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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Path of Exile The 22 Meme Shrapnell Ballista Build

    Path of Exile The 22 Meme Shrapnell Ballista Build

    The 22 Meme Shrapnell Ballista Build

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Heist's endgame bosses are the only bosses not accessed through its primary content.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    My personal biggest gripe with Heist: This is stunningly the first league where actually playing the league content is the absolute worst thing you can do if your intention is hoping to find a unique contract. Unlike all other leagues--and core endgame bosses--Heist's endgame bosses are completely isolated from its primary associated content.

    All other leagues, you do its primary content (either in maps or some NPC side area) and collect splinters or stumble into bosses. This even applies to endgame core bosses; Shaper has his guardians, Sirus the conquerors, all of them are consistent in their primary accessibility.

    For Heist, that's completing contracts and grand heists to curry favor with the major rogue NPC's enough to have them bribe you under the table to perform some morally questionable jobs involving the endgame bosses. just kidding, go run Standard maps until you find a Perandus Chest recolor and pray it actually has a unique contract in it.

    Other than arguably Harvest (which was so light on content it's hard for me to argue if running a T3 boss and then running red maps to tap seed caches counts as "primary content"), all endgame bosses are accessed strictly through interacting with their most major associated mechanics (and ignoring the "just buy it" mentality). You will never encounter Aul by only running maps and only tapping sulphite, you'd never access the Simulacrum by never touching the mirror, you'd never be able to do blighted maps if you never sat there and did normal blights. You do league content, you eventually access league bosses. That is how this entire game has worked and rewarded you.

    But Heist, oh no, if you do league content you can't access bosses. They drop only from the stupid map caches, which have no effective relation to the league. A boring chest is not content, it is not engaging, it is not fun.

    Why does Faustus not inform us after enough successful basic heists that he's kept a slush fund from the artifacts you've pawned to him, and he'll bribe you with it to kill Darnaw? How come Adiyah doesn't notice your competency through certain job related heists and request your competency to kill her sister? Why does Kurai never think, after a bunch of full wing high level grand heists, that you could handle killing the Vox twins?

    Hell it didn't even have to be that way. Any heist on the templar tileset could have had a chance to spawn a special, unique lockbox that dropped unique blueprints detailing the Vox twins' manor, and you could trade those to Kurai for the actual contract. Templar tilesets could even have something similar for the Unbreakable's schematics. A bonus curio involving a damning artifact of Darnaw's that pisses off Faustus into giving you the associated contract. Anything that rewards you for playing the league content with endgame bosses.

    But no. Perandus Chest reskins exclusively in maps and as far away from heists as possible. That is what was settled on after 6 years of leagues and bosses explicitly not doing that. Just the fact that I can't access major content in the league, major, explicit endgame content from playing the league mechanic is the most backwards design that everybody overlooks.

    submitted by /u/DBrody6
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    Having heard the community feedback and disdain for doors in Heists, GGG is hard at work on their next league idea.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Tedious is not challenging... its just tedious

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    TL.;DR.: Challenges always imply a decision from the player, these challenges can have tedious aspects that complement them, but tediousness is never a challenge itself.

    I am sure most of us agree that we want challenging content, thats why the enjoyment we got with the second iteration of Heist (when you could just get all the rewards from heist with no investment or thought put into it) was low, even though it had amazing rewards. The problem is that, for some reason, GGG thinks that making things tedious is challenging, but its not, its just tedious and its making people quit the game or just never play it even though they are ARPG fans.

    The difference is getting your palms sweaty and feeling amazing after succeeding vs rolling your eyes and saying to yourself "I wish this wasnt so annoying". The first one has a payoff, the second one just feels shit.

    Sure, both put "barriers" on engaging with the content, in that way they are "similar", but the key difference is the subjective experience the player gets. And, I know you know it, but the most important aspect of any game is that experience. Players engage with a game because they want to get some kind of experience. Ok, sure, maaaaaaybe someone in the world is looking for a door openning simulator, but I doubt they are the mayority and most probably they are not playing PoE.

    I understand and I agree that a key aspect of this game is that not every piece of content should be given to you on a silver platter, but how you go about it is as important as doing it.

