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    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Some people who do video guides: ''YeS gUyS tHe BuIlD wIlL sTiLl Do LiKe 99% oF tHe DaMaGe WiThOuT tHe WaTcHeR's EyE!!!!''

    Path of Exile Builds Some people who do video guides: ''YeS gUyS tHe BuIlD wIlL sTiLl Do LiKe 99% oF tHe DaMaGe WiThOuT tHe WaTcHeR's EyE!!!!''

    Some people who do video guides: ''YeS gUyS tHe BuIlD wIlL sTiLl Do LiKe 99% oF tHe DaMaGe WiThOuT tHe WaTcHeR's EyE!!!!''

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    PSA: Struggling with Ultimatums? Before rerolling, consider getting an Inspired Learning.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people giving up on their otherwise perfectly viable builds because they struggle on red map Ultimatums.

    First off, rerolling is often a trap that will cost you way more time and currency than simply fine-tuning or fixing your build. Always consider your options first.

    Additionally, you may want to be aware that most builds will require some basic investment to make them smooth on high juiced maps, so don't expect a build swap to magically fix your problem if it's budget-related.

    However, if you feel you're doing mostly fine, but are just struggling with Ultimatums:

    Consider grabbing an Inspired Learning jewel. They are fairly cheap for a few Exalts per, and almost every build can afford the space to slot one or two.


    How it works: there are 6 locations on the tree they can be slotted, see the link for details. Keep in mind you MUST have 4 notables allocated in the radius, or they will not work.

    It basically functions as a poor man's version of a Headhunter, giving you one of a rare mob's mods for 20 seconds after killing them. This will help immensely on just general map clear too, but on Ultimatums, with the insane density of rares it spawns, it basically turns into a fullblown Headhunter.

    Even with just one slotted, you will be running at 15-20 extra mods on you (it's just one buff icon with a counter, so don't get confused), making you way tankier, faster, sometimes basically immortal and for most builds scaling your damage immensely (attack builds in particular).

    If you can squeeze it into your build, give it a try. You may be surprised how much it boosts your efforts. If you're unhappy with it or want to reroll anyway, just resell it again, the market for these is very stable.

    And remember, always consider optimizing and fixing your build before just rerolling, many a newer player has wasted countless hours and lots of currency because they simply didn't learn how to improve their setups.

    Hope this helps a few people out.


    Breathstealer gloves are another option for many builds, they are similar cost, a bit cheaper right now, and will work perfectly for Ultimatums, as they "drop" rare mobs' buffs on the ground for a time. The drawback is it won't help much on general clear and you can't take the buffs with you to instagib a map boss, or maybe even use them on Trialmaster for 10-15 seconds, but they are still immensely helpful for Ultimatums.

    Edit edit: For summoners, Breathstealers are the better option (and they're cheaper), as they buff the minions as well. Thanks /u/SatireV for pointing it out!

    submitted by /u/miffyrin
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    Low Life Cyclone Champion with New Bloodthirst Gem+Pillar of the Caged God

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Deaths Oath Giveaway

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    EDIT: Had a lot of entries, trying to talk to a few people about actually giving it over, but looks like it's all done and dusted everyone! sorry if you weren't selected! Good luck and have fun ladies/gents!

    EDIT: Giveaway over!

    Hey guys, I recently played a bunch of PoE and as usual, I'm done with the league, for now, I have a deaths oath character that is fairly heavily min-maxed, and is running tier 16s comfortably sitting at 507k deaths oath damage, and 1.5mil blight, with 5.1k life so it is nothing special I know but it is a really smooth mapper.

    Currently running 2 curses and spider, as well as flesh and stone for added defense.

    If someone has been curious to try it but hasn't found the currency or willpower yet maybe I can push you over the edge! with a free set of gear (including all clusters and items)

    It was mostly my original design from years ago but I really liked what Pohx did with his so I made a full switch over, so this is very much a mirror of his build.

    Anyone interested feel free to post, not exactly sure how I'm going to choose who gets it, but I guess give a little "about why id like to play this" and ill pick from the best.

    This is valued around 10ex as a guess maybe upwards of that honestly, but like I said it's a full set ready to go.


    submitted by /u/The_Viral_Hybrid
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    Sharing my 3.14 occultist vaal phantasmal EQ build

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    Posting this here instead of r/pathofexile because I feel it will be more beneficial to the exiles here

    Summary : it's not the best build but it was my goal to make this build in 3.14 and the slams and pops are extremely satisfying. Got to 99 without any rotas but I will be quitting league soon so decided to share in case anyone else is interested in making one. Got the inspiration from This thai streamer and various other builds on poe.ninja, I pushed it as far as I could so I feel that the damage ultimately maxes out at around 50million sdps for one slam.

