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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds How to read builds, and some general tips on what not to do - as well as some thoughts on sub meta.

    Path of Exile Builds How to read builds, and some general tips on what not to do - as well as some thoughts on sub meta.

    How to read builds, and some general tips on what not to do - as well as some thoughts on sub meta.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    As I see a lot of the same questions and mistakes repeated here over and over by newer players especially, I thought I'd compile a few tips on how to approach one's build choice and general advice on how to progress. If you have corrections or additional tips to provide, comment and i'll add them.

    Unfortunately this sub doesn't seem to do stickies, which I would really ask we do - not necessarily for this thread, but for general resources, tips, guides by streamers etc. It would definitely help cut down on repeat questions and posts a lot, I feel.

    edit: /u/GrimroPoE is currently working on a site to get an overview of tried and tested, curated builds by good players for league starters, keep your eye out for that one as it will try to focus on beginner and league-start friendly, affordable builds!

    But anyway, let's proceed into some tips and pointers.

    • What makes a good leaguestarter?

    First and foremost, a good leaguestarter must be SSF-viable (solo self-found, meaning only using things you find/craft) - or on Trade, require only common/cheap uniques (early on, so for instance not something like a One With Nothing jewel or any endgame boss drops, etc) and easy-to-obtain gear to get rolling. If you want to be on the safe side with your choice, always look at HC SSF build templates. While these will require you to learn a bit about crafting and what to pick up - this is an added advantage as it coerces you to learn more about the game.

    Check with tried and tested build theorycrafters and trustworthy sites. TyTykiller always posts a list of starter candidates, Zizaran always has a few viable starter candidates, so do most streamers who play HC and/or SSF, and often they have good beginner guides. Be wary with forum guides, and take your time to read comments and experience reports.

    Avoid clickbaity titles on youtube and forum guides. "Broken low budget starter!" - "xx million DPS on less than 1 Exalt!" - "I farmed x Mirrors in one day on this build" are typical titles that should immediately make you sceptical. While many of these may still be generally viable, you should be wary of promises being made. One way of easily checking builds is to learn how to use PoB.

    /u/kalarepar: Check the video or count the non-trigger skills that you have to cast manually. Some builds may look cheap and have high numbers, but the actualy gameplay is a nightmare, because at every pack you have to use 3 other skills before your main one. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but you should be aware of how the build actually plays. Especially that if you're a new player, you might panic at the boss fights, forget about your "preparation" skills and without them your damage will suck.

    • Learn how to use PoB

    You can check any build's viability pretty easily by importing the provided PoB (Path of Building, the main theorycrafting tool outside of the game) and checking the calculation and item setup, first and foremost. Does it have things selected in the calculation that are unrealistic? Typical candidates are 50% shock, "have you killed recently", and other temporary or conditional effects which will not be up at all times on boss fights. Another thing to look for are unrealistic items for the first few days on leaguestart (an Unnatural Instinct or alternate quality gems, influenced well-crafted items, Bottled Faith or min-maxed Cluster Jewels are typical ones). edit /u/kalarepar: Check the jewels. People like to boost their PoB numbers by putting bunch of absurdly well rolled crit multi jewels.

    Some people will actually be so bold as to even not select Sirus as the target being calculated against in their PoB, artificially bloating their damage numbers. It's rare these days, but it happens. "PoB warrior" is a typical term for these types of PoBs.

    If a build is advertised as a "starter", but has no leveling trees or SSF/leaguestart item setup, it will typically not be very helpful for you if you don't know what you are doing.

    • The reason why some build guides don't include leveling/day 1 setups

    If you are newer to the game, you will look for these. But many guides may be generally leaguestart viable, but leave out the part that is obvious to those of us with some experience in the game. Namely, what skills to run in the acts, what gear to look out for, how/when to transition, if a transition is required. If you need these pointers, don't go for a build that doesn't include them.

