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    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Recommended League Starters by Tytykiller (updated for 3.14)

    Path of Exile Builds Recommended League Starters by Tytykiller (updated for 3.14)

    Recommended League Starters by Tytykiller (updated for 3.14)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Objectively Best League Starter For Ultimatum League PoE 3.14

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    PoE 3.14 - Minion Army Necromancer - League Starter for Ultimatum League

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    [Octavian] Path of Exile: Ultimatum Starter Build Idea - Vaal Ground Slam Slayer

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    My League Starter - Reap Assassin

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    ShakCentral's Vortex for Everyone is updated for 3.14! The Low Life version is stronger than ever. Change summary inside.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Find the guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120

    There have been a TON of changes to the 3.14 version, and the build is in the best place it's ever been.

    To answer a few concerns, the trigger change barely hurts us and I've already made accommodations for it. We now use Tempest Shield in the trigger and handcast Storm Brand to apply hexes with hextouch. We only need Elemental Equilibrium and hexes on bosses, and this gives us 100% uptime on them as usual.

    The new leveling links will get you to endgame much smoother, and the low-life update now features more damage as well as 1500+ Energy Shield regeneration per second. The build is stupidly strong, and for those who wonder about clear speed, I'm able to complete 2.5 minute Minotaur maps without Profane Bloom.

    Finally, here's a summary of the 3.13 > 3.14 updates:

    • The leveling guide and notes in PoB have been updated to reflect the new suggested leveling links.

    • Updated numerous sections to remove information that is no longer correct or update grammar and/or spelling.

    • Made very slight changes (less than 5 points each) to the leveling and CI trees

    • Overhauled a large amount of the Low-Life build including the tree, gem links, and a few items

    • The main defensive focus is now constant Energy Shield regen through Zealots Oath

    • Intuitive Leap has been replaced with a Large Thread of Hope

    • There is now a larger focus on cluster jewels, with a recommended 2 large, 4 medium, and 2 small clusters. There is a 0 cluster tree for budget builds or people who don't like cluster jewels

    • Recommendation for end-game Low Life is to run Vile Bastion and Malediction, but Profane Bloom is still a personal preference options

    • New skill setups include Tempest Shield in a trigger wand, Storm Brand selfcast to apply hexes, and Vitality and Clarity as auras

    • Minor gear changes including needing an unset ring, moving Elusive from the skill tree to the boot slot, changing the boot enchant to crit, and moving to as many as 14 jewels.


    submitted by /u/ShakCentral
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    [3.14] SSF Unleash Exsanguinate Trickster League starter - Need input

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    PoB updated their tree to 3.14, so I figured I'll have a go at theorycrafting an Exsanguinate build. My aim is to use Petrified Blood for Low Life without Shav, have decent clear via Chain, good single target with Corrupting Fever + Firestorm mechanic abuse. Since it's Trickster, the build will have insane life/es recovery while mapping, decent defenses with Glancing Blow/Ghost Shrouds, high regen with Vitality and high level Stone Golem. Base damage numbers seems good so I'm going to take the plunge and leaguestart with this.

    Here's the PoB I whipped up. There's a mini-guide in the Notes tab: https://pastebin.com/3hCtyLQ1

    (Paste the code manually if you get SSL Connect Error. I know I did)

    submitted by /u/ravenn247
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    3.14 Reap Inquisitor Build Guide

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3080350

    Path of Building here: https://pastebin.com/knxZX7Gt

    First time posting here but I have been doing guides on the forum for almost two years now. Seen heaps of people throwing around ideas for Reap, and every League I make a full build guide on the forum for League start.

    The build is a Reap Inquisitor going full conversion with Vulconus + Avatar of Fire, so scaling the hit damage and ignoring the DoT.

    • Offensively we are probably getting around 4 Million DPS with no flasks or nonsense ticked in PoB. This is thanks to 100% Crit Chance through Strength stacking.

    • Defensively we are going low life through the use of The Ivory Tower and Prism Guardian to reserve life. End game we should be comfortably above 9k ES with 2k Net ES Regen.

    If anyone has any questions or suggestions I would love to hear them, I haven't played around with the Reap PoB version yet but I am doing so soon. Some of the build ideas for Reap floating around have been awesome, it's cool to see a skill be theorycrafted in so many different ways.

    submitted by /u/AziiRe
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    4 League Starter for Ultimatum

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    Hey guys I was waiting for pob update to share these builds. I made some possible starter builds before the patch notes and they are still viable.

