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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - May 11, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - May 11, 2021

    Questions Thread - May 11, 2021

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Some things NEVER change

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    Undocumented Mid League Nerf to Hateforge

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Undocumented Mid League Nerf to Hateforge

    I played a build that I don't think anyone else was playing and it received a nerf so that it no longer functions. The highlighted text was added. My build gave up pretty much everything to function. It had to be a Sabatour for 25% reduced cost of trap skills, it needed a perfectly rolled Hateforge (25% reduced rage cost, the Tireless cluster, and a Militant Faith with 350+ devotion. This build was playable and looked cool but not strong because you had to waste so many points on devotion.


    If you want to see it functioning pre-nerf, here is a playlist with me messing around with the various options. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1v03bt2Y3UoHfDmwmz3RQl5rSJNyT8WD

    submitted by /u/Gaverion
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    Ninja Mid-league nerf to Hateforge

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    Ninja Mid-league nerf to Hateforge

    "we wont change things mid-league, wether they are too strong or too weak, because people would feel bad for choosing the worse build"



    submitted by /u/luckystrik3_3
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    I suppose these could solve some resist problems

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    A conspiracy theory even bigger than the streamer client

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    I was watching a stream and responded as soon as I got the message

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Cant wait for 2022

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Are there any colorblind settings?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I am green colorblind and I have a really hard time being able to see the traps on lab because of it.It's not that I can not finish it (my build is around 40ex) but sometimes I die randomly from the traps cause I don't see them.

    submitted by /u/DGSiNN
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    "The only logical explanation for GGG's recent decision making and inconsistency."

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    It was December 2019, after GGG had announced POE2 on Exilecon, the top heads of Bli$$ard Activision called in a special meeting. They knew that D4 would not be able to compete with POE2 if things were allowed to continue on their natural course. They have decided to send a special agent - Will Christianson. An expert programmer, master of deception and sabotage.

    He moved to New Zealand and embraced the culture. He lived for a while with a Māori tribe. He earned their trust and managed to convince a Tohunga to create a magical Talisman of influence. The power of that item would later prove to be essential to accomplishing his task.

    He then settled in Auckland, started a family and applied for a job at GGG. Since Grinding Gear Games already employed every single programmer who lived in New Zealand already, the position was virtually guaranteed. On his first day, the agent met with Chris Wilson and as a gesture of gratitude, gifted him the Talisman of influence. Chris put on the talisman, not realizing that from now on, he would be susceptible to all forms of bamboozle coming from the agent, and would not be able to see through those attempts, no matter what.

    The agent started with small steps, he knew that if he acts too quick, his intentions would be discovered by others. GGG had some bright minds working for them, so the Bli$$ard agent had to be very cunning and cautious. He started by adding some extra polygons and shaders to the items which were dropping from monsters. He convinced the team to deploy the league with a fog mechanic in order to hide the changes he was making. With the delirium fog, no one would notice that the items dropping on the ground have more detailed textures, shadows and models.

    The ploy worked very well, many people couldn't even play the game anymore, however the player base still loved the content and how much fun they could have with it... that's it... that was it! If only he could stop people from having fun and talking about the cool things they can do in this game, the word of mouth would stop spreading and the game would not be able to compete with Diablo 4.

    His influence wasn't yet powerful enough to dictate balance changes, but if he could disguise something as a technical issue, that was his gateway to ruining the fun that people had. He wrote an e-mail to Chris himself, reporting how the "increased size of zombies and player characters" stat, was abused by people who stacked the cluster jewels which contained it, with the use of multiple "Voices'' large cluster jewels. He told Chris that if next league, every player makes a scion with triple 1-passive voices to make big zombies, the zombies will get so big that they wouldn't fit in all the servers of the world, causing not only issues for the game, but also billions of dollars worth of loss for many industries around the world, as zombies this large could easily hop from one server to another. Chris, under the influence of the magical talisman, wasn't able to see through the lies of the agent and thought this was a very urgent matter that should be resolved immediately.

    Patch 3.11.0 removed those stats from cluster jewel notables. The agent was delighted. People were no longer able to make funny videos and spend mirrors worth of currency to make their character size larger. This meant that they wouldn't show off their MTX in town, less people would talk about the game, spend time playing and buying MTX. The plan was starting to come together.