    So, here are some posible guidelines to differentiate tedious vs challenging:

    1. Tedious: Content that anyone can do without any real investment but just take some kind of action that takes time and effort. This also applies to actions that take time after the challenge is completed.

    Example for the first situation: Opening regular doors. There is no challenge there, its just something you have to do to keep progressing. Everyone can do it and you dont need anything to do it. It also doesnt help that the area that you have to click is tiny, so you have to waste cognitive and time resources for something that literally has no payoff.

    Example for the second situation: Having to loot every single splinter after a big breach. The challenging part is already done, so having to then look at the floor and say "okay, time to pick some pennies" its just another eyeroll to the gameplay.

    There are counter arguments to the idea of tedious never being in a game, and I agree that tediousness can be used well. It can add "wheight" to items for example. The problem with PoE at the moment is that there are layers and layers of tediousness. For example, items already have weight in the sense that you have to manage your inventory, this is most notable on heists, since you really have just one inventory and going back is not really desirable. There is a situation where "tediousness" is well done, it implies a decision: Do I backtrack and lose some time so I can store all this or do I just drop some stuff and prioritize what will give me more value on just one trip? In contrast, on maps you have to manage the inventory, as well as having to pick some random stuff from different places, picking small currency (that players after a while just stop even looking at, not because they have no value, but because they just cant be bothered with them) on top of the inventory restriction. Then if you want to be looking at rares, you have to come back, identify and evaluate if they are worth anything, and since you know they most probably wont and they take space, no wonder almost nobody picks up rares these days, and so on.

    This leads me to one of the ways that challenge can be present in a game.

    2) Challenging decisions: This could be "tedious made well". These are situations where the player is forced to take a decision and to weight pros and cons. The example is the one put above, you have to make the decision between getting more loot from a single piece of content, but taking more time, or being more efficient with time and leave some stuff behind. This is taking the tediousness as it is, not a challenge in itself, but a variable that is present when you need to make decisions.

    3) Fight challenges: Hard fights, but this too includes things that could "seem" tedious if the player is playing in "god mode". One example of this last situation is door challenges on heists. It is supposed to be a challenge when you have to defend your rogue companion from enemies and you are forced to stay your ground against enemies... and then face a wall of death at the other side. The person that is playing on a build that is already steamrolling content will be bored, since its just a thing that forces them not to fight, but to just wait for a moment. For the rest, it could be a real challenge, the game saying to the player "Hey, you cant just keep running now, you have to fight this time to get away".

    This is basically the most common and intuitive way of challenge of any game, the idea of a "hard boss".

    3) Grinds made well: Basically the "Endgame grinds" league challenge. This one is a decision from the player that is supported by the developer. Keep in mind that the grinding, at least in my opinion, should be optional. It should have the pay off of "I made it", but not anything that, in any way, feels necessary to progress the game. This one is a wierd one, since it can most of the time be mistaken with tediousness. The key difference here is one that is present on the point 1 too, the decision aspect. It is the player's decision to engage with the grind, it is not forced to complete them.

    This last point is the important one and the one that makes all the difference: When a tedious task is engaged because the player made the real decision (not a forced one) of engaging with it, then its an aspect that can enhance challenges, but tediousness it never is a challenge in itself. Doors are not challenging, having to reroll a map mod that the only thing it does is say to you "your build can't do this map" is not challenging, having to wait until sirus stops being inside a storm to get to the next phase is not challenging. All of those examples doesnt imply a decision in any way: You just have to open the door, you just have to reroll the map and you just have to wait until that motherf****ng storm moves away so you can keep playing. That. is. no. fun. nor. challenging.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk :)

    submitted by /u/BenjaCarmona
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    Quin69 rip to betrayal (It that fled+ Elreon)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    We need these doors in heists

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    AOE 568% Lightning Tendril build

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Almost a month into a league and Profane Bloom still doesn't work on hexproof enemies

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Profane Bloom still doesn't work on hexproof enemies unless its selfcast.Was this intentional change or just a bug?

    submitted by /u/Dremento
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    Well there goes all my luck for this league I guess.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    The Heist Unique we really need

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    WTB: more "increased pack size" leagues with nifty crafting rewards, fewer resource-intensive, minigame leagues, in the hope that dev resources will be used to improve the base game.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Okay, so, simple topic: to me, it feels like there are two kinds of leagues in PoE:

    1) Simple, low-risk, inoffensive, generally well-liked (but maybe not super-loved), less ambitious leagues that generally result in an "increased pack size" type league by creating more unique monsters in standard play. Bloodlines, Nemesis, Beyond, Breach, Incursion, Abyss, Legion, Bestiary (no, Einhar, we exiles do not have nets--thankfully), Delirium.

