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    Path of Exile Builds General's Cry - Blade Flurry vs Wokener 8

    Path of Exile Builds General's Cry - Blade Flurry vs Wokener 8

    General's Cry - Blade Flurry vs Wokener 8

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Need help finding a build that doesn't scare me away within a few days

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:24 PM PST


    First time posting. Hope everyone is doing well! I've been lurking this subreddit and the main one for a couples years now. Approaching 2k hours and have been trying to follow builds since I started as that's what a friend suggested. The amount of things to do in this game always causes me to question what I'm doing, building, etc and ultimately change direction (several times) which leads to burnout because I'm not really accomplishing anything. I beat Shaper before the atlas change but never had the patience / willpower to figure out / pursue spawning Uber Elder. I tend to move on from builds that should be fine for doing that content because I feel "gated" in some way. It may be an ADHD thing and/or just me getting older.

    Anywho, I got bored and decided to join the league about a week ago. The mechanic didn't interest me so I didn't plan on playing and haven't played much the past several leagues. Started playing when Abyss launched and put a lot of time into that as well as Incursion, Delve, Betrayal, Legion and Metamorph. I mostly understand what the other leagues added at this point though I haven't really done any of the content yet.

    Right, so with all that out of the way.. things I'm looking for:

    1) Somewhat budget friendly. I have 7ex right now and could get a few more selling some things. I won't be farming optimally or anything so builds that require a 100ex to function aren't going to work.

    2) Uniques. Ya, I like "build defining" items. Also, I pretty much avoid crafting as the gambling can quickly lead to irritation. An example of a mostly unique build I've found that's close to what I'm looking for would be the Spider HoP Guardian: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2554248 . I started this Hollow Palm Ice Crash Raider: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2859157 because it's unique heavy but I feel like it's going to take far too much currency to feel good. I've been considering a Holy Relic Guardian as it's core item is a unique helm but that staff is going to mean crafting to be affordable. Maybe that's the trade off for a build that otherwise checks a lot of boxes. If anyone can link a couple bases that would work from the trade site, that would be awesome. I'm assuming it's best to buy a +1 and then work on unlocking the crafts and linking myself?

    3) Limit on active skills. My problem with the build above is the setup (nothing like the impale ground slam build I've looked into) and the amount of skills that I feel that I'd be obligated to use often (correct me if I'm wrong). Desecrate + flask to summon the spiders is one thing. I don't necessarily want a want a two button build (move + attack or whatever), but I kind of do if you know what I mean.. Basically I look at that and imagine myself struggling to press flasks constantly + vaal discipline + vaal molten shell + spirit offering + rallying crying + predator targeting on top of "attacking" and moving.

    4) Not too much clutter / effects. I enjoy the "zoom builds" and the "pops" from Profane Bloom, HoI, Glad GV, etc like most others. The spellslinger VD/DD build was cool but that build and the other visually pleasing things often lead to me crashing/lagging when I hit that Legion monolith or something along those lines. Plus having the minimap enlarged all of the time makes it hard enough to see.

    5) Tanky. Last but not least. One of my beefs with the Hollow Palm setup so far is how I can feel untouchable until I'm not. Evasion and dodge is cool in theory but finally getting hit when you're in Heist feels terrible. Again, I know part of it is a budget thing. Something truly tanky where I'm not looking at the 50 creeps behind those doors praying my toon will bob and weave would be great! I'm definitely ok sacrificing damage (even though damage is king) to feel safe in the majority of the Heist specific content. Dying and losing everything is one of those things that make me turn the pc off for the night lol.

    Thanks for reading the wall and I appreciate any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/paycheckplayer
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    Build Help: Chieftain Hollow Palm Tectonic Slam

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Hey there,

    first time posting here. I've gotten really into building myself a hollow palm build, but I've reached a point where I cant seem to figure out on my own how to improve further. I tried many hours of theory crafting but did not get any satisfying results. I set myself the goal to reach somewhat 3+ mil. DPS on Sirius. So I made this post to see what I did wrong. Any help is appreciated.

    Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/jaYxUJ5N

    Build Description:

    After completing the campaign by mainly using infernal blow and smite I switched over to tectonic slam as it feels like the most damage output I can get right now. I did not want to use cyclone again because it gets a little bit stale and I've played it too much (Although it is a great skill).

