the Doom interaction, if there is any confirmed info that i missed. And if not what would you expect ?

    If I remove a hex with hexblast but the hex is linked to Impending doom. Will both skills profit from the stacked up doom or not ?

    I am expecting it to only to count for one spell, but what do you think? Might seem like a dumb question, but i just wanted to get more thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/Rizec
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    Flame Wall Blazing Salvo Trickster League Starter Build Guide / Leveling Guide

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    [Tarke] 30 Budget Heist League Starter Builds for 3.12

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Any tips for bladefall/bladeblast chieftain/assasin?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    is anyone playing bladefall/bladeblast chieftain/assasin and has a pob ready or has some gearing tips for me?

    Which one would be better? Assasin or chieftain? I prefer being tanky rather than very fast so i think chieftain would be the better choice right?

    submitted by /u/Bonghokage
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    Fireball Ignite - Chieftain vs. Trickster?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    I want to go Ignite DoT with Fireball + Firewall for league start.


    • Endurance Charges = BIG BOOM Discharge for absurd boss ignites = way superior boss dps


    • Trickster

    Not sure about the pros and cons of both, what's your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Yojihito
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    AssCrack Lancer - A Basic Outline For A Selfcast Crit Crackling Lance Assassin

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    [3.12] Toxic Rain Trickster LEAGUE STARTER - Full Budget

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Bleed Bow cost of entry into red maps for 3.12

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    With the new fossil changes which I don't understand, is it now harder to craft a bow at league start with the mod "chance to bleed ... Deal 100% more damage"?

    I've played the build before, just not as a league starter so I also want to know what's the average price of said mod on a bow on the softcore market about day 2-3? I do know that the build hits a wall at red maps until I get the bow or a lioneyes fall.

    Considering it's an elder mod and you'd want it on a good base, I'm thinking an ex or more?

    submitted by /u/HaThatsFunnyRight
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    CL Assassin help

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    I'm looking to start Crackling Lance at league start and I've actually never played a spell build nor an assassin before. I made a PoB as best as I could using Arc as a place holder. Currently planning on dual wielding wands/Void Battery's, although, I'm not even sure how much they usually cost since I don't play spell builds. I'm also not sure if dual wielding wands are better than using a staff since glancing blows got nerfed? I'm completely ignoring the DPS that it currently says I have since it's inaccurate but I am looking for general feedback. I'm usually very adaptable with my build and will wait to see how the skills feels to see if I can remove or add any cast speed or aoe. Also not sure if I'll need to take more Life/ES. I also didn't bother filling out the equipment as this is just a personal guide. Mainly looking for feedback on my skill tree but any and all general tips and feedback are welcome! Especially on the Dual Wield vs Staff and whether or not Inpusla's is the right call. I guess I could be convinced to go Inquisitor or Heiro if they seem just way better but I've always wanted to play an assassin so as far as I know I'm sticking with that. Thanks in advance!

    My PoB: https://pastebin.com/HzU6JSpY

    submitted by /u/Shruuuken
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    Zoom zoom league starter after the patch notes?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Seeing that the new league is about 14 hours away, was trying to come up with a few builds to follow. In the previous leagues, I have done TR trickster, chaoslinger, Zombie necromancer so I would like to stay away from those. I don't like builds that require me to repeatedly click on stuff, so stuffs like mines I think would be out too.

    Does anyone have suggestions? This is what I currently think:

    • BL totems -> GC later
    • VD DD spellslinger (Apparently according to the guide author we shouldn't play it anymore)
    • WinterIsComing Winter Orb (saw some people say that this is not amazing to league start with)

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Relathelp
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    How viable are archmage builds as league starters?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    So I'm interested in starting the league as archmage (insert random skill), and Im curious just how viable these builds are as starters from a gearing/cost perspective. Something like GC mine or ED trickster have very minimal start-up costs but looking at archmage, it seems that there are more specific gear requirements and thus comes with a higher price-tag.

    Has any of you started with an archmage build, and would you recommend it?

    submitted by /u/fuji_na
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    Good list of league starters for 3.12?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I am a little late to the planning game this time, anyone have a list of what are excepted to be good league starters for 3.12 tomorrow? I need to find something to league start with asap. :)

    submitted by /u/AGWiebe
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    Difference between GC miner Vs. GC Totem

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    As far as play style, damage, required uniques, quality of life. Does anyone have some insight?