    They're not a crazy amount of additional content, to be sure, but they get the job done. Ideally, sometimes their final encounter is a but uninspiring, such that all the content is explored a bit too quickly, but a two-tiered system ala Betrayal safehouses/mastermind can solve that.

    Furthermore, IMO, they integrate really well into normal play. X% chance to spawn a delirium mirror. 10% chance to spawn a breach/abyss crack/legion monolith/Einhar encounter. You get some additional mobs in your map, you fight them, you get additional loot, sometimes unique loot, and you're happy.

    You might not necessarily be absolutely overjoyed about it, but it's fine.

    2) Highly-complex, ambitious leagues that can often completely flop in their reception. Synthesis and its completely ridiculous board game. Betrayal with its quarry/harbor bridge exploitation, betrayal board mini-games and optimizations, Heist being...controversial to say the least, and at the end of the day, I'm pretty sure for a lot of people, it just amounts to "oh hey, more mobs" just like the leagues above, except for some tiny percentage of the playing population, they're going to try and go big-brain to minimax some convoluted minigame.

    And at the end of the day, once the league is over, integrating it into core gameplay has more issues, such as the rarity of the encounters meaning that the endgame content for that league will now be seen that much less often, meaning that the massive amount of developmental effort is going to have a much lower rate of return, while carrying a much higher risk to reputation when there will be inadvertent bugs with god knows what NPC interactions, additional dungeons, minigame rewards, yadda yadda yadda. And even if that aspect does go core, while some ideas may be novel the first time around, how many people actively enjoy having to redo all of the Jun unveiling and setting up the Betrayal board each and every league?

    To me, the type 2 leagues just don't seem worth it, when IMO, GGG should focus on more fundamental aspects about the game that could use some polish in preparation for PoE 2 that will have a bigger payoff than "yet more once-in-a-blue-moon content after tis league is over":


    1) visual communication/clarity. Particularly an issue with some boss fights (Malachai red everywhere, Catarina green everywhere, a10 Kitava, Sirus, even Uber Elder is a bit of gray on gray, and can use better visual communication). How did we go from the visual communication, mechanically interesting, and well-telegraphed dances of Dominus, Atziri, and Shaper to the nonsense that is Catarina or Sirus? Back to fundamentals please.

    2) Pickup radius QoL. RIP Headhunter, nuff said. Rather than try and solve every little edge case, it feels like a "telekinesis" gem (think Diablo 2) would do wonders here. Dropped a HH in an unreachable location? Not a problem, go buy a telekinesis gem, yoink, be happy.

    3) Loot overhaul/decluttering. When optimal play is to filter out all the loot in a loot grinder, something's wrong. When people actively hate seeing the weapons and armor nodes in any sort of choose-your-reward scenario (delve, Betrayal, etc.), there's a problem. This needs a solution much more than another round of wacky NPCs behind yet another convoluted mapping system.

    4) A better way of integrating the various disparate crafting methods in the game. Essences, fossils, alt-aug-regal, modifying temple items, etc.--all seem completely mutually exclusive, and aside from Harvest, rule 10s usually go like "buy various influence base, spam fossils, hope to get lucky". Would love to see ways of integrating various crafting systems, rather than making them all mutually exclusive. Furthermore, IMO the implicit crafting space is very unexplored aside from the godawful league that was Synthesis.

    5) Creating defensive systems that actively feel good to build. My highest ever-rated post I ever made on reddit was how GGG kept gutting various defensive mechanics, when in reality, I wish GGG worked to make building defense feel good. For instance, eva/dodge feels like trash. Armor toons seem to live and die more by their secondary defenses such as enhanced fortify and endurance charges. IMO, something's gone wrong in this game when the optimal play always seems to be "pop everything before it pops you, because getting good defense is way too hard". Again, another problem that could use more attention.