    Pro: Good clear speed, great bossing, easy ultimatums.

    Con: very expensive and not beginner friendly, only gets good past lv 95 so don't bother league starting

    Common questions and answers:

    **resolute technique before transitioning to crit version (double the dps in my case, but also more expensive).

    Cyclone? Might be better clear but you are forced to go with crown of eyes which also prevents you from going crit.

    Cane of Kulemak? More DPS, but feels terrible to play. 3% in AOE per 10 str is hands down the best Stat for this build.

    How to apply 3 curses? 1 from occultist, 1 more from awakened hextouch linked to boom mace explosion. ******

    Short video of ultimatum using vaal EQ Here

    A9 sirus Here

    Pob: https://pastebin.com/XMe1e0de



    submitted by /u/bhwung
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    Temptation Step Build concept; assistance welcome!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    Hi guys,
    Made another build for one of the more obscure items in-game so far - Temptation Step.
    Since the boots only work with travel skills, that leaves us with few options; most are elemental and don't hit very frequently. So I made a self-poison approach with Maw of Conquest; I was wondering what would be the best synergy with those two items and a travel skill - so I chose Shield Charge. Since I'm already poisoning and am pretty fast from the boots, I thought of an unusual approach and mixed it up with self-chill (Winterweave+Icefang Orbit) and combined it with the recovery and prolif of Bino's. Wrapped it with Ungil's as it's BiS for a poison assassin.

    This is what I ended up with; you need some thicc resistance gloves belt and chest, but otherwise you're pretty much set.
    The challenges of the build is that its spread a little thin attribute requirement wise; it's also a rather high mana cost for a skill that loves to attack fast. Damage without flasks is also far lower; I initially considered a Pathfinder approach with Iron Mass over Bino's, I am still not sure if that take might be superior.

    Any PoB doctors around interested in the build concept? I'd appreciate further polish.

    submitted by /u/kfijatass
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    Help me tone down my instance-crashing build?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    So I found a cwdt poison assassin build on here (can't find the post!) and decided to try it out, since my venom gyre assassin hit a wall at t15s, and the tree wasn't too different. I've been loving it so far, but my latest gear upgrade means I can't do ultimatums or harbinger encounters anymore without the instance crashing lmao.

    PoB: https://pastebin.com/paD5rSVV

    The problem started when I got a fancy new set of gloves with triple curse on hit: despair, enfeeble, and temporal chains. I only have +1 curses at the moment, and temporal chains doesn't apply (consistently, interestingly enough. And when I had only 1 max curse, it was despair only).

    Before this I was using despair on hit gloves, so the only difference is the addition of Enfeeble. Before that, I was running t16 ultis and harbingers no problem. Didn't even get any slowdown.

    Now, a very soon into an ulti or harbinger, everything slows down and gets stuttery, and then I get kicked. I really really don't want to ditch enfeeble - firstly, the gloves were expensive and I'm broke now lmao. Second, I really want the added tankiness. Is there anything I can do to stop this happening? I've tried removing ball lightning and blazing salvo, which seemed to help a bit but didn't really fix the problem. Any suggestions for fixing this?

    submitted by /u/crashlanding87
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    Witch build under 35ex

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Hi I am looking for some fast mapper build for witch that can clear ultimatum without a problem. Thanks for all recommendations.

    submitted by /u/JirruSan
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    Is a quartz flask worth it?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Dumb question sorry lol. I already have acrobatics (and acrobatics improvement), and phase acrobatics, so is a quartz flask worth it? Would I be better off with a stibnite or amethyst flask or something?

    submitted by /u/lGloughl
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    Reroll after clearing Atlas 55ex

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    I've fully cleared my atlas and I think it's time for a reroll. I don't really like my marauder anymore so I'm going to go down the route of levelling for a new build. I have about 55-65 ex to spend, could you give me some suggestions? I was considering burning arrow ele, ele hit raider, bladefall bladeblast raider but I don't really know atm so any suggestions would be amazing. You can recommend anything! Thanks.

    Also as a side note, rare items. Should I be learning to craft or just buying? (As tbh I don't have a clue how to craft them unless theirs a step-by-step guide included in the build guide.)

    submitted by /u/Litwow
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    [3.14] Exsanguinate Build | Trickster | Ultimatum | Path of Exile 3.14

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    No luck with builds. Need recommendations!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Been playing since league start but as usual I suck at the game so I'm not making any progression. Been doing dang infernal blow and it's been a blast (mapping) but the bossing is kind of iffy. Have about 25ex and could have 10+ more if I liquidate my infernal blow. Any thoughts on what build to do?

    submitted by /u/aquasnow
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    Looking for advice - CI Vortex Occultist based off Shakcentral's build. SSF.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    So I'm feeling very good with the build defensively and obviously there's many pieces to goon that aspect i.e. gloves boots and amulet but I'm looking to see where I can find enough damage to complete Maven and the other invitations.

