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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds [3.14 Guide] The 250M DPS Strength Stacking General's Cry Berserker

    Path of Exile Builds [3.14 Guide] The 250M DPS Strength Stacking General's Cry Berserker

    [3.14 Guide] The 250M DPS Strength Stacking General's Cry Berserker

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Reminder: When posting your PoB with shock as an enemy debuff, enter a value otherwise this sub's bot puts the value in for you...as 50%.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    TL;DR - #1 - put the shock values in your config otherwise your build will get roasted.

    TL;DR - #2 - if you see a build with "50% shock" from PoBPreviewBot don't automatically assume OP is full of it.

    Hi guys, just a reminder than when you post a build that has shock in the config, you need to enter the expected shock value.

    What happens if you don't? The bot for this sub will auto-fill it for you, post it as 50% and your fellow exiles will point and laugh.

    PoB does a wonderful job auto-calculating the shock for you if you have a guaranteed source of shock (Shaper of Storms/Cold Conduction etc) but will not auto-calculate for you otherwise, so get the calculator out and put something reasonable in!

    Most recent example I came across:


    " 50% shock and Sirius... on a lvl 99 tree... ok. I'm sure the gear is also unrealistic"

    If OP had put an actual shock value in (even 1) it would have been more DPS shown and the bot would have played nice, meaning they would not have to explain what is going on.

    Flaired as "guide" because it's the least worst flair.

    submitted by /u/anne_dobalina
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    Super Zoom Mega Tank KB/Flame Wall Elementalist T16 + Trialmaster Showcase

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Crafting process for Dan's fireburst bow?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    Showcasing a forgotten build - CWDT Poison Assassin

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Walk through T16s with a 1 ex budget -- Death's Oath Occultist (with bonus Bane)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Ngamahu's Flame Cast on Crit

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    I just got dropped this, would it be worth it to build around it?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    Restarting league, looking for build to go through endgame. Thing Storm Brand Assassin or Vortex/Ice Nova Occultist

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Started a Summoner but struggling/bored of it. Looking for something different.

    I've played Storm Brand and like the play style but unsure of how soft Assassins are this league and if they can make it through the end game.

    I hear great things about Vortex but playstyle looks a little passive/slow/boring.

    Was considering Mathil's Ice Nova Occultist into CoC later on, but unsure of how strong Ice Nova is at all.

    I'm also open to suggestions, just no Cyclone or minions

    submitted by /u/JaviJ01
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    Endgame build

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    On a 30-40ex budget which build will I get the most out of? Worb occultist, worb slayer, self chill zerker ls? I'd like to be able to do guardians/conq/Sirius 8 up to maven potentially etc aswell as zoom zoom t16. Not a fan of super low single target as I'm a idiot when it comes to mechanics.

    submitted by /u/Ladoona
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    Summoners, what are you doing to keep your AG alive durig Sirus?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Last league I played a LL golem necro and had my AG over 70k life and never lost him once all league.

    This league however I went with Spectres and have only been able to get him up to 45k life. Tested him twice on Sirus and both attempts he was getting hit too hard for comfort and so I unsummoned him.

    Curious what people are doing to make AG safe for the final Sirus phase.

    submitted by /u/alexd521
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    80's Wall

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    This is a terrible league for me so far. There were no builds that inspired me, interesting mechanics or gameplay that let me feel like I was actually succeeding with the game. I've tried 3 builds so far; Ice Nova Hiero (slow and squishy), BF/BB Raider (any lag will KILL this two button build), and Vortex Occultist (slow). Each of which hits around lvl 80 (for me) and just flattens out with lots of deaths and little currency in return.

    Yes, I probably suck at the game, but no, I don't have 5+ hours a day to play. I've had years of fun with POE, and played a ton of builds. Some of which were incredibly satisfying and took me to endgame content with ease (archmage storm brand hiero?). Those were the 'One Build' days it seems.