    On maps with not too many mods I seem to do just fine, the clearing is decent. It gets worse when trying to do maps with a lot of modifiers and atlas mods.

    One of my biggest issues is boss damage. I don't understand what's missing to reach the goal of having at least 3+ mil DPS on bosses.

    Also defense wise I seem to miss something too. Hard-hitting mobs and bosses are really a problem and I die every time I fight something bigger.

    I am still upgrading my gear. For example, I could drop the flammability curse gem if I could craft it on a ring. Not the least to get a decent 6 link chest with the right mods, colors, and warlord affix.

    Some of my thoughts were:

    -Am I doing something wrong with the conversion? I wanted full damage conversion to have the benefits of fire penetration. But using these support gems seem to lower my damage.

    - Did I picked the right class and ascendancy?

    - Heavier focus on warcries?

    - Should I switch back to other skill gems? More potential?

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Yangus_099
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    pure bossing character

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:03 PM PST

    as title suggest looking for a strong pure bossing character budget about 40ex. sold all my gear and invested in self-curse recently so I got that going already. just don't have a character to kill sirus etc.

    played freezing pulse and kinetic bolt totems/ str stack molten strike poison, poison BV / generals cry berserker were a few of my consistent boss killers this league. so anything but those builds thanks

    submitted by /u/Angelyde
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    Need a good build guide for armour stacking replica dreamfeather

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Anyone got a good guide on this build? Current budget is 50ex but can get around 10-20 ex more. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ponytail7777777
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    Issues with Bossing (Poison BV Noobie)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/3vsY1a5y

    I'm looking for some advice on my current build, been having a lot of issues with strong single targets (shaper bosses, sirus, some map bosses even). This is my first league so I'm a bit lost right now as far as upgrades or weak spots in my build.

    A few options I've considered is picking up a Kintsugi's, (not sure if the max life loss is worth it currently as I'm just barely under 5k HP right now), upgrading my cold iron's to damage over time, upgrading skill gems, swapping over to a double cluster setup. Aside from Kintsugi's none of these really help my survivability all that much though.

    But honestly with this amount of gear it seems like I should be smashing bosses, based on the videos I've seen of this build I should have no problem with A1 Sirus but last time I attempted it I failed (albeit it was pretty close), am I missing something vital? Do I just need to git gud at dodging attacks? Thanks for any help ahead of time.

    submitted by /u/Kewpy
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    Combine all more into one

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:58 AM PST

    What can you create by

    Chainbreaker 60% more spell damage

    Elemental overloard 40% more spell damage

    Pain Attunement 30% more spell damage

    submitted by /u/epitemologist
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    Help with Dreamfeather Armor Stacker

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:33 AM PST

    I've been following a few builds and POBs for this build, but I can't find where I'm missing most of my damage from. My POB shows I only have 300k armor, but in the game I'm sitting at 725k and buffed to 1.3m armor with flasks.

    POB: https://pastebin.com/Qa9CEsqV

    If you have any ideas, I would appreciate some tips.

    submitted by /u/FoxOfA
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    I don't even want to try the real thing right now or ever.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:22 AM PST

    Stuck on summoner

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:39 AM PST


    I'm looking for some advise on what to improve on my Syndicate Operatice necromancer. I started out following Kay's build but made some changes to improve survivability and hp on a dual cluster setup. Also added a 6-link helm for Zombies and Carrion Golem because I felt a bit exposed with the spectres alone. Plus they add a nice dps bonus with Feeding Frenzy.

    I'm looking to get into some delirium map farming. So the goal is basically to min-max this without loosing survivability and single target damage!

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/UiD61Jm5

    Thanks in Advance!

    submitted by /u/InPieces
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    Why are there no guides or pobs for the apparently popular racing builds like archmage cremation and Armageddon brand?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Looking at past boss there are plenty of these a d they seem to really push it, does anybody know any video or guide or just a PoB for them?

    submitted by /u/Clyp30
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    New starting assassin

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:57 PM PST

    How do I duel wield? The game doesn't seem to want me to equip a second weapon

    submitted by /u/TheTiberiusking
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    Any good Mana Guardian build guides?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I want to play a really tanky mana guardian that can still do decent dps. I've looked around but I've found one ARP's guide but I want to look at more build guides before deciding. I have plenty of currency.

    submitted by /u/Clqshes
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    Looking for a strong mapper (Delirium 100%),maybe delve under 1k

