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    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Build suggestion for this bow.

    Path of Exile Builds Build suggestion for this bow.

    Build suggestion for this bow.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    How much dps dot I need for Sirius kill. Trickster EDC

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Got ci and 7k ES+Evasión around 30k

    submitted by /u/Tzicass
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    Need an Aura Stacking Expert's Advice on Improvement. (Spark Guardian)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    My PoB Account name is "sxowe" and the name of the character (under heist league) is "Kazalvo"

    Basically I'm noticing I'm doing very low damage for an aura stacker, and Idk if I missed something massively important, or if I have a bad gem set up... ive combed and combed and can't find out why I'm about 1.2 million dps under the person I'm following: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Bogazici/ME_TakeMyEnergy?i=0&search=item%3DVoices%26skill%3DSpark%26sort%3Ddps

    We are both Guardians, I followed his exact tree set up (minus a few energy shield nodes until I catch up to his level or get 3/1 passive voices jewels and/or triple same type mod watcher's eye (lol).

    Not super attracted to going ascendant, but I do have one and could get her to 92 fairly quickly with some pure breach stone runs... Not really sure if there is a clear and defined reason as to why guardian/ascendant is better than the other, but I'm open to options.

    Anyway in short... I'm looking for big obvious mistakes, or changes that I need to correct/make in order to get a substantial dps increase. Not so much as a min/max phase yet, but... I guess I could be? Thoughts and advice would be amazing, thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/ericyinglong
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    Need some new build suggestions

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I've been working on a Fireball/Flame Wall Trickster for the last couple of weeks and it's turned out pretty well! Getting bored of it at this point, however. It struggles a bit with bossing and Simulacrums due to the cast time on Fireball, and those are both the content I'm hoping to run. If I can liquidate everything from the build, I'll have around 120ish exa to put towards my next.

    I'm not quite sure where to go next, though. Hoping to get some suggestions. I don't particularly like melee, and definitely haven't enjoyed TR/CA. I've been eyeballing Storm Brand Assassin using double Void Battery's, but I'm not sure if that's within my budget -- Some of the pieces look really expensive. Also not interested in Archmage builds -- league started Archmage Crackling Lance with Agnostic and it left a foul taste in my mouth for it for this league.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/JacenGraff
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    Flicker Strike Raider [part 3]

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    No-Ramping Poison Build 2.3 mil dps

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I figured I'd share a build I've been working on using a non-ramping poison build, and Vaal Earthquake.

    I understand this build may not be for everyone but I figured I'd post the possibilities and the theory.

    I've made it a basic build skeleton of sorts and you'll see the PoB shows the ideal staff and the jewels needed.

    This is a build that uses the Chaos Dot medium cluster jewel with low tolerance (300% inc poison dmg), and wasting affliction (faster poison ie less duration) to create a non ramping poison build.

    The idea is that you run through and clear mobs in one poison hit and Vaal Earthquake is ideal for this. It has synnergy with withering step and plaguebearer as one is easily recharged and the other should not be cancelled if used after Vaal E (I think but might have to test).

    Other secondary skills might be difficult with this build and acquiring the jewels may or may not be difficult. But it does ideally use 3 the voices.

    Here's the link and if it doesn't work let me know and I'll try and fix it.


    Another thing to note is the low tolerance jewels can be used just with their original purpose for mob clear and initial burst dps. Under those circumstances don't use wasting affliction and there are more pathing options. You would only need 3 low tolerance jewels approximately to do 663k poison shaper dps so for just mon clearing it would be much easier. I may post an alt build under those criteria or test that in game as most mobs are believed to only have 550k life I believe.

    Anyways hope you like the theory build I came up with and it shows you a way that poison builds can be different and even have better clear speed!

    Edit: I remembered that makevolence actually increases skill effect duration and dps ofc, but isn't used in blessing vaalE builds. Use malevolence here rather than pathing into Scion to get it. Saves the passives and makes sense.

    submitted by /u/Ahhhgghghg
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    Which weapon would be better

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    So I'm currently getting towards the end of the acts this is my second character this league and it's grobbz Posion bv build. Someone suggested I run dual wield obliterations which I have equipped currently however others suggested binos over obliteration. Is one going to be better than the other or are they pretty much the same?

    submitted by /u/jigglefruit1016
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    LL Arakaali's Fang + Carrion Golems Test (T16 Pit of the Chimera)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Need help with finding a build

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Well, I guess the tiltle says it all. I want to find a really smooth strong build that could farm t16 100% deli on approximately 80 ex budget, but haven't managed to find one myself. Do you have any suggestions/recommendations?

    submitted by /u/lmpsn-
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    Skill tree help lvl 92 Poison BV Assassin

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:22 AM PDT


    Playing a Poison BV Assassin.