    But this league feels like unless I can dedicate more time I'm kind of screwed. Do I need to push one of those three builds above and just suffer through the 80's wall? Or maybe POE is just not the game for me anymore? That would be depressing.

    submitted by /u/saxisa
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    Golementalist help with dps (stone golems)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:49 PM PDT


    So my build is pretty good i d say, i managed to kill sirus A8, shaper, clear ultimatums in T16 with few deaths in some rippy maps but what i noticed is that i lack dmg when i fight Sirus. Sometimes the life bar doesn t even move xD. Can somebody take a look please at my build? I know I have to get 1 more cluster with Feasting fiends and Rotten claws but i was gathering points for now and some currency.

    I followed Asuzara's build guide.

    Any tips are welcome, i m not a good player. This is my first league I ve beaten Sirus :D

    submitted by /u/barzocaru
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    Heirophant Stormbrand vs Ascendant.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    What are the actual pro's and con's of each? If level 100 is the goal, which is better to obtain it.

    submitted by /u/JeannaLeavy
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    Removal of elder mod? (Poison)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I am intrested in putting together a poison wander pathfinder. but I am a bit worried about the removal of the elder mod "more damage with poison".

    As I understand we lost 60% more damage and we got back is some general chaos multi?

    I would like to either go alberons warpath or life stacking (Bloodthrist). This will be my "mapping toon", but would be nice with decent T16 map boss kills. Looking to spend about 20ex.

    Do you think it will be realistic to hit 4-5mil single target for this budget on a poison wander pathfinder after the nerfs?


    submitted by /u/Unlikely_Mix_9624
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    Archmage frostbomb, questions on Ascendancy \ Viable in Ult?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm looking for any input from people that have hopefully tried or have strong knowledge of the archmage Hierophant / Elementalist. I am use to seeing the build as a Hiero, but this league when checking POE ninja, a vast majority are playing Ele instead.

    I am looking at making the build, but I'm wondering if there's any major differences in one or the other? I was wanting to make the build to have a (semi) tanky character since my current is a well geared BA, but I want something that is more "relaxing" and not on deaths door 24/7.

    Also regarding the build in general, is it worth even going for the frost bomb route, or is ball lightning this league simply much, much, stronger? I don't mind if it's "weaker", as long as it's not a massive difference (especially defensively, I know I won't get any special quick LoH tricks with FB)

    Could use any input, and if anyone knows of any good guides I would love to take a peek to better understand them. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DruidNature
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    What to build with badge of the brotherhood

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    as the title says i got a badge drop few days ago and i'm torn between WO occultist and storm brand assassin (2 of the top builds using badge in poeninja) which of these builds would be better for this league? I got a lucky The Fiend card from stacked deck so i can get either of those builds going after i sell the card.

    submitted by /u/mutantspoder
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    Help for a Ice Crash + Vaal cold snap meme build

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    So I've been playing a ice crash berserker, and I would like to incorporate vaal cold snap into the mix. Now I know that might sound like a very weird skill combo, but hear me out.

    I went crit with warcry stacking. I also use Secrets of Suffering to apply Brittle instead of Freeze to easily cap my crit chance. However, all of this means my attack speed is relatively slow. I like the playstyle of one slow, big hit so I'm not really looking to change that. However, having to do that one big hit against tons of small enemies is tedious.

    I rerolled to a scourge arrow pathfinder which has been using Plague Bearer. The "mini righteous fire" playstyle helps a lot to clear small enemies, letting me focus on rares with scourge arrow. So I though, why not incorporate that idea into my ice crash build?

    Vaal cold snap is a RF-like skill that deals cold damage over time around you, exactly what I'm looking for. It would also be a great support skill to apply bonchill, and it alsos bypass Secrets of Suffering and lets me chill enemies, letting me run hypothermia on ice crash. However it's a spell, and my build is clearly an attack build, so scaling both would be pretty hard. This is where I'm looking for ideas.