    • Prioritize defensive layers over offense

    On low budgets/SSF, getting good defense first is the priority. While basically any build can cruise into yellow/early red maps on life/res rares, the crucible of early build viability starts hitting once you start doing late yellow/early red Conquerors and maps with more mods. Virtually any skill can be scaled to do enough damage to clear most content up to red maps, but you cannot deal any damage if you are dead.

    When looking at any build, always consider: what are its defensive layers, excluding any hard-to-obtain uniques or special items on leaguestart? A build must have either high phys mitigation (armor/endurance charges), avoidance (Evade/Dodge), Mind over Matter, Block, or high regen, and optimally it will have a combination of two of these along with a good EHP (effective hit points, combining mitigation, life, etc) pool (meaning high life, high mana). When making a build, the general guideline is to select your choice of defensive layers on the tree first, and pick appropriate damage-scaling for your skills close to those nodes. edit /u/Raigoku: also make sure the build isn't just throwing a bunch of layers together at low level. For instance, a build with "a bit" of block, avoidance and average life isn't going to be very tanky. A good defensive build will want to maximize/get the most out of at least one defensive layer, and have other aspects complimenting/covering for weaknesses. For example, an avoidance build should be getting to evade/dodge cap with a few items and no flask uptime, if possible, and have other things like Immortal Call, Enduring Cry/regen, Fortify etc to mitigate the hits you will take eventually as best as possible.

    And btw: avoid ES (Energy Shield) builds on leaguestart. You can absolutely play builds that transition later (Vortex Occultist is a typical one), but getting good ES for endgame is not something you easily do on leaguestart or on SSF. It's something you do later with some crafting and/or investment.

    And btw: you don't need xx million Sirus DPS to deal with everything in the game (with a few niche exceptions, like Feared etc Maven invitations). You just need enough damage to not spend minutes per Sirus phase, and most importantly enough defense to not get oneshot by everything and have enough wiggle room to afford some mistakes and be able to learn the fights.

    Also, you shouldn't expect your build to be able to deal with niche content such as Feared or rippy Maven invitations, 100% Delirium juiced maps, or insta-phasing A9 Sirus. These are niche endgame goals for which you need min/maxed builds and high budgets. While there are many builds that can handle A9 Sirus more slowly, don't look at these things as something your starter build, or your build in general if you're not a very very active player with a lot of time, should handle. Set your expectations realistically. A starter build, or one of the first builds you play, should let you deal with 99% of the content below that, let you learn the game, enjoy all the mechanics, and make currency. Then you can start looking at options for higher aspirations (which also require more knowledge and experience to pull off).

    • Decide on your league goals/aims on your starter beforehand

    Before looking for a starter build, decide what your goals are. Do you want to just be able to do everything moderately well on a budget? Do you want to get zoomy map clear as quickly as possible, and don't care too much about endgame bossing? Do you want to instead be able to kill endgame bosses as quickly as possible? Do you care about farming a specific type of content early on, either because you enjoy it or you want to maximize your profits quickly? Do you even care about generating a lot of currency?

    All these factors should be considered, because they will affect your enjoyment of a build and its viability for your goals immensely, and different builds have different strengths. Credit /u/Uberj4ger

    • Wait. For. Patchnotes.

    While there are always various builds that will definitely still be good as starters, no matter what GGG change in the patch notes, it is always worth waiting until a few days before launch, when we have had the balance manifesto and the patch notes hit. After that, we get a rough idea of what skills may be significantly worse or better, and what type of build may be specifically suited to the new league content. Again, there are always various general builds that will do fine on leaguestart, but asking for "a good build for coming league" won't make any sense before we have patchnotes and had some time to theorycraft a bit.

    • "I followed this guide but i'm dying in yellow maps, help" or: DON'T REROLL WHEN IT GETS HARD

    This is a very, very common complaint and mistake I see a lot of newer players especially make. You find a build that seems fun, you roll into maps (which any build can do, and should never be a benchmark, always remember that!), but suddenly you're struggling when it starts getting hard, and are thinking of rerolling, because it must the build.