    1 Armageddon Brand Ignite Elementalist (my fav)

    2 Coldslinger Vortex Occultist

    3 Minion Instability Skeleton Necromancer

    4 Cyclone Berserker

    I hope these videos help you to find a starter build.

    submitted by /u/themehmetbozlak
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    Whats looking like the top Minion builds for 3.14

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Looking for a new minion build to play this league that I havent tried before. So far Ive played Baron Zombies, RS spectres, neco and elemantalist carrion golems.

    submitted by /u/alexd521
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    Cruelty math

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT


    At gem level 20, The Cruelty buff provides 15.85% more damage over time to skills supported by Cruelty when the hit does 0.01% of the monster's maximum life and 50% more damage over time to skills supported by Cruelty when the hit does 3.2% of the monster's maximum life.

    The numbers given nicely fit the function y=100(x/100)0.2, where y is the damage multiplier and x is the percent of the monster's life done by the hit. Vs a 64 million life Shaper/Elder, this means you'll need to do about 25,000 damage for a 20% bonus, 156,000 damage for a 30% bonus, and 655,000 damage for a 40% bonus. I believe this is before the increased effect of cruelty granted by the gem itself, although not positive.

    submitted by /u/derivative_of_life
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    Scion with new Exsanguinate need some pointers

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    i've been playing around with the posibility of an ascendant Necro + Glad (start off as Glad + Trickster until i get good wands to trigger bone offering)

    Idea is:

    • Scion start Glad + Trickster swap to Necro when find a decent wand to cast bone offering

    • Start with 2 cold iron

    • Using Corpsewalkers

    • Low life with new petrified blood

    • Crit probably

    • Max Block + some hybrid form of MoM or idk something to not get one shoted

    • Exsanguinate + Unleash + Efficacy + Brutality + Cruelty + Increased critical dmg?

    • Thinking of going full evasion + Agnostic to sustain skills costs

    • Jewels I have no clue actually might go multi + flat HP

    • For auras i was thinking pride + petrified blood + some 25% one to life with arrogance 201% might do Herald of purity

    Crit viable? will be better off looking for some extra survival or clusters?

    I need someone to point me into a direction

    My big "?" are:

    • Crit?

    • MoM?????? (this one is the big NO for me pride + petrified blood = 85% mana reserved *- but idk where to find decent one shot barrier)

    • What to do with Sockets?

    • If not crit, stack phys on clusters?

    • 6th link ?

    https://pastebin.com/TDUYDdCM (changed it after a comment about optimal pathing)

    EDIT: https://pastebin.com/gVtyQaRX after reviewing about agnostic thanks to:

    You can't use Petrified Blood + Agnostic. Agnostic will drain mana to heal you until you hit 100% life. It doesn't work on lowlife builds as you keep losing mana without getting hp. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mr4per/petrified_blood_a_mathematical_analysis/guk5avx/

    Changed a few things, added clusters, basic items to see what kind of eHP would I have, defenses, necro for max block + shield and wand

    Any kind of help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Huevoseco
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    Fire burst HoT inquisitor

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    I made a first draft of a HoT fire burst autobomber inquis: https://pastebin.com/qNf88u5H

    Build works by having storms gift shock corpses which keeps up HoT forever running through a map, and then fire burst is procced every 0.74 seconds (every 4-5 HoT procs). The fire burst pops a pack and it explodes with inpulsa/storms gift.

    For extra damage or single target you can set up any skill in the body armor 6l, for instance I have flame surge or purifying flame currently set up. I am running EE so I dont use spell echo, since HoT will be proccing EE for our fire burst or main damage spell. Unlike a normal HoT build we dont need to crit on HoT, so we dont have to use a 3% spell crit helm or get a bunch of base crit.

    On bosses I would use flame surge with WoC on arcanist brand for combustion/flammability/shocks to keep up HoT. Since HoT isnt a spell, it wont matter if you have added fire damage to spells for it to proc EE. HoT hits over 5 times per second, and our cast rate with flame surge is about 3/s. So there should be a HoT proc in between each of our hits. This means pretty much every hit will have the correct EE effect, save for the random times when fire burst procs in between.