    But something terrible happened soon after, that would spell the doom for Diablo 4. With the introduction of harvest crafting, the top players were no longer bored of the league after 3 weeks. They could keep investing into better and better farming strategies, they could combine league mechanics like never before, they could craft items that would bring weaker builds to the level of the meta builds, making the build diversity better than ever before. With the amount of farming done by the top 1%, the rest of the player base could finally afford to buy scarabs, delirium orbs and other materials which are required to access the relevant content of the game. They could even craft the items themselves! They no longer had to hope that someone would craft something for their niche character instead of doing the same profit crafts every league, which would be then sold to RMT'ers who would pay obscene amounts of currency for generic items with good stats. This meant that more players could enjoy more of the content which this game has to offer. Delirium maps, sophisticated sextant setups, long term crafting projects... Diablo 4 had no chance of succeeding if POE could keep players doing all of those things.

    There was only one thing the agent could do - he needed to get promoted, get more influence and be able to make actually impactful decisions. While working on it, he was adding more shaders and polygons to the items dropping on the ground. By patch 3.12 every hilt of every sword in the game would actually be a perfectly accurate and downscaled model of Manhattan, including all of the buildings, roads, park benches and lamp posts. He worked on them every night, and the results were excellent. The game kept crashing and dropping FPS to the point of unplayability for an even larger group of players.

    The Echoes of the Atlas expansion was another hurdle on the road to ruining POE. Yet again the brilliant designers came up with a customizable end-game which would further diversify player's options. Everyone could now farm their favorite league mechanic, choose their progression, upgrade their gear over time and work for their in-game goals at their own pace. There was content for everyone, the game was booming and people were starting to take notice even more. Despite the Ritual being extremely unpolished, having no progression and pretty much making no sense at all, this was possibly still the best league in POE's history. There was so much to do, that people were making plans for their future leagues, because it felt like you can endlessly engage with the content. The situation was dire, but by then, the agent positioned himself perfectly to execute the next stage of the plan.

    He finally got the confirmation call from Bli$$ard HQ: "Execute order 69". This was his sign to unleash the nuclear warhead of corporate sabotage. He hacked into half of GGG employees' emails and disrupted their communication. He collected all the reddit posts which described how people spent hundreds of exalts to craft 6x T1 items and convinced the top heads at GGG that every player has those now. He blocked access to poe.ninja for the entire country of New Zealand so that GGG couldn't see that the build diversity was at it's best when harvest was available. He faked screenshots of posts in which he glorified and praised the thrills and joy of closing his eyes and slamming exalts to craft items. For his final touch, he accessed the statistics of how many people were able to defeat the Feared invitation and kill Maven in the Ritual league. Since the number was lower than 1%, he multiplied it by 100 and sent the report to Chris with a note: "I thought your vision is to have a challenging hardcore game, but it seems like players are actually able to do the content that was added to the game. That doesn't make any sense, does it? I know you'll want to address it, so I went ahead and wrote something for you, to save you some time, It's in the attachment".

    The attachment's title was: "DeVeLoPMeNt MaNiFEsTo: HarVeSt CraFtiNg".

    He had to work quickly. While reading the internal correspondence of the marketing team he found out that GGG was going to pay big streamers to play POE 3.14 at the league launch. He needed to double his efforts. For every community member paid by GGG he needed to create one that would be unhappy with the game and spread criticism. The best course of action was to remove even more fun from the game. Another league of fighting monsters in a circle with zero feeling of progression. Another league with the same maps in the same places on the atlas, making the atlas grind more monotonous and boring. Tricking people into believing they could actually get a headhunter while making it harder to access, removing the self curse build, capping the character size so that the top players would have less fun playing the game and spreading their dissatisfaction with the game into their spheres of influence. This was total war.

    During an AMA, someone asked Chris Wilson if there are going to be any changes to the fractured fossils and fracturing maps. There weren't any planned... but that gave the agent a brilliant idea. If only he could stop the top 1% from spending hours and hours, setting up the perfect maps, he would essentially remove a large portion of the end game for those people and without the top players farming so much, everyone else would have harder access to mapping materials, creating a cascading chain of insurmountable content gates that most players would not be able or want to pass through. Everyone would get bored of the league earlier, play less and buy less MTX... "thank you for the brilliant idea, whoever asked that question" - said the agent to himself.