    So far, I thought of using crown of eyes to scale both spell and attack damage, but that would require me to change the whole tree, maybe go occultist for the cold damage over time? I'm not against rerolling, but I'm not sure where to start. Oh, and I would also need to find a way to sustain a very long vaal cold snap, maybe with soul ripper? Or chill of corruption+venopuncture (that ring is very nice, it also allows me to run herald of ice even though I can't freeze)

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/JeannaLeavy
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    Is there a way to make Infernal Blow work with Facebreaker on SSF?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    So I dropped a pair of Facebreakers lately and since I'm a bit bored with the builds I played up until now I think I'd like to try a Facebreaker Infernal Blow build just for the fun of it. Now my question is, since my stupid brain cant think of a build itself, is it even possible? I have yet to come across a Rigwald's Curse which i believe would make it a lot easier. Do you fellow Redditors have any suggestions or tips and tricks for anything like that?

    submitted by /u/mabelon
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    VGS Slayer "low" DPS

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Hello !

    Early in the league i made a post asking for help for the survivability of my VGS Slayer, good advise was given and i just down A5 Sirus last night ! (Yeah!) Nothing fancy, i know... But the things is the fight took way longer than i imagined and i can't even use my VGS since (or maybe 3-4 charge during the whole fight!!) i can't charge enough soul? So i'm struggling with the regular GS.

    Here's my PoB :https://pastebin.com/1K0jtEd1

    I know my glove/boots/amu are pretty... meh (and maybe the helmet too) But i don't where to start to up my damage. Last season i made a ES Champion and it was more easy to scale damage since no crit.

    I have around 8ex (no big farmer... ) to drop in so any help is welcome !

    Edit : Typo

    submitted by /u/UbberThak
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    Build for Ranger class ( no toxic rain plz)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys was looking forward to change my ranger build into something new, 30ish ex budget right now

    submitted by /u/roninha99
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    Mechanics question: Hydrosphere and Chain

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    The basic question: is there a limit to the number of times something can chain to and from hydrosphere?

    Context: I'm thinking of putting together a lightning Wild Strike build (because I'm a build hipster and possibly a masochist), and was thinking of using hydrosphere to help with single target dps, going Elementalist or Ascendant to get the extra milage out of the exposure debuff. I imagine this resulting in a situation where the WS lightning bolt bounces back and forth between a boss and the hydrosphere a bunch of times, potentially resulting in 4x-5x the damage of a single hit depending on the chain count - with the base chain of 7, if I hit the boss once I think I should get 4 total hits with chain. Is this how it would work in reality, or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/nsheorey
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    What's a good silent (minimal clicking/button pushing) build for playing while my spouse sleeps

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    I play while my wife sleeps, and im very conscious of my mouse and keyboard clicks keeping her awake. I've spent a fortune on "silent" peripherals that still click so I want a build where I just walk around.

    Something fairly strong I can do seriously juiced content with.

    submitted by /u/NormanConquest
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    CoC Non-Assassin - Build Suggestion

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I am looking for a good Good Ice Spear build for any ascendancy that is not Assassin. The reason for that is having a some sort of Tanky version with an all around character.

    I was reading about assassin and everyone says it can be squishy. Ritual league I managed to build an ele hit with around 70m DPS and a desirable clearing speed, but super squishy. Now I want something more balanced, farming any content anytime.

    I am experienced with poe Mechanics but never went far enough to build a character without a written guide to be based of. So written guide would be very apreciated.

    Lastly, I heard ascendant version would be my go to, due to MoM and nice DPS.

    My goal is at least 15m DPS (with some defensive layer that wont kill me frequently) with a high ceiling and investment of 60ex as a starting point (farming t16 juiceds, ubers and bosses in general.

    submitted by /u/AtAllCreativity
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    LL Vortex need help please :/

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    I need help know what to change and update with my vortex build.
    I'm still dying a lot and don't really feel the damage is there

    Any help would be much appreciated !!

    POB: https://pastebin.com/ScbZJtm2

    submitted by /u/coolhandlukke
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