    The build doesn't have much in the way of defenses except for close to max block with rumis up and glancing blows (may drop this since we dont have any life on block), corrupted soul which was nerfed, elusive from withering step (since we wont be casting while running) and inquis pious path. I may spec out of block and glancing blows and opt for acrobatics/phase acro since we have elusive with withering step and extra effect from badge.

    Pre-fire burst buff numbers are 1.7m average hit and 2.8m dps (0.4s cd), but this should be much different after the pob update (expecting 3x damage or more). Plus, this is all passive damage that will be dealt while you are casting a 6m+dps flame surge or other ability on bosses.

    On bosses you just have to drop arcanist brand and use your main 6l skill, and HoT/fire burst will auto proc.

    Another possibility is dropping all penetration / curses / ee and running inquis inevitable judgement, but i think the ee version is better. You could also drop EE and run a circle of anguish if you're rich and can get a power charge or good implicit one. Precursor rings are probably good as well. You also don't need badge, I just couldnt think of a good amulet to use since the level of all skill gems amulets dont affect fire burst.

    Anyway, please let me know any updates I should make or suggestions you have!

    submitted by /u/GoHugYourCat
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    Which bow leaguestarter?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    Hi, my gf who's quite new at the game (played a few leagues, but already killed Sirus a couple times) wants to play a bow-based build. Her favorite for now is Freezing Pulse totems.

    So I recommended bleed glad or TR, but with the nerfs I'm not sure which will be better in the end. With regards to the league mechanic I think TR looks better but how will bossing be? Will it require a gem swap?

    I also remember a friend playing an impale Champion with RoA/Barrage which was pretty sick but not sure it's good for leaguestarting. There's always Ice Shot Ranger but again not sure about leaguestarting it, and she'd enjoy something tankier.

    submitted by /u/RaptorAllah
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    Exsanguinate Saboteur traps?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Wanted to try going traps with it. Seemed like a decent way to quickly get the dot stacks of the skill goin as well as an additional way to scale it. Wouldn't need to invest in chaining or anything as I assume there will be multiple tendril launches so they will just clear stuff without much fuss.

    At this point my plan was to use stuff like Cold Iron Point (which i predict will probably be expensive this league, so might use Cybils paw until i can afford it), jaws of agony/Rumis to help scale a bit of extra damage and help going for max block (will need more investment on tree and other places). Tinkerskin for Frenzy charge and life gain to help with life costs from the skill.

    Aaaaand that's about as far as I've gotten. Wondered if anyone else out there had a similar plan or could share some insight on how to help scale it better past those options. I might drop Jaws later for just a better rare shield and run my own bear trap setup (the power charge part won't matter as I'll end up picking up the Blast cascade node on the tree anyway.)

    As a side note I'm sure mines will probably be the better way to go if you had to choose between traps/mines, but i just wanted to try traps for now.

    submitted by /u/Rolia1
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    A build that can build around Essence of Hysteria's upgraded Fire Burst?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a cool way to build around the upgraded Fire Burst:

    Essence of Hysteria Weapon: Cast Level 20 Fire Burst on Hit

    Now always casts Fire Burst on Hit (previously 10% chance). Existing items with this modifier will be updated to the new value. Fire Burst now has a 1 second Cooldown (previously 0.5 seconds). Fire Burst now has a 6% Critical Strike Chance (previously 5%). Fire Burst now has an added damage effectiveness of 340% (previously 130%). Fire Burst now has a base radius of 24 (previously 15). Fire Burst now deals 1526 to 2288 Fire Damage at level 20 (previously 703 to 1055)

    Ideally there'd be a bit of Cool Down Reduction, Fireball is probably the best way to go?

    submitted by /u/SnuffTastic
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    [3.14] LACERMAN BUILD (Fast ClearSpeed + EZ to Play + All Content + Labber)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Lacerman build is a combination of easiness to play and being able to do all endgame content at a high efficiency thanks to it's fast clearspeed and bossing capability. It's an all-round build designed to do your daily stuff like mapping, delving, simulacrum, uber labs, endgame bosses, etc. efficiently. It's also very easy to manage, a complete beginner friendly build. Even if you haven't played Path of Exile before, you'll have no problems managing this build in short time.