    With the bulk of the work behind him, he could now focus on targeting specific individuals within the community. Nerfing or removing their niche fun builds, forcing them to play BF/BB for the 4th league in a row, so that they would get bored and quit faster. His vast network of spies were watching everyone, especially the smaller content creators who were not so engraved in the POE sphere, he thought they could be swayed the easiest. Many people thought that the ridiculous changes that nobody asked for or cared were pointless, but this was the reasoning behind them all. A young and naive content creator - Asmodeus - had a plan for crafting a +4 bow with extra chain and corrupting a quiver to get another extra chain so that he could make an Arc miner build with actual single target damage in a creative way. Suddenly the next league, the ability to make such items was removed and the chain mods themselves would no longer apply to the spells. A niche that no one has utilized, preemptively obliterated. Countless plans like this have been spoiled and ruined, some of them you'll hear about and some of them will die in joyless silence.

    By now the agent's influence has overtaken a large part of GGG's structure. He's doing undocumented mid-league nerfs to niche mechanics, which made some people happy, but weren't even close to the power of the meta builds. He's adding downscaled models of entire cities to the models of items. Currently his two main projects are: fitting an accurate model of the planet earth, including all trees and flowing rivers inhabited by individually modelled fish in place of the models of currency orbs that drop on the ground, and a Ritual 3.0 league, where we'll fight textureless squares in a square.

    "This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental."

    PS: This is meant as a satirical commentary, I care about PoE and enjoy the game a lot, but..."c'mon GGG".

    submitted by /u/AsmodeusWins
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    PoECR's Community Speedrunning Season begins May 14th!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    PoECR's Community Speedrunning Season begins May 14th!

    Hello, everyone!

    I'm pleased to announce that on Friday we will kick off the first-ever Community Speedrunning Season. After our recent debut on GDQ, I wanted to turn my focus on cultivating the Speedrunning side of the overall Community Racing scene.

    You can view the VoD from our spotlight here: (https://youtu.be/1-FUk2z9ozI).


    About the Season

    The most logical format for a speedrunning event would be something that largely resembles the race seasons of old, where anyone could just click the join button and be on their way. Working alongside Pertinax, we've re-imagined the original system in a way that allows runners to engage with the event at a time that works best for them, no matter where they are in the world, or what sort of obligations they may have that get in the way of scheduled racing events.

    Over the next six weeks there will be week-long events, with each week dedicated to a different boss or end point. The events get progressively longer each week allowing allowing you to build on momentum and knowledge from the week before. If you don't like a particular objective, you can always sign up for whichever weeks interest you and skip the ones that don't.

    We've also worked to revamp the PoE section of speedrun.com, and all times submitted during the weekly events will go through the verification process and be submitted to the appropriate ladder automatically. Any runs completed outside of the designated weeks are still valid, and we welcome submissions at all times for any run, but the weekly event submissions will run through a streamlined process to accommodate the influx of submissions to that particular category.

    More Information

    Full information and more can be found on the PoE Community Racing Discord, such as an FAQ, tips for getting started, submission requirements and more. This event will be open to everyone who is interested.

    Right now the sign up process is not activated.
    It will become active on Friday, May 14th at 12:00pm ET (4pm UTC)
    Time and Date: Click here!

    A big thank you to Pertinax, Rex, and the admins of SR.C/PoE (Balaar, ChipIdiot, Havoc, Imexile, Keld0rn, Tytykiller). Your time and contributions to making this event possible are appreciated. Could not have done this without you.


    submitted by /u/brittleknee
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    While I don't really like Ultimatum, I hope GGG does more league mechanics where you get an option to risk a good reward for something much greater.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    I feel its the most redeeming part of this league mechanic. To see a potential reward and know the risks to get it.

    submitted by /u/Antique_Ninjaku
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    Literally zero drop from lvl 81 metamorph

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Five Exalts?! Hello? Rich people, Troy's joining you. Yes I'll hold.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    I made a bow for Blink arrow/Mirror arrow

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Anyone know how to uncensor my game? It's been like this for a few hours and I'm starting to think texture streaming will never do its job

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Ultimatum rewards seem decent

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    % Life + Ele Weakness Hateforge

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Pro Tip: You can utilize "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you use a Skill" benchcraft mod in your weapon swap setup to create town portals.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    Self chill lightning strike berserker with 6L Herald of ice

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    That Momment when you come to understand that POE prophecy design is at a whole next level.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    That Momment when you come to understand that POE prophecy design is at a whole next level.

    As tittle says...

    At first i said, well thats a curious artwork for a Divination... Then i started laughing cause i find it very hilarious and find it funny to see a chicken with 2 malices.Then i realized that a lot of english speakers dont say chicken to that animal and call it: COCK, so... basically the design team wents too far ahead in the hilarious design and draws a cock playing coc with 2 malices.
    This is just... too gorgeous of a design. I always stop a bit to appreciate the artwork of many of the Divinations and stuff in the game since im an Artist myself so i like to appreciate good work.