    • Pretend I'm in SSF. How do I go about making a better wand?
    • Is there a crafting guide for the amulet?
    • General recommendations?

    Here's the POB - https://pastebin.com/Lp7AZPn9 - let me know what you all think.

    submitted by /u/Dfunkatron
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    Need a suggestion for a do it all build

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:30 AM PDT


    currently im playing a Toxic Rain Trickster. While it was a good starter i do not like the playstyle of it to much. Thats why i am looking for a new build that has good clearing speed, good boss dmg and isnt squishy as hell. I would like something with a herald and i like more active builds (so no skeletons or aura builds or smth like that).

    I thought about Winter orb, Frost blades, lightning strike etc.

    The budget would be something between 10-20 ex.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/zooky92
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    Archmage BL Hiero vs Ascendant

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    As the title states, I'm curious if people have experience playing either/both of them. I want to try Archmage BL as my next build, but I'm torn between these 2 possibilities. They seem super similar, but I'm wondering if the ailment immunity from hierophant is worth the tradeoff of going say Pathfinder from Ascendant for better flask uptime. I know there are other differences (Better arcane surge + charges on Hiero, More Skill Points / Movespeed on Ascendant), but I figure the flask vs ailment immunity is the crux of it.

    TLDR - Is the ailment immunity from Hiero better than Flask boosts from Hiero/Pathfinder Ascendant?

    submitted by /u/Verimnus
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    Phase run and General's Cry interaction

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    hi all,

    does anyone know if the more melee damage buff on phase run works with general's cry mirage warriors? the buff duration is only 0.2 seconds, so i'm wondering how frequently the system checks to update the mirage warriors damage, or if it's "locked in" at the use of general's cry. on path of building it definitely seems to give a significant dps bump, but im not sure if that's what's actually happening in-game.

    if anyone has any insights, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/relicfangay
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    Noob question about the Notable "Feed the Fury" on cluster jewel.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Hey guys, noob here with a question about the cluster jewel notable "Feed the Fury".

    I'm currently playing a Cyclone Champion and whenever I slot in this notable I get a HUGE DPS boost on PoB but I can't figure out why... not to mention that a ton of people use it on gladiators/champions.

    My question is, is this notable constantly going off because bloodrage puts your HP slightly below 100%? So when you hit an enemy, your HP briefly goes up to 100% but then immediately dips back down so you can leech on the next hit?

    Even so, wouldn't this mean that Feed the Fury never really goes off because you immediately hit 100% life after you hit something, canceling the leech? If someone could please help me understand what's going on, that would be awesome.


    submitted by /u/elensilia
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    Help choosing between a few builds for a casual player on Standard

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    I returned after playing in Harvest, but due to serious performance issues in Ultimatum, I've decided to stay in Standard this league. I built a self cast Frost bolt + Ice Nova Hierophant (an archetype I wanted to try for a very long time) with some of the currencies and gear I accumulated from several of the previous leagues I played. I have been thoroughly enjoying it, but it appears to me that this build isn't very specialized:

    • It clears reasonably well, but clear speed is kinda limited by frost bolt travel speed;
    • It has decent EHP, but has relatively low damage avoidance/sustain option causing it to run out of resources when pressured, so not really a tank build. The FB+IN playstyle also has a few issues in delving when I'm exploring side paths.
    • Maybe with a lack of gem levels and some other things not optimized, I'm only doing 1M DPS on POB and currently having issues with killing juiced A8 tier 14+ map bosses with Maven's witness fast.
      • Maybe ... I just need more practice on traditional caster vs bossing, as I only ever played "set and forget" builds (Vortex/chaos dot, brands, minions) in previous leagues before.

    Thus, I want ideas on specialized builds that can tackle some of the above issues.

    Currently I have about 40ex budget, consider it like 25~30ex in a league for most items.

    • For a dedicated mapper, I already have most of the gear for a burning arrow ele as I sift through the inventory of my previous leagues (primordial items, Xoph's nurture, 2x fire dot medium clusters, large minion cluster, only missing berek's respite, one primordial eminence and some rares, and some awakened support gems).
      • Thing is, I wonder if I should just do it, or try to earn some more currency, buy a Headhunter and do a TS Deadeye or other bow builds instead (I can buy a HH with 40ex on standard). Eventually I'll use HH builds on Timeless domain legion, juiced delirium map, etc.
    • A tank might help me more with Heist missions, Deep delving and possibly with bossing. I am considering an EQ max block Gladiator. What kind of other tank builds that can do something like ~1000 depth delving (I only got to ~350 depth in previous leagues)? I'm not considering Yolo delving in 2000+ depth.
    • Do I need a dedicated bossing build? I can tweak my spectre summoner to use Baranite preacher instead and imagine their ball lightning might kill bosses faster, or tweak my storm brand Scion.

