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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Path of Exile Builds Southbound can be used to give Boneshatter a 6x dps multiplier against (some) bosses

    Path of Exile Builds Southbound can be used to give Boneshatter a 6x dps multiplier against (some) bosses

    Southbound can be used to give Boneshatter a 6x dps multiplier against (some) bosses

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Spectral helix +1 rotation enchant adds an additional hit.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    The title seems to be an obvious conclusion if you think about it normally. An additional rotation would necessitate a an additional hit..... right? Yes and no. It adds an additional hit because the math on Spectral Helix's rotation is funky.

    The helm enchant does not add an additional rotation by expanding the radius, rather it squeezes in an additional rotation within the space of the un-enchanted skill.

    So, it makes the rotations tighter...right? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    This is a 4.25 rotation Spectral Helix


    This is the 5.25 rotation Spectral Helix

    You can see in the 5.25 rotation that there is a part in the spirals where 3 weapons could easily overlap onto an enemy, whereas the 4.25 rotation could only strike twice (unless the enemy is mega chonky e.g. Kitava); hence the title.

    P.S. That's the Illusionist Weapon, only Weapon skin MTX with pre-existing trails are displayed on the skill.

    submitted by /u/Healara1
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    8m DPS on a 3 Exalt Budget; Min/Maxed Forbidden Rites Totem Hierophant

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, it's me again. Before I go linking you to all my stuff, I just wanted to say that I hope posting a second thread this league doesn't feel spammy/annoying, I just felt this one was too good not to share with everyone.


    Spreadsheet containing all tradesite links for your gear: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hFeMPs31N3L7dTj3rsagqJRMv_zVTrPbLfPD74bjbCA/edit?usp=sharing


    3ex Budget: https://pastebin.com/FdT6a3pE

    Midrange: https://pastebin.com/Z1299Vvx



    This information isn't covered in the above PoBs/SS so I'm going to explain it here.

    Your 6th gem link can be Cruelty, Faster Casting or Faster Projectiles, each one has an advantage over the others and I will explain below:

    • Cruelty - Highest Raw DPS
    • Faster Projectiles - Lowest Raw DPS but most immediate damage
    • Faster Casting - High DPS and more immediate damage, a solid midpoint between the other two gems and the gem I would personally recommend after testing


    Projectile Behaviours:


    Against bosses, FR fires 1 bonus projectile due to the boss being considered a nearby target and this hits the middle 'X'.

    FR can then fire up to 5 additional BASE projectiles which will hit the outer 4 'X's and the middle one again (approximately, not exactly)

    Additional added projectiles at this point cannot hit a player sized boss and are effectively wasted. For this reason, the optimal way to derive additional projectile damage via shotgunning is to use Rain of Splinters + Volley Support as this yields the lowest damage penalty and opportunity cost to reach 5 Base Projectiles compared to alternatives such as GMP/G Volley + Double Crit Multi Jewel (to replace RoS)

    TL;DW: Just copy my PoBs, they are optimised according to testing and math



    This build is a Softcore progression based build. It's for challenge completion, atlas prog and currency generation. As with all my content, it is NOT optimised for HC or SSF, the skill can play fine in these game modes however I would highly recommend Zizaran as a source of information if you play those modes as he will put out significantly more SSFHC friendly content than I will ever be capable of, I don't want to misrepresent my content to people who don't know better. If you play HC or SSF, do not use these resources, you will have a bad time.


    Video Guide: https://youtu.be/KMJfZVkRO6w

    The PoBs and spreadsheet above contain ALL the information you need, this video is totally unnecessary and it contains no exclusive information that the above resources do not, however I have been informed some people just prefer to watch/listen so I'm posting it here for those individuals.


    Need Help?:

    If you want to reroll to this guide but find yourself needing help, just come hit me up on my stream. I am offering free on stream PoB reviews to anyone who needs them. Do not feel obliged to follow/sub and especially don't feel obliged to stick around. I am simply trying to help others enjoy the game I love by sharing knowledge. This is a rough league for a lot of people and I just want to make it a little less difficult for those of you who are struggling, be it due to the nerfs or otherwise.

    submitted by /u/Fyregrass
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    Which build can use all of these skills? (Crit/LightSpellDmg/+1Chaos Wand)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    Poison starter builds. How did it go?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    I had started with explosive concoction pathfinder, but I'm not feeling it. How have poison builds been with the new buffs? Should I respec?

    submitted by /u/BingBong08
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    [3.15] A7 Sirus Cold Conversion Dominating Blow Guardian

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Critique my Storm Rain Deadeye (lvl 90)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    This is the only character I have played this league. I have played a lot of POE over the years (hit 40 Challenges twice, 36 challenges 2-3 other times), but I have spent most of it over on the left side of the tree. (I'm not great at dodging things by hand so I usually build tanks that don't have to.) For this league I decided to just pick one of the new skills and set about re-solving all the usual POE problems from scratch in our brave new, heavily nerfed world.