    Almost always, it is recommendable to learn about scaling, ask for advice, and adjust and tune your build, instead of rerolling. Rerolling takes time, and currency. And most builds will absolutely function fine, if you are scaling properly. This means knowing what to prioritize when on the tree and on gear, using the right scaling, and most of all, starting to invest into your build.

    Almost any build can easily waltz into yellow maps, again, this should never be a benchmark. The game "starts" at this point when most builds have to start investing into gear to get ahead. Typical, very common mistakes are: not having capped res, having prioritized too many damage nodes over life on tree early on and running around on 2k life, having no method of sustain, having neglected defensive layers, or not checking for very cheap but good upgrades and expecting act gear to last forever. Another very common mistake is quite simply not following a build guide or understanding how it works.

    This sub is a place where you can always post your PoB and ask for help, and learn how to improve. Always do that before just rerolling.

    • "I make no money/anything over a few Ex is unaffordable to me, WTF"

    Let's assume we are playing Trade here, which the majority does. Remember when I said try to pick something SSF-viable to start? That's because these builds can typically deal with all content without requiring massive investment. Now, will you typically fly through the content and instagib bosses? No. But that's why I mentioned those clickbaits early on - those are typically min/maxed builds with higher budgets on Trade. And they aren't necessary to deal with all content.

    A good starter build will do just fine with purely self-found/self-crafted gear and maybe a handful of very cheap or common items from Trade (for instance, Toxic Rain is a very common and popular starter because you can pretty much do most content up to red maps on rares, a Quill Rain and a Tabula/random 6 link). So choose accordingly!

    However, at some point you will want to improve and make your build feel better. You'll want faster clear, better boss kill times, more tank, whatever. At this point, you will invest.

    Now a common complaint I see is that people "make no money". This is unfortunately purely a point of experience. These days, "just playing the game" will absolutely net you enough currency to fund any basic build into general viability. One frequent mistake is that people hyper-focus on raw Exalted Orbs and Chaos Orbs being dropped, don't use proper item filters, don't know what to look at for value on gear. This is quite simply only mitigated by playing, interacting with trade, and learning. We all learn, constantly.

    A few helpful resources i can recommend are Zizaran's and Engineering Eternity's starter guides on youtube. They include general advice on what to pick up, how to generate currency, and how to play on Trade. EE's content may be outdated, but the vast majority of it is very much applicable today, so give it a look. edit: /u/GrimroPoE is also currently implementing a site to quickly get an overview of profitable activities in the game with deterministic drop tables based on current market value. http://www.poeprofit.com - A work in progress, but another helpful tool if you want to pick your targets and activities and maximize your profits.

    Take it from someone who never min/maxes currency farming, never target-farms or strategizes his Atlas, and always has enough budget to do 20-30 Exalt builds: if you just play the game, properly modify your maps, run league content, and know what to pick up and what to bother with, you will make plenty to scale any build into solid endgame territory.

    Another tip for general Trade League gameplay is to use a trade macro (Awakened Poe Trade is a good one I use myself) to help you quickly check an items general worth. This will help you quickly learn market values without having to tab out of the game. Disclaimer: make sure to select individual mods on a rare item and search for them in combination, do not rely on the estimate at the top, it is usually incorrect and only reliable for deterministic loot such as uniques, currency, divination cards etc, anything without too many variable stats. Even on some unique items, selecting the individual variable mods and searching for YOUR rolls may significantly alter the value you list it at! /u/Biskylicious

    • General optimization/gameplay tips

    Credit: /u/ShellCarnage

    Flasks in PoB

    Always check the rolls on flasks on builds, many times I've checked PoBs to find that people haven't rolled their flasks or not made them a priority, many builds nowadays rely on flask to fill gaps in defences.

