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    Path of Exile Builds Petrified Blood Mechanics Explained (Part 3)

    Path of Exile Builds Petrified Blood Mechanics Explained (Part 3)

    Petrified Blood Mechanics Explained (Part 3)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    Mahuxotl's Machination Strength Stacker

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    CoC Exsanguinate Inquisitor has been very fun to start with, here's a league start guide!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    What are the new and upcoming builds this league that you have found?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    As everyone else, after my starter looking for the reroll. What builds have you found that clears all content, scales with investment and wasn't played to death all previous patches?

    submitted by /u/thefury1337
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    What build/Ascendancy is truly tanky?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    So I've been playing SSF this League, trying to prepare myself to give SSFHC a go next league. So I've been trying to make myself as tanky as I can, starting with a Hybrid Trickster was a bit of a pain, I ended up with a lot of Dodge/Evade chance, but once shit slipped through I just got oneshot

    I swapped over to a HoAG/HoP Guardian, sitting at

    7.3k Life

    6.8k Armour without flasks, 16k with Flasks

    77% Fire Res

    76% Cold Res

    79% Lightning Res

    41% Chaos Res (75% with Amethyst Flask up)

    40% Block Chance

    33% Spell Block Chance

    Perma-Blind = 50% Evade I think?

    3x Endurance Charges

    lv20 Vaal Molten Shell

    And I still get literally one-shot by non telegraphed shit in ~T15 maps, just random shit from random mobs, I very rarely run with insane modifiers on the map too

    Now it's not like I get killed every map, but probably every 8th map or so.. And I have no fucking clue why, how, and what to do to prevent it. Because it feels like my character should be a tanky God - I just want to be able to survive the non telegraphed random oneshots.. Should I take Glancing Blows? Should I get a CDTW Molten Shell instead? Should I just test another Ascendancy?

    submitted by /u/waddaba
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    Gladiator CwC Exsanguinate/Reap | QUITE Cheap/Tanky League Start

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    Fire Burst Elementalist Autobomber 3.14

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Hello reddit community, i would like to share with you people my version of an Autobomber Fire Burst HoT Elementalist.

    Mechanic is simple:

    "Fire burst" in the staff with esscence of hysteria, "herald of thunder" to proc it and "berek respite" to spread the ignite with some "Area" in the tree.

    Works very nicely for clearing and have a decent boss damage, doin' easely T16, very fun, very fast, pretty tanky, more than HoT autobomber while we have the golems ascendency and some endurances.

    It is a EE /EO version, very cheap to gear, almost a league starter.

    Since it s my 1st ignite build, I maybe made some mistakes on the ramping of damages and would we be glad to ear some advices and optimisations on this build that i love.

    POB : https://pastebin.com/3ECPvq6x

    Ps: Maybe i ll link a video desciption tomorow if my pc can handle it, but i m not really sure of that ;)

    Stay sane exile


    Since my POB is shit (has always xD ) i won t update it since u/Nohisu gived a pob much much much stronger than mine ;)

    EDIT : I edited my Pob with an aproach of the enchanced version ;) It is like i m build right now

    submitted by /u/NarSixxx
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    Instant Rage & High Berserk Sustain ft. Wild Strike Berserker

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Petrified Blood + Perma Berserk Flaskfinder - Life is just a number :)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    BBBF Damage

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    Greetings. I league started with BigDucks Bladefall/Blade blast build, but found it way too squishy. I've converted to Waggles build and have much better survivability, but my damage is horrible. I think that is because I still have Avatar of Fire, but no longer have 100% conversion to fire..? Looking at Waggles build, he doesn't have 100% conversion either, but has Avatar of Fire from Xoph's Blood.

    Does my tree need fixing or is it the gear? As of writing this, I have 1ex and 50c I could spend in trade. I still need Xoph's Blood amulet (to shift talent points around) and Glorious Vanity jewel, but didn't want to commit towards them until figuring out what I should prioritize to fix my damage.

    Thank you!

