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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 28, 2020

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - November 28, 2020

    Questions Thread - November 28, 2020

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Questions Thread - November 28, 2020

    This is a general question thread on November 28, 2020. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the Wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new. We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    GGG, your main source of revenue is MTX, can we finally have a way to preview our MTX set before purchasing?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    I want to see how the Infernal armour pack + infernal wings + Fiery eyes + Fire horns + steam powered weapon + infernal weapon effect look all in 1, on a marauder/duelist etc. but I can't because there is no way to view it all together.

    It's been nearly 10 years since you started selling MTX, previews when?

    submitted by /u/Enconhun
    [link] [comments]

    The Most Well-Rounded Starter Build - Detailed Leveling Guide for CA/TR Starter by Asmodeus

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Welcome to my Toxic Rain/Caustic Arrow Pathfinder leveling guide.

    I strongly recommend watching the video, as it contains a lot more explanations and visual help, which will make everything very clear to you. It goes into much more detail about leveling through the acts, crafting, notable passives etc.

    Video Guide:


    The video also contains a build showcase and footage from all stages of leveling, which will give you a good idea about whether this is a build you would enjoy playing. This written guide is meant as a supplementary way to provide notes about all the gem setups which you can look up at any time. All of it is also contained in the PoB.

    If you prefer you can also find this guide on the official Path of Exile forum:


    About the build:

    TR/CA Pathfinder is an excellent starter build for new players as well as a league starter. It is unique in how well rounded it is. It is one of the best builds to progress the atlas quickly at the beginning of a new league, which is why I decided to make this guide before the new Atlas Expansion and the 3.13 league. Personally I don't know any other build that matches all of these characteristics:

    • very fast clear speed
    • easy bossing
    • good survivability
    • able to do all maps mods, without any adjustments and without exceptions
    • has great quality of life, and is easy and comfortable to play
    • works great as a league starter with zero budget
    • is HC and SSF viable
    • can be leveled with the same skill from the very beginning of the game to maps
    • scales well into the late game, reaching millions of DPS if you want to invest in it

    I recommend this build very strongly. I also think that one of the reasons why it isn't a more popular build is the prevailing opinion that during leveling through the acts, the single target damage is very low and the build struggles with the act bosses. This is completely false, and if you watch the video guide, you'll witness bosses being melted faster than soft butter on a hot pan, on a rooftop in Egypt in the middle of July. This all comes down to knowing the proper setup. I have heard all kinds of solutions for the single target of this build, from TR mines to self casting TR and all kinds of weird recommendations, but nothing worked nearly as well as the solution I'll share with you in this guide.

    In every act you should know what your goals are. Which links you need to get on your gear, which skill gems you're going to buy, how much they cost and how much currency you are going to need. You should also have your skill tree planned in advance. Knowing all of those things will almost double your leveling speed as opposed to leveling without a specific plan for all of those things. The earliest acts have the most information because that's when you're setting your character up, and in the later acts you're just cruising and blasting.

    I also recommend using a proper loot filter that will highlight items and currencies mentioned in this guide.

    Goals for Act 1.

    1. Links and gems:

    The links and sockets you need to look for in this act are: 3-link G-G-G and G-G-R as well as at least 3 green and 2 red sockets on your gear. At minimum you should leave the town with G-G and G.

    Your initial setup is:

    • Caustic Arrow + Pierce
    • Burning Arrow

    After lvl 4 you will want to use:

    • Caustic Arrow + Pierce + Mirage Archer
    • Puncture
    • Burning Arrow
    • Dash

    After you pick up the Primal Spirit passive, equip Steelskin and put it on left click.

    At lvl 8 you add Void Manipulation to your CA setup instead of pierce and if you have extra green links you can link Pierce Support with Puncture or Burning Arrow for now, but it's not necessary.

    Use CA to clear, and for the single target (Brutus) use Puncture -> CA -> Burning Arrow. Stack Burning Arrows until any of the previous debuffs expires and then refresh. Priority is keeping CA and Puncture up

    After Brutus you're going to swap Dash for Smoke Mine (level Dash in the offhand weapon slots, we'll use it again in act 6), also purchase Vitality and use it from now on (you need a transmutation orb to purchase it, you should have them from selling unidentified items that drop from Brutus).