    Examples :

    Immunities (Bleed, Freeze, Curses, Shock etc)

    of Iron Skin (60-100)% increased Armour during Flask effect

    of Reflexes (60-100)% increased Evasion Rating during Flask effect

    Check Your Defences

    Always keep checking your build in PoB and don't just rely on ingame stats, If you are dying on an evasion or armor based character do you have similar to the build you are following? If not check the PoB to find out why. Not uncommon for me to check PoB to find 8k Evasion and the build they followed has 18k.

    Check Map Mods In Softcore

    This is something I feel is massively underrated and ignored, people get a solid build then die in a map because the mods are stacked against them. This is all about learning the limits of your build and adjusting your gameplay depending on the mods.

    An example of this is Totems, if you roll a map with monsters chain 2 additional times and don't have upgraded Soul of Lunaris on, the projectiles will chain off your totems and kill you.

    I feel Steelmage explained this better here : https://youtu.be/A5NErBdC1bA?t=2885

    Dont Neglect Pantheons

    Pantheons are so powerful in POE yet its usually last on peoples lists but unfortunately many builds are heavily invested in Pantheons such as totems (Soul of Lunaris - Avoid Chains) or builds that need stun immunty take Soul of the Brine King. These should not be ignored, they provide so much defensive bonus for little to no investment. You should check and understand why your build is taking that Pantheon and if you need to upgrade it to get the benefits you need.

    I know that was a lot of rambling (sorry, i'm not very good at being concise and to the point), and most of you will have read some or all of this before somewhere else. Hopefully someone will have gleaned a bit of info from it.

    Feel free to add helpful tips and advice, and i'll edit them. I will also try to condense it into a more readable and brief form. This post will change over time.

    submitted by /u/miffyrin
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    3.14 Laziest Build Just Walk CWDT Battle Mage Inquisitor

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Showcasing one of the Best Boss Killers this League

    Posted: 17 May 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Can penance brand shotgun? (worms or hydrosphere)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    I couldn't find clarification about this, but can penance brand explosions shotgun by spreading to other enemies?

    For example, if a boss is surrounded by 3 enemies, can penance brand on the boss spread energy to all 3 enemies, making the explosion do 4x damage?

    I'd assume if it can, then worms would work too, since penance brand doesn't kill worms until it explodes.

    Also, the brand can't attach to hydrosphere, but energy does spread to it. Might be an easy way for 2x explosion.

    Tried testing on a map boss and it seemed to work. Anyone know for sure?

    EDIT: seems like it might work, but penance brand only spreads 1 energy to surrounding enemies. so you'd get additional 1 energy explosions which are nice but don't seem worth building around.

    submitted by /u/mnlop_
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    Break into early bossing and T16's on a 1 ex budget with a Storm Brand Heirophant!

    Posted: 17 May 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    1.5M DPS Has Never Felt So Bad. Low Life Voidforge Cyclone ft. Bloodthirst

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    This is one of those "cautionary tales/let me know if I fucked this up because the build is actually cool as shit it just does zdps and its sadge" posts.

    But I wanted to try the new support gem Bloodthirst, but the numbers on it seemed really mediocre, so I made the best possible go of it by utilizing everyone's least favorite Uber Elder drop, Voidforge, and stacking a lot of hp to reach seemingly insane amounts of flat damage.

    In a theoretical sense, adding almost 200 flat physical to the sword with a 300% multiplier seemed like a recipe for success. Doing napkin math I realized I could turn it into a 1500dps sword on 9k hp. No way this can't be good, I thought, and I rolled it.

    What I can tell you is that if you're looking for a build that falls over to every degen in the game and does absolutely zero damage to any metamorph in wraeclast. This is the build for you. I could push this further, probably tops out at about 2M without flasks with the double hatred watcher's eye, and all the bells and whistles, but these days that's not going do it for anyone. I leave the PoB here in case anyone would like to look it over and see where I was headed with it.