    PoB Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MSLhxtk

    submitted by /u/pwnermobile
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    Min-max for Ignite Elementalist Armageddon Brand

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:55 AM PDT


    Hey all, I've made my own tree and everything for my ignite arma brand elementalist and I was curious about your thoughts on it. Anyhting I'm missing or sticks out to you as wrong? I do feel a little squishy and want to push to 5k hp (I probably plan to take this character to level 98~). Primarily, I'm curious about how effective eye of malice truly is, besides flammability, Exposure from it, combustion, and wise oak are there any other ways I can reduce the enemies resistance? I considered using Infernal Cry to cover enemies in ash but I don't have enough gem sockets to do so.

    submitted by /u/Xival
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    LL cyclone champ is pretty good

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    so once again i did a cyclone build cuz i thought using petrified blood would be pretty interesting and should be an overall boost to both dps and tankiness to an already pretty good build.

    the build make uses of the adrenaline skill from champion ascendency, when you reserve a bit less than 50% hp, and pop a health flask every 20 second u will have permanent adrenaline, this is very very strong, giving tankiness, dps, and move speed. this combined with the skill conqueror (10% reduced damage taken if taunted recently, enemies taunted deal 20% less dmg with hits/ailments), fortify, and petrified blood, makes this build pretty tanky.

    the damage primarily comes from impale like most champ builds, but we also get to make use of bloodthirst support since we are low life, and this skill gem is actually out performing brutality for the build.

    the budget setup is pretty damn cheap and i got to red maps with less than that, sirus was downed with budget version gear as well

    here is pob of my budget set up from day 3:


    here is pob of my current set up with pretty good gear, not gonna be cheap with current prices but doable, i did not do anything special to farm currency this league, just filling in my atlas(not done yet) and doing league mechanic every map:


    i know im still using the same 2h large cluster, havent gotten around to changing it yet ;(

    if any fellow cycloners want to try out low life, give it a shot, its pretty good

    https://youtu.be/os6RLODRGng short video to show play style

    submitted by /u/chuanwang
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    Looking for SSF Friendly Herald of Ice Builds

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    Title pretty much says it. I haven't done a non-DOT cold build in a very long time, and I'm craving those juicy HoI explosions. Looking for something that is reasonable to farm for in SSF. I'm a fan of all-rounder builds, but if anything I'll take a hit to single-target DPS rather than clearspeed or tankiness.

    Doesn't matter if it's melee, spells, slams, etc. And of course it needs to use Herald of Ice in some form.

    Would definitely prefer builds that people are already playing successfully this league, and most importantly enjoying this league. I've dug around on the SSF ladder in Poeninja, but I'd rather have personal anecdotes over guesswork. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/TheSennosenMan
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    Looking for freezing/chilling build as 2nd build

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    I'm getting to a point where I'm done with my starter and looking for a next build, which I kind of want to be some type of freezing/chilling build. Had Ice trapper in mind, but not sure what others viable ones are out there. I'm not very fond of Vortex/cold snap cause it just seems a bit too slow mapping/clearing, but it does seem like a great bosser.

    Budget: about 10ex

    Content: I'll do Heists,Ultimatums and might want to get first Maven kill this league.

    submitted by /u/Kihiri
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    how does this build have 100% chance to hit?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    VGS Slayer Build need some insight

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Hello !

    I try this league to start with the buffed VGS skill and followed the short video build from Octavian (https://youtu.be/HqocypE_DRg) but even if now a manage to finish some Ultimatum at T8 map... the T9-T11 are beguinning to be quite difficult (a can do 3-4 round top)

    Here's my PoB : https://pastebin.com/PHm6KaYF

    How can i use Pride since it reserve almost all my mana and even with a mana leech mod i can't sustain the skill cost (warcry+GS/VGS) ? Does the lifetap skill could be the trick on the 6link VGS?

    Or do i need to take some nod for the banner cost reduction?

    And any other advise if you find some flaw in my PoB is welcome !