    6) Interesting loot. The whole fiasco of "create new type of loot demanding new type of stash tab" left a bitter taste in people's mouths. More thought should be given about unique loot that can be added to existing stash tabs, namely currencies. Heck, what about currency that can be applied to...currency? EG make your next augmented orb guarantee a particular mod?

    So yeah--please no more heists, betrayals, and synthesis leagues for a long time, and more easy-to-produce leagues that integrate well into maps while allowing devs to focus more on more fundamental issues with the game.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: oh look, downvotes already. I swear I am tempted to rent a reddit upvote bot just to get some discussion going.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    If you can't get unique contracts to drop, dont worry : even when you drop them they constantly break, here is Niles being completly uncapable of opening a door in the "Death to darnaw" unique contract, even when there is nobody to fight.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Stonked Decks

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    The official trade site is almost 3 years old, and although it's a huge improvement over what we had before it still has this one frustrating issue that it launched with.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    The official trade site is almost 3 years old, and although it's a huge improvement over what we had before it still has this one frustrating issue that it launched with.

    Every trade related third party site or tool like poeninja, awakened poe trade, trade macro, exilence, currencycop, poe overlay, etc is able to use real time market prices to show accurate relative values for currencies, so how come the official trade site still always gets the rate wrong for chaos:ex?

    This leads to some very frustrating things when trying to search for upgrades or pricing things to sell.

    Lets say you want a really nice pair of boots and you have roughly 2 ex or 120c to spend. You want at least 30% movespeed, 90 life and 85% res. The site automatically sorts them by cheapest price first. The cheapest boots are about 90c, which is 1.5 ex at the current rate of 1:60.

    You scroll down..




    keep scrolling..






    1 EX???

    These 1 ex boots, which are by far the best deal in this search, have just been sitting here for 3 days without a bite because the site has the price of exalts set to 1:160. This guy could have relisted it for 60c and sold these boots in under an hour at peak times. Not only that, if someone uses a max buyout search of 100 chaos equivalent, these boots won't even show.


    You want a cinderswallow flask with crit? That's gonna set you back at least 150c, unless you scroll all the way to page 2 past the ones for 200c and pick up the one listed for 1.5 ex, which will save you 60c.

    Please GGG, if it's not possible to keep these rates updated, at least give us the option to set them manually.

    submitted by /u/Aurum2k
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    MercuryTrade Community Fork

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Hello exiles, i started a community fork of MercuryTrade, fixed few bugs, added one feature.

    There is a long way until it will be perfect but I hope that some of you will be happy about that.

    Help with maintain will be appreciated :)


    submitted by /u/Morphh21
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    How's the dome going?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    GGG now broke the game with the 3.12.3c patch

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    After the patch GGG broke the ps4 version! Nice one but you have fixed the Mtx Shop wow !

    After 1 hour playing I got 8 blue screens! 8 !!!!

    2 with softlock where you need to unplug your ps4 !

    3 bluescreens on sirus fight.

    The Rest while mapping, just normal mapping! No not juiced just fcking mapping.

    I don't know but is G nowadays for garbage ? It looks like. But ya on the highest dependency was the mtx shop fix nice GGG

    submitted by /u/Cytec1234
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    [Poll] What content are you playing the most?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I havnt played melee in over a year. I felt like it was overdue and wanted to try with a explode chest. This is my woke orb result from a Explode(Crusader) + T1 attack crit(hunter) combination :D

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    PSA: do not bring an animate guardian into the 'Destroy "The Unbreakable"' unique heist.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:25 AM PDT


    The Unbreakable ate my beefcake 80k life / max resist / high regen/leech animated guardian for breakfast.

    Don't be like me.

    Don't lose many exalts of gear to this stupid 5c map.

    submitted by /u/snipatomic
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    Just want to share my insane luck

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Hi all, I have no friends who play PoE so I just wanted to share my absolute insane luck. This league is maybe my 5th league but I've been off and on for a while.

    Anyway I got 3 stacked decks off the end of a delirium, and when I got back to my hideout I clicked them all and one gave a brothers stash for 5 ex.... literally more than I've ever had.