    But this one, not only caugh me laughing for quite longer than expected but also it was too original and too fresh of a design. Something you clearly dont encounter in any game, a game that mocks about itself and its own gameplayhistory.

    Simply, spectacular. Great job!I raise my Energy drink and pray for more great designs like this one...

    submitted by /u/YuuYuuART
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    Encountering a ritual altar in map that also has Zana in it have a chance to split a ritual between initial map and Zana map, resulting in 3 altars in original map and 1 altar in Zana map. Very fucking exciting.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    Today will be the day!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Today will be the day I thought to myself. The Trialmaster will make an appearance and I will slay him for the bountiful rewards he offers. Other exiles speak of Headhunters, Mirrors, and bulk exalted orbs. Adrenaline pumps though my body at the thought of such treasures. I quickly scan my maps for Tier 14, 15, and 16s. Chiseling them before applying orb of bindings. Anything except reflect physical damage will do. As a godslaying gladiator it's funny that one little sentence fills me with such fear.

    After hours of slaying creatures within the maps, I return to my hideout. Sure, I've found chaos orbs, alterations, and rare items that would cause a common man to kill his own brother to acquire, but I am no common man. I have grown tired, perhaps just one more map before calling it a night. Zana complains every time I take a break, but even I need rest. I scan my stash for one last map, Atoll. This one will do. I place it into the map device. Whirling noises fill my ears as the portals begin to appear. I tighten the straps on my facebreakers and enter the nearest portal. Instantly, I am surrounded by foul beasts that wish to strip the flesh from my bones. Foolish creatures. I take a sip from my potion and let loose my battle cry to let the creature know I'm coming. No cowardly stealth tactics for me. I dash and spin my way through Atoll until I see the Trialmaster in the distance. It is time.

    He begins to greet me, but I tone him out as I chose my trial. "Slay them amongst the flames." What an easy trial I think to myself. "Your own volleys turn against you." Jokes on you Trialmaster, my fists bring no volleys, only death. After a multitude of rounds I realize he has not ended the trials. This is it! Time to defeat the Trialmaster! He pulls me into his arena. I sip my potions once more and dash towards him, dodging the lightning, fire, and ice trials I chose earlier. Soon time stops completely as the Trialmaster screams "Ultimatum!". Great another clown who controls time. When time resumes, I dash away from him to assess the battlefield. Too late, he's already teleported to me. Once more we dance until he freezes time again. Doesn't he realize that trick doesn't work on me? I dash away once more when time resumes. As expected, he appears near me again, however, he looks a bit weakened. With fury I resume my attacks and strike him down!

    My mind begins to daydream of the riches he will provide me. I imagine myself returning to my hideout with a fresh new Headhunter around my waist. Einhar no doubt will slay one of his finest beasts to provide a banquet in my honor. Might even get Niko, Kirac, Jun, Tane, Zana, Alva, and Helena to relax from their work and enjoy life for a bit. As for Cassia, Oh Cassia. I dream of the day where I have to courage to tell you how I feel. Funny how I have slain gods yet cannot confess how I feel for you. You tirelessly work on your devices, paying me little heed and yet I cannot get you out of my mind. Whenever I enter a map, I pray to hear your singing in the distance. Together, we will turn the unrighteous to ash.

    My mind snaps out of its daydream as the Trialmaster teleports us back to Atoll. This is it! My reward! I close my eyes as I reach out to collect my reward. The Trialmaster says something, but I do not hear it as my body braces itself for massive riches. Upon collecting my prize, I slowly open my eyes only to be struck by a blow harder than any god or beast has dealt. Two orb of anullments. Defeated, I open a portal back to my hideout. There will be no feast, no party, and I definitely can't face Cassia. I must rest.

    Perhaps tomorrow will be the day…

    submitted by /u/241410
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    Why is Delirium the worst way to get cluster jewels in SSF?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    I just used my 6 delirium orbs, did a wave 20 simulacrum, and had a sextant for 3 deliriums. 9 maps and the primary league event.

    I got 5 cluster jewels. 3 of them were 12 passive attack damage.

    submitted by /u/butsuon
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    GGG, please add a 'Maven Invitations' sub-tab to the Map Stash Tab. Example layout inside (sorry for mad paint skillz).

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:23 PM PDT

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