    Anyway, I picked Storm Rain and it seems to be mostly working. I've got the damage in pretty good shape for red maps (it's 100k Sirus-dps *per beam* and I can maintain up to 98 arrows in the ground at a time so ... 1 million? 2 million? Really hard to say how many of the beams are actually hitting, on average). That said, this character is a lot squishier than what I am used to (only 3,900 health?!). Maybe that's just how things work on this side of the tree? Or maybe I'm missing some things that everyone else already knows?

    I'm still on a 5-link, and it is currently Mirage Archer (which I get 3 of thanks to the Deadeye Ascendancy, though it's pretty hard to keep all 3 up all the time), Lesser Multiple Projectiles (more than 100 arrows every 1.6 seconds is a waste plus I don't want the 20% less damage that comes from GMP), Inspiration (which still seems to still be a competitive damage support while also helping mana leech be enough of a mana solution for me), and Added Lightning. When I get a 6th link I think it would be Trinity Support, though Elemental Damage with Attacks also seems like it would be quite good. Maybe if I get more attack speed and/or a +arrow(s) quiver then I can drop LMP and add both.

    Meanwhile my auras are currently Hatred, Herald of Ice, and a level 1 Precision.

    Gear-wise I'd say I'm around 3-5 exalted into this build, for whatever that's worth. I've had 2 raw exalted drops plus a couple 50c things and I "sell" a steady supply of stuff for 3-5c. The next thing I should buy is probably a 6-link, but that's gonna run me 3-4 ex if I stick with the uniques I currently have. Inspired Learning is also tempting (I've never actually used it before ... is it just good?). A Watcher's Eye might also get to the top of my buy list pretty soon. Basically I think I'm at the point where the improvements I can see are all north of an exalted so I thought I'd come up for air and see what I have missed ...


    submitted by /u/randybuehler
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    What build uses barely known uniques ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    I like builds with less-known items and out-of-the-ordinary skills and interactions.

    What's your best pick ?

    submitted by /u/watchiing
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    I'm bored of my league starter, what are some builds I can sink some currency in?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    I was thinking SST but it seems more like a league starter and I hear it has pretty bad bossing. Tankiness and bossing are a priority for me.

    submitted by /u/raindream
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    Slayer for Bosses?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Started league with SST Glad, it's a ton of fun and it maps great. Bossing has been meh with it. Looking for the next build to check out for some endgame bosses. Looking for some recommended builds (no minions). Anyone played around with slayer (maybe cyclone)?

    submitted by /u/Mortalshare16
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    Fun/cheap Raider build (not TR/CA)?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Have been playing Caustic Arrow and cruising easily since league start. But it's like the nth time and I'm honestly kind of sick of it. What's another Raider build I can do that's zoomy? I have about 5ex.

    submitted by /u/czarandy
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    Heiro Mjolner Manabond A7 - Sirus

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Crit Impale Shield Crush Gladiator

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Any advice on a starter Build for a returning player?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Tala Moana friends,

    this gets probably asked a lot, but can you please direct me to a smooth starter build?

    I'd like to give you more info :)

    The last league I played was Abyss league so I'm "a bit" ignorant regarding all the new mechanics (I only played like 5 leagues anyway). I thought I'd like to pick PoE up again and slowly start getting in. If possible I'd like to avoid trading in this league because it felt always like a hassle - so I thought I'd give SSF (Softcore) a try. Maybe I just play softcore and trade only when necessary? Also, because I had a long hiatus, there a no "boring" playstyles for me I think. So I'm fine with everything you throw at me (Totems/Minions/Melee/...) It doesnt have be too tanky but also not so squishy - I dont mind paying a little bit in clearing time if it helps the quality of life aspects of the build - i hope you feel me :)

    Can you think of a build (preferably with a link to skill tree and/or progression) which is suitable for a player like me? I saw some website where SSF builds are listed, but I have no clue if those are really suitable for me and my 1-2h playtime per day.

    Any hints are highly appreciated! If I missed some relevant info please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/Madao_San
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    Quick Formula for Storm Rain Overlapping Beams

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    [Akane] MOM Agnostic Indigon Miner is still viable in Expedition | Eye of Winter Mine (WIP)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Fire conversion Ice Crash Berserker - help gearing for end game

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    This league I decided to play marauder, something which almost never works out for me yet I'm strangely drawn to that class.

    Seeing as I'm bored of pure phys builds, I decided to do an ele conversion - and just so happens that Ice Crash converts 100% of phys to cold.

    I went one step further, and converted 100% of that cold damage to fire. This may seem like a pointless exercise but it's actually source of pretty much half of my dps.

    Early game and white maps were a breeze, almost one shotting everything. However now that I'm in yellow maps, the cracks are starting to show.

    The build feels squishy - I have no ailment immunity outside of flasks and rage naturally degens hp.

