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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds My incredibly successful home-made Trinity EA Mirage Deadeye

    Path of Exile Builds My incredibly successful home-made Trinity EA Mirage Deadeye

    My incredibly successful home-made Trinity EA Mirage Deadeye

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST


    Honestly, rushed endgame faster than ever, did everything deathless. Managed to build incredibly tank while also being zoomy and high damage! Loved every second of the build, so much that I want to share with you guys.

    Trinity is applied automatically without thinking much. You add only cold + lightning to attacks, so that the arrows proc EE as well. Then fuses explode and you get full trinity without any micromanagement.

    Abused the knockback mechanic of Kineticism, stacking the new and buffed far shot + arcing shot clusters. Things could never touch me and simply blew away at a distance! Sooo satisfying. With the high crit and flat cold, shatters happen too and it's possible to create a chain reaction with herald of ice.

    submitted by /u/Knuckledust
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    Slightly unconventional league starter - TR trickster ballista

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:38 PM PST

    New player trying to figure out the best class to start with.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:10 AM PST

    I really like the look of champion, assassin, and necromancer, I will eventually make one of each, I just dont know which would be best to start with for a new player (to the game not the genre). I appreciate your advice. Thanks much 🙂

    submitted by /u/omenwulf
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    Any Builds that play better on Console?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    I play on an Xbox One X and wondering if there are any builds that play better or should be avoided on Xbox due to controller, mechanics, or FPS.

    My 87 Necromancer build in 3.12 felt clunky on Xbox and caused issues with lag due to all the minions. Noticed when I played my lvl 40 Cyclone Slayer the game was more enjoyable due to controls and FPS.

    I was going to start a Ranger but heard that bow builds can be tough on Xbox due to all stop and shooting. Leaning towards Toxic Rain Trickster, Cyclone Duelist, or Blade Blast Assassin but would prefer to play a build that is made for console over forcing a build using PC build guides that feel clunky on the controller.

    Any builds that play really well on Controller?

    submitted by /u/SirJibba
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    5m+ dps ignite Explosive Arrow Elementalist

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:30 PM PST

    I have always had a love for ignite builds, playing them as league starters for as long as I can remember. This one is feeling like my most powerful yet, and wanted to get some thoughts on it.


    A few comments on the PoB in general: 1) Windshriek boots wouldn't be necessary with a +1 curse amulet. 2) Still experimenting with meatshield on golems. If it isn't necessary, wouldn't need unset rings. 3) Large cluster jewel could potentially have better notables

    What are thoughts people have on the build? Any obvious areas I could make improvements? Some gear is pretty minmaxed, and others I haven't taken the time to figure out minmax yet. For the most part, if something is a rare, it may have a more optimal setup. General feedback would be on the uniques chosen/pathing, and less on specific rare rolls.

    submitted by /u/ShinyForm
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    League starters which use cold damage + shatter mechanic?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST

    Looking for builds which:

    • use cold damage (non-DoT preferably so that I can get the shatter sounds which are orgasmic)
    • feel good to play (so preferably self cast or an attack)
    • viable as a league starter (preferably decent clear speed)

    Can be full cold, cold conversion, anything really as long as I get to listen to the satisfying shatter sound effect.


    submitted by /u/Phoresis
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    Herald of Ash - hidden burn damage support gem? (for fire burn builds?)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:17 AM PST

    Hei I just casually scrolled through my RF build and wondered if the Herald of Ash +% Fire Spell Damage and the +% burning damage apply to anything but the Ash's own overkill burn.

    Well as this is very hard to "guess" from in-game tool tipps, the only thing I had to verify/debunk my suspision was scorching ray's tooltip.

    And believe me or not a lvl 1 Herald of Ash gave me 9% more damage on the scorching ray tooltip.

    now my Herald for testing is lvl 1, and the +40 more burning damage only comes at later stages so I could not verify that very imbalanced option, but can I take the tooltip as verification that the more fire spelldamage of the herald actually support RF?

    submitted by /u/GoldenMasterMF
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    Help me to get 1 mil damage

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:55 AM PST

    Hi, i hv watched fastaf video about lacerate. So, i am use his suggest, then i cant get the damage. This is my PoB https://pastebin.com/bCqDCKNc Please help me to get more damage or better. Then i wanna ask about haevest seed can change the other colour sockets to red sockets for my Armour. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/toisoquaco
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    Builds that compete with golems

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:48 PM PST

    Playing bf bb currently and feel like it's just not as trustworthy damage wise and rankings as golems.. is there any big investment builds that can compete? Don't want to do golems again as I did it last league lol.