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/UbberThak
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    got 60ex to reroll time for a bow build. I'm between iceshot deadeye/elehit raider/ba elementalist? what to chose?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    Not really worried about bossing I have a chunky fp/ice spear totem boy I've been farming feared on.

    I haven't played a bow build since incursion when dex stacking bow was pretty thicc. I just want to know whats going to feel the best with a 60 ex starting investment. I've been told elehit is giga expensive even with harvest but I don't really know I just wanna blow up screens and finish atlas while farming hh.

    submitted by /u/HoodieLOL
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    Looking for facetank build with semi fast mapping

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    Heya, im looking for a tanky build that clear maps at an ok speed. I just wanna stand in one spot and not die in t16s with rippy mods. Boss dps doesnt really matter as long as i can tank most mechanics

    For what it's worth, i have a decked out arc archmage hierophant this league and it has been good to me so far but i still die occasionally to one shots in t16s.

    Im just so sick of getting one-shotted that im willing to trade in sum dps and mapping speed (tho arc archmage hiero isnt the fastest i've played)

    Also, preferably not aura stackers due to the currencies needed

    submitted by /u/-OnoOno
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    Help with ignite arma brand elementalist

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    As the title mentions I've hit a wall transitioning in to red maps and not sure where to go from here. I found a LL version of the build that looks significantly stronger, but it's pretty pricy and I only have 11ex to work with right now.

    Here's my POB - https://pastebin.com/NZ7WVrkw. Any advice would be appreciated on what I can do to improve my dps and survivability. I'm hoping farming until I can afford a 6l shavs, prism guardian etc isn't the only option I have?

    Alternatively I wouldn't be against the idea of rerolling or creating a new char if there's something else I could build with my currency that would cruise through red maps and the ultimatums.

    submitted by /u/Vucks
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    Dropped an ilvl 84 Synthesised Thicket Bow with increased poison duration + damage implicits. Haven't played a bow build in forever - can I do anything fun with it?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    The only bow build I've played in the last 3 years was a Caustic Arrow Trickster in Delirium, so I really have no idea if there's a fun poison bow build I could craft on this base for. Anyone have any ideas? Or is this base just not really that great...

    submitted by /u/ergotpoisoning
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    Corrupting Fever build showcase

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I made this build in Ultimatum using Corrupting fever 6Linked and proccing the 10stacks with Ball lightning.

    Overall this is fun while mapping and the damage is not that bad afterall, i think it will clear all content easily. I've also did Sirus (A5) deathless, it was a jooke, the damage was so much better than this cortex run

    submitted by /u/G1gh3n
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    Looking for super tanky build (maybe minion build)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Exiles

    I've played POE for years now, now with ultimatum it finally happened, my crap pc cant handle the league mechanic. Other mechanics are at least playable but Ultimatum is just lag lag lag, sometimes freeze and i'm dead.

    Therefore I'm looking for a super tanky build that could survive the lagspike.
    For example: RF, Minion Builds, etc etc

    Any recs are appreciated!

    Edit: tried RF but dies as well after the lag spike :( (maybe just not optimized enough?)

    submitted by /u/Faentor
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    Looking to transition out of BF/BB for end game

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Hi guys, Ziziran's BF/BB has been a great starter, and I've comfortably cleared all end game content. However, I can't keep playing it cause the two button spam play style is taking a toll on my left hand haha.

    I mostly enjoy farming Legion and Simulacrums, so looking for something with big aoe chain and speed.

    Looking to switch to another Assassin build that can do all end game content. I have a budget of 50-100ex depending if I sell my current gear or not. Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/TeeChainz
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    Build for farming inscribed ultimatums

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    I'd like to farm inscribed ultimatums (I kinda like to run content that I can buy and just focus on). Are there any builds that can somewhat reliably farm all mod combinations? (for example ailment reflect + low flasks would either require a build that is ailment immune without flasks or one that doesn't cause any ailments) Bonus points if the entry cost is below 50ex :)

    submitted by /u/kchnkrml
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