    But my conclusion is that if Bloodthirst can't be good in even this setup then it's just not strong enough for literally anything. Look elsewhere. If anybody sees any obvious errors that could have made the build much better, I'm all eyes.

    https://pastebin.com/76pncfgE *fixed to include relevant Lethal Pride mods

    submitted by /u/Makhai123
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    100% chaos conversion Archmage Voltaxic Spark Build

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    TL;TR 100% lightning to chaos with phantasmal spark and voltaxic rift, hierophant mana based build with archmage, 50-60% MoM, agnostic, lots of mana regen, lots of fun.

    Pros: high eHP (8.7k), high life & mana regen, 100% chaos damage

    Cons: prone to oneshots (low life pool), res hungry (cuz of uniques)

    I didn't play (vaal) valtaxic spark when it was popular (some time ago) so I decided to try to make one now that it isn't as powerful/viable (I'm smort).

    First, phantasmal spark gives 40% lightning to chaos conversion, combined with Voltaxic rift you get 100% lightning to chaos conversion.

    I wasn't sure how to scale damage so I went with the easier method, slapping on archmage support and getting lots of mana, also I like mana based builds. This allows for some minor double dipping with the Dark Ideation node.

    The key is to balance mana regen to sustain continuous casting, either by reducing mana cost of skill and cast speed or getting more regen. Cloak of defiance and atziri's foible are the goto for mana builds, and a belt and watcher's eye with mana recovery rate are a big boost in regen. With hierophant ascendency and arcane capacitor (130% inc arcane surge effect), arcane surge in your gem link is great for damage and mana regen. I connected the tree to the witch start for 0.5% mana regen with pure talent (I use both normal and replica and connect to templar, witch and scion). You can also stack nodes like rot-resistant and mindfulness for more regen (not optimal though).

    The only source of additional pierce is from voidwalker and the shattered divinity. I didn't noticed too much of a difference in clear speed with and without the piercing shots annoint so I dropped it for more mana.

    To go crit, you'll need a bottled faith flask (cinderswallow urn with crit will work too).

    For defences, the build has 59% MoM (not perfect watcher's) and agnostic. You can also get divine flesh but I don't have enough mana regen to comfortably take damage and cast. With agnostic, the build can sustain rf but you have to trade mana regen for damage (I found it was fine).

    Unique gear: Voltaxic Rift, Cloak of Defiance, Atziri's Foible, Essence Worm, Voidwalker, Bottled Faith, Witchfire Brew, Pure Talent, Replica Pure Talent, Watcher's Eye (Clarity), Megalomaniac (Dark Ideation).

    Non unique gear (mods in order of importance): mana, res, life

    My standard character (lvl91): https://pastebin.com/F5NtwHr9 (3.4M Sirus dps) - legacy items: 10% mana temple mod gloves, 30% mana recovery watcher's eye.

    No legacy items, lvl80, slightly more affordable gear: https://pastebin.com/Stbe1YLt (2.8M Sirus dps)

    Any suggestions/improvements are welcomed! Hope someone else will enjoy this build like I am!

    submitted by /u/le_reddit_me
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    LF Build for my Shavs +2 Aura +2 Trap/Mine

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    Not sure where to go with CI Vortex

    Posted: 17 May 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    So after completely destroying my orb of chaos resources through a noob mistake during a purchase of a Thread of Hope, I'm at a loss with what I can do to improve my character while building my resources back up.

    I know there's a low life route I can go with the build but I do not have the gear or resources to transition. People say going Elemental Equilibrium would be a damage up, but POB doesn't show that and I don't have access to a trigger wand.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/Ke0gtNra

    I have some random one shots every once in a while in low red maps, ultimatiums are butt clenchy, and even ilevel 80ish contracts will kill me and I'd like to avoid that. The dps is passable but I mean I wouldn't mind more. Not sure if there's a way to increase it without an insane wand however.

    Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/xfire57
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    I’m looking for a fast paced cyclone build with HoI crunch sounds. [SSF]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    Pretty much title, but an important factor is that this is SSF and all uniques won't be available to me. I do have some uniques such as a shavs and some 6Ls but other than that it's limited.

    submitted by /u/Soepoelse123
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    Need help fixing Flicker or switching to Cyclone!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Hello all! First off I am a returning player but I am still extremely new I have only played 2 other leagues (Incursion and Legion). I am looking to either fix my flicker OR change to cyclone!