    Can anyone take a quick look at my tree? I have decided I really want Freedom of Movement so I need free up three points. I'm also not sure about going the short semi-circle around athropy (Serpentine Spellslinge and Doom Cast). I did it to get two points more in Scion life wheel.

    I've had trouble capping resists, so I haven't found a way around having some resits on the tree. Need Kintsugi before upgrading boots, belt and ring, and I can't see anyway around the resists nodes before that.

    Any advice on the skill tree would be much appreciated!




    submitted by /u/thechobb
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    Looking for the tankiest archmage build

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    as the title says i want to play the tankiest archmage build, what are your thoughts on which ascendancy / skill fits that criteria?

    I just want to play archmage because i love agnostic and the linear progression with the mana and upgrades :) I've play archmage arc necro so far and it was very strong, now looking for a second build.

    submitted by /u/Bonghokage
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    Could someone point me towards a good Fireball, Flame Wall dot build?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    I'm trying to create my own as a Trickster, but I suck at it, and I'm not really finding any reliable builds out there. Plan is to scale ignite / dot

    submitted by /u/Mrshaggrock
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    How do you enjoy the sense of accomplishment in SSF while not feeling limited to mediocre items and builds?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    SSF and Trade speak to me in very different ways, and I love both of them but hate both of them at the same time. In SSF, I get the accomplishment for relying on my own RNG/game knowledge to progress me through the game. In trade league, I get the accomplishment of building a completely offmeta build and getting it to work.

    I love the sense of progression you get when trudging through the atlas and acquiring watchstones in SSF. Every success feels so damn meaningful. On the flipside, everything feels tedious as hell. Mapping to acquire shaper and elder frags is tedious and you're a slave to RNG (especially elder frags). Trying to find build enabling uniques or build enabling items from grand heists feels like a huge bummer, because theres no clear upgrade to reroll into a god.

    Trade has its downsides. The biggest one is that wins feel cheapened. I know that if you give me 10ex, I can kill A8 Sirus with a lacerate gladiator. I know that if you give me 100ex, I can probably find a reasonable but extremely offmeta build to kill A8 Sirus. Its a ticking time bomb and its a matter of grinding. The biggest benefit though is that I can buy whatever I want that I couldnt. A doryanis prototype? good luck. Two Tamings for an elemental build? good luck. Niche ass uniques like two call of the brotherhoods for a conversion build? Good fuckin luck. Trade league allows me to actually get creative. I can make an ice crash juggernaut with marohi erqi for big bonks. I can make an elemental hit berserker. I can give crackling lance archmage a shot. I can buy enough gear with chaos res to get me to use xibaqua.

    I don't know what to do. I am at a huge wall right now with Uber Elder in SSF. Farming fragments is tedious and I have no build enabling items, and I doubt I will unless I get omega lucky in Heist. I feel like transferring to trade league to not only finish out my build concept and buy good gear, but starting other off-meta build too, because I love dicking around in PoB. It turns out, I love the journey and don't really care about the destination. Killing A8 Sirus on farm doesnt do anything for me, but if he drops the Saviour then I make a new build and THAT does something for me.

    So for those who clearly see the benefits and the downsides to both SSF and tradeleague, what do you do? What do you recommend me to do? Do you go SSF until you hit a milestone and transfer to trade? Do you stay SSF and enjoy the tedious nature of farming until you get a build defining item? Stay SSF with just 1 character? I'm at a loss, and things are starting to become tedious and unfun as I feel like I'm mapping and heisting at the mercy of RNG moreso than usual.

    submitted by /u/lowkeyripper
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    Real cheap build?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:22 PM PDT


    All the cool builds like Fire bv assiasin , coc nova, they like really great, but when you open pob for those build and check the prices in trade, you undestand that they are not cheap builds...Like explode cheast build fire bv assasin was 100c build, but the chest costs 250c atm...not that cheap, and you need many more items if you dont wanna die every 2minutes...