    Edit: my bf bb chieftain has 8 ex rings/amy and explo chest and still feels like not safe in t16s

    submitted by /u/ClassicBench
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    Mines, TR, or BF/BB?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:21 PM PST

    I am trying to decide between the 3 builds. What do you guys think about the relative power levels for clear/bossing between them?

    I have watched and read guides on all 3 but am undecided. Of course all of the guys making guides for them insist that they are all great, but I am particularly suspicious that mines might be weak after the nerfs. BF seems the best but I don't know how well it bosses.

    For TR I am leaning towards pathfinder, and for BF/BB I am leaning towards assassin but could maybe be persuaded to go Chieftain if it is a lot better with all the bosses this league.

    For mines I saw some guides suggesting purifying flame into a pyroclast mine transition, but am not really sure since I have never played mines before.

    submitted by /u/RocketizedAnimal
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    Accuracy Stacking Jugg

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

    Hello! First time posting here because I thought I had a good idea.There may be some similar builds, but haven't really noticed any. Thought this could be a thing and would love some feedback and help on the build.

    The build tries to utilize the new boot base " 25% less Accuracy Rating,1 to (5–6) Added Attack Lightning Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating ". As well as the old Obscurantis, Hinekora's Sight and Oskarm to get some damage into the build. There is also the "1% increased Projectile Attack Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating"-mod on and elder influenced bow.

    The PoB says about 380K DPS with GMP and 640K with barrage, which I think is a bit too low. Haven't really played bow-char in a long time so I wouldn't really know.

    The reason for not going Deadeye or any "evasion-based-ascendancy" is that the plan was to get it kinda tanky as well.

    Here is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/jucDitbQ

    (Some of the items are just copied from an old build I found on the forums: Link to the old 3.4 build).

    (PS: Aaand the PoB might not be optimized)

    submitted by /u/Syvacus
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    Build suggestion for a tanky end game farmer

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:13 AM PST

    Hey! Im looking for a build which I can farm most of endgame with while being tanky coz there is nothing in this game than I hate more than dying. I don't really need a zoom zoom build, just enough to not die from boredom (facebreaker cyclone is dying from boredom level). Would be really cool if this build can do some nice boss dmg while either tanking or overleeching him. Last thing is that Im not really a Mozart myself soo simple playstyle with not too many buttons would be great. Any suggestions appreciated <3.

    submitted by /u/sethaxd
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    Flicker strike ORO elementalist

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    will it work?

    submitted by /u/chaztheone
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    Deadeye bleed build

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:26 AM PST

    I am really struggling around t10 lately. Anyone having success with it? Bleed and crit nodes are far away from each other, i am having a really hard time getting enough life without gimping either the bleed part or the crit part. I was playing around with barrage puncture to get enough hits in to get up all 3 stacks with a crimson dance to make us of all those hits.

    submitted by /u/Puffelpuff
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    High Budget RF: Ascendancy choices for min/max?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:51 PM PST

    Title says it all, but a little extra info. I'm looking for a build to dump currency into and have decided on RF. The feeling that you get from tanking and melting everything around you is hard to match. With that in mind I'll have a few exalts to put into the character, what seems like the best Ascendancy?

    I want good tankability with damage that let's me walk through mobs on high tier maps without walking in circles waiting for them to die.

    submitted by /u/aliensPlayDnDToo
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    Good time to play wander?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    Last time I played wander was probably during blight I remember it being fun but for bossing it was kind of a pain and I never made it to far (maybe around lvl 85) so I'm wondering if wander is a good build currently? I was thinking of going with deadeye to try out the new ascendency changes, theres only a handful of people playing wander on Poe ninja so prices might be good on a few key items like shroud of lightness. What do you think? Good time?

    submitted by /u/Multistrike
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    20 ex build for endgame bossing?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    So me and my brother have been playing the shit out of this league (probably 3 days played between us) and are starting to feel done with our starters. They were TR Deadeye (squishy in juiced T16 imo) and vortex Occultist (he still loves it).