    At the moment I am running a Gladiator Block Flicker but I die often, normally I have no idea what to I just instant pop. I am aware that desync is a big problem with flicker the deaths I am talking about are not to that.

    I recently got lucky enough to land a Headhunter and have been wanting to build more off of that.

    My PoB: https://pastebin.com/jrBdhKqF (Running Alira in case it doesn't show up)

    I know that I have low HP but if I go the route of upgrading I have no idea what I should try to get first.

    I have also been thinking about changing over to cyclone since I have gotten the Headhunter.

    Honestly I am open to anything I just would like to at least stay the duelist, have fast clear for maps, and be able to boss.

    Budget is about 35ex

    Got HH would like to make my flicker better or change to something like cyclone
    Must stay Duelist
    Budget 35ex

    EDIT: I am terrible with PoB and am not sure how to set up the config for the DPS calc sorry for that!

    submitted by /u/ToxSynTV
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    Some free gear

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    It isnt much but looking for a poorer player that wants to play a cold flicker. Really dont want someone who will just flip the gear for profit...

    submitted by /u/EffectiveSupport5865
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    Max doom rate Impending Doom concept

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    I'm interested in a Cane of Kulemak build and I was considering an Impending Doom build.
    The problem is you need doom to tick to maximum and afterward, your curse needs to expire.
    I was thinking of running the Kulemak Chaos staff with +3 supported and 14% Qual of support gems to get a high level Enhance and Empower on a skill and immediately thought of Impending Doom.
    The Doom tick rate with this setup would be:
    Anomalous Enfeeble(there's also Punishment but that's not as useful) which has 40% doom increased rate at 20%, with Enhance it becomes 142% increased doom rate. 150% doom rate form tree.
    20% from Fated End ring.
    That increases the doom rate to 312%. That's 41.2 doom rate/sec. As I run Malicious Intent and Fated End and 40 max doom, the hex explodes in [(40-4)/ 41.2]+0.5 second = 1.37 second.

    Realized stacking Max doom is superior.

    Is there a way I could improve this concept?
    Find experimental tree. Yes, I know it looks like it's made of paper, this is just a concept. https://pastebin.com/QVX4bFqX

    Thanks in advance for your input!

    submitted by /u/kfijatass
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    Hopped on the double CoC train with the underrated Uul-Netol's Embrace. Failed miserably but learned a lot.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Found this wand in SSF, any build suggestions?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Found this wand in SSF, any build suggestions?

    Are Physical wanders a thing? I've never played a wander before. Also I plan to harvest craft remove cold, add more quality with hillock and crit quality craft, then add phys and hope for hybrid phys


    submitted by /u/Sceth
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    Looks like Grimro is going to make a website focused on builds and making it easy to see everything about a build, the budget, etc. This is gonna be FUCKING LIFE CHANGING and highly beneficial for everyone looking for the right builds for them

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:33 PM PDT


    There's a bunch of great and terrible builds and build guides out there and they are all scattered around on reddit, official forums, youtube and some other average to bad sites. You always see people ask for build suggestions or search for hours on the internet for good builds and guides but end up not satisfied with what they find or they find the perfect build but either the guide sucks or there's some other problem like the guide is missing things like not showing how to lvl the build which is inconvenient.

    With the way Grimro talks about his website about builds, it seems like he's gonna make sure people truly understand the game and builds and he's gonna bring all this shit in one place. Kinda like what Steam did for games or Rhykker, Bluddshed and the Maxroll website does for Diablo 3.

    If Grimro can pull this off successfully then this is gonna make a lot of people enjoy the game a lot more. Just going to the website, finding builds that they think like, finding out the gear needed, budget, mid game, end game version of builds....Man that's gonna be great.