    THE Setup

    After reaching the Cavern of Wrath waypoint, pick up Toxic Rain as your reward and buy Ballista Totem Support and Void Manipulation (they both cost a Transmute). You'll also need a G-G-R 3-link for them (if you don't have one yet, just use G-R until you get it).

    Make sure to set all of your attack skills (including the TR Ballista) as well as your Smoke Mine on "Always attack without moving".

    Your combat pattern for boss fights is now:

    • Place 3 ballistas next to the boss (they have a very fast totem placement speed)

    • Use Caustic Arrow, Puncture and stack some Burning Arrows until any of the debuffs expires, then refresh them and continue with your rotation.

    By not having to cast TR yourself you can still take full advantage of your other abilities and position correctly to avoid incoming damage.

    2. Movement speed boots:

    You can copy and paste "runners" or simply "nn" and then ctrl+f, ctrl+v in the vendor to search for the runners prefix which is the 10% movement speed on boots. The vendors reset every time you level up so make sure to regularly check the vendors for the links and boots until you're happy with what you have. Do not make extra trips to town when you level up, just do it whenever you happen to be in town picking up your quest rewards.

    If you find an early alchemy orb or essence it is worth using it on a pair of boots, especially if it's a 3-link with good colors. Otherwise save 3 augmentation orbs for MS benchcraft in act 2.

    3. Weapon:

    Try to get a Short Bow as soon as you can (it requires lvl.5). The only stats you care about on the bow are:

    • Attack Speed
    • + to levels of socketed gems
    • Damage over time Multiplier
    • Chaos Damage suffix craft

    The extra phys/elemental damage helps early on, but later we will have low accuracy and deal damage mostly with chaos DoT's therefore focus on having a fast base, and if you can get any of the above mods, that's ideal. You can get to maps with a lvl 5 white short bow though, because our base damage comes mainly from the gem levels of our skills.

    The bases which you should use are: Short Bow, Grove Bow and Thicket Bow. They're all 1.5 attacks per second, which makes them the fastest bow bases in the game.

    Goals for Act 2.

    1. Links and gems:

    As soon as you finish the chamber of sins you want to use Skitterbots and Blood Rage. This will require an extra blue and an extra green socket, and an alteration orb to purchase the skitterbots gem.

    After finishing the weaver you should grab Vicious Projectiles and buy and extra copy of it from the vendor for another Alteration Orb. Replace Mirage Archer with VP in your CA and replace the Void Manipulation in your Ballista TR for the second VP. Keep Mirage Archer and Void Manipulation in your offhand weapons to level them for later.

    2. Movement speed boots

    If you've had no luck finding them anywhere, grab a pair of boots with good links and use an alteration or an essence on them for a high chance at an empty prefix then, using the recipe before the entrance to vaal pyramid craft MS on them - it costs 3 augmentation orbs.

    3. Bandits

    Kill all.

    Goals for Act 3.

    1. Links and gems:

    Item level 25 is the item level at which 4 links begin. Since vendors sell items of a level 1 higher than your character level, you want to start checking for 4 links at lvl 24. You are looking for a G-G-G-R and later for G-G-G-G. Even if an item doesn't have those exact colors, a dexterity requirement item is more likely to roll green sockets so ideally you want a Dex or Dex/Str base to roll the desired colors with chromatics. As soon as you get a 4 link, use TR+BallistaSupport+ViciousProj+VoidManip.

    An extra gem you'll pick up in this act is the Despair curse. You can now also drop the 1 link BA from your setup. Despair will be a massive boost to your single target damage. Your combat pattern against bosses is now:

    • Drop 3 TR Ballistas
    • CA
    • Despair
    • Puncture in spare time

    2. Resistances

    In act 3, I recommend picking up a couple of well rolled (15%-16%) two-stone rings if you don't find any. you can use spare essences on those to look for extra suffixes which you can craft extra resistances on.

    I usually go for fire to make the Gravicious fight easier and Lightning to make the Piety fights easier. The amount of crafts you can do depends on the number of Transmutation orbs you will find and the amount of open suffixes on your gear

    Goals for Act 4.

    1. Links and gems:

    You can pick up a Stone or Flame golem + Withering touch and use them linked together for a small boost to your boss damage, it is not necessary and completely optional. Do it only if you have extra G-R linked sockets in your gear which you're not using.