    So in about 1-2 days I'll have saved up to around 20 exalts and I already want to start thinking of what a good build would be. Softcore trade ofc.

    Looking for a very forgiving build (lots of dmg reduction and regen) and doesn't require too many buttons. This because I want the opposite to my TR Deadeye where it feels like playing an fps at high rating.

    Bonus points if it's a Scion!

    submitted by /u/Danieboy
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    how successful was your league start? what build did you go for?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:40 AM PST

    asking cause im thinking of rerolling from my rf elementalist

    submitted by /u/returntospace
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    looking for my next build

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:36 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for my next build, but I can't really decide.

    I always play my league starter until i clear the atlas, kill sirus on A8 and then move on to the next char. during the last league I knew what to play next, and gathered gear during grinding the to A8.

    so i need your help, link me builds you play/will play, whata fun for you :)

    I'm looking for something which can achieve 10-15 mil shaper dps, budget wise around 20-25 ex (harvest crafting makes that possible :D)

    • no minion builds (to much carrion golems last league)
    • no aura stacker
    • no mines/totems
    • no assasin (league started with assasin)

    looking forward to your suggestiona!


    submitted by /u/crackzoO
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    Vortex Occultist Vs carrion golem necromancer

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST

    So, I am about to start soon, and I am looking for a build that can take me all the way to end game.

    I am stuck between Vortex occultist and Golem necromancer

    What do you guys recommend?

    submitted by /u/kiyancorider
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    Slayer builds with massive DPS?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:08 PM PST

    During the harvest I tried the Oshabi spawn kill build and it was really fun, but with relative high budget

    So I was thinking maybe Blade storm can do almost the same? Any suggestions for the tree or other builds?

    submitted by /u/kswong98
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    Artillery Ballista build

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:51 AM PST

    In this league we have +2 totems for AB, so i decided to start AB chieftain. There is no any info on this build, so i trying to make my own based on similar builds. With chin sol + point blank + reverse knockback i have solid dps and very good survivability on t13 maps. But problem is i dont understand mechanic of AB. Is direction line of hits random? How many pojectiles hits 1 target? 1? 3? What does + more projectiles? More aoe? more hits for 1 target? Is it worth to scale aoe? What helmet enchant is better? Need some advices.

    submitted by /u/Guptanoi
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    SSF Cyclone.. which is the best??

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:14 PM PST

    There are so many builds for this.. champ, slayer, gladiator. I don't keep up with this game that much. Can someone recommend what the most powerful SSF cyclone build would be?

    submitted by /u/nfefx
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    Some using or used Vortex Occultist? how is it?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:53 PM PST

    Hey there after i looked up a lot of guides and stuff i found Vortex occultist very interesting, doing [3.13] ShakCentral's Vortex For Everyone currently.

    im still some kind of a noob since i only started a few leagues before and i never really managed to kill sirus. i tried spectre summoner, toxic rain, king of all summoners and cyclone gladiator the leagues before some where more fun than others.

    i saw most people go for TR or Bladefall this lague, but i really dont like TR due to the fact und need to stand still to cast and the squishiness of assassin or pathfinder are also something that turns me down. i dont like builds where you need to hammer your flasks constantly or press a lot of buttons to survive or optimize your output.

    My goal is to do high tier maps and kill all endgame bosses no need for Sirus A8, A1 is enough for me.

    So i want to ask you guys especially the ones whp play/played the build, how is it? is it okay for doing all content? i red that you dont need a ton of currency to make it work which is kinda important since im not so familiar with farming high amounts of currency.

    Thanks in advance exiles.

    submitted by /u/sewith
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    Need recommendations for CoC build

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:17 AM PST

    I got tired of my league starter and want to start a Cast on Crit build and can't decide which ascendancy to go for to have decent defenses instead of being a glass cannon.

    I've never really tried CoC builds outside of assassin cyclone CoC ice nova, and would like some recommendations for builds. My budget is around 10-15ex besides the sword, more if i can sell some of the items.

    submitted by /u/becktheham
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