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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Path of Exile Builds Noteworthy Interactions - Episode #7 - General's Cry Shield Charge ft. Corpsewalker

    Path of Exile Builds Noteworthy Interactions - Episode #7 - General's Cry Shield Charge ft. Corpsewalker

    Noteworthy Interactions - Episode #7 - General's Cry Shield Charge ft. Corpsewalker

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Strength Stacking Flicker Strike

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Looking for a new build to play.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Hey so I initially started with Crackling Lance, and that went about how I expected it to so then I rerolled a Discharge ignite Chieftain and that went much better but my progress began to plateau. Took about a week break, waiting to see if any new builds catch my eye.

    There were two: mbXtreme's Transcendence build and Badgers Replica Dreamfeather build. Unfortunately I realized that both of these builds were going to cost an arm and a leg so I took another break to wait and see if anything popped up. Nothing did.

    So now I am coming here in hope of finding something to get me back in the groove of things. A couple skills that I have always liked but never really took to endgame are Smite and Wild Strike (lightning) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any decent builds that I could follow that can be started with basically no currency?

    submitted by /u/jerquanius
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    EAPGG: Piloting Ascendant Ball Lightning Archmage

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    140 ex and about 9 builds later, bored and dunno what to play

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Lightning trapper, Iceshot deadeye, Delve zhp icicle mine, ll carrion golems, bow fire bv zoomer, penance brand zoomer, ll coc nova ass, flicker striker beserker, lacerate glad, bleed bow champ..

    Not in that order but man,,

    I dunno what to play next, only char ive kept is ll carrion.

    submitted by /u/DaHedgehog27
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    Why are axes better than swords for bleed builds?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys, just curious as to why. They look pretty similar skill-tree wise, maybe axes having slightly more DoT dps. Is it because of the inherent crafts?

    submitted by /u/wakemeupoh
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    Immortal Inquisitor

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT


    Hi all, This is a build with some Aegis Aurora Block shenanigan with 100k armour which essentially makes you immortal to all content ( except deep delve +700). You can easily tank all sirius A8 beams with no flasks. Only downside is the damage; but hey, you're immortal.


    P.S The damage can be increased to 3 million but the item (just 1) I need doesnt exist in HeistSC right now. :D

    submitted by /u/Lord_Koya
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    What's the absolute highest miner DPS build?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm looking to show off to a miner friend, they play Miners only, atm Frostbolt.. She's been bugging me to make a miner.

    Ii'm wondering what the upmost unethical miner dps build is, BL, PF GC ? Anyone got a pob, poe ninja kinda sucks calculating the dps.

    submitted by /u/DaHedgehog27
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    Good Build for grinding currency for heist?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I was looking for a build as something i could use for grinding tf out of currency. i guess you can consider it a league starter because i barely made it to t9 maps (still fairly new). if possible if it can be low budget and easy to gear. im slowly learning how to resist craft and get used to the game so anything will help!

    p.s. i do like visually pleasing builds LOL i watch a lot of FastAF but NO way i can get to his mirror builds. i enjoy mages like spellcasting stuffs

    submitted by /u/niksmail3
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    3.12 Dark Pact Totems build guide

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    This is the first build guide I've written, so please go easy on me! There's no video showcase, since it's a simple totem build and Mathil covered it in 3.11 Harvest.

    I'm looking for feedback on the written guide, and the build too!


    submitted by /u/BlueeGreg
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    Does anybody have a hunting party (chaos/poison) spectre build that I can copy?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    1. Anybody have a chaos/poison spectres minion build I can copy?

    2. How do I put hunting party spectres in the "manage spectres" drop down box in POB? I can't find these spectres there to see their stats.


    submitted by /u/MasterChief22530
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    Any ideas for a spell totem build without soul mantle, Atziri's Reflection and curse stacking?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    I made many spell totems in the past, and always felt like without curse stacking the build kinda sucks, I wanna try now and I have some ideas, maybe someone can help with suggestions.

    Hierophant mana stacking with agnostic and glancing blow looks good (inc% damage from mana stacking, arcane cloak, really good survivability + block, probably sustaining RF, and then a bunch of crit multi).

    Probably a spell crit chest + shaped shield? is it gonna be enough? I'm wondering if its going to be good against end game bosses.. because maps is usually fine with any build.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/grandemoficial
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    Best Armour for Transcendence build

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    So with Transcendence builds gaining some traction, I'd like to know what is better for damage mitigation: a Loreweave for 78% resists, or a Lightning Coil/Crystal Vault for extra physical damage taken as x and suffer the -5% max resistance penalty?

    submitted by /u/Scholafell
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    Crest of Desire + Frostblink

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I noticed that one of the alt quality versions of Frostblink gives 2% cooldown recovery rate for each nearby rare or unique enemy per 1% quality, and that got me thinking how to use it. Crest of Desire seems to be the natural fit since it gives up to +8 gem levels and up to +50% quality as well as double damage. At 70%, that's a whopping extra 140% cooldown recovery rate. Add a Stampede for another 80% cooldown recovery rate, and you're looking at around 0.5s CD when near one unique enemy. Since Frostblink hits twice—at the starting location and the end location—that's potentially a lot of damage from an instant cast speed one-link.

