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    Monday, March 15, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds So I hit an interesting vaal orb on my 550pdps sword... any physical 1H sword build that could use an extra projectile?

    Path of Exile Builds So I hit an interesting vaal orb on my 550pdps sword... any physical 1H sword build that could use an extra projectile?

    So I hit an interesting vaal orb on my 550pdps sword... any physical 1H sword build that could use an extra projectile?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    [Esoro] Cast on Crit Mjölner Inquisitor – Build Guide – Automatically Unleash Destruction

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Arc traps + doryani prototype is a pretty cool combo :D

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    Looking for crafting advice. How do I craft this Shaper/Crusader shield?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    [Octavian] Blade Flurry General's Cry Champ Gear Guide

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    I would love to see some new faces :3 <3

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    ChaosSlinger gauntlet build

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a guide for chaos slinger in the gauntlet? Specifically how to level (tree order) and what gear to look for?

    submitted by /u/wtfislifewhyisit
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    help for my storm brand ( i like this skill boys )

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    https://pastebin.com/bwaqYjtL i discover storm brand i do this build i dont have that much experience on this skill if someone can help me why im not so tanky and my zdps please guys

    submitted by /u/casablanca001
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    LF very off-meta build

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    It's that time of the three months again, I'm feeling done with the league and plan on burning my currency on an off-meta build. However this time I want to try two builds. I want to try a skill I haven't used yet, like always, but I also want to see how far I can push a meme build.

    For the off-meta build, it just has to be a skill/ascendancy I haven't tried, at least t16 viable, I would want to be able to push content with it to. I have tried most minion builds, blade vortex, and basically nothing else. I have a templar, witch and ranger leveled, so if it uses them thats a plus, but I don't mind leveling another character.

    For the meme build I want you to give me the most wild build you know. Brush off your MoM CI spell loop CoC Rolling Magma build. If it can do t16 with infinite currency I want to try it.

    Budget-wise I have roughly 100ex, I would be willing to get more currency for the meme build, but ideally the off-meta option would work with this kind of budget. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/HurinSon
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    Help With Toxic Rain Build - Boss DPS

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys, made this Toxic Rain Trickster, it actually maps decently fast and doesn't die often, but I am feeling like the boss DPS is actually terrible. I have no idea why because everyone who has played this build told me the boss DPS is amazing. It feels like I could stand and shoot pods for 30 seconds straight and barely see any ramp up in damage. Any advice would be appreciated. Maybe I am missing something obvious. Crafted the bow myself BTW.



    submitted by /u/The_Real_Boanger
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    Help with Carrion Golemancer/Need a boss-killer

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    So this is my carrion golem build:https://pastebin.com/jtZhDrRD but i seem to deal low damage, can somebody help me with some ideas? i need 1 more cluster but for now i dont have the points. But what else should i Do about my damage?

    Also, I d like to know some good boss killers, maybe melee.

    submitted by /u/barzocaru
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    best melee skeleton 6link gem setup?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    Help with my Self-cast Skeleton Dark Pact Occultist

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 11:42 PM PDT


    So I am very happy with this build, this is the first time I have killed Sirus on our first encounter at AL 5. I only died once due to my carelessness of walking through the storm. It's also a very respectable time.

    I still can't reliably do no regen maps when I'm using all aura. I'm planning on getting more crit jewels with minion life, and get a watcher's eye with ES on hit.

    So I was wondering what's the next step of improving this character? I was thinking of dropping a void battery for a shield for survivability but was wondering how much DPS I would lose. Or swap the boots when I get the Discipline watcher's eye.

    submitted by /u/binarysingularities
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    Best starter class for someone that knows nothing about the game?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Gonna start playing with a friend and I know next to nothing about the game. What class would you recommend for starting out?

    submitted by /u/Iain_MS
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    Searching for a speed map farmer

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Hey like the title said I'm searching for a speed mapper to farm valdos and in general t16. I already have a boss killer so it dont need to have boss damage, if it can do the map boss that would be great but it's not needed.

    Only criteria is, that it need to be a witch since I dont have the time or mood to level up again another ascendancy.

    Oh what I should mention I have a HH laying around. Pls no selfcurse did it already twice and yea the hype about it dont exist for me anymore

    Hopefully someone has a idea for me

    submitted by /u/OkGood78
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    End Game Boss Killer Pt. 2

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/lz4ktp/endgame_boss_killer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    So I decided to do a version of Mathil's Inquisitor Ice Crash Build, however I'm seriously struggling with survivability. I'm not sure if it's the tree or the replica loreweave, or even the lack of 6% Increased HP jewels I'm still trying to aquire. Any insight would be appreciated.