    DPS is simply not enough - currently I have about 900k-1m Sirus dps on a 5L. This is rage, which I can easily build up with chain hook on hydrosphere before big bosses. Ideally I would like to double or triple that to feel comfortable, but not quite sure how to do that at the moment.

    I need some sort of a progression plan, but I can't seem to come up with one.

    Summing up:

    1. The most obvious upgrades would be to get a 6L (about 200-300k extra dps), maybe a helmet enchant (40k extra), and do Uber Lab (Flawless savagery) for about 100k extra. The weapon is the main source of DPS but it would be hard to beat Hege's Era right now, with so few reasonably priced staffs available on the marker. However I need to find another 1-2m dps, the build is too squishy to allow less.
    2. Is Glancing Blows worth it? I could get really high block but with no HP gain on block this seems somewhat pointless.
    3. Is fire conversion the goal end game, or is there another approach? Currently fire conv is the best option but I'm open to sticking to cold damage. Most people on PoE ninja stick to cold only with replica Hyrri's Truth, but this is out of my price range.
    4. Let me know your ideas.



    submitted by /u/piszczel
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    Help with duo play setups

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    Hi all, My friend and i wanna do some duo play While map farming/ could be deli farm/simu.

    But how should we play Them.

    1/ Dps ?? (Tornado shot, lightning arrow, spark, or something else.)

    2/ aurabot scion

    Hope somrene could help with how we should make the dps and why.

    Thx all ..

    submitted by /u/Kpjensendk
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    Discharge still viable?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:08 AM PDT


    I would like to try discharge, because i never played a discharge build! Is it still viable? How expensive is it to get to red maps? Would anybody be so kind to create pob for a discharge chieftain please? =)

    submitted by /u/Heinog
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    Replica iron commander build

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:58 AM PDT


    I'd like to try and go for a replica iron commander build. My all time favorite build was an iron commander build when it was relatively new, and I kinda wanna experience it again with the new flavor.

    But I have no idea how to scale damage properly.

    I was thinking of taking Scion, start by going down toward the marauder, picking the big life nodes on the way, then rush toward Utmost might and iron grip. Since I'm already in the neighboorhood, Panopticon sounds nice.

    What I don't know is if totem can proc maims and impale. With Forceful skewering, I can get 20% chance to impale and swift skewering for another 20%, dread banner for 20% and Impale support on totem to cap it off at 100% From there I can only think of taking random life/strength node.

    Then go in the marauder side of things, picking a bunch of strength there. By starting from the marauder side with the ascendancy, I could pick the life and armour nodes to reach Warrior's blood and pick a bunch of life and strength nodes.

    For ascendancy go toward the chieftain side, to improve strength and totems and deadeye for extra arrow/damage/tailwind.

    Sadly that's the extent of my knowledge, as I don't know how to properly scale a build. I don't know what items to take with this heavy focus on strength. And I don't know what to do with the remainder of my skillpoints, nor what auras to take. It's my fist time trying to math out a build, and I'd appreciate a bit of help, thank you. Here's the very limited pastebin I made with my start.


    submitted by /u/Elgatee
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    BUILD GUIDE: Mjölner Cyclone Mana-stacker Hierophant [Path of Exile 3.15 - Expedition]

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    which build has the potantial to get max dps with low item ceiling and time investment for ssf?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Hello guys! Ive been playin SST bleed glad on ssf for the first time and its been struggling on bosses dps wise.

    What are the possible builds with really high max dps with the possible low investment and struggle on ssf to aim for bossing by high dps ?

    Always seen comments that the skills which performs higher dps by their gem levels is the best way to go but i picked SST because of its popularity on poeninja atm. However, as a first time SSF player i really struggle to ramp up my dps thanks to my low level of knowledge.

    I need your advices to target a build easy to build up for a decent dps for bossing in this damn league.


    submitted by /u/Nacresu
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    Looking for a build progression suggestions, currently doing SST and have concerns.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    Obviously it's dps is very limited and it's not a build I want to do forever, and I've heard its damage drops hard 5 min drox ect in reds.

    I am currently doing the leapfrog strat and once i'm a8 (if I even stay with this until then) I will want to branch out.

    Right now I am either going to continue this, or do hegemony chieftain.

    Or I may continue this and do the hegemony one after, but is it even an upgrade? I hear the term "Starter" surrounding both of these abilities.

    And for that matter, I do not even know what the juicer builds are yet, or if the old ones still even exist, I'm mainly looking for ideas right now, and if the hegemony build is even good. I know I won't be farming a8 sirus with it, but id like to be able to kill him with it.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/siegah
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    Is Chaos Resistance now needed?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I have been playing for a couple leagues following guides, and never worried about my chaos resis but I am now looking at profiles of builds I'm following and they seem to have a decent amount of chaos resis? Is this something that was changed in the latest patch?

    submitted by /u/KevinLevrone1329
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