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:39 PM PST

    So I got my stuff together after a rough start for me because I struggle to make up my mind which builds I want to play and are profitable to start making currency. I played my way through LL carrions as my first build to kill my first ever sirus (a6 as my third try progressing till about 24? Watch stones). Got some lucky awakened gmp drop and had success in simple heists with synthesis implicts. Sitting on about 60-80ex budget right now and looking forward to start farming delirium maps and getting more boss kills with my necro. The necro is fine as it stands and I think a8 as well as shaper etc will die if I learn the mechanics which seems pretty easy as a summoner since my a6 kill was deathless as my first two attempts didn't even bring him in 3rd phase. It's my 5th league already and I'm yet learning the game every day. So I was looking forward to a fire bv assassin as I got one sitting at 92 naked already. Not sure if the budget fits as many play with hh which I could barely afford and several other expensive stuff as badge. So I ask you guys to bring me a fast and solid mapper for my purpose within this budget. Got an ranger at 92 as well if that's an option. Will share further progress as I hope to succeed!

    submitted by /u/radiosilence89
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    Advice for my ED/Cont trickster?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:33 PM PST


    The Heist trickster.

    I'm a noob and am following a probably-outdated guide by Furty. But I've hit a bit of a wall - T16 maps especially to clear watchstones are extremely tough. I do very little damage to bosses and tend to die in one hit on most chiseled alched vaal'd 13+ maps. I cut through groups very quickly but have virtually no survivability.

    I know I have to get my chaos/lightning resist up and grab my last 2 ascendancies but I'm wondering if any experts can see any blatant problems at a glance. It feels like a glass cannon. Cost isn't much of an issue although extremely expensive items are a bit out of reach.

    I get through the maps but I can't damage the bosses fast enough to put them down before I get a one-shot death due to failing a dodge or something.

    submitted by /u/BaatNiet
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    CWDT shenanigans help

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Long time no poe, my go to cwdt build, hiltless necromancer with spirit offering no longer exists, so I'm looking at something new.

    I was thinking of making an eye of innocence loop, with blade vortex and fire conversion. Is it possible to lower the cooldown of cwdt with appropriate mods or is the cooldown fixed? With normal 0,25s cooldown it would land us with 4 casts per second. Is it faster to just self cast blade vortex at that point and ditch the whole loop?

    I was thinking of using the disintegrator to boost dps since the base damage of everything would be extremely low.

    As for ascendancy, chieftain seems like a no brainer. Maybe sneak in a high level discharge and some endurance charge generation.

    Is this idea flawed, and im missing something? Is there just a better spell for this?

    submitted by /u/Pekonius
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    Help with Glacial Cascade Miner

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Hello Everyone,

    I s started the league about a week ago. I decided to go with GC miner since its the only build I could ever manage to get to late game with. Its the only build I could ever kill shape with, that was back in Harbinger league though haha.

    Anyways here is my POB so far https://pastebin.com/V6XbX49u

    I dropped all my currency I found so far into it. 5 ex for watchers eye, 2 ex for Pandemonius and I lost count on how much I spent on jewels. I linked my own Carcass Jack and my wand and shield combo are not impressive.

    The thing is I have no problem I am really enjoying the clear speed and map bosses are conqueror's are pretty easy. I still can't seem to figure out the Sirus fight (got him to about half HP) before that ability with circular walls got me 4 times in a row).

    My question is should I continue to farm currency and improve this build or should I start saving switch to Low life/ES. I am a little hesitant because I have never converted a character to ES before and it sounds a little daunting.

    Also should I really save up and buy a Bottled Faith (currently 21 ex). Should I buy the Bottled Faith before or after converting to ES?

    I really am a copy paste noob, but I am trying to learn some things about end game with this character in prep for next league.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/blahblah77
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    Low Life Carrion Golem

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:41 AM PST

    My POB is here at https://pastebin.com/RUpZNWXT . My golems are dying in 83 Contracts when there are a crazy amount of mobs. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or it's really common. I realize sometimes they die because I flame dash away and they are not in the area of my auras but in those cases, if I don't dash, I would die too.

    I have a few questions, mainly trying to have better DPS and survivability.

    1. What should I look to improve first. I am aware of getting my resistances to 90 but what's the most cost efficient way of getting there?