    2. Staunching Flask

    This is optional in softcore but I would consider it mandatory in hardcore and recommended if you want to have a MUCH lower chance of dying. Once I have access to Sacred Life flask I beast craft the Staunching mod. Sacred Life flask requires lvl 36 and I usually end up hitting that level right after killing both Kaom and Daresso and I equip it before entering the belly of the beast. Belly of the beast is the first zone where bleed removal matters but it makes a massive difference if you don't want to be forced to stop running because you can't afford to take the increased bleed damage. It's a massive QoL and it ends up saving enough time to justify getting it on a league start, especially if you save it in your stash for future characters.

    3. Resistances

    Before fighting Kaom you should try to cap your fire resistance or get as close to it as possible. Daresso is a joke and you should instantly phase him, so cold res is not as important, but I usually have my resistances already capped in act 4 and you should aim to get as close to it as you can.

    4. Ascendancy

    Some time at the beginning of this act (ideally right after reaching the Crystal Veins waypoint) you should do your first lab and ascend to Pathfinder. Your first node should be Nature's Reprisal for the extra AOE and damage.

    Goals for Act 5.

    1. Onslaught

    After finishing The Key To Freedom Quest, immediately grab a Silver Flask as your reward.

    2. Resistances

    After killing Kitava you will lose 30% of your resistances, to counteract this, keep constantly improving them as you run through this act. Ideally you'll get 105% elemental resistances and that way end up back at 75% after killing Kitava.

    Goals for Act 6.

    1. Links and gems:

    Start off by doing Lily's quest on the beach. This will give you access to all of the gems you need. As soon as your currency allows, you should purchase Malevolence, Swift Affliction, Flesh and Stone and Second Wind.

    Your setup should now look like this:

    G-G-G-G(CA+VoidManip+ViciousProj+SwiftAffliction), G-G-G-R(TR+BallistaSupp+ViciousProj+VoidManip), G-G-G(Dash+SmokeMine+SecondWind), B(Malevolence), R(Flesh&Stone), R(Vitality), B(Despair), G(BloodRage),

    You can now put detonate mine on your left click and use smoke mine for the MS boost + Dash for even more mobility.

    2. Resistances

    Make sure to fix your resistances after receiving the -30 penalty. In Act 6 you should at least cap your cold res before the final crab boss.[/spoiler]

    ** Goals for Act 7-8.**

    1. Utility Flask

    I recommend Picking up Jade or Basalt Flask from the early A7 quest. You'll be able to pick up the Quartz flask in act 10.

    Blast through the rest of act 7-8.

    Goals for Act 9.

    1. Blood Aqueducts

    In BA you can catch up on levels and start doing chaos recipe. If you find any humilities, sell them for 2c each. Together with chaos recipe and whatever chaos you have found during the story this will allow you to afford a 5-link Quill Rain for whenever you want to swap to TR. You should also push for 105% elemental resistances again, so that you can progress straight to maps after killing A10 Kitava.

    Once you reach lvl 63 or zone level 64 you'll be able to get an iLVL64 Thicket Bow, you need iLvL64 in order to get the +2 to socketed bow gems mod. Once you have that or a 5 linked thicket bow (preferably both), you can use Arrow Nova support with CA for some crazy clear speed.

    2. Ascendancy

    At this point you should do your second lab and take the Nature's Boon.

    Goals for Act 10.

    At this point your character should be already set up for maps and it's just a formality. Kill Kitava, make sure your resistances are capped and do your Merc Lab (pick up Master Alchemist).

    Pick up Quartz Flask

    Once you have a 5 link or a +2 bow, swap to Arrow Nova Support for Caustic Arrow.