    Also, since Frostblink is instant cast, that means you can use it while channelling or attacking, so you'll still have the damage from a regular 6L as well. You'll want to increase the level of cold spells for additional base cooldown reduction for Frostblink, so Winter Orb seems like a natural fit for your 6L. You can continuously channel Winter Orb for the extra activation frequency while still being able to move with Frostblink.

    I don't know how far Frostblink's radius for its CD consideration is, but nevertheless you'll have to be fairly close to the enemy at all times, so you'll probably need a strong defensive setup as well for this to work.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Mountebank
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    Best ED-Trickster for SSF?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Hi, wanted to try a ED-Trickster in SSF. When looking at poe-ninja there seem to be two "archetypes" for this build. The one with Bow/Quiver and Acro/Phaseacro and the one with Wand/Shield and Glancing Blows (or not).

    What are the differences? I guess the Bow one can reach more dps but is not as tanky as the Wand/Shield? Which one is better suited for SSF? The Wand/Shield one because a +Skills Bow and Empower is not so easy to get in SSF?

    submitted by /u/Lewrdy
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    Double Empowered-Flameblast (Uber Atziri)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Help With Aura Stacker Scion

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Hi there !

    So, before anything, I'm not any kind of pro at PoE, much less am I profficient in making builds, with this said:

    I've been trying to make an aura stacker scion with Ethereal Knives, just because I found it cool-looking tbh. The thing is, even though I know it lacks points/potential upgrades with ilvl 84 clusters etc . . . I don't find it actually being a functional build, too low ES pool, not enough resistances, not enough damage . . . sometimes it can actually clear completely being carried by HeadHunter . . . So I would actually thank it if someone could lend me a hand on what am I doing wrong (which probably is something dumb) and try to fix it, also, any kind of advices are welcome since I am a bit of a newbie.

    The Pastebin to the build: https://pastebin.com/Ga02k8dr

    submitted by /u/Vladdraculia
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    Build help

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    New to PoE playing my 1st season any help appreciated


    Playing a duelist cyclone build confused about the game in general

    submitted by /u/FineSquash
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    Aura Stacker Improvement Help

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Put together a basic aura-stacker that I could do and wondering what I can upgrade for the biggest improvement given how much currency I got left, I'll put my current PoB down below with how much ex/chaos I have. I'm not as experienced with aura-stacking so I don't know what I could get or what gems to move around to improve my char the best for my budget.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/FDiuUiaE Currency 5ex and 300 Chaos

    Edit: Bought Divergent Purity of Elements and Purity of Ice since I heard those are huge. So don't have a ton of currency left leveling the Purity of Ice myself though so not using it atm.

    submitted by /u/Cpfuzzy
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    Interesting SSF friendly builds?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Burnt out this league because my build, while efficient, just felt samey (GC mines) like most of the builds I've played recently. Losing out on the Harvest crafts also kind of killed my drive to farm as upgrades, sidegrades, and accessing grindy content got boring again.

    Anyway, title. Anything but summoners, don't mind pressing multiple buttons.

    submitted by /u/gizzomizzo
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    Coming back after a 2 year break. Are any of these viable?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:18 PM PDT




    Three codes to my three favorite builds from before I took a break. Now, it's time to evaluate the magain and see if any are salvageable.

    submitted by /u/Dieselthedragon
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    Need help with clear speed for my flame wall/flameblast chieftain

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Playing in Quin's Ethical private league where he has most good skills banned, and my build has good dmg just issues w/ clear. FYI all brands, totems, mines, minions are banned, as is RF and Fireball (2 skills that I'd use here instead of Flameblast)


    It's a young build but I don't know even later how I plan to make the clear feel good.. flame wall has really small aoe and increasing the aoe only makes it wider but not thicker (and it's pretty thin), spell cascade sort of helps but there's still gaps between the walls where mobs survive. Void Sphere kind of helps but it's still not great, has a long cooldown even with second wind, and slowing speeds of mobs also sometimes seems to make it worse for pulling it into the flame wall.

    flameblast is just meh clear even with ignite proliferation. i kinda like the idea of sticking with flameblast if i can fix the issue, but if not i could try Incinerate or Scorching Ray instead, but not sure if the clear will feel great with those either.

    I guess if I can get an explody chest that would probably be enough, but that won't be for a while

    Side issue:

    What are some efficient ways to get mana regen? i've clarity, quick recovery cluster on passive tree, 46% on amulet, not sure where else... just on other gear? trying to drop my mana flask

    submitted by /u/Zelniq
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    Is multistrike + ruthless a viable combo for crimson dance builds?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Is it worth using these 2 if you have very good attack speed?

    Also, when I use multistrike + ruthless and then cancel the animation of my first 2 multistrikes will all of my 3 hits with 3rd multistrikes still be ruthless?

    submitted by /u/RickyWolf626
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