    Build is mainly based on clearing huge packs of monsters both as fast and easy as possible, using Leap and Lacerate. Attack speed on everywhere possible makes us travel fast with Leap and turn Lacerate into a machinegun, then blast the whole screen with Lacerate's huge aoe and explosions combined. Our Lacerate auto-aims as well with Multistrike, so no need to even target! Then Soul Taker on offhand makes attack skills don't spend any mana, which allows us to completely forget about what mana is and also allows us to fill up our mana reserve with buffs. As well we use Vaal Ancestral Warchief and Ancestral Protector totems to buff us while bossing, doing high delirious maps and also whenever extra damage is needed.

    Build Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2875553

    Clear Speed Video (Minotaur):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLHRfA0fDIY

    Maven Kill:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4tVhvhZoXg

    Sirus A9 Kill:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grzL3z-83w

    submitted by /u/Pegasus_RydeR
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    Scion league starter

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, i need some help. My league starter wasbjust annouced dead. So im looking for a new league starter for scion ascendant

    Anyone can help me with ideas. The only must for the build is it has to be a good boss killer and fairly good clear speed.

    A CWDT build could be nice. CoC or other. Im quite open for options

    submitted by /u/xXFirReaXx
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    What's everyone's league starters ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    With the release of the patch notes I was going to go lacerate/bleed gladiator but now I am thinking something else since the elder mod nerf. Maybe storm rand or lightning arrow? Also, considering a CoC build because I've never played one. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/s3thFPS
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    Clear all Content for a Noob - Shak V or Burning Witch Cyclone?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    I've been playing PoE since beta but never hit proper endgame. I always make up my own build which always gimps out.

    3.14 I'm going OP meta, melt the atlas mofos with the goal of clearing everything - finally.

    I have narrowed it down to three builds, only enough resources for one character.

    Shak Vortex - looks the most OP, awesome guide, is it fun though?


    Burning Witch Cyclone - looks fun as hell but is it too difficult/complex to achieve?


    Ice Queen - looks really fun, I love cyclone and freezing shit but a bit gimpy?


    Any thoughts are welcome, I think I'd have more fun with the two Cyclone builds but I'm not confident I can get them to a viable state.

    submitted by /u/Xierg
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    3.14 Best builds looking to farm 5-ways to 100; ples help

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Really dislike going into breachstones so I prefer to turn off my brain in some 5 ways.
    I've only known self-curse to do this, and well, now that its dead I'm curious what the meta will be now that it can be explored.

    I think headhunter will still be necessary for maximum efficiency, but I'm curious what suggestions you have for farming 5-ways.

    I think that a super beefy tornado shot might be the fastest clear for it, even moreso now that explode chest is rip. Maybe some Inpulsa shenanigans will take the crown

    What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/ThemiThemi
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    Champ LL caster

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    How do y'all feel about first to strike last to fall / inspirational LL caster?

    Reserve like 45ish percent life and use new spells to constantly dip below 50% ; add in fortify and you get like 30% less dmg taken right off the bat

    submitted by /u/buffinita
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    [3.14] League Starter Ideas : Raider FlickerStrike, Cyclone or Other

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I'm currently planning on making a single character to progress myself through the league from league start to end bossing (A8/9 Sirus, Maven etc) and wanted to try something out of the ordinary for a league starter with little to no investment.

    I want to go as Raider as that's the ascendency I've decided on (Only ascendency I have yet to play through) and need the viability of the build to work on CHEAP gear. I wanted to try Flicker strike for the gameplay but have been trying to look into its viability and I think I could maybe get by in the beginning in a trade league but without huge investment is its bossing capabilities lack luster?

    I can't find much information on a 3.14 viable Raider Cyclone build and how evasiveness from the passive tree keys in with the build so any help would be great in information on the build viability for either Raider Flicker or Raider Cyclone and any guides, posts or streamers you know of that have used these.

    If those don't work i'll look to make a cheese Raider BF/BB build despite the nerfs as I can flop any old life/res gear on that and i'm sure I'll slap maven in under 2 mins anyway regardless of how unoptimised the build is.

    Many thanks,


    submitted by /u/FEProspect
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    Anyone doing Vaal ground Slam champ ?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Anyone doing Vaal ground Slam champ ? show us POB or New Tree

    submitted by /u/Davcek
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    Self cast Ice Nova - is Hierophant the clear winner?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Ive decided to league start as ice nova, and ive noticed that Hierophant is by far the most popular. However, how do you guys think Inquisitor or Elementalist stack up vs it?

    submitted by /u/Churbro88
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