    TL;DR section

    Act 1 TLDR:

    MS bots,








    3 transmutes,

    Short Bow

    Act 2 TLDR:

    MS bots craft,










    Kill all bandits

    Act 3 TLDR:










    Pick up 2 two-stone rings and bench craft resists on your gear

    Act 4 TLDR:

    Sacred Staunching Life Flask,

    StoneGolem+WitheringTouch(very optional),

    Pathfinder->Nature's Reprisal

    Act 5 TLDR:

    Silver Flask,

    105% ele res goal

    Act 6 TLDR:









    Act 7-8 TLDR:

    Jade or Basalt Flask,


    Act 9 TLDR:

    Sell Humility,

    Chaos Recipe,

    l.64 Thicket Bow for +2

    Nature's Boon from Cruel Lab

    Act 10 TLDR:

    Quartz Flask,


    Merc Lab->Master Alchemist,

    Cap Res,

    If 5-link or +2 bow -> Arrow Nova Support CA

    Here is a PoB link for this leveling process:


    There are separate trees for approximately each 10 points spent. This is just one example of ordering your passives, but it does change depending on how much life you find on your gear, what are your links and how much mana/int you find on your gear. My example of the passive skill tree is aimed for consistency so even with bad RNG you'll have good damage.

    For an example of an end game setup with Asenath's Chant and Maloney's Mechanism setup check:


    This guide took many hours to research, record, edit and write and it is packed with information. There is still more I could share but the guide is already very long, despite me trying to make everything as concise as possible. If you still have any questions I'll be visiting this thread from time to time to answer them. You can also check out my Youtube guides more tips:




    submitted by /u/AsmodeusWins
    [link] [comments]

    That 1 point was waiting 5 leagues just for this moment

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    New Hideout called Cavernous Hideout?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Fragment tab should be updated to include the newer stuff

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:12 AM PST

    I think the title is self-explanatory but the Fragment tab should include space for Winged Scarabs, Upgraded Breachstones, and alternate Offerings to the Goddess. The tab has been updated before to include newer stuff before so we know that it can be done.

    submitted by /u/Bawalbaba
    [link] [comments]

    Now that I own 10 wetas and 10 random footprints from "free" lootboxes, I understand less than ever why people buy lootboxes...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:26 AM PST

    Legendary sale!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:02 PM PST

    Not the last, not the best, still my favorite

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Shipwreck Hideout

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Shipwreck Hideout

    So I assume I was not the only one who saw "PlzNoBanMeThx" entering the Shipwreck Hideout server message.

    Proof, I guess.

    submitted by /u/NoFailer
    [link] [comments]

    Baited Expectations' newest episode chatting about December Events, private leagues and hideout designs with Brittleknee, KittenCatNoodle, Velyna & piebypie

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:34 AM PST

    Baeclast #65

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:55 AM PST

    PSA for Mayhem: you can farm Tabula in <20 minutes in Tidal Island if the zone has 20 exiles

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Small zone + low level + tons of loot from 20 exiles = quick tabula, wanderlust, goldrim, karui ward, lochtonial caress and all the other leveling uniques.

    Probably works with other modifiers like 20 strongboxes as well.

    submitted by /u/LikesCakeFartVideos
    [link] [comments]

    Look at ALL those MTX I GOT !

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:19 AM PST

    New Hideout called Bloodsoaked Hideout?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Witch Tyrael Cosplay

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Gamebreaking Bug: Isla can't open engineering chests at 150% Job Speed

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:57 AM PST

    Not sure why this happened, I noticed it started after I hit 150% total job speed with Isla, Gianna, and Tullina. Never had a problem like this before.


    submitted by /u/Abnegates
    [link] [comments]

    Al Hezmin A8 - EQ bleed gladiator

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:58 AM PST

    General's Cry Blade Flurry AL8 Sirus Fight

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    2021 Core Supporter Packs to be Released mid December.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Weta's lootbox: So hot right now

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    The most exciting thing about endless delve is not having to unveil

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I'm so sick of unveiling, I know this has been mentioned a lot, but this is the biggest turn off for me in league start or when I transition into ssf or in private leagues. You reach a point where you unveil 50 items and only unlock 5 armor during soul gain prevention or shock when focus, please make it so that we don't have to flood or tabs with rare items and have to enveil them for nothing, or at least make it so that it's impossible to get unlocked crafts. Thus reducing the amount of time we spend on veiled items.

    submitted by /u/AbrahamBillz
    [link] [comments]

    Why isn't Shaper portal effect on sale but it's listed under "Specials"? (during Celestial sale)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    What is benefit of the golden rule?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    I am playing assassin and using gold rule jewel + watcher's eye jewel (unaffected by poison while un effect of malevolance) what's the benefit of this combo beside movement speed increase from sextant?

    submitted by /u/ganghoj
    [link] [comments]

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