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    Path of Exile Questions Thread - May 13, 2021

    Path of Exile Questions Thread - May 13, 2021

    Questions Thread - May 13, 2021

    Posted: 12 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Questions Thread

    This is a general question thread on. You can find the previous question threads here.

    Remember to check the wiki first.

    You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.

    The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

    • New player questions
    • Mechanics
    • Build Advice
    • League related questions
    • Trading
    • Endgame
    • Price checks
    • Etc.

    No question is too big or too small!

    We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.

    We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I screenshot all the memorable moments I have in PoE, this was my latest addition.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    Losing Touch

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Losing touch with someone is a problem that can cause huge miss understandings and hurt feelings. Communication can become difficult, even hostile.

    GGG and its customer base have both grown over the last decade. What was a small indie company with a small dedicated following is now a game with an active user base thats size is rivaling cities.

    This sub reddit epitomizes this out of touch state fully. Things are said and done, and no one hears it and there is even lash outs.

    I am betting some that have read all of that feel that I am talking about GGG losing touch with its customer base. I am not. I am talking about some parts of the customer base losing touch with GGG.

    GGG is a workplace. They employ many people and these people have specific jobs. Think about that and then look at these generic / common statements:

    1. GGG should do a performance / QOL league.
    2. GGG is greedy and making us pay for mouse cursors.
    3. GGG does not want us to have fun.
    4. GGG is releasing a patch that addresses X but they aren't addressing Y.

    There is more, but I just wanted a few examples. Lets look at these:

    1. Performance / QOL League. The person that works on designing new league and expansion content does not work on bugs or QoL or the UI. The person that works on the new content has a fast paced job and is honestly responsible for one of the most important growth parts of the game. They help keep everyone, not just the ceo, but everyone at GGG paid. This is GGG doing what we love them most for, expanding the game and keeping it fresh. They are good at it. Its why we play this game instead of Diablo 3.
    2. Mouse cursors. People do not like the standard one and use 3rd party apps. This is actually another complaint, why do we need so many 3rd party apps? GGG is showing us that they care. To be very clear, they have given us a free high contrast cursor and are asking for feedback on how to expand that option. There is a part of the fan base that is up in arms saying they are being greedy and turning into Activision. There is some saying they will force yolomouse not to work soon. I encourage people that are worried about yolomouse to goto the official thread on the poe forums and in the first two pages someone voices that yolomouse isn't working and shortly after a GGG employee politely replies on how to fix it and get yolomouse working. This is GGG trying to give us a free QoL enhancement without limiting any 3rd party options. We are attacking them for it.
    3. They don't want us to have fun. This is usually directed at Balance changes. GGG is a large group of people that all make a living by developing and supporting this game. They meet to discuss what they should do. They come up with ideas and some come in and some don't. They look at the way the game is played and ask what should change for the greatest positive impact. They won't be right or wrong every time. They are human beings. Look at the the posts here even, some people will like a change and some will hate it. I promise you, people at GGG discuss and debate the changes and it is not a simple process. Try and think about meetings you have had at work. Sometimes one person's idea wins out. Sometimes a compromise is agreed on. Sometimes a voice is heard and sometimes one isn't. Sometimes you have a meeting and debate an idea for hours and then weeks later that whole concept is irrelevant. The discussions they have are powered by massive amounts of data, feedback, and analysis. When they make a balance call, regardless of if they are right or wrong, at least think about what goes into it. It is not one person sitting at a desk thinking the game shouldn't be played this way. Its a group of human beings that have discussed pros and cons to death about certain changes. A final point on this matter. As a player, if you have the goal to play this game, it is an extremely counter productive to dwell on changes. I come from other games that were more of the esport type and can tell you that one sign of a player that was never going to amount to any real skill was a player that insisted that the game should be changed so they can play it their way. You will enjoy the game more and become better at it it you focus on the game you have instead of the game you do not have.
    4. GGG is releasing a patch that address X and not Y. Lets use the upcoming video performance patch as an example. Some are complaining that trial master spawn rate or (other perceived issue) is not being addressed so it will be addressed. First, as I mentioned in a previous point, the people that are working on video performance have absolutely nothing to do with the people that balance encounter rates or other balance items. This is equivalent to being mad at the cashier at wal mart for how the store is laid out. Second, GGG is talking about and attempting to address performance. This is a hot topic (and depending on the post, a toxic topic) that many people are interested in.