    2. The thing with Animate Guardians. I can afford going for the KingMaker and Mask of the Stiched King, but I'm kinda afraid that it would die. Looking at PoB, with the right gear, it's HP would go up to 50k-ish. My carrion Golems when they died, had also close to 40k-ish HP but obviously the regen wouldn't be as much as the AG. But sometimes they just die too fast, which causes me to worry that the same would happen to the AG in the same scenario.

    3. On PoB, switching ClayShaper to Cold Iron Point Dagger results with more DPS. Is it viable to make that switch?

    4. Does MultiStrike scuff clear speed? Would something else be better to replace it with ?

    My main goal with the build would be to run Blueprints comfortably DPS/survivability/speed wise. Any advice on those questions would be greatly appreciated. I'm still building on it as I play, so if anything is scuffed, I would like to apologize ahead. Thanks for the help!

    EDIT: I'm running 2 Carnage Cheiftain and 1 Host Chieftain as Spectres. Idk if there's anything better than those in this case. Also, the times all my minions died were with a budget version of AD.

    submitted by /u/Bernard9Sone
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    Looking for a build to start the league late

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Hello, like the title says I'm just looking for a good build to start this season, I've been away from PoE since Harvest so I'm not aware of the meta at all.

    I'd like something ranged if possible and "tanky", if it can do all the content it's even better (I was thinking Toxic Rain trickster but idk how it performs this league)

    For reference, I can make ~100 exalts during a league, so I'm not really good but not really awful either. I just want to chill on the game for the remainder of the league with a nice and smooth build.

    Thanks in advance for the answers and I hope my english is not bad.

    submitted by /u/Nistixe
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    Builds for Zizaran race and HCSSF in general :)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST


    Was thinking of trying the race out next week just for the fun of it. Never played SSF or HC before so thought that'd be extra interesting. To get a feel if it's even worth it I thought I would attempt to level a character or two in HCSSF during this week. What builds are being played and what's recommended for a first timer? Looked a bit at Poe.ninja and poebuilds but not sure what would work for such an unexperienced HC player as me.

    submitted by /u/xcelio
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    Need help with my block gladiator build

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST


    So I am back in this game after a 3 years long break (around Breach league) and so much things have changed.

    I decided to get back to my favourite build with is block (The Surrender) gladiator.

    I started with cleave and switched to lacerate later. I also have a 2h sword slayer cyclone, so I don't consider switching this character to cyclone aswell.

    I modified several times my build, I can kill Sirus A8 deathless, Elder, Shaper and any of their guardians, did Simulacrum map a couple times and a Cortex. The problem is that I feel that, with this setup, the character feels a bit squishy and a bit low on damage, both on clear and bosses, but especially bosses.

    I'd like to get some suggestions and feedback from players more experienced than me, I looked at plenty of builds in poe.ninja but I can't make big upgrades. Currency is not an issue atm, I just bought an Headhunter with a friend I'm playing with and we are sharing it depending on the content. He's playing Hierophant frost totems.

    Any help is really, really appreciated. Thank you!

    Link to the build: https://pastebin.com/n8dKq9wf

    submitted by /u/Red13StandingBy
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    Could use something to focus on improving with The Saviour Bladestorm Champ

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hopefully, Pastebin links are working: https://pastebin.com/webTq9xs

    So I slapped this together after I no longer wanted to invest in my hollow palm character, I have about 3 ex liquid. Maybe 10ex if I sell a lot more things I don't need. I mainly want to be tanky with a good amount of dps for killing bosses. At this point, I don't care too much about better clear.

    My tree might be a mess, I have refined it a bit, but I'm probably better off getting cluster jewels for the damage without sacrificing the life I currently have. I definitely need better rolls on my helmet, amulet, and one of my rings. Besides the auras, blood rage, ancestral warchief, what skills and supports would help with QOL or survivability?

    My goal in a few weeks is to get or craft a chest with crit and maybe explode, but I mainly need points to focus on with my limited budget so I can farm bosses or simulacrum.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BrickWiggles
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    Jugg int stacking help dps

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Hi, i've start played a jugg int stacking wild strike: https://pastebin.com/vteiUHPJ

    I like the gameplay, it's an excellent tank, no probleme with that but i need your help to push the dps.

    I know i don't finish my leveling process ( actually 86 ) but even with 10 more point and better jewel i'm not sure that could help me to reach a real better dps, and actually it's a bit long to kill some t13+ bosses. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Kazhaar
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