    Then my logic was well I should buy a 6 link geoffris for my build now that I can afford it... but first to throw all my fusings at it. So I had maybe 90 fusings to throw at my current chest, and wouldn't you know in 80 fusings it 6 linked. I'm honestly not even sure what to do now, I'm not quite at red maps yet lol, guess I will buy some insane gear now

    submitted by /u/CaptainAlexm
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    Angry reddit thread: yet another step on a rake

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Hello, community! I try write this as constructive as I possibly can, but my condition right now is fuming!

    I became an exile in warband\tempest league ( 5years ago ). This is my 1st post here in this subreddit. I just can`t stay silent any more.

    Today I ran 200 summit t16 maps, 30 Zzana missions on top. I have got 2 heist caches which dropped regular contracts and few markers. I am lvl 100, (actually 99, I ran stones from 99 to 100). I got only 1 unique contract, that was "breacking the unbreakable" and it happened while I was still in early red maps.

    I feel like smth is wrong here. You tell me that cache is 10% to spawn - I say it is not true. There already was a bug when conquerors couldn`t spawn or some master missions. I am justified to not trust this statement.

    GGG, I really try to enjoy this league, despite tons of bugs and crashes, I really do.. But You don`t allow me! I got 3 cortexes (2 drops and 1 zana mission). I fought few UElders, 3 delve architect bosses, I solo fully completed 2x 5-way legion encounters. Got ton of blighted maps. But those are all old leagues that should be rare, and I am in current league that I can`t get to end game bosses.

    Can You please make unique contracts deterministic? like Sirus fight and conqueror spawn? Let me run 5-10-20 each job contract (it can be 100 contracts total idc) and get random unique contract from Whakano or smbd else? Please! DAMN PLEASE!!!

    To be honest I do not even understand why they are so damn rare in 1st place. We all were waiting on Twins boss release. I was imagening smth so cool like elder and shaper fight. But those are just 2 simple man fighting You, why was this delayed ?

    There are tons things to fix, I understand. Lockdown hurts - we all understand. I still get unkillable legion boss posessed by delirium bug, I still dont find metamorph eyes despite You told us 2 times that you balanced drops to be same rate. I still crash now and then.. My gems are not working. My Tibs still derps. I feel like 99% of new uniques were generated by some stupid crangle-generator, and only few are decent for lvling and just few are good/build enabling and fun. I make 100 more clicks per map to pick up every marker.

    I get heist doors that looks like unlocked but when I get closer they show icon above them to open, and when I click it - doors firsr close then open again!??? O_o It is like you are trolling me GGG.

    And still I play this game, I love this game. I don`t like where it is going tho... It is almost like GGG is not ever thinking about newcomers. If 5 years ago I tried PoE in current state - I am sure I would uninstall after few days..

    It feels so weird to press "post" button.. I start thinking if Bex will read it and get upset, or smbd else is working at GGG 24/7 fixing these noodles and gets such feedbacks, but, but here:

    This is comment from Chris about state of reddit:https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/gy7se3/i_have_simulated_rpathofexile_after_harvest/ftb8cnq/?context=3

    "This thread resulted in one of our senior staff breaking down into tears"

    I can only say: This league resulted in me getting very VERY upset!

    submitted by /u/Hand_of_Pledge
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    I cannot express how unsteady this hideout made me when I first got in for a trade.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    A year later, Sirus still sucks.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Anyone else feel this way? Maybe I've got that boomer mentality and enjoy the shaper and elder encounters way too much, but whenever I fight Sirus I am just not having fun. The fight is littered with way too much visuals and audio, and goes from being a walk in the park to a poorly designed nightmare once the last phase hits. You spend the entirety of the fight chasing him, only for him to teleport away once you reach him and apply a non-removable slow and start death lazering you, rinse and repeat. It feels like the fight was designed with only power crept, meta builds in mind, leaving slower paced builds in the dust that can tackle all other content with patience and skill. Shaper and elder felt like new heights of ggg's ability to create endgame content, well received by all, while Sirus feels like a downgraded, frustrating replacement. Rant over 😔

    submitted by /u/jellovani
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    Hierophant got huge buff in Heist league!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:44 AM PDT

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