    I hope the point of my post comes through to even one person. To be clear, my point is this:

    The tone of communication directed at GGG has become abusive and unreasonable. It is not pleasant to read as a customer and I can't imagine what is like to read as someone that works for the company and as part of the job engages the community. They are trying their best. Keep that in mind when reading announcements or changes.

    I am not saying to stop voicing feedback. I am saying stop posting completely negative statements or demands. Voice your experience. If you want more Trialmaster spawns say so! If you think that the current spawn rate is evidence that GGG has a business model based on forcing you to not have fun then maybe take a break and go do something else.

    I would love it if this community could get in touch with GGG at a more in-depth level similar to what it was before the community and GGG grew to their current sizes. For that to happen, we, as the community, need to be willing to listen and attempt to empathize with the people at GGG. If we can do that, communication will improve and the atmosphere of this reddit will become better.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/vader_seven_
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    I don't need a headhunter, I just want fps.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Turning in these cards has been fun

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    GGG, please allow us to bind our flasks to the same hotkey.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    I've been playing for 10 years now and i never skipped a league, still like the game so much even after all this time but i've got to the point where constantly pressing 12345 it's stopping me to actually enjoy my playing session, i sunk my 20s into this game and i want to keep playing but i'm really in a constant state of discomfort because of the flask system where it's mandatory to always press them if you wanna play at the highest level, being able to press 1 button instead of 5 would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Hai_aim_onlain
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    Robbed by texture streaming

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    Hateforge Infinite Vaal Skills without Hateforge

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Steelmage on texture problems. Can't disagree with this sentence.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Finally. It's done

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    I love Path, but the game is hurting my health.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, first time poster.

    I have been playing this game since closed beta, some leagues more than others. In total I have thousands of hours played, and they were hours well spent. I love this game, even though it has it's problems.

    One problem is creating issues for me outside of the game, however. The amount of clicking in this game is reaching unbearable amounts, and my wrist is starting to hurt because of it. It can be anything from spamming jewellers/fusings on gear, opening stacked decks or picking up loot. There are so many places in the game where you have to click an absolutely insane amount, for pretty much no reason. This pain is causing me to reconsider playing this game at all in the future, simply because I don't want to risk my health for a video game.

    The wrist pain feels extra bad though - simply because the amount of clicking can be reduced by a huge margin with some easy fixes. Let's make a list, shall we?

    Fusings/jewellers: The fact that you are forced to use singles for this at this point is kind of ridiculous. There are harvest crafts that apply the best outcome from multiple uses, why can't we do this with our own currency? A change here would save both time and pain. Fusings are definitely the worst offender here. At least give use the option to use a full stack with one click or something. Please.

    Breach splinters: Breaches, especially juiced ones in e.g. lira Arthain, can drop a LOT of splinters. Breach bosses can drop 10+ splinters, all in singles. Why? We know they could drop in a single stack (they do through other mechanics), why not here? Another fix could potentially be loot dropping ultimatum-style when the breach is closed, all splinters in one big stack. Would force some backtracking, sure, but you'd have to pick up ONE thing, instead of 10-30 individual splinters. As someone who loves doing breaches, this would be huge.

    Legion: See breach splinters. Literally the same thing, make all chests/rares/bosses drop their splinters in stacks. Please. Save our wrists.

    Harbingers: Pretty much the same thing. I know that harbingers introduced shards for many currencies and that 'flavour' would be lost if they drop enough shards for currencies to combine, but does it really matter that much? Perhaps shards could drop in larger stacks and combine in your inventory?

    Currency in general: Many sources (Ultimatum being the most recent one) can give you currency in stacks. Monster drops should too. This is especially obvious if you've ever played with the nemesis-currency sextant. There are so, so many singles. This isn't tinder, GGG. Make them drop in stacks.

    I can't be the only one experiencing this, right? This feels like obvious QoL-changes (quite literally).

    Please, GGG. Save my wrist. Let me keep playing your game.

    EDIT: As some people have suggested, taking regular breaks and stretching are great. I already do these things. But I appreciate the tips!