    Is there a real cheap build (5ex build) that is possible to not die every t16 map and zoom?

    submitted by /u/Zippiru
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    Why does my max block glad have low dps

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    For some reason POB always gives very low dps regardless of the build I play (I followed esoros archmage and now cyclone). I would love to know whats wrong with my current build / why the dps displayed is only small fraction of other cyclone builds with similar gear,

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/e8nsfBmD

    Help please!

    submitted by /u/PoeNaab
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    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:49 AM PDT


    This is a fairly budget Assassin phys-hit bow build I've been playing. It's essentially the ranged version of the Ground Slam - Call build doing the rounds.

    It's pretty bad at bossing, tanky, fast, maps well, and a good heister.

    The video shows it at lvl89, without 6-link, without optimized gems/flasks, at sub 3Ex (mostly the bow) budget in a moderately juiced T16 delirium map.


    Without Kintsugi, Nomad, and with a cheaper bow it's super budget and still viable in early reds. Definitely a viable starter.

    The big upgrades would be a more suitable bow + additional impale hits Watcher's Eye.

    I'm more or less done with it, but if anyone has an idea how to significantly push single target DPS let me know.


    submitted by /u/Cottilion
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    (Help) best ascendancy for Archmage arc build?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I initially made a crackling lance assassin and oh boi its bad. Re rolled to archmage arc. Just wondering is it good that I simply re rolled to archmage or should have I made an ascendant or perhaps heiro?

    1st time doing archmage. Cant generate pob atm but last night working on it I have around 4mil plus sirus damage snd almost 7k mana. Would that be like the average for archmage build?

    Also would you recommend a rare boot for this build? Currently using the skyforth unique boots.

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/Tyrfying
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    How does call of steel calc damage

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Hi! I have a few questions about steep skills. 1) I have a +2 watchers eye. Does this mod not actually matter since I have to use call of steel to remove impales anyways? 2) I'm currently using splitting steel, but I'm wondering what steel skill is best for single target? The clear on splitting is good already.

    submitted by /u/Kroughfire
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    Call of steel issue

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    The Call of Slam build I'm playing sometimes occur to me that the Call of Steel sometimes does little to no damage on bosses and I wanna ask if anyone has the same situation.

    I'm not using leap slam or any ancestral totem. I have RT and 100% chance to impale

    submitted by /u/TietVinh
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    So, what are the current cookie-cutter "OP" builds in heist?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    Hi there :)

    What are currently strong builds which are tanky while providing good dps for the current content?

    Tryed to have a look on poe ninja , but the limited characters are 99% leaguestarter.

    submitted by /u/Asselll
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    Leveling Pestilent Strike

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I'm trying to simulate a league start to see how the leveling process for pestilent strike goes. I tried following Torstein's guide (http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2639074) and he recommends using cobra lash which to be honest feels awful. The damage feels bad and the clear feels bad so I switch to frost blades for clear and viper strike for single target which was great for act 1 and most of act 2. Though the vaal over soul was a bit of a long fight. The damage doesn't seem to be there. I was using viper strike with lesser poison and melee splash I know not optimal for single target but didn't know what else to try.

    Has anyone leveled with this? Am I missing something big?

    submitted by /u/IIIQIII
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    Endgame Summoner auto pilot builds?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    So I have around 30ex atm and a pretty geared LL Vortex character atm(could sell).
    For this league how ever though for my second build I would like to venture into the summoner side of things as I have never done a summoner build.

    I don't mind if I need to invest more down the road into a build but something that would get me back to t16-17 guardians/A7 Sirius like I am doing right now off the bat would be great.

    Open to any suggestions

    submitted by /u/Lnars
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    Fire BV Farming a Very Juicy T16 Delirium Tropical. 100% Avoid Elemental Ailment

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    How to improve my Impale Ground Slam Champion?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    POB Fork: https://pastebin.com/LQMGRL3E Since PoB isnt working for some reason: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Bass_Forte/characters

    My character is Bass_Impale

    I got super lucky with a drop from Heist, and found a 800 pDPS Karui Chopper.

    But at this point, I'm hitting a wall for how I can improve my damage + tankyness (although I'm pretty tanky rn)

    I just got awakened phys damage from a sirius drop, but I feel like I should sell it becasue I dont attack enough to get intimidate consistently.

    Currently, I'm thinking about changing some equips to get some dex so I dont have to waste points on the tree. I'm also thinking of getting another chest piece that I can craft 'increased fortify effect when focused'

    But besides that, I want to know the best ways to improve my build for big dick damage. I have about 30ex, but I can farm more. Should I get a Impale + 2 watchers eye first?

    submitted by /u/droppedmyravioli
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