    Detonate on left click i'm sure makes the play styles similar but both are way different ascendancies and i haven't played either archetype.

    Any suggestions?

    Also the one thing that scared me with this is the fact that GC looks insanely cool and probably will look to cause lag on high density. Can anyone vouch for whether GC is laggy?

    submitted by /u/herpman101
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    Has anyone ever tried a hybrid damage/minion build?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    My goal is using the new sword on a Champion while also using either shattering or splitting steel. I think getting damage will be fine (i don't need 5m+ dps, it will be pretty trivial to get 1m combined dps I should think), but I fear the clunkiness will be the downfall of the build.

    Does anyone have a suggestion on how to actually play such a build that doesn't include having to press a button for call of steel + attack skill + summon skellies every pack?

    submitted by /u/pickles777
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    First time league starting SSF

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    I'm going to be league starting SSF SC tomorrow, and I'm looking for a build. I usually have A8 Sirus on farm a couple weeks in to the league, but I generally play the same ED/C or cyclone builds in trade league. The only time I've made my own build was a kinetic bolt build when it first came out, I loved the feel of it but the skill ended up feeling very undertuned. I'm looking for something that can farm red maps without too much difficulty, preferably something with a hard projectile focus since I really enjoyed the look and feel of kinetic bolt. Any ability, build, or guide suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/domovoi1685
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    10k HP Tribrid Discharge/Divine Ire Trickster, 5m dps Ignites

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    So I had this wacky idea for an ignite build earlier, and to my surprise, the numbers actually seemed to work out.

    The template for my build was mathil's Divine Ire Ignite character. The idea behind the build was to map with Divine Ire and then blow up bosses with the charges you've generated, since the cooldown looks annoying but the base damage is huge. Because of the bonuses to Ignites, Charges, and Channeling, I started looking into Trickster.

    This is what led me to the main synergy behind this build: the combination of Stormfire and Hrimmburn. For Divine Ire this allows us to easily convert all of our damage to base ignite damage. But more importantly for Discharge it lets easily us build up a 13-15 charge Discharge providing incredible ignite damage. I haven't played ignite in a while but from my understand 5m ignite DPS is quite good.

    Since our only real damage aura options outside of Malevolence are Skitterbots and Aspect of the Spider (because of our huge flat damage from charges heralds do very little, and I couldn't find a way to fit all three of these buffs into the build without sacrificing so much damage that it wasn't worth it), I chose to put Malevolence in an Essence Worm and then take advantage of Weave the Arcane and Patient Reaper to sustain a massive Tribrid EHP pool. Corrupted Soul gives us a huge amount of energy shield while splitting damage taken between ES and Life, allowing us to take damage to and then restore Life, Mana, and ES at the same time.

    You can choose to drop the mana portion of this and go for a more typical hybrid build with Ghost Shrouds for an extra ~1.5m dps at the cost of about 1.5-1.75k EHP, though the lack of mana investment and the fact that you can't effectively run EB may make mana sustain an issue.

    Note: The level 36 Discharge is intended to simulate the buffed discharge (the new ailment penalty is incorporated into the Corrupted Soul Jewel) though as a result of the new scaling + gem level modifiers are significantly weaker than they actually will be, so higher DPS will likely be possible.

    Tribrid (5m DPS, 10k EHP): https://pastebin.com/PzvdDSVa

    Hybrid (6.5m DPS, 8.5k EHP): https://pastebin.com/1zYpVWZc

    Staff (Best version IMO, 2.1m DI dps, 5m+ Discharge DPS depending on gear, 9k EHP): https://pastebin.com/Cf2AKSfH

    Let me know what you think!

    Edit: The staff version of this build is probably the best, due having much higher Divine Ire damage which should help a lot with phased bosses without adds where you won't be able to get all your charges back in time.

    Also this is not really intended to be a league starter. If you want to league start this I'd start with Trickster Ignite Fireball (supposed to be a very good league starter, and it should have pathing and items/gems very similar to this), then switch to Divine Ire once you have Stormfire and other gear pieces, then add in discharge.

    submitted by /u/Msmit71
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    Chieftain tectonic slam as a starter?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I was wondering if chieftain is a good pick as league starter. Is this build easy to gear or do I need specific items to make it work? If this is not gonna work, I think I'll go champion earthshatter or something.

    submitted by /u/BerserkerTmG
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