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Spread_93
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    Exploit Weakness

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    More free high contrast cursors to be introduced. GGG looking for feedback on colours.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    [Suggestion] Let us freely split exalts into shards to enable easier trading

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Honestly, having to keep buying chaos just to pay 1.5ex is driving me insane

    submitted by /u/laukys
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    Upcoming Video Memory Utilisation Improvements

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I have played almost nothing but Chain Hook for the past 3 years and still haven't killed Awakener - AMA

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    My name is Jaffycake, I'm autistic (not sarcasm - oh the irony of that statement).

    I was a League of Legends OTP for several years with Teemo Jungle and racked up 4 million mastery.

    I moved to POE, picked the worst skill possible and made it my mission to find a way to make Chain Hook work.

    Three years later and I faced A4 for the first time and died in a panic while Twitch chat gave me the most unhelpful troll information ever.


    EDIT I prepared for two weeks for this dumpster fire of a fight. I went and found the Awakener fight for you guys - First time I ever faced him. Chat thought it was a big joke and I panicked - Ear Warning: Screaming.


    submitted by /u/jaffycake
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    Dear GGG infrastructure team..

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Dear infrastructure manager

    I am but a young padawan from this black hole of a country, you might not have heard about it. Called South Africa. Real shit show over here. Between hunting for dinner and building mud huts I barely get time to really put in on POE but the few coins I do earn I spend on stash tabs and MTX.

    I was just wondering now, whos meat I gotta beat for you guys to open op google maps and consider for 2 mins really hard if we deserve servers this side or not?

    Please drop me a DM so we can make arrangements .

    Lagged out hunter

    submitted by /u/sparcmo
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    Rolling maps with regex

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    I hate rolling maps and saw a post a while ago about regex in the PoE stash. I thought I would take a look at it and see if I can make a search match all of the mods I hate...

    Great success!

    "of phys|temporal|avoid poison|cannot regen"

    Simply add a unique string that is in each of the mods you hate running and put a | in between them. Then surround the whole thing in quotes and you are done!

    If you use Awakened PoE trade you can use the hotkey SHIFT+SPACE to open the stash overlay, here you can click the Map Rolling section and click edit. Then you can paste your string in so you never have to type it again. Then you just need to enter SHIFT+SPACE and click your query and it copies it into the search bar for you. Spam chaos until all of the highlighted maps disappear and then run your maps.


    Adding useful queries from the comments.

    Kuchyy - Highlights maps with decent pack size and nemesis/beyond:

    "e: \+[2][6-9]|e: \+[3][0-9]|nem"

    This can be flipped and combined with mine to search for bad mods AND low pack size however you lose the ability to detect nemesis/beyond. There is a 50 character limit so you will need to get creative shortening words.

    "of phy|mpor|id poi|nnot reg|e: \+1\d"

    When crafting items and searching for specific mods:

    "Laden|Auspicious|of Surplus"

    submitted by /u/barkze
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    Alkaizerx on the Trialmaster rarity/rng

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    Me and squad in blighted map...

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    Finally managed to craft something pob-tier

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    [Feedback] Can we please have a dexterity based guard skill already?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Int: Arcane Cloak.
    Str: Steelskin (awful), molten shell, immortal call.

    Can dex characters have some of them as well?

    I.E. the easiest one would be Arctic Shell--simply molten shell turned cold scaled off of evasion and with a dex requirement instead of str. Probably the easiest one to code up.

    It'd make playing right side characters a lot less miserable.

    submitted by /u/Ilyak1986
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    the worst part of up a new char, this map...

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    Last I checked, regals upgraded magic items to rare and not normal items to magic. Anyone else experience this?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Hosting free 6L recipe in Delve

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Tipping not required.

    Ign: artzeULT - please PM me first, I will invite you as I can!

    Starting 12:50PM PST, going until whenever ^ ^

    How to join: My hideout > Azurite Mine > Press portal button on my portrait.

    Head North East - be careful for stray mobs!

    don't know what to flair post as, sorry if it's wrong mods!

    edit 2:30: A few instances got bricked, I am on my last one.

    edit 3:00PM on the last instance someone accidently pulled a rare mob who crit me, so I'm currently dead outside the chamber. I will continue for as long as it allows me, though!

    submitted by /u/artze
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