    If you guys are familiar with Rhykker, Bluddshed and the Maxroll website for Diablo 3 you know how amazing they are at explaining builds and they got all the info and stuff in one spot. Just imagine it like that but with PoE. Hope Grimro can pull this off.

    submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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    Doryani's Protoype Zombies with Mahuxotl's Machination

    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Help improve Ice Trap build

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Hello fellow exiles, I'd be much appreciated if you could take a look at my build and give me ideas on how to improve it. Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/J6kqeBxf

    Main aspects would be:

    A) Survivability: getting one shot from time to time in T16 maps (especially from Ultimatums).

    B) Damage: while I feel the output dps is quite respectable, I'm sure there's a lot more room to improve here.

    Related to this, I'd like more specific advice on these aspects:

    - Passive tree: considering respec from left most side of the tree, but not sure where to put those points that would make a big difference (I kinda want to avoid investing into cluster jewels for now).

    - Links: I've seen many different setups for Ice Trap, from Hypothermia (this one I see a lot of people using), Added Cold Damage and Cold Pen. What would you say it's best and what would you change?

    - Items: Tinkerskin or not. Is the life and energy shield on trap trigger really good for survivability? Because that's the only positive I see on it, since frenzy generation is taken care from charged traps (or Master Sapper from the tree) and phasing from Quartz flask.

    Then there is Malachai's Artifice, which I'm also not sure if it's worth using for proccing EE and losing life and resists from ring slot.

    And especial mention to Slavedriver's Hand gloves. I'm starting to thing that those might be the right answer to some of my doubts, since I wouldn't need Charged Traps or Lifetap and would also get some endurance charge generation. Although ot sure how to feel about reduced trap throwing speed until I could make for it from weapons/passive tree.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/gotxi87
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    Hollow Palm builds and chaos res?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    Playing Dang's Trinity Infernal Blow build, ton of fun. Only thing that nails me every once in a while is chaos damage, like with al-hezmin.

    Given with hollow palm we have extremely limited spots for chaos res, what's the best way to get some? I don't see any in Dang's final build btw. Is there something I'm missing or it's just a weak point on an otherwise ridiculous build?

    submitted by /u/saxisa
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    Mana Guardian - Choosing your Herald

    Posted: 17 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of converting my Templar into a Mana Guardian, but I know so little about minion based herald or summoners in general. So I wanted to hear what you thought would be better, Herald of Purity or Herald of Agony. I was thinking of using Arakaali's fang

    submitted by /u/PinkCupcakePie
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    Am I just garbage?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Hello fellow exiles,

    This is the first season that I've really seriously payed. So I've been following this build guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3061629 guide and started having some trouble in tier 13+. I'll just randomly die and have no idea why(would love a 'causes of death' summary!). Am I missing something important from the build or am I just garbage at this build?I've gotten to the point where I'm not even having fun anymore, which is super frustrating.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    My path of building: https://pastebin.com/yzmt3yYq

    submitted by /u/viosdr
    [link] [comments]

    A9 Sirus - just another ele build

    Posted: 17 May 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    Newish player needing help with next step in my Scion Ascendant Ball Lightning build

    Posted: 17 May 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/ELZtDSfM

    Like title implies, I have a decent understanding of the game but I'm not quite sure where to take this build. My main goal rn is to 6 link my cloak and then figure out how to get +5k hp with positive Chaos res.

    Any help is appreciated and cheers in advance

    EDIT NEW PoB: https://pastebin.com/1AVfGTA4 (hopefully this one isn't messed up)

    submitted by /u/Greeted
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for a build to use this. SSF ultimatum. Never played any attack builds in the endgame.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Looking for a build to use this. SSF ultimatum. Never played any attack builds in the endgame.


    You can look up my profile to see what other uniques I could use. One notable unique is bottled faith. Idk if there's anything else that matters.

    Got this chestpiece from my first ever Farrul's den. 6-linked in ~50 fusings and need help with making a build out of it.

    submitted by /u/SzybkiDiego020
    [link] [comments]

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