    EDIT: I fixed the PoB Link. Link to Fork: https://pastebin.com/jkK47GKm

    submitted by /u/ProdigyGreywolf
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    CG build, need some help bois

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:59 PM PDT


    Struggling to understand why my DPS is sooo low. I have watched several videos and looked at allot of builds but not sure where to go from here. Do I just need to get level 21 and awakened gems now? any advice will help!

    submitted by /u/Millions_To_Be_Made
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    End of League Build for 100% Delirium & Bossing

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:39 AM PDT


    I'm currently running a self curse occultist, though I'm not fond of logging to a different character for bossing.

    Also I've got quite a few Challenges left and I actually plan on pushing for the Hideout.

    Now my question is, is there a build that can do both, 100% delirium and is capable of doing bosses e.g. Maven on a relatively reasonable Budget?

    I'm capable of putting about 200ex into a Build.

    I've tried the following builds already and haven't been to fond of them:

    Discharge Elementalist, Good Clear and Boss DMG but it's a Glass Cannon

    CI Carrion Golem, Boring Playstyle

    LL VD+DD Spellslinger, didn't really work on a Budget under a mirror DMG and survivability wise

    Bleedbow Glad with Assailum, the Delay of bleedsplosions didn't feel right and Snipe on certain bosses isn't that great.

    I currently got a Witch, Shadow and a Duelist on 90+.

    A build that got me interested was an Indigon Cold BV Pathfinder.

    It looks like it has great defensive Layers, superb DMG on bosses and clear.

    Now looking at the gear most people seem to use, I can tell they've spent upwards of 500ex.

    Anyone played the build on a budget thats similar to mine and is able to tell me if it's worth to go through the campaign for the 4th time this league?

    Other build suggestions are also greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any input!

    submitted by /u/Chaizenderulo
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    storm brand improvements

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:39 PM PDT


    what changes would you make ? dps / defense :)

    submitted by /u/Upstairs-Elderberry4
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    Infernal Legion Support & SRS

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    I understand that the burning DOT from Infernal Legion does not stack; which is very bad verse bosses; yet is there another way for your SRS minions to take damage in order to trigger Minion Instability before their duration ends?

    Same question with Skeleton minions, if I want my Skeletons to also MI explode before expiring; what options do I have?

    Thank You!

    submitted by /u/jbetexas
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    Help with mana stack wander build - changing from Scion to Pathfinder

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    So full credit should go to the build creator, as seen here:


    PoB: https://pastebin.com/UruK60J8

    Now this was done as a Scion, and when you see the tree you can understand why. However, I would like to run it as a PF for ailment immunity etc. Obviously, that means cutting some points for starters, but also taking Battle Rouse, Arcane Chemistry, and Profane Chemistry at a minimum. Given that the struggle with Rangers of reaching the wand cluster and the tightness of points overall on this, would it be viable to abandon all that travel into Witch? Things of note up there are Wandslinger (Only spell damage mandatory are implicit on wand and Manastorm), power charge, and the Wand cluster. I think it may be doable with clusters - and we are already beside 2.

    Thoughts? (Normally I would handle this on my own, but wanders aren't my typical forte)
    Thanks in advance for any theory crafting.

    submitted by /u/LumpsIsHigh
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    Need guidance on General's Cry Champ

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    I cant really figure it out if I did a misstake or if it is just the bad Version of General's Cry. The ST semms kinda be there but it isnt enough for Maven. Either iam to squishy or the damage ist bad. Dont know what to improf really


    submitted by /u/SiBi5181
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    Need help with my build idea (Enki‘s Arc Witch)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Exiles,

    still pretty new to this totally addictive game, I found a MTX for the herold of ice (celestrial).

    My build is pretty much Enki's Arc witch, which I totally love. The problem is now, that it doesn't really make use of herold of ice and therefore the effect of the MTX. The idea was that everytime Arc chains, the Celestrial effect of herold of ice comes into play.

    Since I'm also completely lost with the POB tool, is there a recommendation from you how to make this possible? (I know it will cost DPS, but my aspiration is not to run T16 Delirious maps etc). It just has to look good :-)

    So I'm very thankful for any tips how to male this work, because only adding ice damage does not seem to work (honestly I don't understand the herold of ice mechanic).

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/Orgasmuskrampf
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    End of Season Melee Build

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    After min-maxing my current character (Storm Brand Hiero) and finishing 36 challenges I still have the urge for more in this league. So I'm looking for a last build of the league to scratch my itch to play a melee build and I'm looking for inspiration or suggestions from y'all.

    I'd love a well-rounded character with great clear speed and respectable boss damage and don't need to settle for any specific budget (ofc it would be nice if the build could take off before spending a mirror or more on it). Main goal is to find something that's a bit of a change in pace and enjoyable to play.

    Some candidates I'm considering:

    Can you think of any other ideas or skills that I should check out?

    submitted by /u/ShawnGood
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