    I also have a few other characters on Standard, so maybe with some tweaking I could

    • A Spectre summoner that was using Redemption sentries. Most of my rare gear and cluster jewels are still very good (as it was from Harvest league), but redemption sentries were nerfed;
    • A fire BV chieftain, can still clear and explode packs with Asenath gloves, but both BV and Signal Fire quiver were nerfed pretty big.
    • An archmage storm brand Scion with some okay-ish gear, but chest is 6L Inpulsa instead of Cloak of Defiance or rare. It was from Delirium league so she was heavily focused on blocking. With nerfs to archmage-brand, Fevered mind and bone offering, I might need to tweaking things around, and could buy another Pledge of Hand to make her use Ball lightning instead.
    • A chaosslinger with 6L Shavs, Prism guardian and Chayula amulet, so if I make a LL build I already have the core gear, but his other gear is quite bad.
    • I also have three other witches, another trickster and one deadeye, their gear are completely garbage, but if I just want to do another build with those characters I can skip leveling and lab.

    Sorry for the very long post. Appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/Gothic90
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    Life Leech Cluster Jewels as non-Slayer Ascendancies

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    Hey all, new player here.

    I was going through PoE Ninja and looking through other people's builds to get a better understanding of how to scale my damage better as a Cyclone Champion, and I noticed a ton of non-slayer ascendancies taking leech cluster jewels.

    I'm just curious on why so many cyclone builds that are Champion/Gladiator/Jugg/etc. use the cluster jewels "Feed the Fury" and "Fuel the Fight".

    Most of these players also have chests/rings that make their cyclone mana cost to 0 as well, so they aren't really leeching mana either, no? Do these builds somehow have ways to overleech like a Slayer would? Is there something big that I'm missing?

    Sorry if this is a super noob question.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/elensilia
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    Need help making meme build

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Greetings poebddit.

    Recently re-watched movie 300 and when I came upon this scene

    immediately poe rain of arrows came to mind.

    I want to make mobs in poe fight in the shade as my arrows blot out the Sun!

    I vaguely remember a build guide on official forums a while back (which i can't seem to find now) they essentially stacked multiple instances of rain of arrows (self cast from bow + Mirage Archer + totem from chest + unique boots which grants additional volley + Maloney quiver + helm enchant)

    Now my question is how to scale above mechanism of multiple instances of rain of arrows?


    Can some one bigbrain this meme idea into atleast basic A8 red T16 map viable?

    Please guide me on how to proceed?

    Or am I farting in the wind and this would never work and give up on this idea?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/nickaustin316
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    Best builds for farming heists and maps?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Heists are some of my favourite content in the game (don't hate me)

    But curious what's some of the best builds to run heists and also maps?

    Bonus if it's league start friendly

    Cheers folks

    submitted by /u/coolhandlukke
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    Can I get some help with my int stacking wander?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    Decided to make an int stacking wander as I had a lot of exalts and nothing to spend it on, wanted a build to sink in my money. Rn I am at 9.9k es and 6M sirus dps. A lot of my passive and gear choices were ripped off poe.ninja so I might be making some mistakes. I rly do not know what the best upgrades would be though, and I have 70ex to spend. I have like 25ex more in other items if i rly need anything though. Anyone know what the most efficient upgrades for my money would be, or how to fix some problems I might be making? thanks!

    POB: https://pastebin.com/tqRe1JQS

    submitted by /u/GrayToast_RotMG
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    Improvements for LL PB Lancing Steel Champion?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT


    Tried Lancing Steel Deadeye recently, and the mapping transition is rough even with Beltimber Blade and Saviour (partially because I screwed up reading the PoB). Was planning out a Champion version which uses PB and Bloodthirst to trigger Adrenaline shenanigans, resulting in the above that seems to have better list DPS than the Deadeye (even without Adrenaline or Bloodthirst active) while seemingly being tankier.

    Are there any improvements or gotchas to be made for this build? Some things I looked at and considered:

    • Arctic Armour + Arrogance is there just to create the 51% life for Adrenaline triggering; I intend to replace it with an Aspect skill later (probably Spider, but still undecided; may go Crab for even more tankiness or Cat for more damage).
    • Grelwood Shank instead of Paradoxica to simulate early mapping.
    • Not happy about maxing out skill points although the pathing towards the Scion wheel can come last.
    • Not sure about the wisdom of using PB on 150-180 life; maybe I need to focus more on strength stacking and head less towards Raider.
    submitted by /u/Seiyashi
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    Which are the most fun build u have ever played?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:13 AM PDT

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